spring boot 2: load application.properties manually - spring-boot

is it possible to access application.properties values while creating datasource in SpringApplication.run?
I have tried to inject value with #Value but when i need the values, the bean with #ConfigurationProperties is not created yet.

if you are referring to data source url,username and password you can use these keys :

You need to add #EnableConfigurationProperties annotation mentioning the properties POJO name.
Then in the ConfigProperties class you need to add the below annotation.Prefix is what you will set in the properties file.
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "mail")
public class ConfigProperties {
private String hostName;
private int port;
private String from;
// standard getters and setters
Values in properties file.
#Simple properties


how to use ConfigurationProperties with Inheritance to bind properties value from yml file

I am trying bind properties from yml file to object by using inheritance but getting null values in binding.
I have three classes, StoreConfig is superclass, MessageStoreConfig is subclass and MongodbMessageStore is also subclass of MessageStoreConfig.
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "store")
public class StoreConfig {}
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "messagestore")
public class MessageStoreConfig extends StoreConfig {}
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "config.mongodb")
public class MongoDbMessageStoreConfig extends MessageStoreConfig {
private String connectionString;
public String getConnectionString() {
return connectionString;
public void setConnectionString(String connectionString) {
this.connectionString = connectionString;
application.yml file
connection_string: mongodb://localhost:27017
I am getting below error.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'connection_string' in value "${connection_string}"
Am i doing the right thing or spring does not support this kind of binding?
Spring does not work this way. First of all you should not mix #ConfigurationProperties and #Value. They are two different ways of importing configuration from properties. So even if you annotated your class like this:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "store.messagestore.config.mongodb")
and then use #Value("${connection_string}") it still would not work because #Value and #ConfigurationProperties can not be mixed.
Similar question is discussed here: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/2254
Also extending a class which is annotated with #ConfigurationProperties with another class which is also annotated with #ConfigurationProperties does not mean that prefixes will be concatenated together. This means that Spring expects multiple sets of properties from you (ones of the superclass and ones of the subclass) and they are not related to each other at all.

Why setters are mandatory for fields in a class which reads properties from application.yml file in springboot?

Following is my code:
Why setter is mandatory. Without it, the class does not
read the property from the
application.yml file
Thank you.
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "test")
public class KafkaTopicConfig {
private String bootstrapAddress;
#Value(value = "${test.bootstrapAddress}")
private String bootstrapAddressFromVariable;
should only use #Value in encapsulated components/services (we can call them configuration services).
This way, we will have all our configurations in one place, and that component will only have the responsibility of loading and providing them to other components.
From baeldung.com... The Spring framework uses standard Java bean setters, so we must declare setters for each of the properties.
So it looks like you're using Lombok so I would make my class look more like this:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "test")
public class KafkaTopicConfig {
private String bootstrapAddress;
Then in the main spring boot application class or a #Configuration class I would do:
public MyApplicationConfig{
Then to use my configuration properties I would autowire it into the #Component where I wished to use it.
public MyComponent{
private final KafkaTopicConfig config;
public MyComponent(KafkaTopicConfig config) {
this.config = config;
public void doStuff() {
if ("some address".equals(config.getBootstrapAddress())) {
Using the #Value inside the configuration properties feels confusing to me, and defeats the point of using configuration properties in the first place.

