Exit Event / Welcome Event Not Firing - botframework

We're trying to get some events/messages to post when a user exits a chatbot window (or the site) (or a welcome message), but so far the events are not firing.
I can see within Inspector tools:
Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 3 15 39 PM
Various activities/conversations are created, the chatbot works, but no welcome/exit events are triggered.
The code we're using is nearly if not identical to documentation code here: https://github.com/microsoft/BotFramework-WebChat/blob/master/docs/WELCOME_MESSAGE.md
and here: How to handle user leaving conversation
I have a function that fires when the window is closed, as follows:
const store = window.WebChat.createStore( {}, ( { dispatch } ) => next => async action => {
return next( action );});
window.addEventListener( 'sendEventActivity', ( { data } ) => {
payload: {
name: 'user_event',
value: {
name: 'end_conversation',
value: 'user ended conversation'
text: 'The user has left the conversation.'
function exitEvent(){
const eventSendActivity = new Event( 'sendEventActivity' );
eventSendActivity.data = 'User left conversation';
window.dispatchEvent( eventSendActivity );
console.log('Exit Event Submitted (hopefully)');
I have tried other variations, defining the store earlier, above render chat, after render chat, sending welcome messages from various locations and at various times but can't seem to get it to send.
We are using https://cdn.botframework.com/botframework-webchat/latest/webchat.js
Any idea what the issue might be? Not sure where we are going wrong or why it's not firing - copying in theory known to be working code straight into our code doesn't seem to do the trick.
Thanks in advance and please let me know if I have failed to include any necessary details- new to chatbot and do not post much on github. Many thanks,
I was able to marry the aforementioned code and code from here: https://github.com/microsoft/BotFramework-WebChat/issues/2120#issuecomment-516056614 in order to achieve what I wanted. I'll post below in case it helps anyone else...
const store = window.WebChat.createStore({}, ({ dispatch }) => next => action => {
if (action.type === 'DIRECT_LINE/CONNECT_FULFILLED') {
payload: {
name: 'webchat/join'
return next(action);
window.addEventListener( 'sendEventActivity', ( { data } ) => {
store.dispatch( {
payload: {
name: 'webchat/exit'
} );
} );
document.getElementById("action_menu_btn").addEventListener( 'click', function() {
const eventSendActivity = new Event( 'sendEventActivity' );
eventSendActivity.data = 'User left conversation';
window.dispatchEvent( eventSendActivity );
console.log('End Converstaion Event Fired');

I failed to mention this in the other post (I'll update it), but the reason the code works is because of the window.onbeforeunload() function. Without it, the window closes before any code can finish executing. The result being no event is created, is caught by a listener, nor is sent via the Web Chat store to the bot.
Here, using the above, refreshing the page produces the "User left conversation" activity.
Also, something to note, any function you create and pass thru like you have with exitEvent() is going to run as soon as the page loads. Take the following code which gets the user's location via the browser (placed just before the closing </script> tag). As you can see, it's loading even before Web Chat. If you are wanting a function to run according to some activity passed from the bot, then utilize either the store's actions (i.e. DIRECT_LINE/INCOMING_ACTIVITY, or some other) or via the available middleware.
let geoLoc = async () => {
await navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(position => {
console.log('Latitude: ', position.coords.latitude);
console.log('Longitude: ', position.coords.longitude);
Regarding a welcome message, you have two options. Either send as an activity from your bot (reference this sample) or initiate an event on your page after some initial activity is received (reference this sample).
Lastly, I would recommend getting the code working as-is before tinkering with it. This usually trips me up, so thought I'd pass it along.
Hope of help!


