docker run fails to run shell script (file not found) although the shell script was added successfully with docker build - shell

I am using a private docker hub repository, after which I have built my docker image using the commands below:
docker login
docker build -t privaterepoexample/sre:local .
docker tag 85cf9475bc1c privaterepoexample/sre
docker push privaterepoexample/sre
The output of docker build which shows added to container:
Executing busybox-1.29.3-r10.trigger
OK: 85 MiB in 57 packages
Removing intermediate container 12fd67450dfc
---> e9ca0b9e4ac4
Step 5/7 : WORKDIR /opt
---> Running in ce881ede94aa
Removing intermediate container ce881ede94aa
---> 2335b4f522ac
Step 6/7 : ADD /opt
---> 2aabf1712153
Step 7/7 : CMD ["chmod 755 && ./"]
---> Running in 8ec824d4e561
Removing intermediate container 8ec824d4e561
---> c97a4ad61578
Successfully built c97a4ad61578
Successfully tagged privaterepoexample/sre:local
The Dockerfile below is built successfully and is added successfully:
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine
RUN apk --no-cache add curl
ADD /opt
CMD ["chmod 755 && ./"]
Now here comes with my problem, when I execute docker run like below, I get the error:
docker run -i privaterepoexample/sre
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "exec: \"chmod 755 && ./\": stat chmod 755 && ./
no such file or directory": unknown.
but why does it say no such file? given when I go inside the docker container, I can see the script with the command below:
$ docker run -it
privaterepoexample/sre /bin/sh
/opt # ls
/opt # cat
# Black Box Tester!
content=$(curl --location --request POST
"" --header
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic ' --data-raw 'grant_type=password&'| jq -r
'.domain_id' )
if [ $content = abc ]
echo “Valid Login Token”
echo “invalid url”
/opt # exit

You get the error no such file or directory because you are using a so-called CMD in exec form in an unexpected way.
You can fix your Dockerfile in several ways, e.g.:
either use a CMD in shell form:
CMD chmod 755 && ./
or keep a CMD in exec form (which is often a good idea), but ensure the first argument of the JSON array is a program, not a composite command. You can do this e.g. by running chmod 755 … beforehand, at build time:
ADD /opt
RUN chmod 755
CMD ["./"]
For more information on the CMD command and its brother command ENTRYPOINT, see also this other SO answer: CMD doesn't run after ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfile


Why does my bash script not run properly on every docker container that starts up?

My Dockerfile copies an script to the container.
FROM ubuntu:latest
# a bunch of installation commands
And I have a docker-compose file with 2 services:
Service1: This service is being scaled.
Service2: Database
I have it so that when the Service1 container starts up, this script will run.
# script
# Missing files directory
if [[ ! -e /var/www/drupal/sites/default/files ]]; then
mkdir /var/www/drupal/sites/default/files
chmod a+w /var/www/drupal/sites/default/files
# Missing settings file
cp /var/www/drupal/sites/default/default.settings.php /var/www/drupal/sites/default/settings.php
chmod a+w /var/www/drupal/sites/default/settings.php
# Install Drush & Install Drupal
cd /var/www/drupal && composer require --dev drush/drush
cd /var/www/drupal && vendor/bin/drush site-install standard \
--db-url=mysql://root:random#mariadb:3306/drupaldb -y \
--site-name=ExampleWebsite \
--account-name=random \
# Post-Installation Steps
chmod go-w /var/www/drupal/sites/default/settings.php
chmod go-w /var/www/drupal/sites/default
cd /var/www/drupal && vendor/bin/drush cache-rebuild
/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND
However, when I run the command to start up the containers along with --scale docker-compose up -d --scale Service1=5, some of the containers run the script properly on start up but some don't. For the ones that don't, I would have to go into the container and manually run the script, then it's fine.
Shouldn't all the containers be the same and would've run the same script properly?
Instead, I would have to manually go into some of the containers and run the script.

Lambda gives No such file or directory(cant find the script file) error while running a bash script inside container. But this is successful in local

