How do I add an optional global request header to openapi/swagger 3 documentation in Spring Boot? - spring-boot

I have a spring boot project that uses openapi/swagger 3 annotations for documentation. Since the project is behind a Zuul gateway, there is some pre-processing of requests before they reach specific REST endpoints. Some of that pre-processing is controlled by an optional custom header - eg, X-Custom-Header. I want to add the ability to send that header on all requests into the system, but since it's not used in any of the actual endpoint logic, I don't want to have to add the header field to every endpoint method. I was hoping it would be possible to modify the OpenAPI object, similarly to how we add a security scheme, but I can't find anything that creates the requisite functionality. Am I missing anything?


Custom Spring Actuator Endpoint which has subsystem and can be added dynamically

I'm looking for a way to implement custom endpoints for a reactive application using Spring Boot 2.2.
The endpoints have some subsystems and perform specific resource operations on the subsystems. The URL paths look like:
Furthermore, system1 and system2 are not both always deployed, so I'd like to add dynamically the endpoints of the deployed system only.
I know I can use ReactiveHealthContributorRegistry to add custom health check endpoints dynamically. Is there a similar way for a fully custom endpoint?
Thanks in advance.
It seems there is no way to construct such complex endpoints like what I asked in Spring Boot Actuator.
I finally decided to use RouterFunction and HandlerFunction referring to the following websites.

Setup Spring Filter using annotation

I am really new to spring and wanted to make a simple web application that uses JWT based authentication.
I have an endpoint on my server (/token) that returns JWT tokens to my client.
These clients then make requests to my server using that token. I was wondering how I could implement something like this:
#RequestMapping("/users", method=RequestMethod.DELETE)
public #ResponseBody String deleteUsers(){
From what I could gather, I would need a filter that would validate my JWT token that is sent along with every request the client makes. Is there any way in which only requests that have a #Secured annotation are passed through that filter?
Spring Security maintains a filter chain internally where each of the filters has a particular responsibility and filters are added or removed from the configuration depending on which services are required. The ordering of the filters is important as there are dependencies between them. If you have been using namespace configuration, then the filters are automatically configured for you and you don't have to define any Spring beans explicitly but here may be times when you want full control over the security filter chain, either because you are using features which aren't supported in the namespace, or you are using your own customized versions of classes.

mimic swagger api on spring boot application

I got a Spring boot REST based proxy server application with standard REST End point exposed(GET, POST,PUT and DELETE) to outside world.
Any requests coming from external world then will be routed to actual functionality internally.
Now the requirement is to expose all the API supported by my REST proxy server. As I mentioned I do not have static controller path in my code for individual APIs. So would like to get your input how to create swagger support for all the internal APIs that my proxy server support. Is there are a way I can generate swagger schema manually to mimics the controller path? Or is there any other way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.

spring boot rest versioned request and select controller dynamically

We are planning to apply versioning to our REST API. We do not want to change the URL so the idea that we are going with is to have a X-API-VERSION in the HTTP header. When this header value is present the request is forwarded to correct versioned rest controller.
e.g. we have two controller for the same resource i.e. Person resource
If X-API-VERSION is NOT present in the HTTP Header then spring by default will call the PersonController.
If X-API-VERSION is PRESENT in the HTTP Header then it should call Person_Version_1_5_Controller.
So how can we achieve this switching between controllers using spring boot?
Looking at Spring's documentation, it looks like the header parameter of RequestMapping might be useful in such cases:
#RequestMapping(value = "/something", headers = "X-API-VERSION=...")
I think you're approaching this from the wrong angle.
Instead of keeping controllers for different versions in the same application deployment (Person_Version_1_5_Controller is not a pretty name, by the way), you could split them in separate JARs / application deployments, e.g. app-v1.jar and app-v2.jar. You could do the routing on a higher level in your stack, using a HTTP-header based load-balancer that would forward the request to the correct version of the app depending on the version header specified in the request.

Spring Boot REST JSP

I have a working Spring BOOT application that has a custom security provider and REST API controllers. I would also like to add a GUI interface to the application for access from a browser through jsps, html, and a login page which uses my existing custom security provider I used with the REST APIs. Maybe using Spring MVC since that is needed for the REST API support. I could not find a single example of doing this on the web. Also, I do NOT want to use any web XML based configuration files - as I am currently only using Java config for the implementation of the REST APIs. I am also currently using SSL for REST API access through SSL in a Jetty embedded web container. Please help if you can? Thanks in advanced.
Paul there is a rather large amount of information on view technologies that are compatible with Spring BOOT. You need to decide what you want to use and do relevant research for it.
As a guiding hand here check this page out for just one of the many types:
You may follow this procedure :
lets assume that u have an endpoint for which you need both REST and view controllers,your REST endpoint exposes your data in JSON as RESTController and your view Endpoint returns the view name as Simple old controller.
lets say your base url is at localhost:8080 and your endpoint of interest is /students
you could have both in same application but at different endpoints like this :
REST : localhost:8080/api/v1/students -- exposes json
VIEW : localhost:8080/students -- returns a view
hope this make clear ..