IndexedDB breaks in Firefox after trying to save autoIncremented Blob

I am trying to implement Blob storage via IndexedDB for long Media recordings.
My code works fine in Chrome and Edge (not tested in Safari yet) - but won't do anything in Firefox. There are no errors, it just doesn't try to fulfill my requests past the initial DB Connection (which is successful). Intuitively, it seems that the processing is blocked by something. But I don't have anything in my code which would be blocking.
Simplified version of the code (without heavy logging and excessive error checks which I have added trying to debug):
const dbName = 'recording'
const storeValue = 'blobs'
let connection = null
const handler = window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB
function connect() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const request = handler.open(dbName)
request.onupgradeneeded = (event) => {
const db = event.target.result
if (db.objectStoreNames.contains(storeValue)) {
db.createObjectStore(storeValue, {
keyPath: 'id',
autoIncrement: true,
request.onerror = () => {
request.onsuccess = () => {
connection = request.result
connection.onerror = () => {
connection = null
connection.onclose = () => {
connection = null
async function saveChunk(chunk) {
if (!connection) await connect()
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const store = connection.transaction(
const req = store.add(chunk)
req.onsuccess = () => {
console.warn('DONE!') // Fires in Chrome and Edge - not in Firefox
req.onerror = () => {
req.transaction.oncomplete = () => {
console.warn('DONE!') // Fires in Chrome and Edge - not in Firefox
// ... on blob available
await saveChunk(blob)
What I tried so far:
close any other other browser windows, anything that could count as on "open connection" that might be blocking execution
refresh Firefox profile
let my colleague test the code on his own machine => same result
Additional information that might useful:
Running in Nuxt 2.15.8 dev environment (localhost:3000). Code is used in the component as a Mixin. The project is rather large and uses a bunch of different browser APIs. There might be some kind of collision ?! This is the only place where we use IndexedDB, though, so to get to the bottom of this without any errors being thrown seems almost impossible.
When I create a brand new Database, there is a brief window in which Transactions complete fine, but after some time has passed/something triggered, it goes back to being queued indefinitely.
I found out this morning when I had this structure:
clearDatabase() {
// get the store
const req = store.clear()
req.transaction.oncomplete = () => console.log('all good!')
await this.connect()
await this.clearDatabase()
'All good' fired. But any subsequent requests were broken same as before.
On page reload, even the clearDatabase request was broken again.
Something breaks with ongoing usage.
It's clearly connected to saving a Blob instance without an id with the autoIncrement option. Not only does it fail silently, it basically completely corrupts the DB. If I manually assign an incrementing ID to a Blob object, it works! If I leave out the id field for a regular simple object, it also works! Anyone knows about this? I feel like saving blobs is a common use-case so this should have been found already?!
I've concluded, unless proven otherwise, that it's a Firefox bug and opened a ticket on Bugzilla.
This happens with Blobs but might also be true for other instances. If you find yourself in the same situation there is a workaround. Don't rely on autoIncrement and assign IDs manually before trying to save them to the DB.

Inertiajs - Asynch Redirect

I have a short question.
Does inertia render asynch?
I realized, as soon I delete a DB - Entry, while I connect to new Nav-Link direct afterwards (Inertia.onStart)- which redirects me on another Page, the changes (onSuccess) wont be showed up.
Inertia.post('data-delete', {
id: this.meeeh.data[index].id,
}, {
preserveScroll: true,
onBefore: () => {
onStart: (visit) => {
onSuccess: (page) => {
return Promise.all([
/** Wont show after click another Link in Navbar */
onError: (errors) => {
How does it come, I have to wait until the process is Finished - otherwise my Page is not working correctly?
Not sure if I understand what you're looking for.
onSuccess runs immediately after the post request has finished AND in successful. It is completely separated from other links and it's purpose (if your returning a Promise from it) is to delay the execution of the onFinish handler.
From the docs:
It's also possible to return a promise from the onSuccess() and
onError() callbacks. This will delay the "finish" event until the
promise has resolved.
I also believe there's some problem in your code: Promise.all should receive an array os Promises and I'm pretty sure window.Toast.success(page.props.toast) isn't returning one, is it?
So... chances are that your Promise.all is never resolving.

Nativescript firebase admob not firing some events after the first time on ios

In my code I have these functions:
const preloadRewardAd = function() {
console.log('preload reward ad');
iosAdPlacementId: 'xxx',
androidAdPlacementId: 'yyy',
testing: config.adMobTesting,
iosTestDeviceIds: config.iosTestDeviceIds
function() {
console.log('reward ad ready');
const showRewardAd = function(card: Card) {
console.log('show reward ad');
return firebase.admob.showRewardedVideoAd({
onRewarded: (reward) => {
console.log('onRewarded called with amount ' + reward.amount);
console.log('onRewarded called with type ' + reward.type);
card.fetch().then(() => {
card.notifyPropertyChange('id', card.id);
onOpened: () => console.log('onOpened'),
onClosed: () => {
onStarted: () => console.log('onStarted'),
onCompleted: () => console.log('onCompleted'),
onLeftApplication: () => console.log('onLeftApplication')
}).catch(err => {
export function newCard(args: EventData) {
console.log('tap new card');
const pager = <Pager>page.getViewById('cards-carousel');
const card = <Card>pager.get('items').getItem(pager.selectedIndex);
I then call preLoadRewardAd() in page.loaded.
It works as expected on Android: when the user closes the ad it pre-loads the next one.
On ios it works normally on the first ad display. But on the second one onRewarded is never called, and even though onClosed gets called, it never pre-loads another ad, and the whole thing falls apart. onCompleted is also not called.
Here is the sequence of output from the console:
page loaded
preload reward ad
reward ad ready
tap new card
show reward ad
onRewarded called with amount 1
onRewarded called with type Card
preload reward ad
reward ad ready
tap new card
show reward ad
at this point I wait until the ad completes. Wait several more seconds to be sure. I close the ad. 10 & 11 may seem out of order but it's just the placement of my console.log calls.
onOpened is never fired.
onStarted is never fired.
onRewarded is never fired.
onCompleted is never fired.
onClosed is never fired.
no error is output from the catch block.
Is there something I'm missing?
I found a workaround that is "good enough". In the onClosed event I wrapped the call to preloadRewardAd in a setTimeout after 250ms. This seems to give ios enough time to catch up.

