Mixed Content on Vue-select Component - laravel

this is a bit of a weird one.
On my local development environment, this works perfectly, but once I go on a staging or live server - things don't go as smooth.
I am using the https://vue-select.org/ component for Vue.js to pull through options based on user input. When the select textarea is changed, I debounce the method and fire the string off to an API and pull back any results that are relative to the user's input. This then gets populated into an 'options' array which the select dynamically updates and uses.
The API link is specified using a variable from my .env file. On my local environment using Laravel Valet, this works fine.
When the site gets switched over to a live server, things get interesting. When I try and input a value into the select field, I get this result:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://example.com/cv/1fa2383/edit' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint 'http://example.com/api/job_title_names'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Now, you would assume that this was because the request is being loaded over HTTP, not HTTPS. This is the weird part. Nowhere hardcoded, or defined as a variable is there HTTP requests, only HTTPS. I've quadruple tested this and re-written and even hard-coded HTTPS links but for some reason, the component keeps trying to load the request over HTTP.
It's really odd because it tries to fire two requests. One is a GET and the other is a POST. The POST is what my Axios script should be doing, but the GET request gets added for some unknown reason. There is no code built for a get request on this component as you will see below.
I'm at my witts end with this. Here's some information regarding my components and element references:
My env variables: (.test is my dev tld).
test is my dev tld
/api/ is what most of my axios requests go through.
My input:
<span class="block font-bold mb-2 text-grey-500 text-sm">Job Title <i class="fad fa-question-circle leading-none text-blue-400" v-tooltip.top-center="'What was your role in this company?'"></i></span>
<v-select taggable :options="jobTitleOptions" #search="fetchJobTitleOptions" v-model="newEmployment.jobTitle" :filterable="false" class="dynamic-select" placeholder="Type a Job Title">
<template slot="no-options">
Type to find your job title...
My methods:
fetchJobTitleOptions (search, loading) {
this.searchJobTitles(loading, search, this);
searchJobTitles: _.debounce((loading, search, vm) => {
console.log('Job Title Url: ' + vm.jobTitleOptionsUrl);
if(search != '') {
axios.post(vm.jobTitleOptionsUrl, {
name: escape(search)
.then(response => {
let data = response.data;
vm.jobTitleOptions = data;
} else {
}, 500),
jobTitleOptionsUrl: function() {
return this.url + 'job_title_names/'
My component reference:
apiurl is the value of APP_API_URL assigned to a different vue variable.
<edit-employment :apiurl="apiurl" :cvid="this.cv_id"></edit-employment>
Blade template:
<edit-cv url="{{ env('APP_URL') }}" api="{{ env('APP_API_URL') }}" cvid="{{ $cv_id }}" urlslug="{{ $url_slug }}"></edit-cv>
Using Vue tools, I can see that all the links are being referenced correctly, not one has HTTP prefixed before them.
I am running Nginx on my local environment, but Apache is running on my server. I'm not sure if that could help with some diagnosis?
Steps I've taken to try and solve this:
I have flushed all cache from the Laravel side of things successfully
I have returned the variables in Laravel and can confirm they return correctly.
I have re-written most variables to ensure that they're 100% correct
I have checked package versions to see if there are conflicts, of which there are not.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

I fixed this by double-checking my routes. When working with APIs and specifically Axios in Laravel, if you have a trailing / at the end of the route, this causes the request to 301. After removing the trailing slash, everything worked as it should.
So this route:
return this.url + 'job_title_names/'
Becomes this:
return this.url + 'job_title_names'


