Script to cut video by silence part with FFMPEG - bash

This is a question that is raised here How to split video or audio by silent parts or here How can I split an mp4 video with ffmpeg every time the volume is zero?
So I was able to come up with a straightforward bash script that works on my Mac.
Here it is (only argument is the name of the video to be cut, it will generate a file start_timestamps.txt with the list of silence starts if the file does not exist and reuse it otherwise):
filename=$(basename -- "$INPUT")
if [ ! -f $TIMESTAMPS ]; then
echo "Probing start timestamps"
ffmpeg -i "$INPUT" -af "silencedetect=n=-50dB:d=3" -f null - 2> "$SILENCE_DETECT"
cat "$SILENCE_DETECT"| grep "silence_start: [0-9.]*" -o| grep -E '[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?' -o > "$TIMESTAMPS"
cat "$TIMESTAMPS"| ( while read ts
printf -v fname -- "$filename-%02d.$extension" "$(( ++number ))"
DURATION=$( bc <<< "$ts - $PREV")
ffmpeg -y -ss "$PREV" -i "$INPUT" -t "$DURATION" -c copy "$fname"
printf -v fname -- "$filename-%02d.$extension" "$(( ++number ))"
ffmpeg -y -ss "$PREV" -i "$INPUT" -c copy "$fname" )
Unfortunately it does not seem to work:
I have a video that is basically a collection of clips, each clip being introduced by a ~5 second silence with a static frame with a title on it. So I want to cut the original video so that each chunk is the 5 seconds "introduction" + video until the next introduction. Hope it's clear.
Anyway, in my script I first find all silence_start using ffmpeg silencedetect plugin. I get a start_timestamps.txt that read:
Then for example I would call (I don't need to transcode again the video), knowing that (1016.07 - 350.107) = 665.963
ffmpeg -ss 350.107 -i Some_video.mp4 -t 665.963 -c copy "Some_video02.mp4"
The edge cases being the first chunk that has to go from 0 to 141.126 and the last chunk that has to go from last timestamp to end of the video.
Anyway the start_timestamps seem legit. But my output chunks are completely wrong. Sometimes the video does not even play anymore in Quicktime. I don't even have my static frame with the title in any of the videos...
Hope someone can help. Thanks.
EDIT Ok as explained in the comments, if I echo $PREV while commenting out the ffmpeg command I get a perfectly legit list of values:
With the ffmpeg command I get:
bash variable changes in loop with ffmpeg shows why.
I just need to append < /dev/null to the ffmpeg command or add -nostdin argument. Thanks everybody.


rename files from id3v1 tags in terminal

I have a directory of mp3 files which are all named 1.mp3, 2.mp3 etc..
#dir with numbers for names
10.mp3 15.mp3 2.mp3 24.mp3 29.mp3 33.mp3 38.mp3 42.mp3 47.mp3 51.mp3 56.mp3 60.mp3 65.mp3 7.mp3 74.mp3 79.mp3 83.mp3 88.mp3 92.mp3
11.mp3 16.mp3 20.mp3 25.mp3 3.mp3 34.mp3 39.mp3 43.mp3 48.mp3 52.mp3 57.mp3 61.mp3 66.mp3 70.mp3 75.mp3 8.mp3 84.mp3 89.mp3 93.mp3
12.mp3 17.mp3 21.mp3 26.mp3 30.mp3 35.mp3 4.mp3 44.mp3 49.mp3 53.mp3 58.mp3 62.mp3 67.mp3 71.mp3 76.mp3 80.mp3 85.mp3 9.mp3 94.mp3
13.mp3 18.mp3 22.mp3 27.mp3 31.mp3 36.mp3 40.mp3 45.mp3 5.mp3 54.mp3 59.mp3 63.mp3 68.mp3 72.mp3 77.mp3 81.mp3 86.mp3 90.mp3 95.mp3
14.mp3 19.mp3 23.mp3 28.mp3 32.mp3 37.mp3 41.mp3 46.mp3 50.mp3 55.mp3 6.mp3 64.mp3 69.mp3 73.mp3 78.mp3 82.mp3 87.mp3 91.mp3 96.mp3
I wrote a for loop to extract the title from the metadata using ffmpeg:
for x in *.mp3; do
ffmpeg -i $x ./$("ffmpeg -i $x 2>&1 |grep -E '^\s*title\s*\:\s.*$' |awk -F ' :' '{print $2}'".mp3
Instead of extracting the title and renaming the file it says that the file '.mp3' already exists, would I like to rewrite it. when I type y to rewrite this new '.mp3' the same things just happens again.
I fixed the problem by putting the full path of the output file in double quotes instead of just the title extraction command
for x in *.mp3; do
ffmpeg -I $x "./$(ffmpeg -i $x 2>&1 |grep -E '^\s*title\s*\:\s.*$' |awk -F ' :' '{print $2}'
My question is why does it create a new file called .mp3 when I only wrap the title extraction command in quotes and not the whole path?
I'm sorry if this is a little lengthly, Im new to stack overflow
In the command substitution $(command), you should not wrap the command
with double quotes as $("command") especially when the command includes
options and/or pipeline sequences, because the double-quoted string is
treated as a single command.
Please see the difference of
echo $("ls")
echo $("ls -la")
The 1st one will work but the 2nd one does not, because bash interpretes
ls -la as a single command, not the ls command followed by -la option.
BTW if you just want to rename the files, without re-encoding (which may degrade the quality), you can
for f in *.mp3; do
title=$(ffmpeg -i "$f" 2>&1 | awk '/title/ {sub(/.*title\s*:\s*/, ""); print; exit}')
mv -i -- "$f" "$title".mp3
The last exit is for the edge case the mp3 file includes multiple title metadata.
As #llogan comments, the ffprobe is more robust to extract the media information
of the file. Please try instead:
for f in *.mp3; do
title=$(ffprobe -v error -of csv=p=0 -show_entries format_tags=title "$f")
mv -- "$f" "$title".mp3

