How to write the unit test case for the Classes which are annotated with #Configuration in Spring Boot application - spring

I have a Configuration Class, which creates the bean for RedissonClient and also Creates the CacheManager. How to create the Unit Test case for this Configuration classes.
Can we write unit test case for #Configuration Class?
If we can, How we need to develop.
I prefer to write the test case in Spock Framework, with Groovy. If not, using Junit or Mockito Framework. How to write the unit test case for the Classes which are annotated with #Configuration in Spring Boot application
public class CacheConfiguration {
private static final String CONFIG= "Configuration";
private String redisUrl;
private String password;
public RedissonClient redissonClient() {
Config config = new Config();
RedissonClient client = Redisson.create(config);
return client;
public CacheManager redissonCacheManager(RedissonClient redissonClient) {
Map<String, CacheConfig> config = new HashMap<String, CacheConfig>();
config.put(CONFIG, new CacheConfig(24*60*1000, 12*60*1000));
return new RedissonSpringCacheManager(redissonClient, config);

I think you should realize that classes annotated with #Configuration are not really java classes, or at least you should not treat them like this. I know it sound controversial, I'll explain...
So historically spring used XML configurations to declare beans.
In spring 2.5 I guess, they've introduced an annotation based method where you put annotations #Component/#Service on classes, put #Autowired wherever you want spring to inject dependencies, then spring starts, scans the classpath, detects the beans and starts the application context with these beans.
Then Spring 3.0 has introduced a Java Configuration way of doing spring related configurations:#Configuration / #Bean in a special class.
So you should view these configuration classes as a "substitution" to the methods I've described before
Now let me ask, do you think you should test and XML bean configuration on its own? Probably not...
Do you think you should test that class has annotation #Component on it and all the necessary dependencies are autowired (with reflection or whatever)? Probably not.
So why you want to test the Java Config classes?
Here is another argument that you might find interesting
I've said that these classes are solely for spring to resolve the beans and it internally runs them. But spring doesn't just "run" them - it creates run-time wrapper for them to overcome some technicalities. Here is an example of one such thing:
Lest assume we have three beans: A,B,C such as B and C depend on A.
class A {}
class B {
private A a;
public B(A a) {this.a = a;}
class C {
private A a;
public C(A a) {this.a = a;}
All beans are expected to be singletons so we define the configuration like this:
public class MyConfig {
public A a() { return new A(); }
public B b() { return new B(a()); }
public C c() {return new C(a()); }
Note that we call a() in definitions of B and C
Now, let me ask you a question: If its a "regular" java code how two different invocations of method a() (in B's and C's constructor) respectively are supposed to return the same instance of A?
So spring indeed uses a lot of sophisticated code and this is what actually runs in runtime, not your class as is, but the transformed version of it and you never know what are those transformations exactly since its and internal spring thing. But is so what is the point of testing it as it is?
I believe there are more arguments like this, but the point is clear - don't test the Configuration classes on their own.
Instead you can use an integration test that will run the spring container and load all the classes required in the configuration. However, in this case you'll probably want to mock some classes (by using #MockBean for example) so it won't be a 100% accurate test.
In terms of code coverage - IMO you should exclude these classes from coverage altogether

After some research and found that, we can run the embedded redis server and we can check whether we able to connect to redis server by spin up the application. I don't if this is correct or not. But by doing so, it really takes time to complete it, took around 20 seconds. Used following dependency to test this //
testCompile group: 'it.ozimov', name: 'embedded-redis', version: '0.7.2'
#SpringBootTest(classes = [TestApp])
class CacheConfigurationSpec extends Specification {
RedisServer redisServer;
def setupSpec() {
redisServer = RedisServer.builder()
.setting("maxmemory 128M")
def cleanupSpec() {
if (redisServer != null) {
private RedissonClient redissonClient;
def "load all contexts"() {
class TestApp {
static void main(String[] args){, args)


