How to run plays using Ansible AWX on all hosts in a group using localhost - ansible

I'm trying to create a playbook that creates EC2 snapshots of some AWS Windows servers. I'm having a lot of trouble understanding how to get the correct directives in place to make sure things are running as they can. What I need to do is:
run the AWS commands locally, i.e. on the AWX host (as this is preferable to having to configure credentials on every server)
run the commands against each host in the inventory
I've done this in the past with a different group of Linux servers with no issue. But the fact that I'm having these issues makes me think that's not working as I think it is (I'm pretty new to all things Ansible/AWX).
The first step is I need to identify instances that are usually turned off and turn them on, then to take snapshots, then to turn them off again if they are usually turned off. So this is my main.yml:
- name: start the instance if the default state is stopped
import_playbook: start-instance.yml
when: default_state is defined and default_state == 'stopped'
- name: run the snapshot script
import_playbook: instance-snapshot.yml
- name: stop the instance if the default state is stopped
import_playbook: stop-instance.yml
when: default_state is defined and default_state == 'stopped'
And this is start-instance.yml
- name: make sure instances are running
hosts: all
gather_facts: false
connection: local
- name: start the instances
instance_id: "{{ instance_id }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
state: running
wait: true
register: ec2
- name: pause for 120 seconds to allow the instance to start
pause: seconds=120
When I run this, I get the following error:
fatal: [myhost,]: UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "ssl: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='myhost,', port=5986): Max retries exceeded with url: /wsman (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f99045e6bd0>, 'Connection to myhost, timed out. (connect timeout=30)'))",
"unreachable": true
I've learnt enough to know that this means it is, indeed, trying to connect to each Windows host which is not what I want. However, I thought having connection: local resolved this as it seemed to with another template I have which uses and identical playbook.
So If I change start-instance.yml to instead say "connection: localhost", then the play runs - but skips the steps because it determines that no hosts meet the condition (i.e. default_state is defined and default_state == 'stopped'). This tells me that the play is running on using localhost to run the play, but is also running it against localhost instead of the list of hosts in the inventory in AWX.
My hosts have variables defined in AWX such as instance ID, region, default state. I know in normal Ansible use we would have the instance IDs in the playbook and that's how Ansible would know which AWS instances to start up, but in this case I need it to get this information from AWX.
Is there any way to do this? So, run the tasks (start the instances, pause for 120 seconds) against all hosts in my AWX inventory, using localhost?

In the end I used delegate_to for this. I changed the code to this:
- name: make sure instances are running
hosts: all
gather_facts: false
- name: start the instances
delegate_to: localhost
instance_id: "{{ instance_id }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
state: running
wait: true
register: ec2
- name: pause for 120 seconds to allow the instance to start
pause: seconds=120
And AWX correctly used localhost to run the tasks I added delegation to.
Worth noting I got stuck for a while before realising my template needed two sets of credentials - one IAM user with correct permissions to run the AWS commands, and one for the machine credentials for the Windows instances.


Ansible wait_for_connection until the hosts are ready for ansible?

I am using ansible to configure some VM's.
Problem I am facing right now is, I can't execute ansible commands right after the VM's are just started, it gives connection time out error. This happens when I execute the ansible right after the VMs are spinned up in GCP.
Commands working fine when I execute ansible playbook after 60 seconds, but I am looking for a way to do this automatically without manually wait 60s and execute, so I can execute right after VM's are spun up and ansible will wait until they are ready. I don't want to add a delay seconds to ansible tasks as well,
I am looking for a dynamic way where ansible tries to execute playbook and when it fails, it won't show any error but wait until the VM's are ready?
I used this, but it still doesn't work (as it fails)
- hosts: all
- name: Wait for connection
wait_for_connection: # but this will still fails, am I doing this wrong?
- name: Ping all hosts for connectivity check
Can someone please help me?
I have the same issue on my side.
I've fixed htis with this task wait_for.
The basic way is to waiting ssh connection like this :
- name: Wait 300 seconds for port 22 to become open and contain "OpenSSH"
port: 22
host: '{{ (ansible_ssh_host|default(ansible_host))|default(inventory_hostname) }}'
search_regex: OpenSSH
delay: 10
connection: local
I guess your VM must launch an application/service so you can monitor on the vm in the log file where application is started, like this for example (here for nexus container):
- name: Wait container is start and running
become: yes
become_user: "{{ ansible_nexus_user }}"
path: "{{ ansible_nexus_directory_data }}/log/nexus.log"
search_regex: ".*Started Sonatype Nexus.*"
I believe what you are looking for is to postpone gather_facts until the server is up, as that otherwise will time out as you experienced. Your file could work as follows:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- name: Wait for connection (600s default)
- name: Gather facts manually
I have these under pre_tasks instead of tasks, but it should probably work if they are first in your file.

