Bash script to set Chrome as default for projects only? - bash

Anyone know a way to set up Google Chrome so we can open development servers on? Instead of setting it as the general default browser?
In other words, I don't want my development servers to open up on Safari (that's what I have at the moment) each time I run my local development server, but I don't know how not to do that unless I switch Chrome to be my default browser (which I don't want it to be my default). Is there a way I can write in my .bash_profile to do this (automate the process of only opening Chrome for development purposes)?


Scripting Website Interaction With Firefox

I would like to script Firefox to do the following:
Open my website in multiple tabs
Perform some action on the loaded site (e.g. click on a button)
Preferably running some script (e.g. Python) and somehow connect to my local Firefox and send some commands over.
I know that I can do (2) on the web console with, e.g. $x('/xpath/to/my/button')[0].click(), so I thought of using Firefox's remote debugging mechanism, but
I'm not sure how to "talk" to Firefox using a script through the debugging port (i.e. what syntax)
Somehow I can't even get the remote debugging port to open.
I've tried the following solutions:
Start Firefox with firefox --start-debugger-server 9000
Enter listen 9000 on the web console
Enable Enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes and Enable remote debugging
All of the above at the same time
But still couldn't get remote debugging to work (didn't open the expected listening port).
Any idea how I could do the above (with remote debugging or something else)?

Starting Chrome on macOS from the Finder with extra command line parameters

I want to stuff remote debugging and other esoteric dev-only only parameters to the Chrome application when it starts but I want it to be always there, including when I click on the app icon.
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222
How do I pass these command line parameters to the app directly?
I ended up creating an automator application with as shell task. Customized the icon and replaced with the new app in the dock.
I am still looking for a way to change the settings in Chrome so it can connect with remote debugger "on-demand" for specific tasks (not everything as it is set now) but that doesn't seem to be possible at this time. The VSCode folks have apparently solicited the Chrome team to provide this functionality. Stay tuned...

Is it possible to run 2 firefox instances one in safe mode and one not

I love firebug for helping debug my web apps, as well as seeing how others have implemented there sites. However firebug hinders memory leak testing.
I've just found that FireFox can be launched in safemode which disables all addons, which is great for memory usage testing however once firefix is launched (either samemode or not) all subsequent firefox launches (they all appear in task manager as 1 firefox instance) will use the mode of the first one.
I'd like to leave one in same mode testing some apps for leaks and use another with firebug to develop.
I've tried making a copy of the FireFix.exe and even copying the whole firefox directory but it still launches as one application.
I could always use VirtualBox to create a full virtual PC for this testing but that seams like a large overhead.
I have just tried the -no-remote switch but it just comes up with "firefox is already running .... you must first close the existing Firefox process.... "
First close all your Firefox instances. With all instances closed, run firefox via the "Run..." dialog on windows, typing "firefox -p". It will open with the profile manager, where you can create multiple profiles with different configurations.
After creating your profiles, just run you "main" browser using "firefox -p" and select your "main" profile. To open another instance using a different profile, run Firefox using "firefox -no-remote -p" and it will prompt the profile manager again, so you can choose a different profile.

Can I emulate previous versions of Firefox within Firefox 4.0?

The Developer Tools in IE 8 (and 9) allow switching Document and Browser Modes to previous versions. Is that possible with Firefox 4?
No it is not possible. It is possible to change the User-Agent string using the Add-on User Agent Switcher, but it does not change the behavior of the Javascript engine.
Having two Firefox versions installed at a time is possible. Just choose a different installation folder. When running Firefox, use different profiles and pass the --no-remote option to prevent a new window being opened with the active Firefox application.
For example, you can create the profile "firefox36" and "firefox4" and run these using:
"%ProgramFiles%\Firefox 4\firefox.exe" --no-remote -P firefox4
"%ProgramFiles%\Firefox 3.6\firefox.exe" --no-remote -P firefox36

Simulate Offline Mode for HTML5 Cache Testing

I have an HTML5 application that requires offline support. For running the application, I use a local Apache server. I am trying to figure out what the best way is to simulate offline mode.
Currently, in Firefox I disable my Air-Port to simulate offline mode, but this is a pain.
Any suggestions? I am open to using other browsers, if a method exists that doesn't require turning off my Internet.
For Firefox
☰ (hamburger menu)->More->Work Offline
Google Chrome doesn't appear to have this feature
Also, another alternative is slightly more time-consuming to setup in the beginning but might be worth it. For Firefox/Chrome there should be proxy plugins, set up a fake/bad profile for each so that you proxy to something that doesn't exist... like After that you can switch the proxy setting on and off to emulate a full-stack test.
The other answers are out of date. The only place this appears in Firefox v92 is under
File > Work Offline
The File menu can be accessed in the top left of Firefox by pressing the ALT key.
Be warned that this does not prevent traffic from "localhost" loop-back itself, unless you additionally turn on
preference in about:config.
Bugzilla issue: Add option to disallow connections to localhost while in offline mode.
In Chrome you can open developer tools switch to the network tab and set throttling to offline
For Firefox, from the ☰ (hamburger menu), choose Web Developer > Work Offline.
For Chrome, open DevTools and select the Network panel. Throttling is set to Online (Disabled) by default. From the dropdown menu, you can choose presets Fast 3G and Slow 3G, but to simulate Offline Mode, you want to choose Offline.