Spring Boot: scanning components into an injectable list or set

Spring Boot here. I have dozens and dozens of classes that are all subclass/implementations of the same interface:
public interface AnimalService {
void eat();
// etc.
public class DogService implements AnimalService {
public void eat() { return ... }
// etc.
// many many many of these
I have a #Service-annotated class (AnimalService) that needs to be injected with each one of these subclasses:
public class AnimalProcessingService {
private List<AnimalService> allAnimalServices; // DogService, SharkService, etc.
// the rest of the class definition is omitted intentionally
Now I could do this injection the hard way:
public class AnimalConfig {
private DogService dogService;
private SharkService sharkService;
// ...etc.
public List<AnimalService> allAnimalServices() {
return Arrays.asList(dogService, sharkService /*, ...etc. */);
But there's gotta be an easier way to do this, right?
How can inject this List<AnimalService> without having to manually create the list? Does this method allow you to filter out certain candidates (like if I just want a subset of the animal services)? Ideally something annotation-based (even if I have to define my own annotations) that works with Spring autowiring/DI/component scanning. Thanks for any and all help here!
Essentially you're looking for #ComponentScan, which is a Spring (not Boot) annotation. It allows you to define a list of packages for Spring to scan for #Components (or "sub-annotations" such as #Service), to automatically instantiate beans of those classes and add them to the Spring context. So you can consider it a more automated way of the more manual #Bean method declaration.
Since you're using Spring Boot, however, you might want to look into #SpringBootApplication which, when used, enables component scan automatically. All you have to do is making sure your #Component classes are defined in the same package as, or sub-packages of, the #SpringBootApplication-annotated class.
Once you've enabled component scanning, you can just inject a List<AnimalService> where you need it, like in a constructor, and do your processing (filtering?) there.

Adding legacy singleton to Spring ApplicationContext for Injection

I am trying to create a lightweight web service around a legacy java library to expose it as a web service using Spring Boot. I am new to Spring, while I have a lot of java experiance writing libraries all my web service experiance is in ASP.NET.
I can instantiate an instance of my library object but I can't figure out how to then have that object be injected into my controllers via #Autowired when the application is spun up.
This is my main application:
public class ResolverWebServiceApplication {
private static ArgumentParser newArgumentParser() {
ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParsers.newFor("Resolver").build();
// configuring the parser
return parser;
public static void main(String[] args) throws ArgumentParserException {
ArgumentParser parser = newArgumentParser();
Namespace ns = parser.parseArgs(args);
ResolverOptions options = new ResolverOptions.Builder(ns)
ResolverContext context = new ResolverContext(options);
// ^^^ I need to get this injected into my controllers ^^^, args);
And then a simple controller which needs the class injected:
public class VersionController {
private ResolverContext context; // And here the instance needs to be injected.
#GetMapping(path = "/version", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public long version() {
return context.getResolver().getVersionAsLong();
I could make the context a singleton which the controllers just refer to but I want to be able to test my controllers by mocking the context. There is also obviously a lot of validation and error handeling that needs to be added.
I can't have it be a Bean since I only want to instantiate one for my entire application.
The closest question I have found is this one: Registering an instance as 'singleton' bean at application startup. But I can't put the options in the configuration files. The application might be spun up in a container or on a users machine and requires the ability to accept arguments to initialize the library class. It would be a real usability degradation if someone had to manually edit the application config for these options.
You need to tell spring to consider the required classes from your lib when initializing the application context i.e Configure and let spring know how to create a bean and then let spring handle dependency injection for you.
First of all, add required jar that you have in your build file, say pom.xml for maven, in your current project. Idea is to have it on your classpath when you build the project.
As you said it is legacy lib and I am assuming it is not a spring bean, then
In your configuration class, return it as a bean, using #Bean annotaion.
public class YourConfigurationClass {
SomeBean returnSomeBeanFromLegacyLib() {
return new SomeClassFromLib();
Once you return this bean from your config, it should be available to Spring Context for dependency injection whereever you #Autowire the required dependency.