Restarting a service after looped commands on multiple servers

I poked around a bit here but didn't see anything that quite matched up to what I am trying to accomplish, so here goes.
So I've put together my first Ansible playbook which opens or closes one or more ports on the firewall of one or more hosts, for one or more specified IP addresses. Works great so far. But what I want to do is restart the firewall service after all the tasks for a given host are complete (with no errors, of course).
NOTE: The hostvars/localhost references just hold vars_prompt input from the user in a task list above this one. I store prompted data in hosts: localhost build a dynamic host list based on what the user entered, and then have a separate task list to actually do the work.
- name: Execute remote firewall-cmd for each host in "dynamically created host group"
hosts: dynamically_created_host_list
gather_facts: no
- set_fact:
hostList: "{{hostvars['localhost']['hostList']}}"
- set_fact:
portList: "{{hostvars['localhost']['portList']}}"
- set_fact:
portStateRequested: "{{hostvars['localhost']['portStateRequested']}}"
- set_fact:
portState: "{{hostvars['localhost']['portState']}}"
- set_fact:
remoteIPs: "{{hostvars['localhost']['remoteIPs']}}"
- name: Invoke firewall-cmd remotely
.. module-specific stuff here ...
- "{{ remoteIPs.split(',') }}"
- "{{ portList.split(',') }}"
register: requestStatus
In my original version of the script, which only did 1 port for 1 host for 1 IP, I just did:
- name: Reload firewalld
when: requestStatus.changed
name: firewalld
state: reloaded
But I don't think that will work as easily here because of the nesting. For example. Let's say I want to open port 9999 for a remote IP address of on 10 different hosts. And let's say the 5th host has an error for some reason. I may not want to restart the firewall service at that point.
Actually, now that I think about it, I guess that in that scenario, there would be 4 new entries to the firewall config, and 6 that didn't take because of the error. Now I'm wondering if I need to track the successes, and have a rescue block within the Playbook to back those entries that did go through.
Grrr.... any ideas? Sorry, new to Ansible here. Plus, I hate YAML for things like this. :D
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
It looks to me like what you are looking for is what Ansible call handlers.
As we’ve mentioned, modules should be idempotent and can relay when
they have made a change on the remote system. Playbooks recognize this
and have a basic event system that can be used to respond to change.
These ‘notify’ actions are triggered at the end of each block of tasks
in a play, and will only be triggered once even if notified by
multiple different tasks.
For instance, multiple resources may indicate that apache needs to be
restarted because they have changed a config file, but apache will
only be bounced once to avoid unnecessary restarts.
Note that handlers are simply a pair of
A notify attribute on one or multiple tasks
A handler, with a name matching your above mentioned notify attribute
So your playbook should look like
- name: Execute remote firewall-cmd for each host in "dynamically created host group"
hosts: dynamically_created_host_list
gather_facts: no
# set_fact removed for concision
- name: Invoke firewall-cmd remotely
# .. module-specific stuff here ...
- "{{ remoteIPs.split(',') }}"
- "{{ portList.split(',') }}"
notify: Reload firewalld
- name: Reload firewalld
name: firewalld
state: reloaded

Ansible: Trigger the task only when previous task is successful and the output is created

