Which markup language uses "====="? - markup

i need to understand the following configuration file on github -> https://github.com/GENIVI/vsomeip/blob/master/documentation/vsomeipUserGuide
Unfortunately it is written in a markup language i do not know and can't seem to find elsewhere. Can you tell me which one it is?

This looks like documentation rather than configuration, written in AsciiDoc.
In fact the Build Instructions section tells you what you need:
To build the documentation asciidoc, source-highlight, doxygen and graphviz is needed:

As identified by Gereon, it is AsciiDoc. You can export this file into PDF, HTML and other format.s
If you're using VS Code, Ctrl + SHFT + P (or open Extension Marketplace) and type AsciiDoc. Install the extension. Open the AsciiDoc file, press Ctrl + SHFT + P and type AsciiDoc: Export document as pdf
The opened document will be exported as pdf. It might ask you download another package. Just let it do.


How to extend RStudio MathJax to include extensions in "live" notebooks?

One of the answers to the StackOverflow question below gives a way of knitting an html page which can use mhchem.js to typeset basic chemistry notation.
How to access MathJax extensions (like siunitx) from Rmarkdown via Pandoc & Knitr?
How can I modify RStudio MathJax to make this rendering happen live in the edited document? Preferably, this extension would just be enabled for all RStudio notebook files for all users of the RStudio Server installation. How can this be accomplished?
I found out this is already built-in once I tell it the magic word:
\ce{H + H -> H_2}
See the MathJax docs:

How to link from a Sphinx document into a CHM file?

How can I link from a Sphinx document into a CHM file?
It seems that I could link from one chm file into another using a syntax like
<a href="ms-its:path+filename.chm::/pagename.htm">
Is it possible to transfer this into Sphinx commands?
You know, opening a topic compiled into a CHM is possible with Microsoft Internet Explorer only (!) by adding following code in a HTML file:
<p>Sample of CHM link to a topic in a compiled help file that is stored on a local computer</p>
<!-- To link to a topic in a compiled help file that is stored on a local computer, create a link using the following syntax: -->
Link to Garden topic here
I think, the reStructuredText parser cannot transfer these special kind of link from the source (reST).
But you can use the Replacement Text like shown below. Please note, the backslash is used twice:
Replacement Text
I recommend you try |HTMLHelp|_ and continue compiling help in CHM file format.
.. |HTMLHelp| replace:: CHM, *the* best help format around
.. _HTMLHelp: ms-its:D:\\UserData-Sphinx\\CHM-example.chm::/garden/garden.htm
The "replace" directive is used to indicate replacement text for a substitution reference. It may be used within substitution definitions only.
The resulting HTML file view:
The compiled help CHM:
The topic garden.htm is shown in the Help Viewer's topic pane after the link iswas clicked:
You may download the above used CHM-example.chm file from my HTMLHelp (HH) info site see download section or download CHM.
Please note, to open this CHM file right-click the saved file, click Properties, and then click Unblock.

Why Microsoft OneNote can show a link to the contents are copied from?

When I copied some good information online and pasted them on Microsoft OneNote, it can tell that
Pasted from [website_address]
I have done some search, but hard to find how they did this. How to add this feature to a software?
According to the HTML clipboard format, there is an optional SourceURL property in the description section of the HTML clipboard data. You can also extract it from the BASE element in the HTML fragment.
Sometimes the website / web-page itself has javascript code that appends that text to anything copied from it. If this is the case you will see it when pasting into even notepad.exe
The main provider of such code is tynt.com and a lot of people find it annoying.

Is there support for XML code hinting / completion in Sublime Text 2?

I am giving Sublime Text 2 a try and I was editing an XML file - that had a DOCTYPE declaration and a DTD - and there seems to be no way to get code hinting / completion when editing the XML document.
I am sure its something simple I am overlooking. I cannot imagine Sublime does not have this kind of functionality, even if provided via a plugin.
Can someone shed some light on this for me?
Sublime Text is first and foremost a text editor.
But, the reason for it's popularity is in large part due to it's extensibility.
Although you could use Sublime's api to create a specific plug-in to do this, Sublime has a few tools that are already helpful in editing xml files and other markup files on a bare install.
Hinting and completions in particular are very easy to add. It shouldn't take a more than few minutes to create a domain specific sublime-completions file for your particular xml.
You can use alt+shift+w to create an xml element, in addition alt+. will close any un-closed xml element.
You may also want to try the Sublime Tag plug-in available through Package Control
Lastly you could also bring this up in the Sublime forums as a plug-in request. There are a lot of helpful folks in the plug-in community.
You can use the 'tag' plugin from Sublime Package Control. It has auto tag closing, linting and other features. The github page for the project is here: https://github.com/SublimeText/Tag
You can install it using Package Control without leaving your Sublime text editor.

Markdown syntax highlighting in SciTE/Notepad++

I'm looking for a .properties file for Markdown syntax in SciTE. Is it possible?
A partial highlighter would do, otherwise.
I'm using this syntax file: https://github.com/leafnode/markdown_npp with some color changes to fit dark background.
I've uploaded my (dark) user-defined language Markdown highlighter on GitHub. It uses different workarounds than thomsmits', which for the style of Markdown I've chosen work better.
Until the Markdown Scintilla lexer is imported into Notepad++, user defined languages are the best we can do.
I don't use Notepad++ any more and have deleted my project. Try Brettz9's fork of the project here: https://github.com/brettz9/Notepad---Markdown-Highlighting
I'm using Markdown-plus-plus. The install instruction is outdated on many projects. The actual instruction is:
Select menu "Language" → "Define your language..."
Press button "Import...", and select {markdown}.xml (from GitHub repositories).
Restart Notepad++
I believe somebody mentioned on the mailing list that he is working on such a lexer.
I don't think a simple .properties file can do the job, as there isn't any existing lexer (to my knowledge) with similar syntax.