Inertia.JS reload props after post request

I am currently pretty confused why Inertia.js is not reloading or rerendering my page.
I have a form that could be filled, once submitting this will execute:
Inertia.post("/ban", ban);
This will redirect to a POST in the web.php of my Laravel.
That looks like this:
Route::post("/ban", [Speler::class, "ban"]);
This redirects to a class called "Speler", in there is a function called "ban".
Once done some SQL statements it will execute this return:
return Redirect::route("speler", [$steam])->with("success", "Ban doorgevoerd!");
This will go back to the web.php, and go to the route speler with the session data "success".
That redirect goes into the web.php:
Route::get("/speler/{steam}", [PageLoader::class, "speler"])->name("speler");
This one goes to the PageLoader controller, and execute the "speler" function.
But here it gets weird, this will return a Inertia::render of the same page the person was on, but would need to add another prop, or change the prop. (so i can show a popup with te text that it succeeded)
return Inertia::render("Panel/Speler",
["steamNaam" => $steamNaam, "discord" => $discord, "karakterAantal" => $karakterAantal, "karakters" => $karakters, "sancties" => $sanctiesReturn, "punten" => $aantalPunten, "steamid" => $steamid, "success" => $melding]
The "success" prop contains $melding that simply contains a string.
But for some reason it doesn't seem to re-render the page, the form stays filled, and the props are the same.
Does someone have a solution?
If you setup your form with the form helper, you can reset the form on a successful post like this:
form.post('/ban', {
preserveScroll: true,
onSuccess: () => form.reset(), // reset form if everything went OK
The success message, which you set with
return Redirect::route("speler", [$steam])->with("success", "Ban doorgevoerd!");
is usually taken care of by the Inertia middleware and made available as 'Shared data'. See this docs page on how to configure that. Shared data is rendered in $page.props variable. That is where you can find the Ban doorgevoerd! message. You can show these to the user as follows:
<div v-if="$page.props.flash.message" class="alert">
{{ $page.props.flash.message }}
Depending on your implementation, you would need to watch this property. See the FlashMessages component on the pingCRM demo app for an example implementation.

Redirect from method in Vue.js with Vue-router older than version 1.x.x

I'm not much of a frontend developer but I know enough javascript to do the minimum.
I'm trying to plug into a last piece of login however my vue components are:
"vue-resource": "^0.9.3",
"vue-router": "^0.7.13"
I'm not experienced enough to move up to v1 or v2 respectively.
I would like to achieve something similar to this.
However I'm not getting a successful redirect.
my app.js file:
var router = new VueRouter();
import Auth from './services/auth.js';
router.beforeEach(transition => {
if(transition.to.auth &&!Auth.authenticated)
In my login.js file
methods: {
* Login the user
login(e) {
var vm = this;
{ email : this.form.email,
password : this.form.password
localStorage.setItem('token', response.data.token);
function(response) {
if(response.status == 401)
let error = {'password': ['Email/Password do not match']};
I tried to do as suggested:
localStorage.setItem('token', response.data.token);
However all it did was append the url on top.
I see that the 3 previous events were successfully done but not the redirect.
it went from:
when I need the entire page to go to:
I think i have a missing concept in order to do the redirect correctly.
As per suggested i have added param: append => false but nothing happens.
what i did afterward was within app.js create a method called redirectLogin() with console.log() outputs - that worked. what i did further is i put vm.$route.router.go inside there and called the method via vm.$dispatch('redirectLogin'); and that also didn't work.
The HTML is being rendered in Laravel first. the route I originally had (and working) as login/dashboard and that route is available via normal Laravel route. the blade is being rendered via view template.
So far I've been trying to vue redirect over to login/dashboard (not working) perhaps I should somehow remove login/dashboard and use the route.map and assign login/dashboard?
I would rather keep the login/dashboard as a laravel route due to authentication and other manipulation.
For Vue 2
As par the documentation, router.go appends the path in the current route, however in your case it is appending along with # in the router as well.
You can use param: append, to directly arrive at your desired destination, like following:
vm.$route.router.go({name: '/login/dashboard#1/', params: {append: false}})
If it is not happening, you can try $window.location method like following:
var url = "http://" + $window.location.host + "login/dashboard";
$window.location.href = url;
I think their is a misunderstanding here of how vue-router works. It seems you are not wanting to load a new route with a corresponding component, rather you simply want to redirect to a new page then let that page load and in turn fire up a fresh instance of vue.
If the above is correct you don't need vue-router at all. Simply add the below when you need to load the page:
window.location.href = '/login/dashboard'
If you'd rather simulate a redirect to that page (no back button history) then:
The above would be fired when you have finished all processing that the page must run to set the users state which the next page requires. This way the next page can grab it and should be able to tell the correct state of the user (logged in).
Therefore you'll want to fire the redirect when the Promise has resolved:
// store the Auth token
localStorage.setItem('token', response.data.token)
// not sure whether this is required as this page, and in turn this instance of vue, is about to be redirected
// redirect the user to their dashboard where I assume you'd run this.$dispatch('authenticateUser') again to get their state

