How to query ignite cache by java? - caching

I start ignite server by ./, start a ignite client by java code, and execute a query in java,
public class TOFListener {
public static void main(String[] args) {
IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(cfg);
IgniteCache<String, Object> cache = ignite.getOrCreateCache("TOFCache");
ContinuousQuery<String, Object> qry = new ContinuousQuery<>();
qry.setInitialQuery(new ScanQuery<>((k, v) -> "name".equals(k) || "shoulderWidthStdDev".equals(k)));
qry.setLocalListener((evts) -> evts.forEach(e ->
System.out.println("UpdatedValue, [key=" + e.getKey() + ", val=" + e.getValue() + "]")));
qry.setRemoteFilterFactory(() -> evts -> evts.getKey().equals("name") || evts.getKey().equals("shoulderWidthStdDev"));
but it occur exception like this:
Exception02 Exception03
But when I start ignite server by java code, query is ok,
I do not know why, anyone can help me? Thanks...

Class is absent on server node so your lambdas cannot be instantiated there.
You should either enable Peer Class Loading, or deploy your code to server nodes as JARs.


How to run multiple Apache Ignite nodes on same JVM?

This is my Java implementation of Ignite as a caching layer.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Properties conf = getConfiguration();
IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
CacheConfiguration configuration = new CacheConfiguration();
DataSource dataSource = new DataSource();
RoundRobinPolicy robinPolicy = new RoundRobinPolicy();
String persistenceSettingsXml = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(conf.getProperty("ignite.persistenceSettings")), "utf-8");
KeyValuePersistenceSettings persistenceSettings = new KeyValuePersistenceSettings(persistenceSettingsXml);
CassandraCacheStoreFactory cacheStoreFactory = new CassandraCacheStoreFactory();
Ignite ignite=Ignition.getOrStart(cfg);
Ignite igTwo = Ignition.getOrStart(cfg);
Is there a way to run multiple nodes (on localhost) from the same JVM program? If it is not possible to run multiple nodes from the same Java program, is there a way to run all the nodes from the command prompt separately and then connect to them from the Java application?
Yes, you can, and in process of running Java tests we run dozens of Ignite instances in the same VM. They are lightweight and they start up pretty fast.
You should just make sure to set a different igniteInstanceName on IgniteConfiguration. Please also note that you can't reuse IgniteConfiguration when starting both instances. Create a factory method to build two IgniteConfiguration copies, one for every instance.

use spring boot data redis Connect to the redis cluster problem

I used spring boot data redis to connect to the redis cluster, using version 2.1.3 The configuration is as follows:
public RedisConnectionFactory myLettuceConnectionFactory(GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
RedisClusterConfiguration redisClusterConfiguration = new RedisClusterConfiguration();
final List<String> nodeList = redisProperties.getCluster().getNodes();
Set<RedisNode> nodes = new HashSet<RedisNode>();
for (String ipPort : nodeList) {
String[] ipAndPort = ipPort.split(":");
nodes.add(new RedisNode(ipAndPort[0].trim(), Integer.valueOf(ipAndPort[1])));
LettuceClientConfiguration clientConfig = LettucePoolingClientConfiguration.builder()
RedisClusterClient clusterClient ;
LettuceConnectionFactory factory = new LettuceConnectionFactory(redisClusterConfiguration,clientConfig);
return factory;
However, during the operation, a WARN exception message will always be received as follows:
Well, this seems to be a problem with lettuce, How to map remote host & port to localhost using Lettuce,but I don't know how to use it in spring boot data redis. Any solution is welcome, thank you
I've got the answer, so let's define a ClinentRourse like this:
MappingSocketAddressResolver resolver = MappingSocketAddressResolver.create(DnsResolvers.UNRESOLVED ,
hostAndPort -> {
return HostAndPort.of(ipStr, hostAndPort.getPort());
return hostAndPort;
ClientResources clientResources = ClientResources.builder()
Then through LettuceClientConfiguration.clientResources method set in, the normal work of the lettuce.

Elasticsearch Connector as Source in Flink

I used Elasticsearch Connector as a Sink to insert data into Elasticsearch (see :
But, I did not found any connector to get data from Elasticsearch as source.
Is there any connector or example to use Elasticsearch documents as source in a Flink pipline?
I don't know of an explicit ES source for Flink. I did see one user talking about using elasticsearch-hadoop as a HadoopInputFormat with Flink, but I don't know if that worked for them (see their code).
I finaly defined a simple read from ElasticSearch function
public static class ElasticsearchFunction
extends ProcessFunction<MetricMeasurement, MetricPrediction> {
public ElasticsearchFunction() throws UnknownHostException {
client = new PreBuiltTransportClient(settings)
.addTransportAddress(new TransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName("YOUR_IP"), PORT_NUMBER));
public void processElement(MetricMeasurement in, Context context, Collector<MetricPrediction> out) throws Exception {
MetricPrediction metricPrediction = new MetricPrediction();
// Get the metric measurement from Elasticsearch
SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch("YOUR_INDEX_NAME")
.setQuery(QueryBuilders.termQuery("YOUR_TERM", in.getMetricId())) // Query
.setPostFilter(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("value").from(0L).to(50L)) // Filter
SearchHit[] results = response.getHits().getHits();
for(SearchHit hit : results){
String sourceAsString = hit.getSourceAsString();
if (sourceAsString != null) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
MetricMeasurement obj = mapper.readValue(sourceAsString, MetricMeasurement.class);
Hadoop Compatibility + Elasticsearch Hadoop

