Amazon Elasticsearch - Concurrent Bulk Requests - elasticsearch

When I am adding 200 documents to ElasticSearch via one bulk request - it's super fast.
But I am wondering if is there a chance to speed up the process with concurrent executions: 20 concurrent executions with 10 documents each.
I know it's not efficient, but maybe there is a chance to speed up the process with concurrent executions?

Lower concurrency is preferable for bulk document inserts. Some concurrency is helpful in some circumstances — It Depends™ and I'll get into it — but is not a major or automatic win.
There's a lot that can be tuned when it comes to performance of writes to Elasticsearch. One really quick win that you should check: are you using HTTP keep-alive for your connections? That's going to save a lot of the TCP and TLS overhead of setting up each connection. Just that change can make a big performance boost, and also uncover some meaningful architectural considerations for your indexing pipeline.
So check that out and see how it goes. From there, we should go to the bottom, and work our way up.
The index on disk is Lucene. Lucene is a segmented index. The index part is a core reason why you're using Elasticsearch in the first place: a dictionary of sorted terms can be searched in O(log N) time. That's super fast and scalable. The segment part is because inserting into an index is not particularly fast — depending on your implementation, it costs O(log N) or O(N log N) to maintain the sorting.
So Lucene's trick is to buffer those updates and append a new segment; essentially a collection of mini-indices. Searching some relatively small number of segments is still much faster than taking all the time to maintain a sorted index with every update. Over time Lucene takes care of merging these segments to keep them within some sensible size range, expunging deleted and overwritten docs in the process.
In Elasticsearch, every shard is a distinct Lucene index. If you have an index with a single shard, then there is very little benefit to having more than a single concurrent stream of bulk updates. There may be some benefit to concurrency on the application side, depending on the amount of time it takes for your indexing pipeline to collect and assemble each batch of documents. But on the Elasticsearch side, it's all just one set of buffers getting written out to one segment after another.
Sharding makes this a little more interesting.
One of Elasticsearch's strengths is the ability to partition the data of an index across multiple shards. This helps with availability, and it helps workloads scale beyond the resources of a single server.
Alas it's not quite so simple as to say that the concurrency should be equal, or proportional, to the number of primary shards that an index has. Although, as a rough heuristic, that's not a terrible one.
You see, internally, the first Elasticsearch node to handle the request is going to turn that Bulk request into a sequence of individual document update actions. Each document update is sent to the appropriate node that is hosting the shard that this document belongs to. Responses are collected by the bulk action so that it can send a summary of the bulk operation in its response to the client.
So at this point, depending on the document-shard routing, some shards may be busier than others during the course of processing an incoming bulk request. Is that likely to matter? My intuition says not really. It's possible, but it would be unusual.
In most tests and analysis I've seen, and in my experience over ~ten years with Lucene, the slow part of indexing is the transformation of the documents' values into the inverted index format. Parsing the text, analyzing it into terms, and so on, can be very complex and costly. So long as a bulk request has sufficient documents that are sufficiently well distributed across shards, the concurrency is not as meaningful as saturating the work done at the shard and segment level.
When tuning bulk requests, my advice is something like this.
Use HTTP keep-alive. This is not optional. (You are using TLS, right?)
Choose a batch size where each request is taking a modest amount of time. Somewhere around 1 second, probably not more than 10 seconds.
If you can get fancy, measure how much time each bulk request took, and dynamically grow and shrink your batch.
A durable queue unlocks a lot of capabilities. If can fetch and assemble documents and insert them into, say, Kafka, then that process can be run in parallel to saturate the database and parallelize any denormalization or preparation of documents. A different process then pulls from the queue and sends requests to the server, and with some light coordination you can test and tune different concurrencies at different stages. A queue also lets you pause your updates for various migrations and maintenance tasks when it helps to put the cluster into read-only mode for a time.
I've avoided replication throughout this answer because there's only one reason where I'd ever recommend tweaking replication. And that is when you are bulk creating an index that is not serving any production traffic. In that case, it can help save some resources through your server fleet to turn off all replication to the index, and enable replication after the index is essentially done being loaded with data.
To close, what if you crank up the concurrency anyway? What's the risk? Some workloads don't control the concurrency and there isn't the time or resources to put a queue in front of the search engine. In that case, Elasticsearch can avoid a fairly substantial amount of concurrency. It has fairly generous thread pools for handling concurrent document updates. If those thread pools are saturated, it will reject responses with a HTTP 429 error message and a clear message about queue depths being exceeded. Those can impact stability of the cluster, depending on available resources, and number of shards in the index. But those are all pretty noticeable issues.
Bottom line: no, 20 concurrent bulks with 10 documents each will probably not speed up performance relative to 1 bulk with 200 documents. If your bulk operations are fast, you should increase their size until they run for a second or two, or are problematic. Use keep-alive. If there is other app-side overhead, increase your concurrency to 2x or 3x and measure empirically. If indexing is mission critical, use a fast, durable queue.

