does laravel mix compilation removes old files when error occurs? - laravel

I have my assets resources compiled and copied to public directory.
Later, I added few assets, registered them on webpack.mix.js and run npm run dev.
But then I stumbled into some npm error.
So my question is since the compilation is not successful, will the resource files that were previously in public directory be deleted?


The command "yarn add koa" does not add files to my project folder

I am trying to use yarn to add koa to my project folder but the command does not seem to work for me.
When I run the command it gives me the following warnings:
warning package.json: No license field
warning package-lock.json found. Your project contains lock files generated by tools other than Yarn. It is advised not to mix package managers in order to avoid resolution inconsistencies caused by unsynchronized lock files. To clear this warning, remove package-lock.json.
warning No license field
It tells me to remove the package-lock.json file but I don't have one in my folder as I just created the folder through the mkdir command.

app js getting merge conflict when merging branch with master (laravel+vue)

I am developing an application using Laravel and vueJs. During build up the application, the npm run watch command watching all relevant files for changes and recompiling app.js when it detects a change. First time, I created a repository (suppose in github/gitlab/bitbucket etc.) with a master branch and two different branches.
Now, the problem is when we're going to push to the branch or merge with master branch, it's getting so many conflicts in public/js/app.js. I guess, I know the reason. This is because of, during build the application with npm run watch, every changes recompiling the app.js. So, old public/js/app.js in the repository will get the merge conflict in new public/js/app.js. If I ignore the app.js then how the changes impact to the app when multiple developers work at the same time. In this circumstances, what should be the solution when the application is developing by two or more developers and using github,gitlab,gitbucket etc. to merge the codes. Would someone suggest me the correct way please!
Ignore compiled files in your .gitignore as there's no reason to push them to your repository unless you don't have nodejs in your server
Then run
npm install
npm run prod
In your server when you're ready to deploy
Steps to correct
rm public/js/app.js
echo "/public/js/app.js" >> .gitignore
git commit -m "ignore compiled asset"
git push
npm run watch
I usually ignore all compiled assets in public directory
Because it's cleaner and faster to push (since the compiled assets are huge in size +1MB) to have all dependencies in node_modules and write Javascript as ES6 modules in resources/js or formerly resources/assets/js and same for SASS and CSS
You shouldn't put the compiled files in git, remove the app.js in your public directory from your git repository. Your friend just has to run npm run prod on his machine to get an updated app.js.

Laravel Mix does not emit css

My Laravel project is not compiling CSS files. I did a fresh install of Laravel with laravel new project, then I ran npm install and npm run dev.
The result I get is:
DONE Compiled successfully in 7112ms
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
/js/app.js 1.6 MiB /js/app [emitted] /js/app
The /css/app.css is missing in the list and app.css is not emitted.
By running npm run watch (or watch-poll/hot), any changes made in app.scss is watched, and the building process is rerun. However, the result is the same - no app.css in the list of compiled files and no app.css generated.
I tried to create a new Laravel project on another computer and running npm run dev on it works without a problem. Both run on Windows 10, node version v10.16.0, npm version 6.9.0.
I tried to completely reinstall Node (to latest 10.16.0) and create a new Laravel project from scratch but with no luck.
So I finaly solved it. The problem was that I have my workspace located on D:\www and symlinked to my C:\Users\ondra\www directory. If I start npm run dev from the original location D:\www\project, everything works OK. Why it is not working from symlinked C:\Users\ondra\www\project is a mistery for me :)
another solution for this is changing the webpack.mix.js file and adding the full path for the scss source files , for example:
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js') .sass('/home/ewertonvaz/laravelapp/resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');
Note that if you are using Windows you have to remove drive letter reference and the path name must be written with double slash.

Is npm install affecting Laravel project?

I am working on the Laravel project, and intend to use Vue.js as its client-side scripting. When I searched the internet, I found that I had to use the npm install command. My question is if I run the order, will it affect the project I'm working on?
For example, in the directory structure or variable section?
It will change only package.json and /node_modules folder (it will download vue.js last version package into this folder) in your root directory. But it won't affect your existing codebase until you don't use them via importing or accessing it. It is like installing a package with composer, but not using it. The downloaded package will stay in /vendor folder and package name in composer.json, composer.lock

Is node_modules folder still needed after Laravel Mix compiled the assets?

node_modules folder is quite large in term of size. I wonder if we can delete it after Laravel Mix compile everything? Sure, I tried it before (install jquery) and then delete node_modules folder after Laravel Mix compiled everything. My jquery code still running and there's no error at all. So is it okay?
yes, you can remove it after run:
npm run production
after run this command all necessary codes will save in app.js
and when need node_modules you can download them again with :
npm install
You should never commit your node_modules folder to git. That would take forever. Just commit package.json and package-lock.json.
However, you wouldn't want to have to re-install them everytime you build your code. I checked a large project and the total size is 310 M. What situation do you have where you can't keep that in place?
To directly answer your question, Laravel will never run code from the node_modules folder, all of the code used from there is compiled into app.js, so it is safe to delete if you had to.
