How to create slug URL from title using laravel-6? - laravel

I was using str_slug method. But something is error like this "Call to undefined function App\Http\Controllers\str_slug()"

Looks like you spelled it wrong. Should be Str::slug(...), also make sure you have the use statement on top:
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
$slug = Str::slug('Laravel 5 Framework', '-');
Docs here.

the str_ and array_ helpers are removed from version 6 of laravel.
they are moved to a package
composer require laravel/helpers
you can install this package to make it work, here is the documentation to refer.


Laravel 5.8 Call to undefined method Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher::fire()

I get this error on user registration. I have searched for this problem a lot and still couldn't solve the problem on my side. In laravel 5.8 upgrade, it's written that function fire() is changed to dispatch(), but I can't find any fire() function in any file of my app, so I can see what's happening.
Would appreciate any help. Thanks.
Instead of:
Event::fire(new \App\Events\NewUserSignup($new_user));
Do instead:
event(new \App\Events\NewUserSignup($new_user));
The fire method (which was deprecated in Laravel 5.4) of the Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher class has been removed( You should use the dispatch method instead.
Instead of:
Event::dispatch('customer.created', $customer);
Do this:
Event::dispatch('customer.created', $customer);
event('customer.created', $customer);

laravel carbon isoFormat method does not exist

I tried to use the Laravel carbon isoFormat method. I received the error Method isoFormat does not exist. My Laravel implementation is 5.7. I tried composer update, and verified that it updated nesbot/carbon.
I copied and pasted code from Mr. Nesbot's manual to see if his code would work.
$mutable = Carbon::now();
var_dump($mutable->isoFormat('dddd D'));
Mr. Nesbot's code produces the same error.
How do I resolve this error, please?
Try the following:
$carbon = new Carbon('now');
$formatted = $carbon->toIso8601String();

how to use fireAnbu in laravel 3?

I've installed the bundle fireAnbu in my local laravel 3 app, but I can't figure out how to use it! (feeling silly)
I've got 'fireanbu' => array('auto' => true), in bundles.php and 'profiler' => true, in fireanbu/config/fireanbu.php, and I've tried:
I've had a look in fireanbu/start.php for clues, but I'm guessing :(
The best clue I've had so far is:
Non-static method FirePHP::log() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
I've looked at and it looks like fireanbu is using the OO API..
What am I doing wrong / how should I call it within my controllers?
I also created a Laravel 4 version for this if anyone finds this thread looking for a L4 version (like I did, and in the absence of finding one created my own):
There no need to do anything. It would listen to event from Laravel's own Log class and attach it to FirePHP.
Log::info('foo'); would just work nicely.

Variable autoescape in Smarty templates

I have recently found out that Smarty, differently from Django template engine, does not escape variables automatically and I need to put |escape next to most of the variables in my templates.
Following the docs, I need to set default modifiers, needn't I?
So, here's my code:
$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->default_modifiers = array('escape:"htmlall"');
... and still variables ARE NOT escaped until I add |escape next to them.
What am I doing wrong?
If you are on Smarty 3, try this:
$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->loadFilter(Smarty::FILTER_VARIABLE, "htmlentities");
Update: Smarty::FILTER_VARIABLE is undocumented as of 28/11/2014. Use $smarty->escape_html = true if you want to stick to offical docs.
It appears that this feature was removed from Smarty v3, and docs are outdated. See:
I'd recommend a workaround - which is template level. Either create a new style v3 function to take care of filtration, or, do a simple include.
Include method
Put this in a clean.tpl file:
Then invoke as {include file=clean.tpl text=$myvariabletofilter}
Function method
The new functions in Smarty could also take care of that:
{function clean}
And invoke as {clean text=$myvariabletofilter}
As always, make sure that these things get trimmed right and don't insert unncessary spaces.

Cache won't work in Appcelerator

Titanium SDK version: 1.6.
iPhone SDK version: 4.2
I am trying out the cache snippet found on the Appcelerator forum but I get an error: [ERROR] Script Error = Can't find variable: utils at cache.js (line 9).
I put this one ( in a file called cache.js and implemented the code from this one ( in the calling script, but I get the error.
What is wrong? I copied the code exactly.
Your problems is whilst the first pastie defines utils.httpcache. The variable utils is not defined outside of this function closure (because it is not defined anywhere in global namespace). As below shows.
(function() {
utils.httpcache = {
To make it all work in this instance add the following code to the top of your cache.js file.
var utils = {};
This declares the utils variable in global namespace. Then when the function closure is executed below it will add utils.httpcache to the utils object.
The problem is actually not specific to Appcelerator and is just a simple JavaScript bug. Checkout Douglas Crockfords book, JavaScript the Good Parts. Reading it will literally make you a more awesome JavaScript developer.
You can't use utils.httpcache.getFromCache(url) until you add this to your code:
var utils = {};
That's because how the author created his function, it's called JavaScript module pattern and it's generally used to structure the code.
I seem to lose this value "value.httpCacheExpire = expireTime;" when the code does the "Titanium.App.Properties.setString(key,JSON.stringify(value));" so when I get it back using the getString method, there's no longer the "value.httpCacheExpire.
Anyone else have this issue? Am I missing something to get this working?
