logstash won’t read single line files - elasticsearch

I'm trying to make a pipeline that sends xml documents to elasticsearch. Problem is that each document is in its own separate file as a single line without \n in the end.
Any way to tell logstash not to wait for \n but read whole file till EOF and send it?

Can you specify which logstash version you are using, and can you share your configuration?
It may depends on the mode you set: it may be tail or read. it defaults to tail, which means it listens on your file and it waits for default 1 hour before closing it and stopping waiting for new lines.
You may have to change this parameter fro 1 hour to 1 second if you know you have reached the EOF yet:
file {
close_older=> "1 second"
Let me know if that works!
Docs here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-inputs-file.html#plugins-inputs-file-close_older


TailFile Processor- Apache Nifi

I'm using Tailfile processor to fetch logs from a cluster(3 nodes) scheduled to run every minute. The log file name changes for every hour
I was confused on which Tailing mode should I use . If I use Single File it is not fetching the new file generated after 1 hour. If I use the multifile, It is fetching the file after 3rd minute of file name change which is increasing the size of the file. what should be the rolling filename for my file and which mode should I use.
Could you please let me know. Thank you
retrieve-11.log (generated at 11:00)- this is removed but single file mode still checks for this file
after 1 hour retrieve-12.log (generated at 12:00)
My Processor Confuguration:
Tailing mode: Multiple Files
File(s) to Tail: retrieve-${now():format("HH")}.log
Rolling Filename Pattern: ${filename}.*.log
Base Directory: /ext/logs
Initial Start Position: Beginning of File
State Location: Local
Recursive lookup: false
Lookup Frequency: 10 minutes
Maximum age: 24 hours
Sounds like you aren't really doing normal log file rolling. That would be, for example, where you write to logfile.log then after 1 day, you move logfile.log to be logfile.log.1 and then write new logs to a new, empty logfile.log.
Instead, it sounds like you are just writing logs to a different file based on the hour. I assume this means you overwrite each file every 24h?
So something like this might work?
So given that you are doing the following:
At 10:00, `retrieve-10.log` is created. Logs are written here.
At 11:00, `retrieve-11.log` is created. Logs are now written here.
At 11:10, `retrieve-10.log` is moved.
TailFile is only run every 10 minutes.
Then targeting a file based on the hour won't work. At 10:00, your tailFile only reads retrieve-10.log. At 11:00 your tailFile only reads retrieve-11.log. So worst case, you miss 10 minuts of logs between 10:50 and 11:00.
Given that another process is cleaning up the old files, there isn't going to be a back log of old files to worry about. So it sounds like there's no need to set the hour specifically.
tailing mode: multiple files
files to tail: /path/retrieve-*.log
With this, at 10:00, tailFile tails retrieve-9.log and retrieve-10.log. At 10:10, retrieve-9.log is removed and it tails retrieve-10.log. At 11:00 it tails retrieve-10.log and retrieve-11.log. At 11:10, retrieve-10.log is removed and it tails retrieve-11.log. Etc.

JMeter: CSV Data Set Config "Lines are read at the start of each test iteration." - how exactly should it work?

I'm concerned with work of CSV Data Set Config along JMeter rules set with scoping rules and execution order.
For CSV Data Set Config it is said "Lines are read at the start of each test iteration.". At first I thought that talks about threads, then I've read Use jmeter to test multiple Websites where config is put inside loop controller and lines are read each loop iteration. I've tested with now 5.1.1 and it works. But if I put config at root of test plan, then in will read new line only each thread iteration. Can I expect such behaviour based on docs only w/out try-and-error? I cannot see how it flows from scoping+exec order+docs on csv config element. Am I missing something?
I would appreciate some ideas why such factual behaviour is convenient and why functionality was implemented this way.
P.S. how can I read one line cvs to vars at start of test and then stop running that config to save CPU time? In 2.x version there was VariablesFromCSV config for that...
The Thread Group has an implicit Loop Controller inside it:
the next line from CSV will be read as soon as LoopIterationListener.iterationStart() event occurs, no matter of origin
It is safe to use CSV Data Set Config as it doesn't keep the whole file in the memory, it reads the next line only when the aforementioned iterationStart() event occurs. However it keeps an open file handle. If you do have really a lot of RAM and not enough file handles you can read the file into memory at the beginning of the test using i.e. setUp Thread Group and JSR223 Sampler with the following code
new File('/path/to/csv/file').readLines().eachWithIndex { line, index ->
props.put('line_' + (index + 1), line)
once done you will be able to refer the first line using __P() function as ${__P(line_1,)}, second line as ${__P(line_2,)}, etc.