Subtract two timecodes in bash, for use in ffmpeg

I am running ffmpeg in terminal on a mac, to trim a movie file losslessly using the following in bash:
ffmpeg -i -ss $startPosition -to $endPosition -c copy
But that doesn't seek the nearest keyframe and causes sync issues. See here:
So I need to rearrange my code like this:
ffmpeg -ss $startPosition -i -t $endPosition -c copy
(the -to property seems to get ignored, so I am using -t (duration) instead). My question is how can I reliably subtract the $startPosition variable from the $endPosition to get the duration?
EDIT: I used oguz-ismail's suggestion with using gdate instead of date (and brew install coreutils):
x=$(gdate -d"$endPosition" +'%s%N')
y=$(gdate -d"$startPosition" +'%s%N')
duration=$(bc -lq <<<"scale=1; ($x - $y) / 1000000000")
This gives me output of 40.1, how would I output it as 00:00:40.0 ?

How can I split an mp4 video with ffmpeg every time the volume is zero?

I need to split a video into many smaller videos.
I have tried PySceneDetect and its 2 scene detection methods don't fit my need.
The idea is to trigger a scene cut/break every time the volume is very low, every time audio level is less than a given parameter. I think overall RMS dB volume level is what I mean.
The purpose is to split an mp4 video into many short videos, each smaller video with short dialog phrases.
So far I have a command to get the overall RMS audio volume level.
ffprobe -f lavfi -i amovie=01x01TheStrongestMan.mp4,astats=metadata=1:reset=1 -show_entries frame=pkt_pts_time:frame_tags=lavfi.astats.Overall.RMS_level,lavfi.astats.1.RMS_level,lavfi.astats.2.RMS_level -of csv=p=0
How can I get only the minimum values for RMS level and its corresponding frame or time?
And then how can I use ffmpeg to split the video in many videos on every frame that corresponds to a minimum RMS?
Use silencedetect audio filter and feed its debugging output to segment output format parameter.
Here is a ready-made script:
true ${SD_PARAMS:="-55dB:d=0.3"};
if [ -z "$OUT" ]; then
echo "Usage: input_media.mp4 output_template_%03d.mkv"
echo "Depends on FFmpeg, Bash, Awk, Perl 5. Not tested on Mac or Windows."
echo ""
echo "Environment variables (with their current values):"
echo " SD_PARAMS=$SD_PARAMS Parameters for FFmpeg's silencedetect filter: noise tolerance and minimal silence duration"
echo " MIN_FRAGMENT_DURATION=$MIN_FRAGMENT_DURATION Minimal fragment duration"
exit 1
echo "Determining split points..." >& 2
ffmpeg -nostats -v repeat+info -i "${IN}" -af silencedetect="${SD_PARAMS}" -vn -sn -f s16le -y /dev/null \
|& grep '\[silencedetect.*silence_start:' \
| awk '{print $5}' \
| perl -ne '
our $prev;
INIT { $prev = 0.0; }
if (($_ - $prev) >= $ENV{MIN_FRAGMENT_DURATION}) {
print "$_,";
$prev = $_;
' \
| sed 's!,$!!'
echo "Splitting points are $SPLITS"
ffmpeg -v warning -i "$IN" -c copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_times "$SPLITS" "$OUT"
You specify input file, output file template, silence detection parametres and minimum fragment size, it writes multiple files.
Silence detection parameters may need to be tuned:
SD_PARAMS environment variable contains two parameters: noise tolerance level and minimum silence duration. Default value is -55dB:d=0.3.
Decrease the -55dB to e.g. -70dB if some faint non-silent sounds trigger spitting when they should not. Increase it to e.g. -40dB if it does not split on silence because of there is some noise in it, making it not completely silent.
d=0.3 is a minimum silence duration to be considered as a splitting point. Increase it if only serious (e.g. whole 3 seconds) silence should be considered as real, split-worthy silence.
Another environment variable MIN_FRAGMENT_DURATION defines amount of time silence events are ignored after each split. This sets minimum fragment duration.
The script would fail if no silence is detected at all.
There is a refactored version on Github Gist, but there was a problem with it for one user.