Jade html not updated after a redirect in Express.js

I'm currently having some trouble displaying a flash message in Express.js using Jade's templating engine and connect-flash. I am simply trying to flash an error message when the user tries to add a new User object to my database that already exists. However the flash message is not showing up on my page after calling router.post and redirecting back to the index (code below).
Through various console.logs and debugging, I have found that the data I am posting is indeed posting correctly, and the flash message is being set. What I have found is that on the redirect, all of the correct data is passing to the Jade template, but the variables are not being updated in the file itself. I am now wondering if this is a session related issue, or just something Flash/Jade/Express related that I am completely overlooking?
In the code below I am logging session data as well as setting the flash message to a variable. If the array for the flash message(s) is empty (i.e. on page load), an array is set with a message that says so. If the flash message(s) array contains a flash message, the test array is set with a message that says so.
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
var testArray;
var errorMessages = req.flash('user-error');
if (errorMessages.length === 0)
testArray = ['errorMessages is empty'];
testArray = ['errorMessages contains a message now'];
res.render('index', {
message: errorMessages,
tester: testArray,
...other irrelevant vars being passed...
router.post('/add', function(req, res, next) {
var ajaxData = req.body;
User.findOne({name: ajaxData.name}, function(err, user) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
// if User DNE already in DB
if (user === null) {
...new user created and saved here...
/*where the important stuff begins*/
else {
console.log("flash message set");
req.flash('user-error', "A user with that name already exists!");
// redirect to index
In my Jade template, I'm again logging errorMessages and testArray to make sure everything is passed to the file correctly (it is) then showing the variables.
.error-box Error: #{message}
.error-box Error: #{tester}
Initially loading the page, I will get the following HTML output:
<div class="error-box">Error: </div>
<div class="error-box">Error: errorMessages is empty</div>
No surprises here. But when I submit the form with data that sets the error flash message, I get the updated logs from router.get('/') and index.jade with both the correct errorMessages and testArray variables. However my HTML output remains the same:
<div class="error-box">Error: </div>
<div class="error-box">Error: errorMessages is empty</div>
Clearly the variables being passed to Jade are being updated correctly, but it appears that Jade is simply not updating the HTML. With my somewhat limited knowledge of how connect-flash and Jade work, this would lead me to believe that this is a session related issue, however my code in app.js appears to be setup correctly...
var session = require('express-session');
var flash = require('connect-flash');
secret: 'secret',
cookie: { maxAge: 60000 },
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: false
I am relatively new to Express.js, so I feel like there might be something small I am overlooking or don't understand, but I've tried to be as detailed as possible so I'm hoping someone can help me out here!
After more careful inspection, I found that what was really causing the issue was that res.redirect('/') was not running, as I was attempting to use AJAX on the client side to call router.post('/add').
I solved this by simply removing my AJAX request, then going back into my HTML and changing my form's attributes (the form whose data I was sending via AJAX) to include method="POST" and action="/add". This is the proper way to make a SERVER SIDE call to my router.post('/add').
I found that someone was having the same problem here, and this question initially led me to look into the AJAX/Client Side vs. Server Side issue. I found the latter question in a comment from #herbyme on this post.

