How to use a custom deserializer with Spring #RequestParam - spring

I have an interface that's not aware of its implementations (module-wise):
public interface SomeInterface {
and an enum implementing it:
public enum SomeInterfaceImpl {
I have a #RestController:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<SomeClass> find(#RequestParam(value = "key", required = false) SomeInterface someInt,
HttpServletResponse response){
Although Jackson is aware that it should deserialize SomeInterface as SomeInterfaceImpl as follows:
public class DefaultSomeInterfaceDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<SomeInterface> {
public SomeInterface deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext context) throws IOException {
return parser.readValuesAs(SomeInterfaceImpl.class).next();
public class MyJacksonConfiguration implements BeanPostProcessor {
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
if(bean instanceof Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder){
Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder = (Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder) bean;
builder.deserializerByType(SomeInterface.class, new DefaultSomeInterfaceDeserializer());
return bean;
and successfully serializes and deserializes SomeInterface as SomeInterfaceImpl in the #RequestBody, it doesn't seem to have any effect on mapping SomeInterface to SomeInterfaceImpl with #RequestParam. How do I overcome this?

Having a Converter in the application context as M.Denium suggested does the job:
public class SomeInterfaceConverter implements Converter<String, SomeInterface> {
public SomeInterface convert(String value) {
return new SomeInterfaceImpl(value);


About register "BeanPostProcessor" use"BeanFactoryPostProcessor"

When I use "BeanFactoryPostProcessor" to register "BeanPostProcessor" and at the same time use AutoConfiguration to wire up my defined "BeanFactoryPostProcessor", I found that my "BeanPostProcessor" execution order is after "#PostConstruct", I am curious why, and please what is good way to deal with
The key code is as follows
public class MapstructFactory implements BeanPostProcessor {
private final MapstructRegistry registry;
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
if (bean instanceof Converter) {
registry.addConverter((Converter<?, ?>) bean);
return BeanPostProcessor.super.postProcessBeforeInitialization(bean, beanName);
public class MapstructFactoryRegister implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor {
private final MapstructRegistry registry;
public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
beanFactory.addBeanPostProcessor(new MapstructFactory(registry));
public class MapstructAutoConfiguration {
public MapstructFactoryRegister mapstructFactoryRegister(MapstructRegistry registry) {
return new MapstructFactoryRegister(registry);

Injecting Spring Dependencies into ConstrantValidator

I'm using Bean Validation. I have a custom validator #MyValidator that needs to look up a value with an injected Spring managed DAO object. How can I get access to this? Spring isn't injecting the DAO into my "MyValidator" object.
public class CodeListValidator implements ConstraintValidator<CodeList, String> {
private ICodeListCommonService codeListCommonService;
private CodeListEnum codeListID;
public void initialize(CodeList constraintAnnotation) {
this.codeListID = constraintAnnotation.value();
public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
return codeListCommonService.doesCodeEntityExistForCodeList(codeListID.getDbCodeListId(), value, ProviderConstants.CODE_LIST_STATUS_ACTIVE);
The "codeListCommonService" is null. This is because Spring isn't creating the class - but how can I get this to work with Spring AoP?
The use of this validator looks like this:
ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Validator validator = factory.getValidator();
MyObject validateMe = new MyObject();
Set<ConstraintViolation<MyObject>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(validateMe);
For MyObject:
public class MyObject {
#Size(max = 1)
public String carType;
So when the validator runs, it processes the annotations... I just need to get a service injected into the CodeListValidator I made to it can do a DB lookup to verify the value against the DB list of "valid car type values".
EDIT: The solution:
Played around with the idea of making a Spring aware factory- too much integration with existing code.
The solution that seems the best (and it works here) is to make a Spring service that stores the ApplicationContext in a static method so "non-Spring managed" beans can get to them.
So a new service:
public class SpringApplicationContextService implements ISpringApplicationContextService, ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return applicationContext;
And then any validator or non-Spring bean can get at the Spring beans via:
public class CodeListValidator implements ConstraintValidator<CodeList, String> {
private ICodeListCommonService codeListCommonService;
private CodeListEnum codeListID;
public void initialize(CodeList constraintAnnotation) {
this.codeListID = constraintAnnotation.value();
public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
ICodeListCommonService codeListCommonService = SpringApplicationContextService.getApplicationContext().getBean(ICodeListCommonService.class);
return codeListCommonService.doesCodeEntityExistForCodeList(codeListID.getDbCodeListId(), value, ProviderConstants.CODE_LIST_STATUS_ACTIVE);
And, of course, the reason for all of this (which is used dozens of times in this app):
public String emailOptOutFlag;
public String clearingHouse;
The minimum setup for #Autowired to work properly in ConstraintValidator implementation is to have this bean in a Spring #Configuration:
public Validator defaultValidator() {
return new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();
This allows any beans, including ApplicationContext, to be injected directly into a ConstraintValidator:
#Constraint(validatedBy = DemoValidator.class)
public #interface DemoAnnotation {
// ...
Class<?> beanClass();
public class DemoValidator implements ConstraintValidator<DemoAnnotation, String> {
private final ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private Object bean;
public DemoValidator(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public void initialize(DemoAnnotation constraint) {
Class<?> beanClass = constraint.beanClass();
bean = applicationContext.getBean(beanClass);
public boolean isValid(String obj, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
return !obj.isEmpty();
For a really flexible validation solution I would recommend Jakub Jirutka's Bean Validator utilizing Spring Expression Language (SpEL) which allows things like:
public class Sample {
#SpELAssert("#myService.calculate(#this) > 42")
private int value;