downloading and concatenating parts of videos from youtube

I'm trying to create a video quiz, that will contain small parts of other videos, concatenated together (with the purpose, that people will identify from where these short snips are taken from).
For this purpose I created a file that contain the URL of the video, the starting time of the "snip", and its length. for example: 00:00 01:00 14:44 01:20 12:53 01:00
Meaning that the first part should take the video from the first URL from its beginning and last for a minute, the second part should be taken from the second URL starting from 14:44 (minutes:seconds) and last one minute and 20 seconds and so forth.
Then all these parts should be concatenated to a single video.
I'm trying to write a script (I use ubuntu and fluent in several scripting languages) that does that, and I tried to use youtube-dl command line package and ffmpeg, but I couldn't find the right options to achieve what I need.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Considering the list of videos is in foo.txt, and the output video to be foo.mp4, this bash script should do the job:
eval $(cat foo.txt | while read u s d; do echo "cat <(youtube-dl -q -o - $u | ffmpeg -v error -hide_banner -i - -ss 00:$s -t 00:$d -c copy -f mpegts -);"; done | tee /dev/tty) | ffmpeg -i - -c copy foo.mp4
This is using a little trick with process substitution and eval to avoid intermediate files, container mpegts to enable simple concat protocol, and tee /dev/tty just for debugging.
I have tested with youtube-dl 2018.09.26-1 and ffmpeg 1:4.0.2-3.

Need explanation of details of ffmpeg and pipes command

Got the following from FFmpeg FAQ:
mkfifo intermediate1.mpg
mkfifo intermediate2.mpg
ffmpeg -i input1.avi -sameq -y intermediate1.mpg < /dev/null &
ffmpeg -i input2.avi -sameq -y intermediate2.mpg < /dev/null &
cat intermediate1.mpg intermediate2.mpg |\
ffmpeg -f mpeg -i - -sameq -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec libmp3lame output.avi
Before i use or modify it I would like to understand it completely.
What does the < /dev/null & do?
I understand | is pipe but why |\ ?
What is the -f mpeg after ffmpeg (Seems, it tells ffmpeg to accept the piped in output from the cat(?) )
< /dev/null &
This is actually two parts:
< /dev/null
1 (< /dev/null) is just a simple way to pass no input/EOF to a program. I'm not sure it's needed but it may be because you are using named pipes.
2 (&) simply pushes the command to the background and allows you to do other things. This is necessary because otherwise, ffmpeg would just sit there waiting for the other end of the named pipe to "open".
Backslash after pipe
The backslash after the pipe is simply there to allow you to enter the long command on multiple lines. If you want to write it on a single line, you should omit the backslash. You'll notice that the prompt changes from your usual [user#machine directory]$ (or whatever) to something like > after you enter the first line (ending with a backslash). This signifies that your command is being continued from an earlier line.
ffmpeg -f switch
The man page for ffmpeg indicates that the -f switch allows you to force a file format. In the example in the FAQ, you want to force an input format (read: tell ffmpeg what input format to expect) since your using piped bits as input. Usually, it would try to guess the input format based on the file extension and/or "file magic".
