Two different projects with the same name and GitHub - xcode

I have two projects, one is in the Documents / Android Studio / Project folder, the other project is in the Documents / XCode / Project folder. That is, in both cases the folder is called "Project". I added the Android Studio project from the Android Studio to Github and successfully tested it. The versioning system works as it should. Next, I decided to add a project from Xcode to GitHub. I added a GitHub account in the Xcode settings. Xcode showed the projects available for my account. Next, I try to add a project to Github by clicking Source Control - Create Git Repositories. Xcode reports that all projects are already under the control of the versioning system. If I click Source Control - Commit, it looks like Xcode offers to commit for all project files to the same online repository called Project, which stores the project from Android Studio. I don’t understand what to do, because it is not recommended to rename the Xcode project. How to resolve this conflict?

Just create a new github repo at github (browser) by some other name. Then follow the instructions for pushing your project to it in the Terminal using the command line. Do not use Xcode for this or any other git related stuff.


Visual Studio: Include PlugIn but leave out windows part

I am trying to use not the nuget package but the project itself from the media plugin for xamarin forms.
I am adding all the references and upon build (or even clean) i get :
Error: The specified language targets for uap10.0.16299 is missing. Ensure correct tooling is installed for 'uap'. Missing: '/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/6.12.0/lib/mono/xbuild/Microsoft/WindowsXaml/v16.0/Microsoft.Windows.UI.Xaml.CSharp.targets' (Media.Plugin)
I beleive it is looking for the windows SDK which isnt isntalled on my mac and the project itself only supports android and ios.
Using the nuget package, I can check that I only want ios and Android and it works fine, but upon loading the project in as the project it gives me this error.
In the dependencies folder of the project it is still referencing this UAP 10.0.16299 but upon right click all I can do is "refresh".
How can I build my project and leave out this windows crap?
First include the whole project, then edit the CS proj file (right click on solution -> edit project file).
In the first few lines it says: <TargetFramworks...
Remove the unwanted dependencies. They will be gone in the main folder if you save.
Thats it.

Visual Studio Team Services (TFS online) - Get latest over two PCs with same account (VS2015)

My issue is that Get Latest (TFS) does not work using the same account over two PC's for a newly created file. Steps to reproduce:
On my main PC I opened Visual Studio 2015 (CE).
I created a new typescript (.ts) file.
I checked this new ts file in.
I go to work on my laptop and open VS2015 (using my same Microsoft Live account) and the new files do not download when I go to Get Latest.
If I traverse the files to see what was checked in on the server, they have been checked in successfully.
Exploring the files via VS2015 through the team explorer I see the files, they are indicated as not having downloaded and also is indicate "latest" as "no".
It would seem that my laptop is telling VS online that no changes to this file have been made (well in fact I cannot download the file to my laptop and is not present on my laptop so technically true - its hasn't changed because I can't download it to change it).
How do I tell VS online that my laptop is not my main pc while still using the same account to login? Or am I missing something? I've not used TFS an awful lot.
I'm fully updated. I did some folder re-naming so possible it's a bug to do with that.
I can not reproduce this issue via the steps you provided. The file can be downloaded successfully on both PC with same account. Since you mentioned that you did some folder renaming, so you need to check if your local workspace mapping is still correct. An quick way to fix this is creating a new workspace for the project. This will get all the latest files on Version Control.
There are several ways to get the latest version:
Get the latest version from "Solution Explorer" by :right click on the project/solution file -> source control -> get latest version. This only updates all the files related to the project/solution to the latest version. For example, you have ProjectA and ProjectB in the solution, and you right click on ProjectA to get the latest version, the files listed under ProjectA in solution explorer will be updated/downloaded. Other files won't be updated.
Get the latest version from "Source Control Explorer" by :right click on the folder -> Get latest version. This will update all the files under the folder.

Adding files to an Xcode project (SVN)

I "checked out" an SVN repo. The repo contains a few Xcode projects and a workspace. I can open the workspace, build everything, run the app etc. If I make changes to any existing file they will be taken into account when building the app.
Now I want to add two new files to the workspace/project. I want to modify these files and when ready "commit" and "push" (I normally use git) the files to the repo. I added MyClass.h and MyClass.m to the Xcode project via right clicking on the appropriate group in Xcode and selecting "Add file to MyProject...".
The project won't build because MyClass.h can't be found. I also see a warning from the workspace that "MyClass.h is missing from the working copy".
How can I add files to an Xcode project under SVN version control?
I tried the suggestions here Xcode adding new files to existing project in svn but nothing works yet. For example when the files I just added to Xcode are selected the menu option "Add Selected Files" in the Source Control menu is greyed out.
I'm using Xcode 5.
As a work around, you can use smartsvn which has options for adding and removing files in Modify top menu

Visual Studio: How to create project from existing GitHub repository?