I am deploying a VM in azure using ansible and using the public ip created in the next tasks. But the time taken to create the public ip is too long so when the subsequent task is executed, it fails. The time to create the ip also varies, it's not fixed. I want to introduce some logic where the next task will only run when the ip is created.
- name: Deploy Master Node
resource_group: myResourceGroup
name: testvm10
admin_username: chouseknecht
admin_password: <your password here>
offer: CentOS-CI
publisher: OpenLogic
sku: '7-CI'
version: latest
Can someone assist me here..! It's greatly appreciated.
I think the wait_for module is a bad choice because while it can test for port availability it will often give you false positives because the port is open before the service is actually ready to accept connections.
Fortunately, the wait_for_connection module was designed for exactly the situation you are describing: it will wait until Ansible is able to successfully connect to your target.
This generally requires that you register your Azure VM with your Ansible inventory (e.g. using the add_host module). I don't use Azure, but if I were doing this with OpenStack I might write something like this:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
# This is the task that creates the vm, much like your existing task
- os_server:
name: larstest
cloud: kaizen-lars
image: 669142a3-fbda-4a83-bce8-e09371660e2c
key_name: default
flavor: m1.small
security_groups: allow_ssh
- net-name: test_net0
auto_ip: true
register: myserver
# Now we take the public ip from the previous task and use it
# to create a new inventory entry for a host named "myserver".
- add_host:
name: myserver
ansible_host: "{{ myserver.openstack.accessIPv4 }}"
ansible_user: centos
# Now we wait for the host to finished booting. We need gather_facts: false here
# because otherwise Ansible will attempt to run the `setup` module on the target,
# which will fail if the host isn't ready yet.
- hosts: myserver
gather_facts: false
- wait_for_connection:
delay: 10
# We could add additional tasks to the previous play, but we can also start
# new play with implicit fact gathering.
- hosts: myserver
- ...other tasks here...

Cannot access machine after creating trough ec2 module within same script

I have problems with my playbook which should create new EC2 instances trough built-in module and connect to them to set some default stuff.
I went trough lot of tutorials/posts, but none of them mentioned same problem, therefor i'm asking there.
Everything, in terms of creating goes well, but when i have instances created, and successfully waited for SSH to come up. I got error which says machine is unreachable.
UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "ERROR! SSH Error: data could not be sent to the remote host. Make sure this host can be reached over ssh", "unreachable": true}
I tried to connect manually (from terminal to the same host) and i was successful (while the playbook was waiting for connection). I also tried to increase timeout generally in ansible.cfg. I verified that given hostname is valid (and it is) and also tried public ip instead of public DNS, but nothing helps.
basically my playbook looks like that
- name: create ec2 instances
hosts: local
connection: local
gather_facts: False
- { type: "t2.micro", instance_tags: { Name: "machine1", group: "some_group" }, security_group: ["SSH"] }
- name: lunch new ec2 instances
local_action: ec2
group={{ item.security_group }}
instance_type={{ item.type}}
with_items: machines
register: ec2
- name: wait for SSH to come up
local_action: wait_for host={{ item.instances.0.public_dns_name }} port=22 delay=60 timeout=320 state=started
with_items: ec2.results
- name: add host into launched group
add_host: name={{ item.instances.0.public_ip }} group=launched
with_items: ec2.results
- name: with the newly provisioned EC2 node configure basic stuff
hosts: launched
sudo: yes
remote_user: ubuntu
gather_facts: True
- common
Note: in many tutorials are results from creating ec2 instances accessed in different way, but thats probably for different question.
I don't know how, but it suddenly started to work. No clue. In case i will find some new info, will update this question
A couple points that may help:
I'm guessing it's a version difference, but I've never seen a 'results' key in the registered 'ec2' variable. In any case, I usually use 'tagged_instances' -- this ensures that even if the play didn't create an instance (ie, because a matching instance already existed from a previous run-through), the variable will still return instance data you can use to add a new host to inventory.
Try adding 'search_regex: "OpenSSH"' to your 'wait_for' play to ensure that it's not trying to run before the SSH daemon is completely up.
The modified plays would look like this:
- name: wait for SSH to come up
local_action: wait_for host={{ item.public_dns_name }} port=22 delay=60 timeout=320 state=started search_regex="OpenSSH"
with_items: ec2.tagged_instances
- name: add host into launched group
add_host: name={{ item.public_ip }} group=launched
with_items: ec2.tagged_instances
You also, of course, want to make sure that Ansible knows to use the specified key when SSH'ing to the remote host either by adding 'ansible_ssh_private_key_file' to the inventory entry or specifying '--private-key=...' on the command line.

