How to declare inputs of a curried function as real in sml? - arguments

Here is my code for a curried factorial function I want the output as real
fun pow(x:real) (n:real)= if (n=0.0) then 1.0 else x:real*pow(x:real) (n-1:real) ;
But my syntax is really really wrong how do I fix this?

I think what you want is:
fun pow x n =
if n = 0
then 1.0
else x * pow x (n - 1)
or, if you want to be a bit more explicit about the types:
fun pow (x : real) (n : int) : real =
if n = 0
then 1.0
else x * pow x (n - 1)
That is:
I think you want n to be of type int, not type real. (Your approach only makes sense if n is a nonnegative integer, since otherwise the recursion would just go forever.)
You don't need so many :real-s everywhere; they don't add anything, because the compiler can infer the types.


Algorithm to determine if A is within X of a multiple of B

This is not language specific, but I'm not very good with maths!
What is the most efficient way to test if A is within X of a multiple of B? The method I'm using at the moment is:
# when (A mod B) < (B/2)
if (A modulus B) < X THEN TRUE
# when (A mod B) > (B/2)
if ABS((A modulus B) - B) < X THEN TRUE
Example 1: A is 100 more than 3 x B
(30100 mod 10000) = 100 < (10000/2)
(30100 modulus 10000) = 100
Example 2: A is 100 less than 3 x B
(29900 mod 10000) = 9900 > (10000/2)
ABS((29900 modulus 10000) - 10000) = 100
Is there a better way to do this?
(To avoid an XY Problem: I'm writing a script to monitor some industrial machinery, and I want to fire an alert when a lifetime counter metric is within a range of a periodic maintenance value. When the service interval is 10000 and the alert range is 150, I want to know when that counter is between 9850 and 10150, or 19850 and 20150, etc)
Your way is not bad, but it's a little faster to do:
if ((A + X) % B) <= X*2 then
That's for distance <= X. If you need distance < X, then:
if ((A + X + B - 1) % B) <= X*2-2 then
Note that A + X + B - 1 is like A + X - 1, but protected against anything weird your language might do with the modulus operator and negative operands in the case that X == 0.
I think the best approach is whatever you find clearest; but personally I would write the equivalent of ((A + X) MOD B ≤ 2X). For example, in C / Java / Perl / JavaScript / etc.:
if ((a + x) % b <= 2 * x) {
// A is within X of a multiple of B

Implementation of (^)

I was reading the code of the implementation of (^) of the standard haskell library :
(^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
x0 ^ y0 | y0 < 0 = errorWithoutStackTrace "Negative exponent"
| y0 == 0 = 1
| otherwise = f x0 y0
where -- f : x0 ^ y0 = x ^ y
f x y | even y = f (x * x) (y `quot` 2)
| y == 1 = x
| otherwise = g (x * x) ((y - 1) `quot` 2) x
-- g : x0 ^ y0 = (x ^ y) * z
g x y z | even y = g (x * x) (y `quot` 2) z
| y == 1 = x * z
| otherwise = g (x * x) ((y - 1) `quot` 2) (x * z)
Now this part where g is defined seems odd to me why not just implement it like this:
expo :: (Num a ,Integral b) => a -> b ->a
expo x0 y0
| y0 == 0 = 1
| y0 < 0 = errorWithoutStackTrace "Negative exponent"
| otherwise = f x0 y0
f x y | even y = f (x*x) (y `quot` 2)
| y==1 = x
| otherwise = x * f x (y-1)
But indeed plugging in say 3^1000000 shows that (^) is about 0,04 seconds faster than expo.
Why is (^) faster than expo?
As the person who wrote the code, I can tell you why it's complex. :)
The idea is to be tail recursive to get loops, and also to perform the minimum number of multiplications. I don't like the complexity, so if you find a more elegant way please file a bug report.
A function is tail-recursive if the return value of a recursive call is returned as-is, without further processing. In expo, f is not tail-recursive, because of otherwise = x * f x (y-1): the return value of f is multiplied by x before it is returned. Both f and g in (^) are tail-recursive, because their return values are returned unmodified.
Why does this matter? Tail-recursive functions can implemented much more efficiently than general recursive functions. Because the compiler doesn't need to create a new context (stack frame, what have you) for a recursive call, it can reuse the caller's context as the context of the recursive call. This saves a lot of the overhead of calling a function, much like in-lining a function is more efficient than calling the function proper.
Whenever you see a bread-and-butter function in the standard library and it's implemented weirdly, the reason is almost always "because doing it like that triggers some special performance-critical optimization [possibly in a different version of the compiler]".
These odd workarounds are usually to "force" the compiler to notice that some specific, important optimization is possible (e.g., to force a particular argument to be considered strict, to allow worker/wrapper transformation, whatever). Typically some person has compiled their program, noticed it's epicly slow, complained to the GHC devs, and they looked at the compiled code and thought "oh, GHC isn't seeing that it can inline that 3rd worker function... how do I fix that?" The result is that if you rephrase the code just slightly, the desired optimization then fires.
You say you tested it and there's not much speed difference. You didn't say for what type. (Is the exponent Int or Integer? What about the base? It's quite possible it makes a significant difference in some obscure case.)
Occasionally functions are also implemented weirdly to maintain strictness / laziness guarantees. (E.g., the library spec says it has to work a certain way, and implementing it the most obvious way would make the function more strict / less strict than the spec claims.)
I don't know what's up with this specific function, but I would suggest #chi is probably onto something.

