THREE.GLTFLoader - scope.manager is undefined - three.js

I am using this GTFLoader:
<script src=""></script>
On Firefox I get: scope.manager is undefined
On Chrome I get: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'itemStart' of undefined
Thank you

When you open the console in your project you can see the ThreeJS version in the very first line:
THREE.WebGLRenderer 96
Make sure your GLTFLoader has the same version. So in my case it's 96.
Make sure you modify the bold part of the URL to your ThreeJS Version to get the right code.


Symbol undefined error for dropzone in IE11

The latest dropzone.js version does not seem to work in IE11. How to test?
1) Open up in IE11
2) dropzone not clickable and files cannot be dragged and dropped
The error via F12 console is:
'Symbol' is undefined
File: dropzone.js, Line: 3196, Column: 11
if (_didIteratorError32) {
throw _iteratorError32;
How can this be solved?
I solved this issue by adding following script tag.
<script src=""></script>
Dropzone.js had arrow functions and lot of other things which are not supported in IE11. Therefore, it converted from es6 to es5 using Babel.
After researching a bit found that it needed polyfill support and hence script.
I had same issue with 'Symbol' is undefined in IE11 with Dropzone.js version 5.7.0 release that was (at the time of writing) still referenced from Dropzone.js website.
Issue was actually solved just by downloading latest release from GitHub which (at the time of writing) was Release v5.9.2.
So no need for explicit babel-polyfill anymore.
I solved this problem when I downloaded the script directly from the website

D3 module on Drupal doesn't show examples

I have installed D3.js module on Drupal 7.x, enabled the module the D3 views and D3 examples, uploaded d3.js into sites/all/libraries/d3 but when I try to access the examples, like /d3/examples/bar, I get the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'linear' of undefined
it looks like D3 library is not loaded... I googled a lot but failed to find any hint. What am I missing here?
If you are using the version 7.x-1.0-alpha3 of D3 module then you need to download and replace with sites/all/libraries/d3/d3.js. It works for me as in the screenshot.
Make sure the file name must be remain same as d3.js.
For more details: click here
I hope that would help you out.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'menu' of undefined

I am attempting to upgrade CKEditor from 4.5.10 to 4.6.2, but am getting the following error in the Chrome console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'menu' of undefined
Image of error in Chrome
Any ideas at what I can do to resolve this?
It might be a caching issue; try clearing your browser cache and see if that resolves your issue.
I'm having the same issue, and so far all the research I've done points towards a cache issue (although I haven't solved it for me, despite clearing my cache).
I am not sure what the issue was, but I am assuming it had to do with plugins. I redownloaded CKEditor, and was able to get it going.

TypeError: THREE.DeviceOrientationControls is not a function

So I keep getting this error when calling
controls = new THREE.DeviceOrientationControls
Any idea what could be causing this? I have DeviceOrientationControls.js the same location as everything else.
Which version of THREE.js are you using? This class appeared in library from r72. Also you need to load it additionally from main build as it is located not in the main three.js build file but in examples/js/controls directory.

ckeditor error: TypeError: b.lang.contextmenu is undefined

I'm getting headaches with resolving the following CK Editor error:
TypeError: b.lang.contextmenu is undefined
I've downloaded the latest version of Ck Editor (4.3.4). The old version 4.2 used to work fine.
Ck Editor will cause error in both Firefox and Chrome. I tried clearing the cache, downloading the compressed and uncompressed (as said to be a resolution in some cases) version as well as defining CKEDITOR_BASEPATH path.
I also tried removing contextmenu plugin, without success.
Does anyone have the idea why is that happening?
Thanks for help