There is no straight answer to this as it depends on lots of factors. Above the optimal bulk request size, performance no longer improves and may even drop off. The optimal size, however, is not a fixed number.
It depends entirely on your hardware, your document size and complexity, and your indexing and search load.
Try indexing typical documents in batches of increasing size. When performance starts to drop off, your batch size is too big.
Since you are doing it in batches of 200, the chances are high that it should be most optimal way to index. But again it will depend on the factors mentioned above.


Elasticsearch drops too many requests -- would a buffer improve things?

We have a cluster of workers that send indexing requests to a 4-node Elasticsearch cluster. The documents are indexed as they are generated, and since the workers have a high degree of concurrency, Elasticsearch is having trouble handling all the requests. To give some numbers, the workers process up to 3,200 tasks at the same time, and each task usually generates about 13 indexing requests. This generates an instantaneous rate that is between 60 and 250 indexing requests per second.
From the start, Elasticsearch had problems and requests were timing out or returning 429. To get around this, we increased the timeout on our workers to 200 seconds and increased the write thread pool queue size on our nodes to 700.
That's not a satisfactory long-term solution though, and I was looking for alternatives. I have noticed that when I copied an index within the same cluster with elasticdump, the write thread pool was almost empty and I attributed that to the fact that elasticdump batches indexing requests and (probably) uses the bulk API to communicate with Elasticsearch.
That gave me the idea that I could write a buffer that receives requests from the workers, batches them in groups of 200-300 requests and then sends the bulk request to Elasticsearch for one group only.
Does such a thing already exist, and does it sound like a good idea?
First of all, it's important to understand what happens behind the scene when you send the index request to Elasticsearch, to troubleshoot the issue or finding the root-cause.
Elasticsearch has several thread pools but for indexing requests(single/bulk) write threadpool is being used, please check this according to your Elasticsearch version as Elastic keeps on changing the threadpools(earlier there was a separate threadpool for single and bulk request with different queue capacity).
In the latest ES version(7.10) write threadpool's queue capacity increased significantly to 10000 from 200(exist in earlier release), there may be below reasons to do it.
Elasticsearch now prefers to buffer more indexing requests instead of rejecting the requests.
Although increasing queue capacity means more latency but it's a trade-off and this will reduce the data-loss if the client doesn't have the retry mechanism.
I am sure, you would have not moved to ES 7.9 version, when capacity was increased, but you can increase the size of this queue slowly and allocate more processors(if you have more capacity) easily through the config change mentioned in this official example. Although this is a very debatable topic and a lot of people consider this as a band-aid solution than the proper fix, but now as Elastic themself increased the queue size, you can also try it, and if you have a short duration of increased traffic than it makes even more sense.
Another critical thing is to find out the root cause why your ES nodes are queuing up more requests, it can be legitimate like increasing indexing traffic and infra reached its limit. but if it's not legitimate you can have a look at my short tips to improve one-time indexing performance and overall indexing performance, by implementing these tips you will get a better indexing rate which will reduce the pressure on write thread pool queue.
Edit: As mentioned by #Val in the comment, if you are also indexing docs one by one then moving to bulk index API will give you the biggest boost.

