I'm using webchat-es5.js and its throwing error like window.WebChat.createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory(...).then is not a function. Need IE support also using es5.js.
window.fetch('https://webchat-mockbot.azurewebsites.net/directline/token', { method: 'POST' })
.then(function (res) {
return res.json();
.then(function (json) {
const token = json.token;
window.fetch('https://webchat-mockbot.azurewebsites.net/speechservices/token', { method: 'POST' })
.then(function (res) {
return res.json();
.then(function (json) {
const region = json.region;
const authorizationToken = json.token;
window.WebChat.createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory({ authorizationToken: authorizationToken , region: region })
.then(function (webSpeechPonyfillFactory) {
directLine: window.WebChat.createDirectLine({ token: token }),
webSpeechPonyfillFactory: webSpeechPonyfillFactory
}, document.getElementById('webchat'));
document.querySelector('#webchat > *').focus();
Thanks in advance.
This is the setup that is working for me. I run a server locally to fetch the actual tokens. This way I don't need to include any secrets in the client.
window.fetch( 'http://localhost:3500/directline/token', { method: 'POST' } )
.then( function ( res ) {
return res.json();
} )
.then( function ( res ) {
let token = res.token;
window.fetch( 'http://localhost:3500/speechservices/token', { method: 'POST' } )
.then( function ( res ) {
return res.json();
} )
.then( function ( res ) {
let authorizationToken = res.authorizationToken;
window.WebChat.renderWebChat( {
directLine: window.WebChat.createDirectLine( {
token: token,
webSocket: true
} ),
webSpeechPonyfillFactory: window.WebChat.createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory( {
region: 'westus2',
authorizationToken: authorizationToken
} )
}, document.getElementById( 'webchat' ) );
} );
Hope of help!
I'm using Apollo on my frontend to manage queries and GQLgen on the backend to handle resolvers.
I've noticed this only occurs if webSocketInit returns a new ctx value. If I return the original ctx, everything works as expected.
Upgrader: websocket.Upgrader{
ReadBufferSize: 2048,
WriteBufferSize: 2048,
// Resolve cross-domain problems
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool {
return true
InitFunc: func(ctx context.Context, initPayload transport.InitPayload) (context.Context, error) {
return webSocketInit(ctx, initPayload)
KeepAlivePingInterval: 10 * time.Second,
func webSocketInit(ctx context.Context, initPayload transport.InitPayload) (context.Context, error) {
//Process auth token
ctxNew := context.WithValue(ctx, "token", token)
return ctxNew, nil
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = subscribeToMore({
updateQuery: (prev, { subscriptionData }: any) => {
//...process new data
return Object.assign({}, prev, {
data: newData,
onError: (e) => {
return () => unsubscribe();
}, []);
const authLink = setContext((_, { headers }) => {
const token = store.getState().user.token;
return {
headers: {
authorization: token ? `Bearer ${token}` : '',
const wsLink =
typeof window !== 'undefined'
? new GraphQLWsLink(
url: 'ws://localhost:8080',
lazy: true,
connectionParams: () => ({
Authorization: store.getState().user.token,
on: {
connected: () => {
error: (e) => {
: null;
// HTTP Requests
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
uri: `http://localhost:8080/`,
const link =
typeof window !== 'undefined' && wsLink != null
? split(
({ query }) => {
const def = getMainDefinition(query);
return def.kind === 'OperationDefinition' && def.operation === 'subscription';
: authLink.concat(httpLink);
export const client = new ApolloClient({
link: link,
cache: new InMemoryCache({
addTypename: false,
My reducer file is below
const slice = createSlice({
name: "hotels",
initialState: {
list: [],
loading: false,
lastFetch: null,
reducers: {
hotelsRequested: (hotels) => {
hotels.loading = true;
hotelsRequestFailed: (hotels) => {
hotels.loading = false;
hotelsReceived: (hotels, action) => {
hotels.list = action.payload;
hotels.loading = false;
hotels.lastFetch = Date.now();
hotelEnabled: (hotels, action) => {
const { slug } = action.payload;
const index = hotels.list.findIndex((hotel) => hotel.slug === slug);
hotels.list[index].active = true;
export const {
} = slice.actions;
export default slice.reducer;
//Action creators
export const loadHotels = () => (dispatch, getState) => {
const { lastFetch } = getState().entities.hotels;
const diffInMinutes = moment().diff(lastFetch, "minutes");
if (diffInMinutes < 10) return;
