logic symbols different from pc to mac - utf-8

I'm taking an online Discrete Math course for computer science, and I've noticed in the forums that with special characters such as negation: ¬ or implication: → do not show up correctly for me on a mac when written by a student with a PC.
Here's how they show up for me:
I tried inspecting the element to see if i could change the font or find a character code, but I just see the registered trademark symbol: ®
I think students are copying symbols from the teacher's Microsoft office docs. Is there any workflow I could suggest to the whole class so we can all see the correct symbols? It's really screwing me up. I can see symbols from other mac users, I can see the symbols on wikipedia, and no one has complained about not being able to see my symbols.


Does all code get converted into machine code?

For programs to run on a computer, does the code have to be converted into machine code so the CPU can run it?
How does this happen?
Wow! That needs a lot to explain. :D
First, machines like humans have their own languages so we can simply say that if you want a computer to work as you say, you have to say it in its language :)
But you probably heard about compiling and interpreting:
Compile: convert (a program) into a machine-code or lower-level form in which the program can be executed.
So basically it means that the code code will be converted to something else like an executable file, when the programmer(s) decides that they are done programming. So if you look at an .exe file with notepad, you cannot simply understand any thing. and the code that has been compiled for windows, cannot be executed on Mac.
interpreting : the code will be converted by another program in the runtime. So the code is human readable until the last seconds. Like if you right click on this page and select "view page source", you can see the HTML code that has been generated for this page. This means that the code flexible and can work on different machines like as you see, you can see the same page on your Mac, windows or with different browsers like chrome, firefox or IE but then it will be a lot slower than compiling.
What we do in practice?
We compile our code to a an intermediate language that is understandable by a virtual machine that is specific for each machine.
Let me explain it with an example. Lets say someone wants to give a speech in UN lets say in Chinese.
If he translate all of his speech to different languages and give it to people, it is compiling.
If he speaks and some people translate his words online to French, English, etc. then it is interpreting. But it sucks and you probably won't find anyone to do it for many languages
If he give a translated version (like English version) of it to translators, before the speech and they can read it and say in to different languages when the speaker speaks, then it is what we do now :D
You can read more in here : Runtime vs Compile time

Set VB6 reference to Microsoft Word 97 (Word 2007 installed)

I need to use the reference to Microsoft Word 97 in my VB6 development project. (Its a long story - in a nutshell if I use ref to MSWord97 then I can support Word 97+).
I use Microsoft Word 2007 on my development machine. Ideally if I could get away with NOT installing Word97, that would be great.
In VB6 I tried to set a reference to C:\Software\Microsoft\Office97Pro\OFFICE\mso97.dll (path to software - not installed) but that didn't work. I then tried regsvr32 mso97.dll but that gave me the error: mso97.dll was loaded, but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not found.
Anyone know what I need to do to get this to work? Or will I need to install Word 97 on my machine for it to work?
It sounds like you basically want to do as suggested in Writing Automation clients for multiple Office versions but ignoring the advice about using late binding.
The type library involved is MSWORD8.OLB, but I can't recall whether there is any legitimate way to obtain it without Word 97 or an Office 97 Edition including Word. Offhand I'm not sure what the impact of registering this tylepib would have on your Word 2007 installation either, since they may well share many ClassID values.
In the VC++ article PRB: Automation of Office Using #import Can Fail if Multiple Versions of Office Are Installed Microsoft seems to suggest this can be a viable strategy as long as you reference the proper OLB. This is probably less of a problem for VB6 than in C++ because VB6 doesn't use the VC++ #import semantics for locating typelibs. Then again they may be referring to run-time behavior, since the explanation concludes by once more suggesting late binding.
The article WD: How to Obtain the Word for Windows Type Library offers links to the Word 6 and Word 7 typelibs (links may no longer be good) but none for Word 97, which they suggest you obtain by installing Word 97.
In any case it only sounds safe to use the constants, enums, etc. from Word 97 and use late binding for all of your objects. This "half a loaf" is better than nothing. You could still do your initial development with early-bound declarations to geet "Intellisense" assistance, then go back and change all of the early-bound object declarations to late-bound As Object and replacing Set X = New TYPE by the corresponding late-bound CreateObject() call, leaving the actual strong typing as a trailing comment. One could also use conditional compilation #If/#Else blocks to make flipping back to early binding easier later.
Since obtaining MSWORD8.OLB legitimately may be impossible today, you might also consider OFF: "Built-in Constants in Visual Basic for Applications" (WC0993) which offers a download containing VB .BAS modules defining the constants for many old versions of Word and other Office applications. The download link works - as of right now at least!
Since named constants are the primary reason for the typelibs (considering that only late binding is truly safe) this might not be a bad compromise. You can take the .BAS file you need, clean it up (bound to be some warts in there), and even convert it to a custom "Generic Word" TLB containing just those constants and enums with a little effort. For that matter somebody may already have done this work. I'd suggest you try a few searches before writing your own "VB .BAS to ODL/IDL" compiler though.
When adding a reference to your project, look for MS Word x.0 Object Library where x is the version of MS Word you want to work against. I believe you can reference a lower version than Word 2007 (version 12.0). Look for 8.0.

Where would I find Mac OS X sample program MoreSCF?