I am creating a lambda function from a docker image, this docker image actually runs a bash script inside of the docker container but when I tried to test that then it gives this following error. But this is successful in local. I tested with commented and uncommented entrypoint. Please help me to figure it out.
The dockerfile -
FROM amazon/aws-cli
USER root
# RUN mkdir /tmp
COPY /tmp
RUN chmod +x
RUN touch file_path_final.txt
RUN touch file_path_initial.txt
RUN touch output_final.json
RUN touch output_initial.json
RUN chmod 777 file_path_final.txt
RUN chmod 777 file_path_initial.txt
RUN chmod 777 output_final.json
RUN chmod 777 output_initial.json
RUN yum install jq -y
# ENTRYPOINT ./ ; /bin/bash
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c" , "ls && ./tmp/"]
The error -
START RequestId: 8d689260-e500-45d7-aac8-ae260834ed96 Version: $LATEST
/bin/sh: ./tmp/ No such file or directory
/bin/sh: ./tmp/ No such file or directory
END RequestId: 8d689260-e500-45d7-aac8-ae260834ed96
REPORT RequestId: 8d689260-e500-45d7-aac8-ae260834ed96 Duration: 58.29 ms Billed Duration: 59 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 3 MB
RequestId: 8d689260-e500-45d7-aac8-ae260834ed96 Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 127
Here how i did it to Run A C++ over a bash script :
#Pulling the node image from the AWS WCR PUBLIC docker hub.
#Setting the working directory to /home.
#Copying the contents of the current directory to the working directory.
COPY . .
#This is installing ffmpeg on the container.
RUN yum update -y
# Install sudo, wget and openssl, which is required for building CMake
RUN yum install sudo wget openssl-devel -y
# Install development tools
RUN sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y
# Download, build and install cmake
RUN yum install -y make
#RUN wget && tar -zxvf cmake-3.22.3.tar.gz && cd ./cmake-3.22.3 && ./bootstrap && make && sudo make install
RUN yum -y install gcc-c++ libcurl-devel cmake3 git
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/cmake3 /usr/bin/cmake
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/ctest3 /usr/bin/ctest
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/cpack3 /usr/bin/cpack
# get cmake versin
RUN cmake --version
RUN echo $(cmake --version)
#This is installing the nodejs and npm on the container.
RUN ./
RUN chmod 755 bootstrap
#This is running the nodejs application.
CMD [ "" ]
You will need a bootstrap file in the root directory : (FROM DOC)
set -euo pipefail
# Initialization - load function handler
source $LAMBDA_RUNTIME_DIR/"$(echo $_HANDLER | cut -d. -f1).sh"
# Processing
while true
# Get an event. The HTTP request will block until one is received
EVENT_DATA=$(curl -sS -LD "$HEADERS" -X GET "http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2018-06-01/runtime/invocation/next")
# Extract request ID by scraping response headers received above
REQUEST_ID=$(grep -Fi Lambda-Runtime-Aws-Request-Id "$HEADERS" | tr -d '[:space:]' | cut -d: -f2)
# Run the handler function from the script
RESPONSE=$($(echo "$_HANDLER" | cut -d. -f2) "$EVENT_DATA")
# Send the response
curl -X POST "http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2018-06-01/runtime/invocation/$REQUEST_ID/response" -d "$RESPONSE"

Executing docker from terminal directly works fine but not when executed from inside a .sh script?

I am on ubuntu 20.04 I installed docker using sudo snap install docker now when I run directly from the terminal (terminal installed with ubuntu) docker command it works fine but when I execute a .sh script from the terminal using either bash ./ or ./ I am getting an error docker: command not found.
This is the script:
source $(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/
docker run -e "NODE_ENV=dev" -it --rm --name my-npm-2 -v $PROJECT_HOME/code:/var/www/html/code -w /var/www/html/code node:14 npm install
docker run -e "NODE_ENV=dev" -it --rm --name my-npm -v $PROJECT_HOME/code/web:/var/www/html/code/web -w /var/www/html/code/web node:14 npm install
docker exec project_php sudo php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/local/bin/composer install --working-dir=/var/www/html/code
docker exec project_php chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/code/var/cache
docker exec project_php chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/code/var/log
I am new to linux in general and I don't know if the problem is with the script itself or why isn't it recognizing docker?
You are defining a source file at the start of your script which might be changing the PATH variable. Try by either commenting the source line or calling the docker command with full path.

Running docker as sibling

I am trying to run a container (hello-world) as a sibling from another container (dev).
But, container script is not able to access "Docker". I am getting
Docker not found error
Here is what I am doing: dev Dockerfile downloads the docker image Like
RUN curl -sfL -o docker.tgz
"${DOCKER_VERSION}.tgz" && \
tar -xzf docker.tgz docker/docker --strip=1 --directory /usr/local/bin && \
rm docker.tgz
RUN ["chmod","+x","./"]
ENTRYPOINT ["sh","./"] is:
docker run hello-world
Docker Build command:
docker build -t dev .
Docker run command:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock <container_image>

Dockerfile commands not executing in MacOS

I am trying to build a container using docker file which has some statements to execute as below:
# Create folder for caching files
RUN mkdir -p /Library/WebServer/docroot/publish
RUN chown -R daemon:daemon /Library/WebServer/docroot
I am using below command to build :
$ docker build --no-cache -t dispatcher-apache -f Dockerfile
I can see the below execution :
Step 7/10 : RUN mkdir -p /Library/WebServer/docroot/publish
---> Running in 4c8f7c3e2238
But the file isn't created on that location when I check.
-bash: cd: /Library/WebServer/docroot/publish: No such file or directory
However, if I create commands from terminal, it works fine.
Dockerfile :
FROM httpd:2.4
# Copy dispatcher module
RUN mkdir -p /private/libexec/apache2/
COPY ./apache2-modules/ /private/libexec/apache2/
RUN ln -s /private/libexec/apache2/ /private/libexec/apache2/
# Copy new apache dependencies
RUN mkdir -p /private/etc/apache2/conf
COPY ./publish/etc/httpd/conf.d/ /private/etc/apache2/conf/
# Create folder for caching files
RUN mkdir -p /Library/WebServer/docroot/publish
RUN chown -R daemon:daemon /Library/WebServer/docroot
# Create folder for log files
RUN mkdir -p /private/var/log/apache2
# Replace httpd.conf with enabled modules
COPY ./my-httpd.conf /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
EDIT after some help:
Now after build, I started the container and below is the error
$ docker run -dit -e HOSTIP=$(ipconfig getifaddr en0) --rm --name dispatcher-app -p 8080:80 dispatcher-apache
$ docker exec -it dispatcher-app /bin/bash
Error: No such container: dispatcher-app
Any troubleshooting tips?
