I have two Linux kernel modules (*.ko files). They have circular dependencies like this:
mod1.ko uses functions exported by mod2.ko
mod2.ko uses functions exported by mod1.ko
I can't merge the modules into single module.
How do i write the modules such that I can insert mod1 first and then mod2 without any error.
mod1.ko exports a register function, The register function can take in arguments function pointers to the functions needed from mod2.
Mod2 can call the register function exported by mod1 and register the function needed by mod1
To fully use the autodoc potential, I want to document my code with something like:
.. automodule :: mymodule
However, mymodule is made of a class that has it's own documenter. One of my project's dependencies created a subclass of sphinx.ext.autodoc.ClassDocumenter that documents a class it provides. My mymodule is made up of classes derived from that base one. The custom documenter has an option I want to use, how do I provide it while using automodule?
Alternative formulation
Another case that I think is the same problem:
.. automodule :: mymodule
.. automodule :: myothermodule
These two modules are made of classes that will be documented with autoclass. I want to activate the ":inherited-members:" option for classes of the first mymodule but not on the ones of myothermodule. Is this possible?
I think both are used for namespace.
Modules are generally mixed into classes, right? So, what would be the purpose of defining a module inside a class?
Generally speaking modules have two uses:
Namespacing modules. When you nest stuff here and the module is intended only for specifying paths.
Functional modules. When the module has actual functionality that is intended to be called directly on the module or the module is intended to be included/extended.
Classes should be used for functionality only, even though Ruby doesn't enforce it.
Trying to do something but the above (like use module for both namespacing and functionality (1) or use a class for namespacing (2)) will generally confuse you.
(1) Some will disagree pointing to the rails' module with instance methods that also holds another module, called ClassMethods. I think it would have been cleaner if there was a module with two modules - ClassMethods and InstanceMethods instead.
(2) Some will disagree. A probably valid case is if you try to emulate private classes from other languages (where the private class will be nested inside your public class).
This is a simple question: Should I have a module that contains all my classes (and submodules):
module ProjectName
class Something
# code
module Abc
# code
Or simply everything in a global scope:
class Something
# code
module Abc
# code
It is considered good practice not to pollute your global scope. Namespacing your application into modules, encapsulating related behaviour makes it easier to comprehend, helps avoid naming conflicts, and lets you easily port parts of your code into other applications or contexts.
In Ruby it also gives you a natural way of storing module wide constants, and gives you the option to add methods that don't need a containing object directly to the module.
In some languages, (notably JavaScript) scoping also has an impact on performance, as keeping objects in the global scope might prevent them from getting qualified for garbage collection.
I have a module called WG that all classes inside my application are inside, purely for the purposes of namespacing, so I don't have naming collisions with outside code.
My issue is that every class in my application then needs to be specified as being inside that module, and that's a pain, mainly because it adds one indent level to all code in my application.
In other words, here's a typical class, in a file called "Thing.rb"
module WG
class Thing
def do_things
In my mind, there should be some way of requiring that file inside the context of the WG module, so that I can forego the line at the top and at the end, and the mandatory one-level indentation.
Try using the :: operator:
class WG::Thing
# ...
There isn't. requireing a file simply runs the file as-is.
load allows you to run the code inside the context of an anonymous module, but not a specific one. Of course, you can still access the global namespace by using the :: scope resolution operator.
What tools can determine which modules have methods that are calling methods from other modules in Ruby?
Background: I'm partway through breaking a 808 line module into smaller modules, having created 12-submodules. However, some of the methods in one of the modules are calling methods in another sub-module. This may or may not be ok, depending on whether the module of the called method is meant to be common functionality.
module DisplayStatistics1
def display_statistics_1_foo
calculate_statistics_foo # call a method that's in CalculateStatistics - this is ok
display_statistics_2_bar # call a method that's in DisplayStatistics2 - this is bad
# other methods omitted
# modules DisplayStatistics2 and CalculateStatistics omitted
class ExampleClass
include DisplayStatistics1
include DisplayStatistics2
include CalculateStatistics
Ideally the analysis tool would show that DisplayStatistics1 has dependencies on DisplayStatistics2 as well as on CalculateStatistics.
Update: Maybe I shouldn't have done it this way - maybe I should have split them up into classes instead. That way, I'd have known for sure what depended on what!
While I'm not aware of a static analysis tool for Ruby, the one that seems closest to what you want is rubyprof. This can generate a callgraph in many formats, including an HTML tree and even a GraphViz box-and-line plot.