#Before #PostConstruct Spring AOP ineterception

I'm trying to write an aspect that can intercept PostConstruct methods. I've looked at related questions on SO and others, and following them, this is what I have so far:
The Spring configuration
#...//other config annotations
public class WebConfiguration {
public CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor commonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor() {
return new CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor();
... // etc
The annotation:
public #interface Secured {
Permission[] permissions() default {};
The bean
public class SomeWebBean {
#Secured(permissions = Permission.SOME_PERMISSION)
public void secure() {
... // some stuff
The aspect
public class SecuredAspect {
public void doAccessCheck(Secured secured) {
... // actually do the access check
If I call from a page, then the aspect is invoked. However, it is not invoked on bean creation.
So as a note to future me - this absolutely cannot be done in this way using Spring AOP.
However, the same effect can be achieved by implementing a BeanPostProcessor as below:
public class SecureBeanPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
Secured secured = bean.getClass().getAnnotation(Secured.class);
if (secured != null) {
// do your security test here, throw an exception, return false, however you like
return bean;
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
return bean;
You can extend CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor and override postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
Then register replace the original CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor with a BeanFactoryPostProcessor .
public class InitCommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor extends CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor {
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
return super.postProcessBeforeInitialization(bean, beanName);
public class InitBeanFactoryPostProcessor implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor {
public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
BeanDefinitionRegistry registry = (BeanDefinitionRegistry) beanFactory;
RootBeanDefinition def = new RootBeanDefinition(InitCommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.class);
registry.registerBeanDefinition(AnnotationConfigUtils.COMMON_ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_BEAN_NAME, def);
public class InitialisationMonitoringConfig {
public static final String BEAN_INIT_MONITOR = "BEAN_INIT_MONITOR";
public static InitBeanFactoryPostProcessor initBeanFactoryPostProcessor() {
return new InitBeanFactoryPostProcessor();
This is ugly, but I had to do that to analyse startup times in dev environment.
Maybe it's enough to just declare InitCommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor as a bean, I didn't tried.

Spring Security: How do I enable custom expression result type support?

