Heroku app custom domain points to empty root - heroku

I've set up my app on Heroku. Everything loads fine when I access the herokuapp.com domain.
I've added my own domain to the app and added the CNAME as instructed but when I go to the subdomain it's just showing an empty root.
I'm not sure what I am doing wrong here!
I've checked the domain is added to the app running heroku domains in terminal and it's there.
This is the first time I've published an app on Heroku but I've followed the instructions and I can't see what the problem is.
Any help is much appreciated.

I managed to resolve this issue by adding another CNAME record in the domain provider account and creating the subdomain in there, rather than from the server.


PointDNS - "Name is managed by another account" on Heroku App

I'm trying to add a domain at one of my heroku apps.
I just added a custom domain in the app, but when I open PointDNS(DNS host recommended by heroku), my domain isn't listed there.
It shows the message You haven't added any domains yet. Go ahead, and add your first domain.
Then, when I try to add the domain name, it says Name is managed by another account.
I checked all my other apps, and no one have this domain registered. I've also tried the command heroku domains -a my-app and it correctly shows me the registered domain.
Summarize: I can't manage a domain in PointDNS due to the error Name is managed by another account, but there is no another account with this same domain. What could the problem be?
Since I couldn't solve the problem with PointDNS support, I've decided to transfer my website onto another domain registrar. That's it.

Firebase hosting root is setup but subdomain also showing firebase 404 even though only root is pointed

I want to hook the root of my goDaddy domain to firebase. omarhabash.com. When i go there, I see it correctly but for some reason www.omarhabash.com shows a firebase 404. I don't want that cause www should be pointed to heroku.
The heroku site is hooked via cname but does not show it - instead i see firebase which should only be set via a record #
You have to add to the www subdomain the A records with the same Firebase IP addresses, and then add the new subdomain in the Firebase Hosting dashboard. If you already verified the main domain, this should be ready more quickly.

Deployed heroku app not showing up on custom domain

I set up a custom domain for my heroku app, which worked ("Theres nothing here, yet").
I then deployed my first version of the app to heroku and tried to access it via the custom domain, but still got the message "Theres nothing here, yet".
The deployment was successful and the app can be reached via appname.herokuapp.com.
How do I get it to show up on my custom domain?
I had the same issue this morning but managed to resolve it.
I added my custom domain via the settings menu of the heroku dashboard (web page) and then added the heroku DNS target to a CNAME record with my DNS provider (GoDaddy). After just a few minutes the DNS target URL was pointing to the purple "There's nothing here, yet" page. 10 or 15 minutes later my custom domain name was also pointing there, but no sign of my app.
Researching the issue led me to your post and also to https://support.dnsimple.com/articles/heroku-error-nosuchapp/
Following the instructions at the bottom of the page I used the heroku command line to add a 'www' version of my custom domain.
heroku domains:add www.example.com
Immediately after this my app showed up at my custom domain. I didn't even need to add the 2nd DNS target to my DNS provider. It just worked.
Curiously, pointing my browser directly at the DNS target URLs does not work.

Google Domains Not Pointing to Correct Heroku App

I am trying to point my Google Domains domain name to Heroku, but am having a hard time. I previously had the domain forwarded to point to another website, but I have now followed these instructions to point it to my Heroku app.
The domain in question is www.lizbayardelle.com. The Heroku app I want it to is https://liz-bayardelle.herokuapp.com/. If I type heroku open in Terminal this is what comes up. However, if you go to the domain and the heroku app, the domain still shows the other website (to which it was initially forwarded), not the Heroku app.
Here are my Google Domains settings:
If you want it to point to liz-bayardelle.herokuapp.com, use that.
You've used www.liz-bayardelle.herokuapp.com. Visiting that URL displays Heroku's "no such app" page.
It turned out that the domain name was still "claimed" by the other Heroku app, so I had to log in to the one which had been forwarded on the Heroku console and delete the domain name. After I did this it could be added with heroku domains:add www.lizbayardelle.com and heroku domains:add lizbayardelle.com.

Fortrbbit app domain change

So I am fairly new to laravel and especial to its deploying. I set up a fortrabbit application and got my website running so that's all good. The thing is though, the app url is not the one I wanted. I have an older website running without Laravel, and that is the url I want it to be hosted on. I have the ftp credentials for the old site but I have no clue how I can sort of clone the new Laravel site to the old one.
Briefly, I have a Laravel app running on insertname.eu1.frbit.net but I want it to be hosted on www.insertname.com which an older site is being hosted on for the time being.
Can anyone help me out? There must be a way to do this. Thanks alot!
The fortrabbit "App URL" is meant for testing/development/configuration and can't be changed. However you can route other domains to your App on fortrabbit. You do so by pointing the domain to the "App URL" via a CNAME and by registering the domain in the App settings in the Dashboard.
