I have a kubernetes cluster hosted on azure cloud. I had installed kafka resources using below helm chart https://github.com/confluentinc/cp-helm-charts/tree/master/charts/cp-kafka. This helm chart successfully deployed zoopkeeper pods and broker pods etc. Now I want to write a golang based application which connects with any of the kafka broker installed on my kubernetes cluster and creates a new producer and publishes messages. Any help would be highly appreciated.
You can use the following string in bootstrap.servers to communicate with the brokers <helm-release-name>-cp-kafka-headless.<namespace>:9092 or bootstrap service which is created as part of confluent helm chart <helm-release-name>-cp-kafka. When you hit this service, it will randomly got to any of the brokers for the first time and get all the metadata information which is synced through zookeeper.
The subsequent requests will be made to individual brokers based on information found in metadata.
You would deploy your Golang code in a container, in k8s, then set bootstrap.servers to the Kafka Deployment's Service name, ideally via an environment variable
I would like to know how can I send data from elasticsearch to kafka and then to influxdb?
I've already tried using confluent platform with sources connector from elasticsearch and sink connector from influxdb, but the problem is that I'm stuck on sending data from elasticsearch to kafka
moreover once my computer is off I no longer have the backup of the connectors and I have to start from scratch
that's why my questions:
How to send data from elasticsearch to kafka? using confluent platform?
Do I really have to use confluent platform if I want to use kafka connect?
Kafka Connect is Apache 2.0 Licensed and is included with Apache Kafka download.
Confluent (among other companies) write plugins for it, such as Sinks to Elasticsearch or Influx.
It appears the Elasticsearch source on Confluent Hub is not built by Confluent, for example.
Related - Use Confluent Hub without Confluent Platform installation
once my computer is off I no longer have the backup of the connectors and I have to start from scratch
Kafka Connect distributed mode stores its config data in Kafka topics... Kafka defaults to store topic data in /tmp... Which is deleted when you shutdown your computer
Similarly, if you are using Docker for any of these systems without mounted volumes, Docker also is not persistent by default
I have a Spring Boot (2.3.3) service using spring-kafka to currently access a dedicated Kafka/Zookeeper configuration. I have been using the application.properties setting spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers=localhost:9092 to access my dev/test Apache Kafka service.
However, in production, we have a Cluster of Kafka Brokers (on many servers) configured in Zookeeper, and I have been asked to modify my service to query Zookeeper to get the list of brokers and use that list instead of the bootstrap servers configuration. Reason, our DevOps folks have been known to reconfigure servers/nodes and Kafka brokers.
Basically, I have been asked to make my service agnostic to where the Apache Kafka brokers are running. All my service needs to know is how to get the list of brokers (bootstrap server info including host and port) from Zookeeper.
Is there a way in spring-boot and spring-kafka to retrieve from Zookeeper the broker list and use that broker (aka bootstrap server) list in my service?
Spring delegates to the kafka-clients for all connections; for a long time now, the kafka-clients no longer connect to Zookeeper, only to the brokers themselves.
There is no built-in support in Spring for querying the Zookeeper to determine the broker list.
Furthermore, in a future Kafka version, Zookeeper is going away altogether; see KIP-500.
We are trying to spin up a Stateful MQ manager with default storage Class as persistent storage mounted for data in an Azure Kubernetes cluster. Here is the link which we followed. We exposed the service type as LoadBalancer as shown in below command.
helm install stable/ibm-mqadvanced-server-dev --version 3.0.1 --set service.type=LoadBalancer,security.initVolumeAsRoot=true,license=accept
Now, we can able to deploy the MQ pod in AKS and it shows the pod status as running. but unable to get the web interface of MQ. Here we are taking service type as LoadBalancer and added security groups for NodePorts created by LoadBalancer. still, we are failed to access the service. we have checked pod logs and it shows the logs as Started web server at the end.
Could anybody suggest what might be the reason for not getting the web interface of IBM WebSphere MQ and what are the possible ways to overcome this issue?
I have a functionning zookeeper stateful set, i have manually created.
I want to migrate to a helm installation of zookeeper.
My kubernetes cluster run on aws.
How to migrate volume from one stateful to the other ?
There is a tool called "chartify", that can generate Helm Charts from an existing Kubernetes api objects. It works both as a Helm plugin or as a stand-alone tool.
Please mind that there is already a Helm chart for zookeeper in the incubator repository.
There are a lot of examples of the SMACK stack, but in my infrastructure I would like to use ElasticSearch and Confluent Kafka Connect and Kafka Streams.
There is a great tutorial on deploying a CloudFormation-based SMACK stack environment and another in creating an IoT pipeline with SMACK as well.
Since I am working on a Lambda architecture, I am first starting with my batch data using ElasticSearch (not Cassandra) and would like to know if there are CloudFormation templates that use Kafka Connect, ElasticSearch. Eventually we want to use Kafka Streams with InfluxDB?
DC/OS has AWS CloudFormation templates and install instructions. Once you have DC/OS installed you can install ElasticSearch and Kafka from the Mesosphere Universe as DC/OS packages.