How to handle authentication in Angular JS application

I am implementing an auth system in my angular js app.
What I am planning it like below:
Get user info(name and pass from login form)
Check whether user exists or not
if exists server respond with a session cookie and frontend will redirect to a certain page.
then user will do some task which will generate API request
API request should have cookie information that was sent on step 3
server check whether the cookie was generated or not and if cookie was found then respond with the API request results. And in my service I am doing something like
MyApp.service('myAuth', function($http, $q) {
this.authHeader = null;
this.checkAuth = function(){
//do api call and if success sets this.authHeader = response
this.isAuthenticaed = function(){
this.authHeader ? return this.authHeder : return false;
After submitting the login form I will call checkAuth and get my session cookie back from my server, how I can add the cookie information while doing the next REST call and also when user will navigate throughout the application after log in I do want to check each time isAuthenticaed true or false, in Angularjs when it will navigate to another page does it resets after setting it true from the first call? And is my approach 1-6 good or do you have any specific suggestions?
Btw I checked previous so entries but those are not what I want to know.
I am not sure about your backend, but this is how I would do it
Create a separate login page (dedicated url not angular sub view or
modal dialog).
If the user is not authenticated redirect to this login
page. This is done by server redirects. This page may or may not use
angular framework, as it just involves sending a user\password to
Make a POST (not AJAX request) from the login page, and verify on server.
On the server set the auth cookie. (Different frameworks do it differently. ASP.Net sets form authentication cookie.)
Once the user is authenticated redirect user to the actual angular app and load all its components.
This saves any code require to manage authentication on client side in Angular. If the user lands on this page he is authenticated and has the cookie.
Also default browser behavior is to send all cookies associated with a domain with each request, so you don't have to worry if angular is sending some cookie or not.
I use the http-auth-interceptor. http://ngmodules.org/modules/http-auth-interceptor
In my backend (asp.net mvc) I build a simple Authentication Service and return an http error 401 if the user is not authenticated.
Then I handle the error with a login-view in the SPA site.
The ideas put forth by the previous answers will work, but I think they're overkill. You don't need anything this complex.
how I can add the cookie information while doing the next REST call
Turn on withCredentials by default inside $httpProvider like so:
app.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.withCredentials = true;
Then remove the wildcard (if you had one) from the CORS-related headers, and set allow-credentials, on the server side. In my case, using Python + Flask + Flask-Restful, it's super easy and looks like this:
import Flask
from flask_restful import Api
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
api.decorators = [cors.crossdomain(origin='http://localhost:8100', credentials=True)]
Now cookies will be set and returned automatically and transparently by the browser. See these threads for more info:
$http response Set-Cookie not accessible
Angularjs $http does not seem to understand "Set-Cookie" in the response
when user will navigate throughout the application after log in I do want to check each time isAuthenticaed true or false
As suggested above, have the server return 401 if the auth session expires or is deleted, and use $httpInterceptor in Angular to catch this like so:
app.config(function($httpProvider) {
var interceptor =
function($q, $rootScope) {
return {
'response': function(response) {
return response;
'responseError': function(rejection) {
if (rejection.status==401) {
// Modify this part to suit your needs.
// In my case I broadcast a message which is
// picked up elsewhere to show the login screen.
if (!rejection.config.url.endsWith('/login'))
return $q.reject(rejection)
(Disclosure: I'm one of the developers of UserApp)
You could use the third-party service UserApp for this, together with the AngularJS module.
Check out the getting started guide, or take the course on Codecademy. Here's some examples of how it works:
Login form with error handling:
<form ua-login ua-error="error-msg">
<input name="login" placeholder="Username"><br>
<input name="password" placeholder="Password" type="password"><br>
<button type="submit">Log in</button>
<p id="error-msg"></p>
User info is accessed using the user service: user.current.email
Or in the template: <span>{{ user.email }}</span>
Signup form with error handling:
<form ua-signup ua-error="error-msg">
<input name="first_name" placeholder="Your name"><br>
<input name="login" ua-is-email placeholder="Email"><br>
<input name="password" placeholder="Password" type="password"><br>
<button type="submit">Create account</button>
<p id="error-msg"></p>
ua-is-email means that the username is the same as the email.
How to specify which routes that should be public, and which route that is the login form:
$routeProvider.when('/login', {templateUrl: 'partials/login.html', public: true, login: true});
$routeProvider.when('/signup', {templateUrl: 'partials/signup.html', public: true});
The .otherwise() route should be set to where you want your users to be redirected after login. Example:
$routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: '/home'});
Log out link:
<a href="#" ua-logout>Log Out</a>
Hide elements that should only be visible when logged in:
<div ng-show="user.authorized">Welcome {{ user.first_name }}!</div>
And to authenticate to your back-end services, just use user.token() to get the session token and send it with the AJAX request. At the back-end, use the UserApp API to check if the token is valid or not.
If you need any help, just let me know :)

Sammy intercepts a POST that is not one of the added routes

I have an application that uses Sammy for some simple client-side routing.
One of the pages has a "Download Pdf" button, which needs to do a POST to get and download a pdf document (not very resty, I know, but it has to be a POST due to the large amount of data I'm submitting). It does this using the old trick of dynamically creating, populating, and submitting a <form> element.
Everything works fine, except for I can see in the console an error from sammy that my route was not found. Note that this is not a route, or even a verb that Sammy should be handling.
Here is my reduced test case
Sammy(function initializeClientRouting(app) {
app.get('#/', show('#default'));
app.get('#/test', show('#test'));
function show(selector) { return function() {
}; }
$('button').click(function() {
var form = $("<form method=post action: 'http://www.google.com'>").hide();
$('<textarea name=q>').text("search text").appendTo(form);
Does anyone know how to prevent this error? Is this a bug in Sammy?
It's a combination of sammy & JQuery behaviour (bug?). When generated dynamically the way you put it, the form tag is being rendered as
<form www.google.com'="" 'http:="" action:="" method="post">
This will try to POST to the current page which probably is something like
http://blah/# or http://blah/#/test
For some reason, Sammy will be triggered because of the hashtag, not finding a POST configured and log an error.
Fiddling with your example, what worked for me was:
var form = $("<form>");
form.attr('method', 'post');
form.attr('action', 'http://www.google.com');
$('<textarea name=q>').text("search text").appendTo(form);
This seemed to generate the proper HTML and remove the Sammy error.