Resource usage with rolling indices in Elasticsearch

My question is mostly based on the following article:
The article advises against having multiple shards per node for two reasons:
Each shard is essentially a Lucene index, it consumes file handles, memory, and CPU resources
Each search request will touch a copy of every shard in the index. Contention arises and performance decreases when the shards are competing for the same hardware resources
The article advocates the use of rolling indices for indices that see many writes and fewer reads.
Do the problems of resource consumption by Lucene indices arise if the old indices are left open?
Do the problems of contention arise when searching over a large time range involving many indices and hence many shards?
How does searching many small indices compare to searching one large one?
I should mention that in our particular case, there is only one ES node though of course generally applicable answers will be more useful to SO readers.
It's very difficult to spit out general best practices and guidelines when it comes to cluster sizing as it depends on so many factors. If you ask five ES experts, you'll get ten different answers.
After several years of tinkering and fiddling around ES, I've found out that what works best for me is always to start small (one node, how many indices your app needs and one shard per index), load a representative data set (ideally your full data set) and load test to death. Your load testing scenarii should represent the real maximum load you're experiencing (or expecting) in your production environment during peak hours.
Increase the capacity of your cluster (add shard, add nodes, tune knobs, etc) until your load test pass and make sure to increase your capacity by a few more percent in order to allow for future growth. You don't want your production to be fine now, you want it to be fine in a year from now. Of course, it will depend on how fast your data will grow and it's very unlikely that you can predict with 100% certainty what will happen in a year from now. For that reason, as soon as my load test pass, if I expect a large exponential data growth, I usually increase the capacity by 50% more percent, knowing that I will have to revisit my cluster topology within a few month or a year.
So to answer your questions:
Yes, if old indices are left open, they will consume resources.
Yes, the more indices you search, the more resources you will need in order to go through every shard of every index. Be careful with aliases spanning many, many rolling indices (especially on a single node)
This is too broad to answer, as it again depends on the amount of data we're talking about and on what kind of query you're sending, whether it uses aggregation, sorting and/or scripting, etc
Do the problems of resource consumption by Lucene indices arise if the old indices are left open?
Do the problems of contention arise when searching over a large time range involving many indices and hence many shards?
How does searching many small indices compare to searching one large one?
When ES searches an index it will pick up one copy of each shard (be it replica or primary) and asks that copy to run the query on its own set of data. Searching a shard will use one thread from the search threadpool the node has (the threadpool is per node). One thread basically means one CPU core. If your node has 8 cores then at any given time the node can search concurrently 8 shards.
Imagine you have 100 shards on that node and your query will want to search all of them. ES will initiate the search and all 100 shards will compete for the 8 cores so some shards will have to wait some amount of time (microseconds, milliseconds etc) to get their share of those 8 cores. Having many shards means less documents on each and, thus, potentially a faster response time from each. But then the node that initiated the request needs to gather all the shards' responses and aggregate the final result. So, the response will be ready when the slowest shard finally responds with its set of results.
On the other hand, if you have a big index with very few shards, there is not so much contention for those CPU cores. But the shards having a lot of work to do individually, it can take more time to return back the individual result.
When choosing the number of shards many aspects need to be considered. But, for some rough guidelines yes, 30GB per shard is a good limit. But this won't work for everyone and for every use case and the article fails to mention that. If, for example, your index is using parent/child relationships those 30GB per shard might be too much and the response time of a single shard can be too slow.
You took this out of the context: "The article advises against having multiple shards per node". No, the article advises one to think about the aspects of structuring the indices shards before hand. One important step here is the testing one. Please, test your data before deciding how many shards you need.
You mentioned in the post "rolling indices", and I assume time-based indices. In this case, one question is about the retention period (for how long you need the data). Based on the answer to this question you can determine how many indices you'll have. Knowing how many indices you'll have gives you the total number of shards you'll have.
Also, with rolling indices, you need to take care of deleting the expired indices. Have a look at Curator for this.