Modulo operator in Pascal?

How can I get the leftover of dividing 2 ints?
When using Java I use the % operator, but what can I do in Pascal?
Use mod operator as described here.
A mod B
You can use n mod 2 the same way you'd use n % 2 in Java (when n>=0 anyway...not sure what Pascal does with negative numbers, but Java does the wrong thing.)
However, the most common reason for doing that is to test whether the number is even or odd, and Pascal has the built-in function odd(n) to do just that. On many compilers ord(odd(n)) is a faster way to get the remainder of n mod 2.
Regrettably Pascal mod cannot be used that way. The reason is that I did an incomplete job cajoling the Pascal standards committee.
I lobbied and begged the standards committee to do mod the right way until eventually they relented. So, for example -5 mod 2 equals 1. To my horror, they did integer division the wrong way. I never imagined they would not make the two match up. To this day, in Pascal (-5 mod 2) + (-5 / 2) equals -4. I blame myself.
Pascal's modulo operator is mod. It works just like the % operator in Java and C/C++:
X, Y: Integer;
X := 10;
Y := X mod 4; // result: Y = 2
Y := X mod 3; // result: Y = 1
In delphi there is the MOD operator aka x = Y MOD Z. should work in pascal

Performance comparison of two implementations of a primes filter

I have two programs to find prime numbers (just an exercise, I'm learning Haskell). "primes" is about 10X faster than "primes2", once compiled with ghc (with flag -O). However, in "primes2", I thought it would consider only prime numbers for the divisor test, which should be faster than considering odd numbers in "isPrime", right? What am I missing?
isqrt :: Integral a => a -> a
isqrt = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
isPrime :: Integral a => a -> Bool
isPrime n = length [i | i <- [1,3..(isqrt n)], mod n i == 0] == 1
primes :: Integral a => a -> [a]
primes n = [2,3,5,7,11,13] ++ (filter (isPrime) [15,17..n])
primes2 :: Integral a => a -> [a]
primes2 n = 2 : [i | i <- [3,5..n], all ((/= 0) . mod i) (primes2 (isqrt i))]
I think what's happening here is that isPrime is a simple loop, whereas primes2 is calling itself recursively — and its recursion pattern looks exponential to me.
Searching through my old source code, I found this code:
primes :: [Integer]
primes = 2 : filter isPrime [3,5..]
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
isPrime x = all (\n -> x `mod` n /= 0) $
takeWhile (\n -> n * n <= x) primes
This tests each possible prime x only against the primes below sqrt(x), using the already generated list of primes. So it probably doesn't test any given prime more than once.
Memoization in Haskell:
Memoization in Haskell is generally explicit, not implicit. The compiler won't "do the right thing" but it will only do what you tell it to. When you call primes2,
*Main> primes2 5
*Main> primes2 10
Each time you call the function it calculates all of its results all over again. It has to. Why? Because 1) You didn't make it save its results, and 2) the answer is different each time you call it.
In the sample code I gave above, primes is a constant (i.e. it has arity zero) so there's only one copy of it in memory, and its parts only get evaluated once.
If you want memoization, you need to have a value with arity zero somewhere in your code.
I like what Dietrich has done with the memoization, but I think theres a data structure issue here too. Lists are just not the ideal data structure for this. They are, by necessity, lisp style cons cells with no random access. Set seems better suited to me.
import qualified Data.Set as S
sieve :: (Integral a) => a -> S.Set a
sieve top = let l = S.fromList (2:3:([5,]++[7,]))
iter s c
| cur > (div (S.findMax s) 2) = s
| otherwise = iter (s S.\\ (S.fromList [2*cur,3*])) (S.deleteMin c)
where cur = S.findMin c
in iter l (l S.\\ (S.fromList [2,3]))
I know its kind of ugly, and not too declarative, but it runs rather quickly. Im looking into a way to make this nicer looking using Set.fold and Set.union over the composites. Any other ideas for neatening this up would be appreciated.
PS - see how (2:3:([5,]++[7,])) avoids unnecessary multiples of 3 such as the 15 in your primes. Unfortunately, this ruins your ordering if you work with lists and you sign up for a sorting, but for sets thats not an issue.

What's the way to determine if an Int is a perfect square in Haskell?

