Plugins and Sandboxing - Add reference to another project in solution - dynamics-crm

I have a plugin assembly I have registered to D365 CDS(cloud) and it runs fine.
I want to reference and use some classes in a separate project included in my solution in Visual Studio.
Adding the project as a reference will give File Not Found exceptions. I am able to add the individual classes using the Add Existing Item - Add Link option, but I would like to do it as a whole project reference instead of individual links. Is that possible without using ILMerge and how would I accomplish that?

As I mentioned in my comment, I create a SharedProject in Visual Studio (2017). I put all my Business Logic into this Project (or Projects).
Then I can have a "Workflow" and a "UnitTest" project that each refer to that Shared Project.
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How does VS 2017 determine .NET Standard dependencies from Paket?

I have a proof-of-concept solution that has a .NET Standard project in it. I use Paket to manage my nuget dependencies. I am able to use paket add and dotnet restore, per these instructions, to add a nuget dependency to that project. When I reopen my solution, I see that a paket.references file has been added to that project, and that a "NuGet" section has been added under the project's "Dependencies" section in "Solution Explorer".
I'm curious, how does VS2017 know what dependencies to list that "NuGet" section?
From the instructions I linked to above:
In contrast to traditional .NET projects Paket will not add assembly
references to your project files. Instead it will only generate a
single line:
<Import Project="..\..\.paket\Paket.Restore.targets" />
This hook tells the .NET SDK to restore packages via Paket's restore
mechanism. A nice benefit is that your project files are now much
cleaner and don't contain many assembly references.
I'm sure I'm missing something, but I don't see anything in Paket.Restore.targets that would tell Visual Studio where to look to find the dependency chain of the nuget package I added to the project. There are no direct references to any dependencies mentioned in the project file.
For context, I have a repo where I'm trying to add a .NET Standard project to a solution that is full of .NET Framework projects. I'm running into an issue where paket add seems to correctly create a paket.references file for the new project, but dotnet restore doesn't seem to be causing the project references to update, resulting in my project not having a reference to the nuget dependency I'm trying to have it reference. I'm having trouble creating a reproducible example (my proof-of-concept seems to be working fine), so I'm trying to better understand how this infrastructure works to help with debugging.

Can't reference PCL library within Xamarin Studio

I'm trying to build an Android and iOS app with Xamarin using a shared PCL library. I'm following the tutorial on the Xamarin website [1].
I have created my PCL solution, which currently doesn't do anything, and I'm now trying to reference it from another Android solution.
The documentation indicates I should use References and then select Projects. However, when I do this, I can't either see or find a way to add my PCL library project as a reference.
How can I add my PCL library solution as a reference in another solution?
A solution is just a container for one or more projects. One project can be included in multiple solutions. By including multiple projects in one solution you can reference them from one another, which will allow them to automatically build/update their dependencies when needed. You can add a new project to an existing solution by doing "Add New Project" in the solution explorer - you don't have to create a complete new solution for each project.

Visual Studio 2010 - Add Reference Tabs will only give me projects. No Browse Allowed?

My problem seems pretty simple. I have a Solution with multiple projects and basically I am trying to do some mixing with C++, C# and CLI. My problem is that I need to add references from my c++ project. When the "Add Reference" dialog comes up, I only get tab for "Projects".
I know that usually you get multiple tabs for adding different reference types. What I am interested in is the "Browse" dialog. I need this to add a reference to a dll that is prebuilt. I am targeting .Net 4.0.
It seems like there is a project property that can be set to limit this but I'm not sure. MSDN seems to mention something along the lines that if you have multiple projects in a solution and they target different versions of the .Net framework, the list of possibilities may be limited.
In "How to: Add or Remove References in Visual Studio" MSDN mentions: "The number of tabs available at the top of the Add Reference dialog box can vary, depending on the type of project open and the resources it is using. C++ native projects contain only a Projects tab."
It doesn't really mention what these are specifically so maybe its just a broad subject. Anyways, I have stripped down the solution to only my C++ project and I can build successfully. However, I can only add References to other projects.
Apparently, setting the CLR option on the project is what opens up the list to include more options. I only wanted to enable it on one source file, but I guess Visual Studio will not add reference capabilities unless you turn it on for the whole project.
Therefore, my solution was to enable it for the whole project, add the reference, and then remove the option on the project. Basically a dirty trick but just in case people run into the same issue, that is what worked for me.

How to add "visual studio"-reference to WIX in Visual Studio 2010?

I've got a solution with many projects and WIX setup project. I'm using WIX 3.5.
One project (that is referenced from WIX setup project) contains a reference (an ordinary reference in VS) to:
C:\Program Files\WPF Toolkit\v3.5.50211.1\WPFToolkit.dll
(simply: setup project --- reference --> another project in solution --- reference --> WPFToolkit.dll; note that the "references" are not the same - the first one is some kind of WIX specific reference and the other is ordinary reference in Visual Studio)
I thought that maybe the line (automatically generated) in setup project:
<ComponentGroupRef Id="Product.Generated" />
may solve it for me (i.e. includes also WPFToolkit.dll in installer) but it doesn't.
Obviously, I can add the file manually in my wxs file but it will be harder for maintenance.
Is there a better solution?
If you want your install project to be more extensible when adding new WiX Files to a Component, I would suggest to create an external tool (could be a c# console app) to handle the WiX Files generation and add them to your install project. This tool can have a config file where you can setup which WiX Files correspond to each Component.
This tool can be added to an Automated Build process.
What you are seeing is an initial attempt to do exactly what you want via the WiX toolset. On the Property Grid for References to other projects in your .wixproj, you should have the ability to control "Harvesting" and what project output groups are harvested. Unfortunately, there are still some bugs in the feature so it doesn't always work.
If you want to get your hands dirty you can look at the Heat project harvester and how it gets wired into the .wixproj.

Visual Studio Project References inside solution

What is the best way to reference a project inside solution.
I added references via Add Reference --> Projects. However it links to either release DLL or Debug dll.
I want to have project itself in the reference, when we compile the projects, all the references projects must be compiled (through dependencies).
How to do this?
If you want to reference a project itself, and NOT a DLL/assembly (from the Browse tab in the Add Reference dialog), then you should add the project you want to reference to the Solution (Add... Existing Project). Once it's in the Solution, the Add Reference dialog will let you reference one project in the solution from another project in the solution (via the Projects tab in the Add Reference dialog).
