Is there a simple way for to check if method was not called when a variable is undefined? - jasmine

So I have a simple method that executes something only if the passed variable is defined:
public myFunction(item) {
if (typeof item !== 'undefined') {
Here's my test in jasmine:
describe('myFunction()', () => {
it ('should only do something if the item passed is defined.', () => {
const item = new Item();
spyOn(item, 'doSomething');
//this works
it ('should not do something if the item passed is undefined.', () => {
const item = undefined;
spyOn(item, 'doSomething');
//this does not work..
My first test works fine. But I do not know how to express my second test. How can I say that doSomething was never called when the item passed is undefined? It seems quite trivial, but I'm having trouble with this. I have a feeling it's not possible, because I can't spy on something that is undefined. Then again, maybe there is a work around?

it ('should not do something if the item passed is undefined.', () => {
const item = undefined;
const conditionForIf = typeof item !== 'undefined';
// check the conditionForIf, if it is false, it won't go on and `doSomething`


Is subsequents calls to monaco.editor.onDidChangeMarkers() ok?

I'm using monaco.editor.onDidChangeMarkers like this:
useEffect(() => {
let markersDispo: monaco.IDisposable | null =
return () => {
markersDispo = null;
}, [foo]);
I'm calling dispose() like this but something is not clear to me. This gets called every time the foo variable changes but can the event I assigned in monaco.editor.onDidChangeMarkers pile up somehow or my assign/unassign approach i'm using here is totally safe?

How to test the code logic of ngOnInit in Jasmine and Angular

My component looks for presence of a parameter in the route in ngOnInit. If the parameter is not present, it shows error. I want to test this logic.
ngOnInit() { = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get("id");
if( != null) {
... } else{
console.log("didn't get id from the route");
I wrote the following spec. In the spec, the parameter is not passed in the route
beforeEach(async() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(QuestionDetailsComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
fit('should show error if question details of a question can\'t be retrieved', () => {
but my test case fails with reason Expected spy showDialog to have been called.
I suppose the issue is that showDialog gets called when the component gets created before the it is called.
How do I test the logic in ngOnInit? I need the component before I can test it (i.e. call it) and I want to test the logic which gets executed while the component is being created.
To test the ngOnInit method, you just need to call it:
And the route value can be spied:
Also, you can change the returned value. For example:
fit("should ...", () => {
let mock_id = null;
spyOn(component.route.snapshot.paramMap,"get").and.callFake(() => {
return mock_id;
mock_id = "some_value";
mock_id = "another_value";

How spy works with Jasmine in Angular 7?

I have created this spy using spyOn
it("spyon ", () => {
const searchChangeEmitSpy = spyOn(Adders.countlist,"add");
and inside Adder class I have the following function
countlist(){ const i =0;
this.quoteList.forEach(element => {
length of quoteList array is 2
what I am getting as a result
Error: : add() method does not exist
I don't think you can directly spy on the function of the class Adders like this, instead spy on the prototype or create an instance of the class and spy on that. I would use two spies and implement it like this:
it("spyon", () => {
const countlistSpy = spyOn(Adders.prototype, 'countlist');
const addSpy = spyOn(Adders.prototype, 'add');
// call your function / trigger something that calls the function
// more expectations here
Or with an instance of the class in the beforeEach block you can define your instance like this:
let adder: Adders = new Adders();
And then your test would look like this:
it("spyon", () => {
const countlistSpy = spyOn(adder, 'countlist');
const addSpy = spyOn(adder, 'add');
// call your function / trigger something that calls the function
// more expectations here
With the help of Fabian answer, I able to debug and solve my problem. Actually, I need to trigger the function inside the class on which I was spying. after doing so, it gave me the expected output.
test case
it("spyOn countList add()", () => {
const searchChangeEmitSpy = spyOn(Adders,"add");
Adders.addNewQuote("This is my second post");
function inside the class to be spied
this.quoteList.forEach(element => {
//return i;