url: hotelUrl,
onStart: hotelsRequested.type,
onSuccess: hotelsReceived.type,
onError: hotelsRequestFailed.type,
export const enableHotel = (slug) =>
url: `${hotelUrl}${slug}/partial-update/`,
method: "put",
data: { active: true },
onSuccess: hotelEnabled.type,
My api request middleware function is as follows
export const hotelsApi = ({ dispatch }) => (next) => async (action) => {
if (action.type !== actions.hotelApiCallBegan.type) return next(action);
const {
} = action.payload;
if (onStart) dispatch({ type: onStart });
try {
const response = await axiosInstance.request({
if (onSuccess) dispatch({ type: onSuccess, payload: response.data });
} catch (error) {
//general error
//Specific error
if (onError) dispatch({ type: onError, payload: error.message });
Could anyone point me in the right direction of how to add an optimistic update reducer to this code. Currently on hitting enable button on the UI there's a lag of maybe second before the UI is updated. Or maybe the question, is do i create another middleware function to handle optimistic updates? If yes how do i go about that? Thanks
My bot is working fine while calling Speech Services using an authorization token + region pair.
Code snipped below.
webSpeechPonyfillFactory = await window.WebChat.createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory({ authorizationToken, region });
However, the following warning message shows up on the browser:
botframework-webchat: "authorizationToken", "region", and "subscriptionKey" are deprecated and will be removed on or after 2020-12-17. Please use "credentials" instead.
How can migrate my authentication code to the new method?
Code samples are appreciated. Thx
This is the code I use. I run a server locally for calling the speech API that returns the token (and region).
In the Web Chat code, you simply need to pass the returned token and region in to createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory(). Your code doesn't need to match mine, specifically. It is enough to do something like:
const webSpeechPonyfillFactory = await window.WebChat.createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory( {
credentials: {
authorizationToken: authorizationToken,
region: region
} );
or, depending how you structure your credentials object,
{ credentials: credentials }
Sample code:
const path = require('path');
const restify = require('restify');
const request = require('request');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const corsMiddleware = require('restify-cors-middleware');
const cors = corsMiddleware({
origins: ['*']
const ENV_FILE = path.join(__dirname, '.env');
require('dotenv').config({ path: ENV_FILE });
// Create HTTP server.
const server = restify.createServer();
extended: false
server.listen(process.env.port || process.env.PORT || 3500, function() {
console.log(`\n${ server.dl_name } listening to ${ server.url }.`);
server.post('/speechservices/token', async (req, res) => {
const options = {
method: 'POST',
uri: `https://${ process.env.SPEECH_SERVICES_REGION }.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/sts/v1.0/issueToken`,
headers: {
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': process.env.SPEECH_SERVICES_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY
request.post(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (!error && response.statusCode < 300) {
body = { region: process.env.SPEECH_SERVICES_REGION, authorizationToken: body };
authorizationToken: body.authorizationToken,
region: body.region
console.log(`Someone requested a speech token...(${ response.statusCode })`);
} else if (response.statusCode >= 400 && response.statusCode < 500) {
} else if (response.statusCode >= 500) {
res.send('Call to retrieve token failed');
const getSpeechToken = async (credentials = {}) => {
const response = await fetch( `http://localhost:3500/speechservices/token`, {
method: 'POST',
} );
if ( response.status === 200 ) {
const { authorizationToken, region } = await response.json();
credentials['authorizationToken'] = authorizationToken;
credentials['region'] = region;
return credentials;
} else {
const webSpeechPonyfillFactory = await window.WebChat.createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory( {
credentials: await getSpeechToken()
} );
selectVoice={( voices, activity ) =>
activity.locale === 'en-US' ?
voices.find( ( { name } ) => /KatjaNeural/iu.test( name ) )
voices.find( ( { name } ) => /KatjaNeural/iu.test( name ) )
|| voices.find( ( { name } ) => /Apollo/iu.test( name ) )}
document.getElementById( 'webchat' )
Hope of help!