I came from Eclipse background and I am apparently missing something.
There is an existing GitHub project with JS code in it and I would like to start adding TypeScript nature to it, one type at a time.
I have followed this tutorial to clone project from GitHub to my "local git repository". Now the Team Explorer window displays it as local repository and I can commit changes etc but it's not a project and I don't know how to open it as a project (I want to open it as TypeScript project).
The workflow I was used to from Eclipse would simply be New -> Other -> SVN -> Checkout Projects from SVN that is automatically followed by New Project Wizard.
How do I clone existing JS project from GitHub and make it a TypeScrip project while keeping the existing folder structure?
EDIT: I am using Visual Studio Express and I am limited to the native Git extension.
What I typically do in this situation;
Clone repository using Git in Visual Studio; or use GitHub for Windows and Clone in Desktop from the Git project's web page. This will create a directory (repository) with the project files where you specify.
In visual studio, File->New->create a new project from existing code. From the wizard, select C# or C++ (whatever your choice it does not really matter)
The wizard requires a project file location: give the location of the Git folder that contains the project files (where you cloned the project's repository).
The Wizard requires a unique project name, for example you can use the name of the Git project with VisualStudio (or VS) appended to the end.
Git will now be in sync and you will be able to see all the git files. Making changes will check them out and allow you to push them to the project etc...
***** By default Git will want to check in the newly created .csproj file that Visual Studio creates to allow you to open the project in Visual Studio. You will just want to drag this into the excluded changes section because most likely the project in question will not be using Visual Studio.**
I solved this by opening the site as a website. File->Open->Website.
No Project Files/Solution files required. It just opens up the folder in the solution explorer.
To make it a typescript project, just add a tsconfig.json file to the directory.
Do you have any code in that repository yet that you want to open? I'm guessing not in which case you need to create a new VS project (just like you'd create a new Eclipse project and have it in your workspace)
Go to File, New..., Project... and pick the project type that you want. Give the project a name and set the location to be a folder INSIDE the folder that you cloned your Git repo to earlier (i.e. c:\mycode\mygitproject). Also give your solution a name. A "Solution" in Visual Studio is a wrapper for the projects inside it, kinda like the closest thing to a workspace or a working set in Eclipse but not quite the same thing.
Then Visual Studio should then be smart enough to pick up that this is in Git repo and allow you to commit locally as well as push/pull to GitHub etc.
Finally, while I work with the team that created the Visual Studio Tools for Git, I'd still highly recommend that you get hold of a command line should you want to do some more powerful stuff with Git other than simply committing code, push/pulling changes and branching or merging branches. If you are working against GitHub then you might also want to install GitHub for Windows which will bring some Git tools with it or you can install Git for Windows and also install Posh-Git separately. All of these things work together and give you the maximum power of Git but you can pick and choose the tool that works best for you. You'll probably find a workflow of Clone using GitHub for Windows, commit/push/pull/branch/merge in VS and then Posh-Git if you do more advanced stuff or want to hand-tweak settings.

Zend Studio 8 to 9 Upgrade (Mac OSX 10.6)

Since there is little information on how to upgrade from Zend Studio 8 to Zend Studio 9, I was wondering if someone had a recommended approach.
My Goal:
To upgrade from Zend Studio 8.0.1 to Zend Studio 9.0
To keep all (or at least most) of my current settings and definitely all of my files
I have several projects checked out from SVN
I have more than one workspace
I don't have time to re-checkout from SVN on every project (but if it's the only way then so be it)
Anyway, I just want to know what to watch out for when it comes to bugs or issues with files/settings/workspaces etc.
You should be able to go ahead and install 9.0 without having to worry about loosing your Workspace Preferences. Once the installation is complete. Simply start Zend Studio and specify the same Workspace location(s) you were using before.
If I'm not mistaken workspace information is stored in the .metadata folder created by Zend Studio at the root of your workspace. When you specify your workspace in 9.0 Zend Studio will see this folder and any settings from the workspace while using 8.0 that are still available in 9.0 will still be in place.
As for your projects, if they're not automatically loaded into the workspace in the new version already, simply create a new project, and specify the existing folder of the old project. Zend Studio will see the .project file in the folder and tell you that a project already exists in the specified directory. This is ok, Zend will just attempt to load the old project and retain any project settings for that project.
I'm a bit rusty on the SVN portion. And I have had problems in the past when importing an existing project connected to an SVN Repository. If the Projects repository it is attached to is not already defined in your SVN Repositories view, Zend Studio will start barking at you stating that the project is attached to an unknown repository or something of the sort. If this happens... Well good luck getting it "re-attached" to the repository without just deleting the project and checking it out again entirely.
My advice is to have your SVN repositories setup BEFORE attempting to open any projects that you have connected to a Repo. Make sure to have the configuration all the same when re-setting up your repository definitions.
Good luck! & Gratz on the upgrade. Zend Studio rules.