Create a spy for a function in a class

I'm adding Jasmine to a large project in order to add tests to that project's javascript. Normally I use Ruby and I'm a little out of my element here.
I have a class, that has a function and I want to create a spy for it so that it returns a certain value during one of my tests. Here's a summary of the code:
class #MyKlass
current_location = ->
verify_domain: () ->
domain_filter = current_location()
domain_list = /example\.com/i
#valid_domain = domain_filter.match(domain_list)?
So how would I do something like this?
it("verifies domains", function() {
spyOn(MyKlass, 'current_location').and.returnValue("example");
var myKlass = new MyKlass();
So it turns out that this was a function on an instance of the class- which I had just missed somehow in the code. Here's the abbreviated solution:
describe('MyKlass', function() {
myKlass = null
beforeEach(function() {
myKlass = new MyKlass()
it('returns true for our domains', function() {
spyOn(myKlass, 'verify_domain').and.returnValue(true);

AngularJS and "smart" Caching

I want to implement "smart" caching in my application. I want to always first return data from the cache (if none is available an empty object/array is returned), then always fetch the data from the server and replace the cached response with the updated server response. The objective is to always quickly show something to the user.
I want to do it in an "angular" fashion, i.e - adher to the promise paradigm.
I found a solution that uses the $resource service (, but $resource pretty much sucks if you don't use only the 4-5 default REST methods that it offers. Its custom method functionality is severly lacking. I'd really like to use the low level $http service, since it gives me better control over my requests, while keeping my controllers oblivious to the whole caching functionlity (i.e - avoid fetching data from the cache first in the controller itself and then querying the service).
Has anyone dealt with this problem and has a better solution?
Thanks :-)
I created two services to accomplish what I think you're trying to accomplish. The first provides the core functionality to take in a promise and an object (or array) and updates said object or array when the promise resolves. There's a GUI for you to play around with it.
The second service integrates that into $http. Basically you can do smartHttp.forArray(config) and smartHttp.forObj(config) in lieu of $http(config). If you end up using this and want to use the $http shortcut methods then that should be straightforward to implement. This is untested - so consider it as pseudocode. If you're instantly returning a cached value/dud value it doesn't really make sense to use a promise for the return value of your smartHttp service (unless you were trying to make the service interchangeable with $http). If you'd like it to be a promise for that or whatever reason you can change:
var general = function (obj, methodName) {
// ...
return obj;
to the following:
var general = function (obj, methodName) {
// ...
return $q.when(obj);
And then ask for the $q service, of course. The real issue here is equality between requests - I assume $http does that nicely; I made a naive key - you may want to change that (as long as you have simple requests/same order for everything I don't think it should matter).
myApp.factory('smartCache', function () {
var service = {};
service.forArray = function (array, promise, clear) {
promise.then(function (promiseResult) {
if (clear) {
array.length = 0;
angular.forEach(promiseResult, function (promiseResultElement) {
service.forObj = function (obj, promise, clear) {
promise.then(function (promiseResult) {
if (clear) {
for (var prop in obj) {
delete obj[prop];
for (var prop in promiseResult) {
obj[prop] = promiseResult[prop];
return service;
myApp.factory('smartHttp', function ($http, smartCache, $cacheFactory) {
var cache = $cacheFactory('smartHttp');
var service = {};
var general = function (config, methodName, initialValue) {
var obj;
var key = JSON.stringify([ config.url, config.method, config.params, ]);
var cachedObj = cache.get(key);
if (cachedObj !== undefined) {
obj = cachedObj;
} else {
obj = initialValue;
var promise = $http(config);
var smartCachePromise = promise.then(function (result) {
smartCache[methodName](obj, smartCachePromise, true);
return obj;
service.forObj = function (config) {
return general(config, 'forObj', {});
service.forArray = function (config) {
return general(config, 'forArray', []);
return service;