elasticsearch ttl vs daily dropping tables

I understand that there are two dominant patterns for keeping a rolling window of data inside elasticsearch:
creating daily indices, as suggested by logstash, and dropping old indices, and therefore all the records they contain, when they fall out of the window
using elasticsearch's TTL feature and a single index, having elasticsearch automatically remove old records individually as they fall out of the window
Instinctively I go with 2, as:
I don't have to write a cron job
a single big index is easier to communicate to my colleagues and for them to query (I think?)
any nightmare stream dynamics, that cause old log events to show up, don't lead to the creation of new indices and the old events only hang around for the 60s period that elasticsearch uses to do ttl cleanup.
But my gut tells me that dropping an index at a time is probably a lot less computationally intensive, though tbh I've no idea how much less intensive, nor how costly the ttl is.
For context, my inbound streams will rarely peak above 4K messages per second (mps) and are much more likely to hang around 1-2K mps.
Does anyone have any experience with comparing these two approaches? As you can probably tell I'm new to this world! Would appreciate any help, including even help with what the correct approach is to thinking about this sort of thing.
Short answer is, go with option 1 and simply delete indexes that are no longer needed.
Long answer is it somewhat depends on the volume of documents that you're adding to the index and your sharding and replication settings. If your index throughput is fairly low, TTLs can be performant but as you start to write more docs to Elasticsearch (or if you a high replication factor) you'll run into two issues.
Deleting documents with a TTL requires that Elasticsearch runs a periodic service (IndicesTTLService) to find documents that are expired across all shards and issue deletes for all those docs. Searching a large index can be a pretty taxing operation (especially if you're heavily sharded), but worse are the deletes.
Deletes are not performed instantly within Elasticsearch (Lucene, really) and instead documents are "marked for deletion". A segment merge is required to expunge the deleted documents and reclaim disk space. If you have large number of deletes in the index, it'll put much much more pressure on your segment merge operations to the point where it will severely affect other thread pools.
We originally went the TTL route and had an ES cluster that was completely unusable and began rejecting search and indexing requests due to greedy merge threads.
You can experiment with "what document throughput is too much?" but judging from your use case, I'd recommend saving some time and just going with the index deletion route which is much more performant.
I would go with option 1 - i.e. daily dropping of indices.
Daily Dropping Indices
This is the most efficient way of deleting data
If you need to restructure your index (e.g. apply a new mapping, increase number of shards) any changes are easily applied to the new index
Details of the current index (i.e. the name) is hidden from clients by using aliases
Time based searches can be directed to search only a specific small index
Index templates simplify the process of creating the daily index.
These benefits are also detailed in the Time-Based Data Guide, see also Retiring Data
Needs more work to set up (e.g. set up of cron jobs), but there is a plugin (curator) that can help with this.
If you perform updates on data then all versions of a document data will need to sit in the same index, i.e. multiple indexes won't work for you.
Use of TTL or Queries to delete data
Simple to understand and easily implemented
When you delete a document, it is only marked as deleted. It won’t be physically deleted until the segment containing it is merged away. This is very inefficient as the deleted data will consume disk space, CPU and memory.

Performance issues when pushing data at a constant rate to Elasticsearch on multiple indexes at the same time

We are experiencing some performance issues or anomalies on a elasticsearch specifically on a system we are currently building.
The requirements:
We need to capture data for multiple of our customers, who will query and report on them on a near real time basis. All the documents received are the same format with the same properties and are in a flat structure (all fields are of primary type and no nested objects). We want to keep each customer’s information separate from each other.
Frequency of data received and queried:
We receive data for each customer at a fluctuating rate of 200 to 700 documents per second – with the peak being in the middle of the day.
Queries will be mostly aggregations over around 12 million documents per customer – histogram/percentiles to show patterns over time and the occasional raw document retrieval to find out what happened a particular point in time. We are aiming to serve 50 to 100 customer at varying rates of documents inserted – the smallest one could be 20 docs/sec to the largest one peaking at 1000 docs/sec for some minutes.
How are we storing the data:
Each customer has one index per day. For example, if we have 5 customers, there will be a total of 35 indexes for the whole week. The reason we break it per day is because it is mostly the latest two that get queried with occasionally the remaining others. We also do it that way so we can delete older indexes independently of customers (some may want to keep 7 days, some 14 days’ worth of data)
How we are inserting:
We are sending data in batches of 10 to 2000 – every second. One document is around 900bytes raw.
AWS C3-Large – 3 nodes
All indexes are created with 10 shards with 2 replica for the test purposes
Both Elasticsearch 1.3.2 and 1.4.1
What we have noticed:
If I push data to one index only, Response time starts at 80 to 100ms for each batch inserted when the rate of insert is around 100 documents per second. I ramp it up and I can reach 1600 before the rate of insert goes to close to 1sec per batch and when I increase it to close to 1700, it will hit a wall at some point because of concurrent insertions and the time will spiral to 4 or 5 seconds. Saying that, if I reduce the rate of inserts, Elasticsearch recovers nicely. CPU usage increases as rate increases.
If I push to 2 indexes concurrently, I can reach a total of 1100 and CPU goes up to 93% around 900 documents per second.
If I push to 3 indexes concurrently, I can reach a total of 150 and CPU goes up to 95 to 97%. I tried it many times. The interesting thing is that response time is around 109ms at the time. I can increase the load to 900 and response time will still be around 400 to 600 but CPU stays up.
Looking at our requirements and findings above, is the design convenient for what’s asked? Are there any tests that I can do to find out more? Is there any setting that I need to check (and change)?
I've been hosting thousands of Elasticsearch clusters on AWS over at for the last few years, and have had many a capacity planning conversation that sound like this.
First off, it sounds to me like you have a pretty good cluster design and test rig going here. My first intuition here is that you are legitimately approaching the limits of your c3.large instances, and will want to bump up to a c3.xlarge (or bigger) fairly soon.
An index per tenant per day could be reasonable, if you have relatively few tenants. You may consider an index per day for all tenants, using filters to focus your searches on specific tenants. And unless there are obvious cost savings to discarding old data, then filters should suffice to enforce data retention windows as well.
The primary benefit of segmenting your indices per tenant would be to move your tenants between different Elasticsearch clusters. This could help if you have some tenants with wildly larger usage than others. Or to reduce the potential for Elasticsearch's cluster state management to be a single point of failure for all tenants.
A few other things to keep in mind that may help explain the performance variance you're seeing.
Most importantly here, indexing is incredibly CPU bottlenecked. This makes sense, because Elasticsearch and Lucene are fundamentally just really fancy string parsers, and you're sending piles of strings. (Piles are a legitimate unit of measurement here, right?) Your primary bottleneck is going to be the number and speed of your CPU cores.
In order to take the best advantage of your CPU resources while indexing, you should consider the number of primary shards you're using. I'd recommend starting with three primary shards to distribute the CPU load evenly across the three nodes in your cluster.
For production, you'll almost certainly end up on larger servers. The goal is for your total CPU load for your peak indexing requirements ends up under 50%, so you have some additional overhead for processing your searches. Aggregations are also fairly CPU hungry. The extra performance overhead is also helpful for gracefully handling any other unforeseen circumstances.
You mention pushing to multiple indices concurrently. I would avoid concurrency when bulk updating into Elasticsearch, in favor of batch updating with the Bulk API. You can bulk load documents for multiple indices with the cluster-level /_bulk endpoint. Let Elasticsearch manage the concurrency internally without adding to the overhead of parsing more HTTP connections.
That's just a quick introduction to the subject of performance benchmarking. The Elasticsearch docs have a good article on Hardware which may also help you plan your cluster size.

