How can I show all changes at once? - visual-studio

Is it possible to view all the changes at once without having to click each time each file?
I would like to have a view like a Pull Request view where you can see all the changes scrolling down.
Visual Studio 2019

No, a scrollable page view of changes is only provided in the web version. In Visual Studio in the Teams -> Changes section it shows the changed files, but one has to click-through them to see the difference.


i can't find the design viewer option in my visual studio community

when I create a new project the first time I can see the Design viewer option, but when I close VS and reload the project the second time I can't see the design viewer anymore, I didn't find the solution please help!
When you open VS you may see the code page. If you want to see the designer view, click in the menu View and Designer. You can also use the shortcut SHIFT+F7. But first make sure, you opened the file in the project explorer.

How to show Design View in Visual Studio 2015?

I am using Visual Studio 2015.
In my C# class at school we are designing a Windows Form App. We started the project in class, and checked it into our TFS so I can use it at home. I loaded it at home and under the design tab it just shows the code view, not the design view, but whenever I press "Start" it opens up and shows everything and lets me use save stuff and reopen them in the listbox.
So at home I am unable to see the design so I can't add buttons, textboxs, etc.
How am I able to make it show the design view and not just the code view?
Try to highlight the [Formname].cs File in your solution explorer. Then press [Shift]+[F7]. This should do the Trick.

Pending Changes across projects seen in Visual Studio

Is there a VS setting that limits the pending changes I see to those of the current project? I have VS 2010 and when I attempt to view all pending changes, the list includes changes from other solutions.
There is a button in the button bar of the "Pending Changes" window that limits the listed changes to the current solution. Be careful using this, though, because sometimes there is stuff that probably belongs in source control but isn't actually part of the solution.

How to configure Visual Studio (2010) to open aspx pages on code behind by default on double click?

The question says it all... its pretty simple, and it can be done by selecting the file and pressing F7 but I'm always double clicking accidentally and visual studio takes forever to open the design view page (even if its almost empty), but I just wanna go straight to the code.
Any tips?
I had this problem too. My solution was to change Visual Studio to open up pages in HTML view by default. Because VS doesn't need to format the page, this is MUCH quicker. You can see how to get Visual Studio to open pages in HTML view at
To tell Visual Studio 2010 to open files automatically in Source view,
Tools -> Options
Select the General section of the HTML Designer tab.
Choose to start pages in Source View.
Just incase Andy's link dies, the method to make Visual Studio open ASPX pages in HTML view rather than the default designer view:
Go to Tools -> Options. Select HTML Designer from the menu at left. Select "HTML View" for HTML pages, Active Server Pages and Web Form pages. Click OK.
This forces VS to open pages in HTML view, which for developers is usually the view we work in for editing ASPX templates. In addition, it addresses the original issue of this question, which is getting VS to open pages faster, since it doesn't have to render a designer view.
I think you are asking to configure VS2010 to take you to the .cs / .vb file when you double click on the aspx page, but you could also be asking about make it go to the html source view.
If you are wondering about the latter (html source view), here is a screenshot of what setting to change.
I hope this helps.

Controls do not show up when dragging from toolbox

When I drag controls from the toolbox to an .aspx page or the designer for that page nothing shows up. I am using Visual Studio 2010 with an existing website project.
** Update
It seems to work now... I'm not sure if this was specific to one project, or a combination of things.
Is the project under source control or in a read only state?
I think the project is so messed up it just doesn't work. If I start a new project it works, so I'm going to leave it at that