How to access Configuration objects in Spring Boot

Spring Boot has a mechanism for accessing the contents of .properties (or YAML) files that one might want to include in an application.
I currently have a dbase.properties file (residing in src/main/resources) that contains the following information:
As described in various Spring Boot documents and examples, I have a configuration class that is defined below:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "app.dbase")
public class DbInfo
private String name;
private String connect;
private String user;
private String password;
// Getters and setters left out for brevity
Unfortunately, while the various documents and examples give good information on how to define a configuration
class, I have been unable to find any description on how to use it! Apparently, a Spring Boot web application
creates an instance of a configuration class upon startup (and it looks like it also initializes them with the
values from the properties file) but my attempts to guess how to access its contents when I need to have failed.
The method of doing so is probably simple, but no one seems to want to describe this method anywhere.
So: how does one access and use one of these configuration classes once they are instantiated?
Note that #ConfigurationProperties would require all of the properties in your file to be prefixed with 'app.dbase', as in 'app.dbase.username' and 'app.dbase.password'. If that's the case, the class you have now should work.
You would call it like this:
public class Component {
#Autowired DbInfo dbInfo;
public method() {
String username = dbInfo.username();
If you are having issues, you may be required to add this to a Configuration class:
public class Config {
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyConfigurer() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
You may also need to add 'classpath:' inside your annotation, as in: #PropertySource("classpath:dbase.properties"), assuming your properties file is in your src/main/resources.

SpringBoot difference between #Configuration and #configurationProperties

From spring boot documentation, #ConfigurationProperties will
generate your own configuration metadata file from items annotated
with #ConfigurationProperties
I tried use #Configuration and #ConfigurationProperties separately on my configuration class.
public class AppConfig {
I didn't see any noticable difference.
What's the usage of #ConfigurationProperties or #Configuration?
#Configuration is used to create a class the creates new beans (by annotating its methods with #Bean):
public class CustomConfiguration {
public SomeClass someClass() {
return new SomeClass();
#ConfigurationProperties binds external configuration into the fields of the class which it annotates. It's common to use it with a #Bean method to create a new bean that encapsulates configuration which can be controlled externally.
Here's a real world example of how we've used it. Consider a simple POJO that holds some values related to connecting to ZooKeeper:
public class ZookeeperProperties
private String connectUrl;
private int sessionTimeoutMillis = (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(5);
private int connectTimeoutMillis = (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(15);
private int retryMillis = (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(5);
private int maxRetries = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// getters and setters for the private fields
Now we can create a bean of type ZookeeperProperties and automatically populate it using external configuration:
public class ZooKeeperConfiguration {
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "zookeeper")
public ZookeeperProperties zookeeperProperties() {
// Now the object we create below will have its fields populated
// with any external config that starts with "zookeeper" and
// whose suffix matches a field name in the class.
// For example, we can set zookeeper.retryMillis=10000 in our
// config files, environment, etc. to set the corresponding field
return new ZookeeperProperties();
The benefit of this is that it's less verbose than adding #Value to every field of ZookeeperProperties. Instead, you provide a single annotation on the #Bean method and Spring automatically binds any external configuration it finds with the matching prefix to the fields of that class.
It also lets different users of my class (i.e. anyone who creates a bean type of ZookeeperProperties) use their own prefix to configure the class.
The use case of ConfigurationProperties is for externalizing configuration.
Indicates that a class declares one or more #Bean methods and may be processed by the Spring container to generate bean definitions and service requests for those beans at runtime.
-- Is added to a class definition or a #Bean method in a #Configuration class if you want to bind and validate some external Properties (e.g. from a .properties file).
See the screenshot to differentiate #Value from #ConfigurationProperties.

Spring Boot Use Custom Properties Service

I am working on a legacy project that has its own PropertyService class that manages the reloadable properties and so on.
The thing works pretty much OK, but the problem is now I have this property service, for my project, and an application.yml for the spring boot related properties.
The question is: is there a way to tell spring boot to load properties from something like a properties provider - a custom class or an adapter of sort ?
In this way I could manage my properties only through the existing module
Thank you for your help !
Try #ConfigurationProperties to customize the properties loading (see the example)
The code example
#ConfigurationProperties(locations = "classpath:mail.properties", prefix = "mail")
public class MailConfiguration {
public static class Smtp {
private boolean auth;
private boolean starttlsEnable;
// ... getters and setters
private String host;
private int port;
private String from;
private String username;
private String password;
private Smtp smtp;
// ... getters and setters
public JavaMailSender javaMailSender() {
// omitted for readability
So you define a bean which in fact returns properties