I am playing around with SystemConfiguration on Mac OS X and in Technical Q&A QA1165 the sample code uses a macro MoreSCError that is supposedly define in the sample program MoreSCF - I can't find this sample code in the Xcode documentation or on the Apple Developer Site.
Does anyone know where I might find the code?
I'm looking at MoreSCF.c on my machine here and it's really old. The version I have is "revision 1.5" and dates from 2002.
The fact you can't easily find it on Apple's Developer Site (or Google for that matter), probably indicates that Apple would rather developers not use this code. System Configuration framework is still very much supported on the Macintosh, but I can't think of what has replaced MoreSCF (in terms of sample code) off the top of my head. It would likely be worth your file to find the MoreSCF replacement and work with that.
But... to help you out, I'm making the MoreSCF.h and MoreSCF.c sample code that I have available via PasteBin. I'll set it to expire in a month so if you don't retrieve it before the end of the 30 days, you'll be S.O.L. And even though this is public, redistributable source code, if somebody asks me to remove the links (and especially if they speak up with what the newer source or sample project is), I'll remove it prior to 30 days. These two files come out of the MoreSCF project, which has ~10 or so various C files for making System Configuration stuff easier.
Here are the links:
you can find your required source code here

Game Boy emulator with a full debugger?

As part of the work I've been doing to answer this question about the technical workings of a glitch in Pokémon Red, I've been looking for a way to use a standard debugger to debug a Game Boy ROM. Although many of the emulators I've found have some support for debugging, nothing I've found so far has been helpful.
As a background, as of now I have tried to use the Visual Boy Advance built-in features to do debugging, but they aren't particularly useful for what I'm trying to do. VBA lacks the ability to set breakpoints, and since it steps forward at the level of frames rather than instructions I'm unable to see how the code is executing when I actually need it to. Although VBA says that it supports GDB debugging, I have been completely unable to get it working. I tried cross-compiling GDB for ARM as per the instructions, but could not get GDB to connect to the emulator (it would recognize that there was a program to connect to, but reported that the protocol had been violated). I repeated this with similar success in both Windows with Cygwin and on Ubuntu Linux. A friend and I tried to use Insight/GDB, but ran into exactly the same problems.
I also tried to use the NO$GBA debugger, but it refused to load my ROM for Pokémon Red (and then insulted me by saying that nothing I could try to do would fix it, as the file was just flat-out wrong).
Additionally, I tried downloading this version of Visual Boy Advance that claims to have a debugger in it, but for some reason I can't get it to enable the debugger. Pressing F11 as per its instructions has no effect whatsoever.
I believe that I've done my due diligence trying to get a debugger working, and I'm surprised that not a single one of them has worked. Does anyone know of a simple, straightforward way to debug Game Boy games using standard debugging techniques? I'm interested mostly in being able to put in memory write breakpoints (to see what routine is clobbering certain parts of memory). I would really appreciate it if someone with first-hand experience doing this could provide details on how to do this, as online resources on the subject seem pretty limited.
If you just want to debug your old gameboy games you can also use bgb which has several debugging options such as tracing, breakpoints, profiler and a lot more.
No$GBA is for GBA games; you want NO$GMB. Note that it's very buggy, and without a registered version (which may be impossible to get legitimately) rather crippled.
bgb is free and is very similar to No$GMB, but even buggier.
VBA is supposed to have a debugger, but there are a million different versions out there, so good luck finding the right one.
Check out the site GbaDev.org and look on the forums. This is the best spot on the web for GBA or even GBC questions. I can tell you that there are many versions of VBA and no$ out and about. The No$ you want was technically a pay for version, but Martin Korth hasn't been answering emails or anything for years now and I'm not sure of its status anymore. I can also answer some questions for you personally if you'd like or help you with the debugger.
I was able to go to the no$ main website, download the windows version of no$gmb, and use it to debug when run in B/W mode - should be sufficient for you needs. F12 opens roms, F2 toggles break points, space traces, F3 steps over, Ctrl-G takes you to an address (or symbol), and Ctrl_B allows conditional break points (by far the most powerful feature for you to use.) For instance, (3000)! would set a read/write breakpoint on address 0x3000. (0300..03003)! sets on a range. As you are looking for specific address changes, this is what you want.
VBA-M has a bunch of debugging tools under "Tools" menu, including memory & tile inspectors and a disassembler. It even has support for GDB. I didn't test with any frontends like gdbgui, or VSCode's GDB support, so YMMV, but the other built-in tools look pretty decent.
Go to the releases section for a build for your platform (arch linux also has it in AUR, for easy install in package manager.)
Here it is running some of the tools on a Mac:

Reasons to use localized version of Visual Studio 2010?

What reasons to use localized version of Visual Studio 2010? What problems / benefits can you list while using localized versions? Are localized versions really useful?
I can only see problems and very few benefits. Any problems you are likely to experience you will will get them in language other then English, which means searching how to resolve problem in that language is limited on start. Although it may be not directly related but I've been managing servers in polish language for a long time and man I was so many times wishing the errors by polish system was in English. Finding resolution to problems in English is 50x easier then in my native tongue. If you even try to translate error message yourself you will have to be very careful because one translation isn't equal to another, especially when it comes to Microsoft programs (although not only). Many times error in my language given by SharePoint or Windows is so meaningless that you don't even know where to start looking for answers and if you see that error in English you just do "Oh.. it's about this.. simple stuff. Lets fix it".
Back to development.. Visual Studio in English gives you no problems to develop programs for any language you want. And most likely any addons will be in English so you will have mixed environment at some point having one Menu in English and other one in German. Also asking for help and following some tutorials/tips etc will be far easier in English so you won't have to translate stuff On-The-Fly yourself but will just follow the steps.