How listen for events in Hyperledger Fabric Composer?

I haven't received any event notifications and am wondering if I am missing something.
I followed the instructions from the Fabric Composer website to define the BasicEvent in my cto model and added the code for creating and emitting events in a transaction and updated the network. I created a separate eventListener.js program that subscribes to the events using the businessNetworkConnection using the code sample from the website.
After I start my eventListener.js app it seems to be listening (after receiving the connected status message in console, nothing else happens...it doesn't go back to the normal prompt line.)
I then execute the transaction that should emit the event and it runs successfully but no event is received in the other terminal window where the eventlistener.js is running.
Here is the key part of the eventListener.js program:
businessNetworkConnection.connect(connectionProfile, businessNetworkIdentifier, participantId, participantPwd)
.then((result) => {
businessNetworkDefinition = result;
console.log('Connected: BusinessNetworkDefinition obtained=' + businessNetworkDefinition.getIdentifier());
businessNetworkConnection.on('event', (event) => {
// event: { "$class": "org.namespace.BasicEvent", "eventId": "0000-0000-0000-000000#0" }
Is the businessNetworkConnection.on('event', (event) ... command supposed to cause the program to appear to hang while its listening?
If so, is there something else that could be done to troubleshoot where the problem is?
I'm using v0.6 HLF on local Docker.
I think your issue is that you don't wait for the businessNetworkDefinition to be connected before you register your listener. Remember that the then block is executed asynchronously and your following businessNetworkConnection.on code will execute immediately.
You should add a second then block to register your listener after the businessNetworkDefinition has been connected.
return adminConnection.connect('hlfv1', 'admin', 'adminpw')
.then(() => {
return BusinessNetworkDefinition.fromDirectory(path.resolve(__dirname, '..'));
.then((businessNetworkDefinition) => {
return adminConnection.deploy(businessNetworkDefinition);
// return true;
.then(() => {
businessNetworkConnection = new BusinessNetworkConnection();
return businessNetworkConnection.connect('hlfv1', 'my-network', 'admin', 'adminpw');
.then(() => {
businessNetworkConnection.on('event', (event) => {
console.log( '****** received the event ' + JSON.stringify(businessNetworkConnection.getBusinessNetwork().getSerializer().toJSON(event)));
I wrote a sample code for a basic sample application developed by Hyperledger team. You can check out about from this code snippet: SampleEventListener

How do I load inital set of data with ajax call in React redux?

I have a problem with redux trying to load initial data with an asynchronous call to my backend API that returns a JSON. Right now, I'm trying to load a bunch of different articles, but I have no idea how to load it asynchronously. Since it is an initial set of data, should I load it synchronously? If yes, then how would I acheive a synchronous call to my API? If not, how would I go about solving this problem asynchronously?
Right now, I have static json data, data/articles.js that creates a default state in store.js.
You should use a redux-thunk middleware, which allows you to dispatch async actions and a fetch library (for example) for downloading your initial data.
1) create an action which fetch your data, example:
export function fetchData() {
const options = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Client-ID xx' // if theres any needed
return (dispatch) => {
return fetch('yourUrl.json', options)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => dispatch(receiveYourData(data)))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
receiveYourData is a action which will place your data in your state, example:
export function receiveYourData (payload = []) {
return {
payload: payload
Of course you have to write action handler, which after dispatching an action, will place your data in your state.
If you have your setup (similar to above), you should dispatch fetchData in your componentDidMount lifecycle method (its one of the option of course :) ).
If you dont know how to do particular parts, you can refer to this Example.
Also official async example may be helpful :)
I also had this problem. It turned out that you have to add a lot of code for this simple task. So I simplified this process and created a package for async loading of initial state in redux - redux-async-initial-state.
You can check out examples and in your case in the end your store creator will look like this:
// Load initial state function
const loadStore = () => {
return Promise(resolve => {
.then(response => response.json())
const storeCreator = applyMiddleware(asyncInitialState.middleware(loadStore));
const store = storeCreator(reducer);