I have a very weird issue with Apollo Client.
We are using apollo-client#1.9.3 with react (react-apollo#1.4.16).
In our project, we notice that apollo always wait for 1 to 2 seconds before sending the request.
Below is a screenshot of the situation:
This is how our client config looks like:
const customNetworkInterface = {
query: request =>
fetch('/graphql', {
method: 'POST',
credentials: 'include',
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'default',
headers: {
Accept: '*/*',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
body: JSON.stringify({
query: print(request.query),
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(({ data, errors }) => {
if (errors) {
const userErrors = errors
.filter(({ code }) => +code >= 400 && +code <= 401)
.map(({ message }) => message)
const serverErrors = errors
({ code }) => !code || (+code < 400 && +code > 401)
.map(({ message }) => message)
if (serverErrors.length > 0) {
if (isProduction) {
'The server encountered an error. Our technical team has been notified.'
} else {
window.triggerAlert('danger', serverErrors);
} else if (userErrors.length > 0) {
window.triggerAlert('danger', userErrors);
return { data, errors };
const networkInterface = createNetworkInterface({
uri: '/graphql',
opts: {
credentials: 'same-origin',
applyAfterware({ response }, next) {
.then(responseJson => {
if (responseJson.errors) {
.map(({ message }) => message)
export const client = new ApolloClient({
networkInterface: customNetworkInterface,
queryDeduplication: true,
addTypename: true,
Then the query code is with react-apollo:
graphql(RaceResultsQuery, {
props: ({ ownProps, data }) => ({
race_results: _.get(data, 'me.my_race_results', []),
This would need a complete, minimal example to provide an answer for sure (delete as much of your code as possible with the issue still happening).
My guess would be that you have a parent component with a very expensive query and it only renders the component with the delayed query after the expensive query returned.
I'm trying to implement custom rest client build on top of simple fetch.
If 401-403 response received, it must "redirect" app to login page.
According documentation, if 401-403 error received, it will magically calls authClient with the AUTH_ERROR, but it doesn't.
Can someone explain, how to connect it?
I'm trying to call rest client from component: It's simple reimplementation of 'simpleRestClient'
componentDidMount() {
restClient(CREATE, 'api/method', {
CurrentTime: new Date()
.then(o =>
this.setState({ Msg: Object.values(o.data.ServerTime) });
restclient implementation:
export const fetchJson = (url, options = {}) => {
const requestHeaders =
options.headers ||
new Headers({
Accept: 'application/json',
if (
!requestHeaders.has('Content-Type') &&
!(options && options.body && options.body instanceof FormData)
) {
requestHeaders.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
if (options.user && options.user.authenticated && options.user.token) {
requestHeaders.set('Authorization', options.user.token);
return fetch(url, { ...options, headers: requestHeaders })
.then(response =>
response.text().then(text => ({
status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText,
headers: response.headers,
body: text,
.then(({ status, statusText, headers, body }) => {
if (status < 200 || status >= 300) {
return Promise.reject(
new HttpError(
(json && json.message) || statusText,
let json;
try {
json = JSON.parse(body);
} catch (e) {
// not json, no big deal
return { status, headers, body, json };
const httpClient = (url, options = {}) => {
if (!options.headers) {
options.headers = new Headers({ Accept: 'application/json' });
return fetchJson(url, options);
Have you tried rejecting the promise with an Error rather than an HttpError?