In my Spring Boot application I'm using the #PreAuthorize annotation in my controller methods to make them authorized. The expressions use simple boolean-returning methods, like this:
public UserDto readMe() {
The mayReadMe(...) method simply returns a boolean value, however it uses ternary logic under the hood and just converts a special enum to boolean:
boolean mayReadMe(#Nonnull UserDetails principal);
Now let's say I want to rework the authorization components and let the method return the enum:
#Nonnull mayReadMe(#Nonnull final UserDetails principal);
However, I'm getting the following exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to evaluate expression '#primaryAuth.authentication.mayReadMe(principal)'
at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept(
Caused by: org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1001E:(pos 0): Type conversion problem, cannot convert from #javax.annotation.Nonnull to java.lang.Boolean
at org.springframework.expression.common.ExpressionUtils.convertTypedValue(
at org.springframework.expression.spel.standard.SpelExpression.getValue(
... 113 common frames omitted
Caused by: org.springframework.core.convert.ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from type [#javax.annotation.Nonnull] to type [java.lang.Boolean]
... 116 common frames omitted
The exception message is really clear, but I can't inject my custom converter in any way. What I've tried so far:
Registering custom converters via WebMvcConfigurerAdapter.addFormatters(FormatterRegistry) (both Converter and GenericConverter)
Bean-ining a custom ExpressionBasedPreInvocationAdvice (but it shouldn't work as far as I understand)
... and a few other ways I can't recall after spending a few hours unfortunately.
How do I inject a custom type converter so the #PreAuthorization expressions could be aware of the as the returning type?
Edit 1
Why do I need a custom type to be returned, and not a boolean. I'm also writing a simple REST API self-describing subsystem, just a simple GET /api endpoint to return a list of endpoints and so on. This list consists of a certain objects describing API end point, HTTP method, incoming and outgoing DTOs, and the last thing I'm trying to add to the definition object is an endpoint authorization policy expression. Note that it's not a good idea to return the #PreAuthorize string expression (I mean a raw string), but it might be good to return a custom object describing the authorization rules. What I want the most is returning an object like:
public final class AuthorizationExpression
implements BooleanSupplier {
public IExpression toExpression() {
where BooleanSupplier is expected to be used in the converter I'm trying to inject in order to satisfy the authorization needs -- just return true or false, and where IExpression is expected to be toString-ed in the GET /api handler using the Spring expression evaluator. Hence the mayReadMe signature might be as follows:
AuthorizationExpression mayReadMe(...)
so I could use AuthorizationExpression up to a certain use case. The FooBarEnum is just a simplification for the original question prior to the edit.
A suggestion, let your enum implement the conversion method:
public enum FooBarEnum {
// previous code
public boolean booleanValue() {
And change your annotation:
Figured it out. I only need to tune the DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler instance. Let's assume the net two classes as library ones:
public abstract class CustomTypesGlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration
extends GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration {
protected abstract ApplicationContext applicationContext();
protected abstract ConversionService conversionService();
protected MethodSecurityExpressionHandler createExpressionHandler() {
final ApplicationContext applicationContext = applicationContext();
final TypeConverter typeConverter = new StandardTypeConverter(conversionService());
final DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler handler = new DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler() {
public StandardEvaluationContext createEvaluationContextInternal(final Authentication authentication, final MethodInvocation methodInvocation) {
final StandardEvaluationContext decoratedStandardEvaluationContext = super.createEvaluationContextInternal(authentication, methodInvocation);
return new ForwardingStandardEvaluationContext() {
protected StandardEvaluationContext standardEvaluationContext() {
return decoratedStandardEvaluationContext;
public TypeConverter getTypeConverter() {
return typeConverter;
return handler;
where ForwardingStandardEvaluationContext is a simple forwarding decorator to decorate an instance of StandardEvaluationContext because the latter is ConversionService-aware:
public abstract class ForwardingStandardEvaluationContext
extends StandardEvaluationContext {
protected abstract StandardEvaluationContext standardEvaluationContext();
#Override public void setRootObject(final Object rootObject, final TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor) { standardEvaluationContext().setRootObject(rootObject, typeDescriptor); }
#Override public void setRootObject(final Object rootObject) { standardEvaluationContext().setRootObject(rootObject); }
#Override public TypedValue getRootObject() { return standardEvaluationContext().getRootObject(); }
#Override public void addConstructorResolver(final ConstructorResolver resolver) { standardEvaluationContext().addConstructorResolver(resolver); }
#Override public boolean removeConstructorResolver(final ConstructorResolver resolver) { return standardEvaluationContext().removeConstructorResolver(resolver); }
#Override public void setConstructorResolvers(final List<ConstructorResolver> constructorResolvers) { standardEvaluationContext().setConstructorResolvers(constructorResolvers); }
#Override public List<ConstructorResolver> getConstructorResolvers() { return standardEvaluationContext().getConstructorResolvers(); }
#Override public void addMethodResolver(final MethodResolver resolver) { standardEvaluationContext().addMethodResolver(resolver); }
#Override public boolean removeMethodResolver(final MethodResolver methodResolver) { return standardEvaluationContext().removeMethodResolver(methodResolver); }
#Override public void setMethodResolvers(final List<MethodResolver> methodResolvers) { standardEvaluationContext().setMethodResolvers(methodResolvers); }
#Override public List<MethodResolver> getMethodResolvers() { return standardEvaluationContext().getMethodResolvers(); }
#Override public void setBeanResolver(final BeanResolver beanResolver) { standardEvaluationContext().setBeanResolver(beanResolver); }
#Override public BeanResolver getBeanResolver() { return standardEvaluationContext().getBeanResolver(); }
#Override public void addPropertyAccessor(final PropertyAccessor accessor) { standardEvaluationContext().addPropertyAccessor(accessor); }
#Override public boolean removePropertyAccessor(final PropertyAccessor accessor) { return standardEvaluationContext().removePropertyAccessor(accessor); }
#Override public void setPropertyAccessors(final List<PropertyAccessor> propertyAccessors) { standardEvaluationContext().setPropertyAccessors(propertyAccessors); }
#Override public List<PropertyAccessor> getPropertyAccessors() { return standardEvaluationContext().getPropertyAccessors(); }
#Override public void setTypeLocator(final TypeLocator typeLocator) { standardEvaluationContext().setTypeLocator(typeLocator); }
#Override public TypeLocator getTypeLocator() { return standardEvaluationContext().getTypeLocator(); }
#Override public void setTypeConverter(final TypeConverter typeConverter) { standardEvaluationContext().setTypeConverter(typeConverter); }
#Override public TypeConverter getTypeConverter() { return standardEvaluationContext().getTypeConverter(); }
#Override public void setTypeComparator(final TypeComparator typeComparator) { standardEvaluationContext().setTypeComparator(typeComparator); }
#Override public TypeComparator getTypeComparator() { return standardEvaluationContext().getTypeComparator(); }
#Override public void setOperatorOverloader(final OperatorOverloader operatorOverloader) { standardEvaluationContext().setOperatorOverloader(operatorOverloader); }
#Override public OperatorOverloader getOperatorOverloader() { return standardEvaluationContext().getOperatorOverloader(); }
#Override public void setVariable(final String name, final Object value) { standardEvaluationContext().setVariable(name, value); }
#Override public void setVariables(final Map<String, Object> variables) { standardEvaluationContext().setVariables(variables); }
#Override public void registerFunction(final String name, final Method method) { standardEvaluationContext().registerFunction(name, method); }
#Override public Object lookupVariable(final String name) { return standardEvaluationContext().lookupVariable(name); }
#Override public void registerMethodFilter(final Class<?> type, final MethodFilter filter) throws IllegalStateException { standardEvaluationContext().registerMethodFilter(type, filter); }
And then a couple application classes:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true, securedEnabled = true, jsr250Enabled = false)
class SecurityConfiguration
extends CustomTypesGlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration {
private final ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private final ConversionService conversionService;
public SecurityConfiguration(
#Autowired final ApplicationContext applicationContext,
#Autowired final ConversionService conversionService
) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
this.conversionService = conversionService;
protected ApplicationContext applicationContext() {
return applicationContext;
protected ConversionService conversionService() {
return conversionService;
And finally the conversion service configuration:
class ConversionConfiguration {
public ConversionService conversionService() {
final DefaultConversionService conversionService = new DefaultConversionService();
conversionService.addConverter(FooBar.class, Boolean.class, FooBar::mayProceed);
return conversionService;
The code above makes #PreAuthorize to understand FooBar-returning expressions.