Understanding HBase Java Client

I started Hbase few days back and going through all the material of online.
I have installed and configured HBase and shell commands are working fine.
I got an example of Java client to get data from HBase Table and it executed successfully but I could not understand how it is working? In the code nowhere we have mentioned the port, host of Hbase server? How it able to fetch the data from table?
This is my code:
public class RetriveData {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// Instantiating Configuration class
Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
// Instantiating HTable class
#SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "resource" })
HTable table = new HTable(config, "emp");
// Instantiating Get class
Get g = new Get(Bytes.toBytes("1"));
// Reading the data
Result result = table.get(g);
// Reading values from Result class object
byte [] value = result.getValue(Bytes.toBytes("personal data"),Bytes.toBytes("name"));
byte [] value1 = result.getValue(Bytes.toBytes("personal data"),Bytes.toBytes("city"));
// Printing the values
String name = Bytes.toString(value);
String city = Bytes.toString(value1);
System.out.println("name: " + name + " city: " + city);
The output looks like:
name: raju city: hyderabad
I agree with Binary Nerds answer
adding some more interesting information for better understanding.
Your Question :
I could not understand how it is working? In the code nowhere we have
mentioned the port, host of Hbase server? How it able to fetch the
data from table?
Since you are executing this program in cluster
// Instantiating Configuration class
Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create()
all the cluster properties will be taken care from inside the cluster.. since you are in cluster and you are executing hbase java client program..
Now try like below (execute same program in different way from remote machine eclipse on windows to find out difference of what you have done earlier and now).
public static Configuration configuration; // this is class variable
static { //fill clusternode1,clusternode2,clusternode3 from your cluster
configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create();
configuration.set("", "2181");
configuration.set("hbase.master", "clusternode1:600000");
Hope this heps you to understand.
If you look at the source code for HBaseConfiguration on github you can see what it does when it calls create().
public static Configuration create() {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// In case HBaseConfiguration is loaded from a different classloader than
// Configuration, conf needs to be set with appropriate class loader to resolve
// HBase resources.
return addHbaseResources(conf);
Followed by:
public static Configuration addHbaseResources(Configuration conf) {
return conf;
So its loading the configuration from your HBase configuration files hbase-default.xml and hbase-site.xml.

Integrating Spark SQL and Apache Drill through JDBC

I would like to create a Spark SQL DataFrame from the results of a query performed over CSV data (on HDFS) with Apache Drill. I successfully configured Spark SQL to make it connect to Drill via JDBC:
Map<String, String> connectionOptions = new HashMap<String, String>();
connectionOptions.put("url", args[0]);
connectionOptions.put("dbtable", args[1]);
connectionOptions.put("driver", "org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver");
DataFrame logs ="jdbc").options(connectionOptions).load();
Spark SQL performs two queries: the first one to get the schema, and the second one to retrieve the actual data:
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM dfs.output.`my_view`) WHERE 1=0
SELECT "field1","field2","field3" FROM (SELECT * FROM dfs.output.`my_view`)
The first one is successful, but in the second one Spark encloses fields within double quotes, which is something that Drill doesn't support, so the query fails.
Did someone managed to get this integration working?
Thank you!
you can add JDBC Dialect for this and register the dialect before using jdbc connector
case object DrillDialect extends JdbcDialect {
def canHandle(url: String): Boolean = url.startsWith("jdbc:drill:")
override def quoteIdentifier(colName: java.lang.String): java.lang.String = {
return colName
def instance = this
This is how the accepted answer code looks in Java:
import org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.JdbcDialect;
public class DrillDialect extends JdbcDialect {
public String quoteIdentifier(String colName){
return colName;
public boolean canHandle(String url){
return url.startsWith("jdbc:drill:");
Before creating the Spark Session register the Dialect:
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession;
import org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.JdbcDialects;
public static void main(String[] args) {
JdbcDialects.registerDialect(new DrillDialect());
SparkSession spark = SparkSession
.appName("Drill Dialect")
//More Spark code here..
Tried and tested with Spark 2.3.2 and Drill 1.16.0. Hope it helps you too!
