How to get an interactive bash shell in a Docker container - bash

I'm trying to connect to a running container or start a new container in interactive mode with the bash shell -- not the sh shell. I want to run:
docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
docker run -it <container_name> <image_name>
docker run -it <container_name> <image_name> /bin/bash
and get an interactive bash shell.
What I've tried so far:
Per this post I've tried
Adding this to my Dockerfile
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
Adding this to my Dockerfile
RUN ["/bin/bash", "-c", "echo I am now using bash!"]
But every time I try to run a container in interactive mode (docker run -it or attach to a running container (docker exec -it), I land in the sh shell.
How can I get an interactive bash shell that is running inside a docker container?
Update: Minimal working Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]

You are in fact running an interactive bash with commands like:
docker container run -it ubuntu /bin/bash
When you run bash in a docker container, that shell is in a container. So it won't have the command history from outside of the container, that history is maintained on the host filesystem. It also won't have your prompt, the PS1 variable is not automatically exported into the container's environment. And it won't have your .bashrc configuration from your host, since that isn't inside the container. Instead you get a bash shell that is out of the box from a minimal ubuntu host.


Dockerfile CMD for taking bash commands from host

I've created a dockerfile with various compile and build tools. The goal of the dockerimage is to standardize our development tools, and make it easy and consistent for developing.
Everything is installed.
What I am stuck on, is how to make the docker container keep running, and be able to have a bash shell to that container so that I can run, for example, make etc. ?
If I use ENTRYPOINT /bin/bash my container exits immediately. How to keep the container running?
You should use the command at run time. You run your Docker container in interatice mode (-i) and set the command to "/bin/bash":
docker run -it myDockerImage myCommandToExecuteInteractively
For instance:
docker run -it myDocker /bin/bash
Here is a real life example:
a) Pulling the most basic image
docker pull debian:jessie-slim
b) Let's have a bash there:
docker run -it debian:jessie-slim /bin/bash
c) Enjoy:
A docker container will run as long as the CMD/Entrypoint from your Dockerfile takes.
You can run your Docker container in interactive mode using switch i
sudo docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash <imagename>
Example : docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash ubuntu:14.04
This will start an interactive shell in your container. Your container will exit as soon as you exit that shell.

How do I Run Docker cmds Exactly Like in a Dockerfile

There seems to be a difference between how Docker runs commands in a Dockerfile versus running commands manually after starting a container. This seems to be due to the kind of shells you can start, a (I assume) non-interactive shell with a Dockerfile vs an interactive one when running something like docker run -it <some-img-id>.
How can I debug running commands in a Docker container so that it runs exactly like the commands are run from a Dockerfile? Would just adding /bin/bash --noprofile to the run cmd suffice? Or is there anything else different about the environment when started from a Dockerfile?
What you are experiencing is the behavior because of the shell. Most of us are used to using the bash shell. So generally we would attempt to run the commands in the below fashion
For new container
docker run -it <imageid> bash
For existing container
docker exec -it <containerid> bash
But when we specify some command using RUN directive inside a Dockerfile
RUN echo Testing
Then it is equivalent to running /bin/sh -c 'echo Testing'. So you can expect certain differences as both the shells are different.
In Docker 1.12 or higher you have a Dockerfile directive named SHELL this allows you to override the default SHELL
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
RUN echo Testing
This would make the RUN command be executed as bash -c 'echo Testing'. You can learn more about the SHELL directive here
Short answer 1:
If Dockerfile don't use USER and SHELL commands, then this:
docker --entrypoint "/bin/sh -c" -u root <image> cmd
Short answer 2:
If you don't squash or compress image after the build, Docker creates images layers for each of the Dockerfile commands. You can see them in the output of docker build at the end of each step with --->:
Step 2/8 : WORKDIR /usr/src/app
---> 5a5964bed25d # <== THIS IS IMAGE ID OF STEP 2
Removing intermediate container b2bc9558e499
Step 3/8 : RUN something
---> f6e90f0a06e2 # <== THIS IS IMAGE ID OF STEP 3
Removing intermediate container b2bc9558e499
Look for the image id just before the RUN step you want to debug (for example you want to debug step 3 on above, take the step 2 image id). Then just run the command in that image:
docker run -it 5a5964bed25d cmd
Long answer 1:
When you run docker run [image] cmd Docker in fact starts the cmd in this way:
Executes the default entrypoint of the image with the cmd as its argument. Entrypoint is stored in the image on build by ENTRYPOINT command in Dockerfile. Ie if cmd is my-app and entrypoint is /bin/sh -c, it executes /bin/sh -c my-app.
Starts it with default user id of the image, which is defined by the last USER command in Dockerfile
Starts it with the environment variables from all ENV commands from image's Dockerfile commulative
When docker build runs the Dockerfile RUN, it does exatly the same, only with the values present at that time (line) of the Dockerfile.
So to be exact, you have to take the value of ENVs and last USER command before your RUN line, and use those in the docker run command.
Most common images have /bin/sh -c or /bin/bash -c as entrypoint and most likely the build operates with root user. Therefore docker --entrypoint "/bin/bash -c" -u root <image> cmd should be sufficient