How can run JMeter with limited CSV login details for multiple threads ?

Im just trying to run my JMeter script for 20 threads. I'm use CSV data set config for read login data. I set there are only 5 login details in CSV file. When i run the script only first 5 request got pass and rest of the thread request got fail. Anyone can suggest a solution. Thanks.
Apply the following configuration to your CSV Data Set Config:
Recycle on EOF - True
Stop thread on EOF - False
When JMeter reaches the end of the CSV file it will start over so 6th thread will get <EOF> as the value, 7th thread will pick 1st line, 8th thread will pick 2nd line, etc.
You can put your login request under the IF Controller and use the following condition:
"${line}" != "<EOF>"
to avoid the login failure due to this <EOF> variable value.

Get Logstash to parse a whole log line by line

Currently at the end of my Jenkins build I grab the console log and add it to a json blob along with the build details, and I send that to logstash via curl
def payload = JsonOutput.toJson([
CONSOLE: getConsoleText(),
BUILD_RESULT: currentBuild.result,
] << manager.getEnvVars()
sh "curl -i -X PUT -H \'content-type: application/json\' --insecure -d #data.json http://mylogstash/jenkins"
Logstash then put this straight into elasticsearch against a Jenkins index for the day. This works great and the whole log gets stored in elasticsearch, but it doesnt make it very searchable.
What I would like to do is send the log to logstash as a whole (as it is quite large), and for logstash to parse it line by line and apply filters. Then any lines I dont filter out to be posted to ES as a document by itself.
Is this possible, or would I have to send it line by line from Jenkins? As the log files are thousands of lines long would result in loads of requests to logstash.
If you have the flexibilty to it, i would suggest you to write the console logs to a log file. In this way you can use filebeat to automatically read the log line by line and send it over to the logstash. By using filebeat, you get the advantage of guaranteed single delivery of the data and automatic retires if and when the logstash goes down.
Once the data reaches logstash, you can use the pipeline to parse/filter the data as per your requirement. The Grok debugger available in this link is handy --> http://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/.
After transforming the data, the document can be sent to ES for persistance.

Wait for File Processing to be finished

I am using Spring Integration to process/load data from csv files.
My Configuration is -
1) Poll For incoming File
2) Split the file using splitter - this gives me individual lines(records) of the file
3) Tokenize the line - this gives me the values or columns
4) Use aggregator to aggregate/collect lines(records) and write it to database in a batch
Poller -> Splitter -> Tokenizer -> Aggregator
Now I want to wait till all the content of the file has been written to the database and then move the file to a different folder.
But how to identify when the file processing is finished ?
Problem here is, if the file has 1 million records and my aggregator has batch size of 500, how would i know when every record of my file has been aggregated and written out to the database.
The FileSplitter can optionally add markers (BOF, EOF) to the output - you would have to filter and/or route them before your secondary splitter.
See FileSplitter.
(markers) Set to true to emit start/end of file marker messages before and after the file data. Markers are messages with FileSplitter.FileMarker payloads (with START and END values in the mark property). Markers might be used when sequentially processing files in a downstream flow where some lines are filtered. They enable the downstream processing to know when a file has been completely processed. In addition, a header file_marker containing START or END are added to these messages. The END marker includes a line count. If the file is empty, only START and END markers are emitted with 0 as the lineCount. Default: false. When true, apply-sequence is false by default. Also see markers-json.