Bulk insert vs Single insert

The primary dev managing our ES cluster has made the statement that single document loads to ES will only provide us with roughly 30 / 40 creations a second. Whereas the bulk operations will give us more in the range of a 1,000+. I realize that bulk is always faster (or is generally) and there are hardware / environment constraints to any process. However, with other technologies you do not pay such a heavy price for single insertions. I am obviously ignorant when it comes to ES. Why do you pay such a heavy price for document writes in ES? Or are we just not properly informed?
Apache Storm writes to our ES cluster
Currently all of the writes are processed in bulk operations.
What you have to take into account is the round trip time between your loader and your cluster. Setting up an http connection, transferring the data, and then waiting for a response can take a while -- in this case it seems it's taking your about 30 ms. Elasticsearch has to setup a parser for your request, hand it off to the node that is really going to do the work, and then generate the response back to you.
By using the bulk API, you remove a lot of back and forth -- ES can group together inserts going to the same node, doesn't have to instantiate a new parser for every request, etc.
HTTP Connection pooling for single requests would help, but doing bulk inserts/updates/deletes is always going to be faster in the long run.
Bulk indexing is indeed way faster but it is not as bad as you system admin suggests. Elasticsearch has gotten a lot better at this stuff over the past two years.
We're able to do hundreds of inserts/updates per second without bulking requests. Most inserts take around 1 ms (including sending the http request and receiving the response). If insert speed becomes an issue, you can back off on the cluster refresh (default 1s). Also, you can use multiple threads to insert. Bulk insert can get in the range of 10000s, depending on how complex your mappings are.
You definitely want http connection pooling (true when using any kind of webservice in anger) or even better, run an embedded elasticsearch node. Another alternative is to run an elasticsearch node on localhost if you don't want to do an embedded node. That way, all http traffic is on localhost.
Finally, if you need to support more concurrent writes, you can always increase the number of shards and nodes. These numbers are not set in stone. If you need tens of thousands of writes per second, it should be possible to engineer a cluster that can do it. It will require a lot of tuning and hardware probably, and you should probably not do this unless you have a really good reason to do so. However, the whole point of elastic search is horizontal scalability.