Running shell script using Docker image

- There is Windows machine with Docker Toolbox installed.
- There is a shell script file which calls py2dsc-deb.
Problem: py2dsc-deb is not available on Windows.
As I understand correctly, I can pull some Linux distro image from Docker repository, create a container and then execute shell-script file and it will run py2dsc-deb and do its job.
I have pulled:
debian - stretch-slim - 3ad21 - 3 weeks ago - 55.3MB
How do I run my script using debian, something like: docker exec mycontainer /path/to/
Running docker --rm debian:stretch-slim does nothing. Doesn't it suppose to run Debian distro at docker-machine ip?
I have tried to keep the container up using docker run -it debian:stretch-slim /bin/bash, then run the script using docker exec 1ef5b ./, but getting
$ docker exec 745 ./
rpc error: code = 2 desc = oci runtime error: exec failed: container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused "exec: \"./\": stat ./ no such file or directory"
Does it mean I can't run external script and has to always pass it inside the Docker?
You can execute bash command inside your container by typing
docker exec -ti -u `username` `container_name` bash -c "cd /path/to/ && ./"
lets say your container name is test_buildbox, you are root and your script stays inside /bin/ You can call this script by typing
docker exec -ti -u root test_buildbox bash -c "cd /bin/ && ./
Please check if you have correct line endings in your .sh scripts (<LF>) when you built Docker image on Windows.

docker run ubuntu on mac and nothing happens

i'm on mac running:
docker is configured to use the default machine with IP
For help getting started, check out the docs at
my-mac:mydir$ docker run ubuntu /bin/bash
am i doing something wrong? shouldn't I get into the ubuntu shell?
By running docker run ubuntu /bin/bash, docker create a randomly-named container from the image ubuntu and runs a bash without stdin, stdout nor stderr then bash exits (right after being started).
Try at least to set a tty and interactive mode (aka foreground mode):
docker ps -a
# if not exited, stop it first
docker stop <container_id>
# remove the container which cannot be used
docker rm <container_id>
# let's try again
docker run -it --rm --name=test ubuntu bash
As commented by physincubus:
'-it' is the bit that makes it interactive,
'--rm' removes the container when you exit (so if you want to be able to exit for detach and reattach later, do not do this), and
'--name' allows you to name the container more explicitly in case you want to run multiple instances of the same container
Run it with following command
docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash
Then you will get bash prompt of ubuntu container

use docker exec in bash script

I have a bash script that is supposed to execute other bash scripts using "docker exec" which are installed in different docker containers. Although each command works correctly when started manually, the script stops after the execution of first docker exec command.
docker exec -it mysql_container /scripts/ ## Scripts stops here...
docker exec -it web_container /scripts/
What am I missing? ;)
Thanks for your help!
Use docker exec -d since you neither want a terminal nor an interactive session.