Spring Proxy Creation of Classes annotated with #Configuration or #Component

Spring uses either JDK dynamic proxies or CGLIB to create the proxy for a given target object. If a class is annotated with #Configuration, then CGLIB is used.
However, one limitation of Spring AOP is that once the call has finally reached the target object, any method calls that it may make on itself are going to be invoked against the this reference, and not the proxy. This piece of information is important to remember when using #Transactional and in other places as well.
So having that knowledge, in the code below, is Spring injecting the actual instance or the proxy of SimpleBean?
public class Config {
public SimpleBean simpleBean() {
return new SimpleBean();
public SimpleBeanConsumer simpleBeanConsumer() {
return new SimpleBeanConsumer(simpleBean()); //<---
And what is the behavior if a class is annotation with #Component?
Let me give you another perspective.
Say there is an another bean AnotherBeanConsumer that also needs a simpleBean. Simple Bean has a Singleton scope:
public class Config {
public SimpleBean simpleBean() {
return new SimpleBean();
public SimpleBeanConsumer simpleBeanConsumer() {
return new SimpleBeanConsumer(simpleBean());
public AnotherBeanConsumer anotherBeanConsumer() {
return new AnotherBeanConsumer(simpleBean());
Now the question is, how its possible that two calls to simpleBean() made from different methods simpleBeanConsumer and anotherBeanConsumer return the same instance of the simple bean (since its a singleton obviously)?
IMO (and disclaimer, I'm not affiliated with spring or something), This is the main reason of creating proxies that wrap Configurations.
Now indeed Spring AOP has a limitation of calling methods just as you've stated, however who said that spring under-the-hood uses spring AOP? The bytecode instrumentation done on much lower levels doesn't have a limitation like this. After all creating a proxy means: "create a proxy object that will have the same interface but will alter the behavior", right?
For example if you use CGLIB that uses inheritance you could create a proxy out of configuration that looks like this (schematically):
class CGLIB_GENERATED_PROXY extends Config {
private Map<String, Object> singletonBeans;
public SimpleBean simpleBean() {
String name = getNameFromMethodNameMaybePrecached();
if(singletonBeans.get(name) != null) {
return singletonBeans.get(name);
else {
SimpleBean bean = super.simpleBean();
singletonBeans.put(name, bean);
return bean;
Of course its only a schematic picture, in real life there is an application context that basically provides the access to the map like this, but you get the point.
If its not enough, then there are some even more sophisticated frameworks that spring must make use of in order to load a configuration (like ASM)...
Here is an example:
If you use #ConditionalOnClass(A.class) and the class doesn't really exist in runtime, how spring can load the bytecode of the configuration that uses this configuration and not fail on something like NoClassDefFoundException?
My point is that it goes far beyond the spring AOP, and has its quirks :)
Having said that, nothing that I've describe above requires the real components to be always wrapped in Proxies of any kind. So in the most trivial case, when SimpleBean does not by itself have some annotations that require proxy generation (stuff like #Cached, #Transactional and so forth), Spring won't wrap the object of that type and you'll get a plain SimpleBean object.

is that ok to have #Autowire or #Inject in #Configuration class

Spring 5, Java 8
I have multiple configuration files, one of the configuration file has #Autowire dependency. it does not complain on run time and works fine but intellij warns can't find those beans.
wondering if thats ok to have #Autowire or #Inject in configuration class.
why i have it is b/c its my websocket configuration and my handlers need dependencies.
It's OK.
#Configuration indicates that a class declares #Beans which might require dependencies. #Configuration itself is meta-annotated with #Component and "therefore may also take advantage of #Autowired/#Inject like any regular #Component".
I would recommend that you pass dependencies as method parameters rather than inject them into fields. It keeps the configuration class clear and emphasises the required dependencies for each #Bean method.
I prefer
class C {
public A a(B b) { new A(b); }
class C {
private final B b;
public A a() { new A(b); }

Spring Integration Tests - idiomatic way of overriding beans

how can I override beans in Spring (Boot) Integration Tests the idiomatic way?
Up until now I had source configuration like this:
class ApplicationConfiguration {
CarsRepository carsRepository() {
// return some real sql db
And tests like this:
class ApplicationISpec extends Specification {
static class TestConfig {
CarsRepository testsCarsRepository() {
// return some in-memory repository
def "it can do stuff with cars"() {
// do some REST requests to application and verify it works
// there is no need to make real calls to real DB
First thing is that test bean testsCarsRepository method must differ than original one (which is not obvious, and there is no warning/error about it).
But the final question is: what is the idiomatic way of overriding beans with Spring in integration tests?
When I posted my WTF about method name on Twitter - Stephane Nicoll said the #Primary is not intended to be used for overriding beans in tests.
So what is the preferred way of that?
You can use #Profile together with #ActiveProfile annotation to separate you test and production configurations. For example change you test config to:
class CarsISpec extends Specification {
static class TestConfig {
CarsRepository testsCarsRepository() {
// return some in-memory repository
Don't forget to mark you production configuration ApplicationConfiguration with #Profile("!test").
Also Spring Boot provides numerous tools for testing (e.g. #DataJpaTest with embedded database, #MockBean for mocking beans in context and etc.) Link to doc