What is the Spring DI equivalent of CDI's InjectionPoint?

I would like to create a Spring's bean producer method which is aware who invoked it, so I've started with the following code:
public class LoggerProvider {
public Logger produceLogger() {
// get known WHAT bean/component invoked this producer
Class<?> clazz = ...
return LoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz);
How can I get the information who wants to get the bean injected?
I'm looking for some equivalent of CDI's InjectionPoint in Spring world.
Spring 4.3.0 enables InjectionPoint and DependencyDescriptor parameters for bean producing methods:
public class LoggerProvider {
public Logger produceLogger(InjectionPoint injectionPoint) {
Class<?> clazz = injectionPoint.getMember().getDeclaringClass();
return LoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz);
By the way, the issue for this feature SPR-14033 links to a comment on a blog post which links to this question.
As far as I know, Spring does not have such a concept.
Then only thing that is aware of the point that is processed is a BeanPostProcessor.
public #interface Logger {}
public class LoggerInjectBeanPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
public Logger produceLogger() {
// get known WHAT bean/component invoked this producer
Class<?> clazz = ...
return LoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz);
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(final Object bean,
final String beanName) throws BeansException {
return bean;
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(final Object bean,
final String beanName) throws BeansException {
new FieldCallback() {
public void doWith(final Field field) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
field.set(bean, produceLogger());
new ReflectionUtils.FieldFilter() {
public boolean matches(final Field field) {
return field.getAnnotation(Logger.class) != null;
return bean;