Ansible AWS EC2 Detecting Server is Running Fails

Just trying to learn how to use Ansible and have been experimenting with the AWS Ec2 module to build and deploy a Ubuntu instance on AWS-EC2. So have built a simple Playbook to create and startup an instance and executed via ansible-playbook -vvvv ic.yml
The playbook is:
- name: Create a ubuntu instance on AWS
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: False
# AWS keys for access to the API
ec2_access_key: 'secret-key'
ec2_secret_key: 'secret-key'
region: ap-southeast-2
- name: Create a Key-Pair necessary for connection to the remote EC2 host
name=ic-key region="{{region}}"
register: keypair
- name: Write the Key-Pair to a file for re-use
dest: files/ic-key.pem
content: "{{ keypair.key.private_key }}"
mode: 0600
when: keypair.changed
- name: start the instance
ec2_access_key: "{{ec2_access_key}}"
ec2_secret_key: "{{ec2_secret_key}}"
region: ap-southeast-2
instance_type: t2.micro
image: ami-69631053
key_name: ic-key # key we just created
instance_tags: {Name: icomplain-prod, type: web, env: production} #key-values pairs for naming etc
wait: yes
register: ec2
- name: Wait for instance to start up and be running
wait_for: host = {{item.public_dns_name}} port 22 delay=60 timeout=320 state=started
with_items: ec2.instances
The issue is that when attempting to wait for the instance to fire up, using the wait_for test, as described in Examples for EC-2 module it fails with the following error message:
msg: this module requires key=value arguments (['host', '=', '', 'port', '22', 'delay=60', 'timeout=320', 'state=started'])
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
Although the error message appears on the command line when I check in the AWS-Console the Key-Pair and EC2 instance are created and running.
There is some other parameter which I need ?
What is the 'key=value' msg which is the error output being caused by?
Any recommendations on other ways to debug the script to determine the cause of the failure ?
Does it require registration of the host somewhere in the Ansible world ?
Additional NOTES:
Testing the playbook I've observed that the key-pair gets created, the server startup is initiated at AWS as seen from the AWS web console. What appears to be the issue is that the time period of the server to spin up is too long and the script timeouts or fails. Frustratingly, is that the error message is not all that helpful and also wondering if there is any other methods of debugging an ansible script ?
this isn't a problem of "detecting the server is running". As the error message says, it's a problem with syntax.
# bad
wait_for: host = {{item.public_dns_name}} port 22 delay=60 timeout=320 state=started
# good
wait_for: host={{item.public_dns_name}} port=22 delay=60 timeout=320 state=started
Additionally, you'll want to run this from the central machine, not the remote (new) server.
local_action: wait_for host={{item.public_dns_name}} port=22 delay=60 timeout=320 state=started
Focusing on the wait_for test as you indicate that the rest is working.
Based on the jobs I have running I would think the issue is with the host name, not with the rest of the code. I use an Ansible server in a protected VPC that has network access to the VPC where the servers start up in, and my wait_for code looks like this (variable name updated to match yours):
- name: wait for instances to listen on port 22
delay: 10
state: started
host: "{{ item.private_ip }}"
port: 22
timeout: 300
with_items: ec2.instances
Trying to use DNS instead of an IP address has always proven to be unreliable for me - if I'm registering DNS as part of a job, it can sometimes take a minute to be resolvable (sometimes instant, sometimes not). Using the IP addresses works every time of course - as long as the networking is set up correctly.
If your Ansible server is in a different region or has to use the external IP to access the new servers, you will of course need to have the relevant security groups and add the new server(s) to those before you can use wait_for.