I need a simple function
is_square :: Int -> Bool
which determines if an Int N a perfect square (is there an integer x such that x*x = N).
Of course I can just write something like
is_square n = sq * sq == n
where sq = floor $ sqrt $ (fromIntegral n::Double)
but it looks terrible! Maybe there is a common simple way to implement such a predicate?
Think of it this way, if you have a positive int n, then you're basically doing a binary search on the range of numbers from 1 .. n to find the first number n' where n' * n' = n.
I don't know Haskell, but this F# should be easy to convert:
let is_perfect_square n =
let rec binary_search low high =
let mid = (high + low) / 2
let midSquare = mid * mid
if low > high then false
elif n = midSquare then true
else if n < midSquare then binary_search low (mid - 1)
else binary_search (mid + 1) high
binary_search 1 n
Guaranteed to be O(log n). Easy to modify perfect cubes and higher powers.
There is a wonderful library for most number theory related problems in Haskell included in the arithmoi package.
Use the Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Squares library.
Specifically the isSquare' function.
is_square :: Int -> Bool
is_square = isSquare' . fromIntegral
The library is optimized and well vetted by people much more dedicated to efficiency then you or I. While it currently doesn't have this kind of shenanigans going on under the hood, it could in the future as the library evolves and gets more optimized. View the source code to understand how it works!
Don't reinvent the wheel, always use a library when available.
I think the code you provided is the fastest that you are going to get:
is_square n = sq * sq == n
where sq = floor $ sqrt $ (fromIntegral n::Double)
The complexity of this code is: one sqrt, one double multiplication, one cast (dbl->int), and one comparison. You could try to use other computation methods to replace the sqrt and the multiplication with just integer arithmetic and shifts, but chances are it is not going to be faster than one sqrt and one multiplication.
The only place where it might be worth using another method is if the CPU on which you are running does not support floating point arithmetic. In this case the compiler will probably have to generate sqrt and double multiplication in software, and you could get advantage in optimizing for your specific application.
As pointed out by other answer, there is still a limitation of big integers, but unless you are going to run into those numbers, it is probably better to take advantage of the floating point hardware support than writing your own algorithm.
In a comment on another answer to this question, you discussed memoization. Keep in mind that this technique helps when your probe patterns exhibit good density. In this case, that would mean testing the same integers over and over. How likely is your code to repeat the same work and thus benefit from caching answers?
You didn't give us an idea of the distribution of your inputs, so consider a quick benchmark that uses the excellent criterion package:
module Main
import Criterion.Main
import Random
is_square n = sq * sq == n
where sq = floor $ sqrt $ (fromIntegral n::Double)
is_square_mem =
let check n = sq * sq == n
where sq = floor $ sqrt $ (fromIntegral n :: Double)
in (map check [0..] !!)
main = do
g <- newStdGen
let rs = take 10000 $ randomRs (0,1000::Int) g
direct = map is_square
memo = map is_square_mem
defaultMain [ bench "direct" $ whnf direct rs
, bench "memo" $ whnf memo rs
This workload may or may not be a fair representative of what you're doing, but as written, the cache miss rate appears too high:
Wikipedia's article on Integer Square Roots has algorithms can be adapted to suit your needs. Newton's method is nice because it converges quadratically, i.e., you get twice as many correct digits each step.
I would advise you to stay away from Double if the input might be bigger than 2^53, after which not all integers can be exactly represented as Double.
Oh, today I needed to determine if a number is perfect cube, and similar solution was VERY slow.
So, I came up with a pretty clever alternative
cubes = map (\x -> x*x*x) [1..]
is_cube n = n == (head $ dropWhile (<n) cubes)
Very simple. I think, I need to use a tree for faster lookups, but now I'll try this solution, maybe it will be fast enough for my task. If not, I'll edit the answer with proper datastructure
Sometimes you shouldn't divide problems into too small parts (like checks is_square):
intersectSorted [] _ = []
intersectSorted _ [] = []
intersectSorted xs (y:ys) | head xs > y = intersectSorted xs ys
intersectSorted (x:xs) ys | head ys > x = intersectSorted xs ys
intersectSorted (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = x : intersectSorted xs ys
squares = [x*x | x <- [ 1..]]
weird = [2*x+1 | x <- [ 1..]]
perfectSquareWeird = intersectSorted squares weird
There's a very simple way to test for a perfect square - quite literally, you check if the square root of the number has anything other than zero in the fractional part of it.
I'm assuming a square root function that returns a floating point, in which case you can do (Psuedocode):
func IsSquare(N)
sq = sqrt(N)
return (sq modulus 1.0) equals 0.0
It's not particularly pretty or fast, but here's a cast-free, FPA-free version based on Newton's method that works (slowly) for arbitrarily large integers:
import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Ratio ((%))
isSquare = (==) =<< (^2) . floor . (join g <*> join f) . (%1)
f n x = (x + n / x) / 2
g n x y | abs (x - y) > 1 = g n y $ f n y
| otherwise = y
It could probably be sped up with some additional number theory trickery.
