How to get profit percentage of trade during backtest in Amibroker - algorithmic-trading

I am using Amibroker v6.3
I would like to find out the profit percentage of a trade taken during backtest, then adjust the sell criteria accordingly. When profit is below 10%, I want to use this function sell_below10(). When profit is >10%, then use function sell_abv10().
How can the profit percentage of a trade be detected during backtest so that I can use the right sell function accordingly?
Thank you.

This is caclulating the pct change from when the trade was opened and setting the Sell variable to the results of each function accordingly.
function sell_below10() {
return Close < HHV(High,20) * 0.9;
function sell_abv10() {
return Close < HHV(High,20) * 0.8;
Buy = Cross(Close, MA(Close, 50));
openPrice = Ref(Close, -BarsSince(Buy));
pctChange = IIf(openPrice == 0, 0, (openPrice - Close) / openPrice) * 100;
Sell = IIf(pctChange > 10, sell_abv10(), IIf(pctChange < 10, sell_below10(), False));
The easiest way is to use stop loss and profit stops then you wouldn't have to calculate the percentages yourself. Set your buy and sell signals like you normally would and add the stops.
Buy = ExRem(YourBuySignal, YourSellSignal);
Sell = ExRem(YourSellSignal, YourBuySignal);
ApplyStop(stopTypeLoss, stopModePercent, 10);
ApplyStop(stopTypeProfit, stopModePercent, 10);


How do I animate this image to match with a BPM in P5.js?

So I am working with p5.js for class and I am very lost with it, as I dont understand very well. How do I animate this image to match with the sound? I tried frequency analysis but i dont know how to apply to the image. I wanted to animate it as i it was beating, like a heart, but according to the bpm sound i put in the sketch.
here is the sketch + image + sound
Actually finding the BMP for an entire piece of music would be a bit complicated (see this question), but if you just want to detect beats in real time I think you can probably hack something together that will work. Here is a visualization that I think will help you understand the data returned by fft.analyze():
const avgWindow = 20;
const threshold = 0.4;
let song;
let fft;
let beat;
let lastPeak;
function preload() {
song = loadSound("");
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
fft = new p5.FFT();
beat = millis();
function draw() {
// Pulse white on the beat, then fade out with an inverse cube curve
background(map(1 / pow((millis() - beat) / 1000 + 1, 3), 1, 0, 255, 100));
drawSpectrumGraph(0, 0, width, height);
let i = 0;
// Graphing code adapted from by Jan Koželuh
function drawSpectrumGraph(left, top, w, h) {
let spectrum = fft.analyze();
vertex(left, top + h);
let peak = 0;
// compute a running average of values to avoid very
// localized energy from triggering a beat.
let runningAvg = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < spectrum.length; i++) {
//left + map(i, 0, spectrum.length, 0, w),
// Distribute the spectrum values on a logarithmic scale
// We do this because as you go higher in the spectrum
// the same perceptible difference in tone requires a
// much larger chang in frequency.
left + map(log(i), 0, log(spectrum.length), 0, w),
// Spectrum values range from 0 to 255
top + map(spectrum[i], 0, 255, h, 0)
runningAvg += spectrum[i] / avgWindow;
if (i >= avgWindow) {
runningAvg -= spectrum[i] / avgWindow;
if (runningAvg > peak) {
peak = runningAvg;
// any time there is a sudden increase in peak energy, call that a beat
if (peak > lastPeak * (1 + threshold)) {
// print(`tick ${++i}`);
beat = millis();
lastPeak = peak;
vertex(left + w, top + h);
// this is the range of frequencies covered by the FFT
let nyquist = 22050;
// get the centroid (value in hz)
let centroid = fft.getCentroid();
// the mean_freq_index calculation is for the display.
// centroid frequency / hz per bucket
let mean_freq_index = centroid / (nyquist / spectrum.length);
// convert index to x value using a logarithmic x axis
let cx = map(log(mean_freq_index), 0, log(spectrum.length), 0, width);
line(cx, 0, cx, h);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Hopefully this code with the comments helps you understand the data returned by fft.analyze() and you can use this as a starting point to achieve the effect you are looking for.
Disclaimer: I have experience with p5.js but I'm not an audio expert, so there could certainly be better ways to do this. Also while this approach works for this simple audio file there's a good chance it would fail horribly for actual music or real world environments.
If I were you then I would cheat and add some meta data that explicitly includes the timestamps of the beats. This would be a much simpler problem if you could shift the problem of beat detection to pre-processing. Maybe even do it by hand. Rather than trying to do it at runtime. The signal processing to do beat detection in an audio signal is non-trivial.

Why is my code for a double pendulum returning NaN?

When I print my acceleration and velocity, they both start (seemingly) normal. Shortly, they start getting very big, then return -Infinity, then return NaN. I have tried my best with the math/physics aspect, but my knowledge is limited, so be gentle. Any help would be appreciated.
float ang1, ang2, vel1, vel2, acc1, acc2, l1, l2, m1, m2, g;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
g = 9.81;
m1 = 10;
m2 = 10;
l1 = 100;
l2 = 100;
vel1 = 0;
vel2 = 0;
acc1 = 0;
acc2 = 0;
ang1 = random(0, TWO_PI);
ang2 = random(0, TWO_PI);
void draw() {
translate(width/2, height/2); // move origin
rotate(PI/2); // make 0 degrees face downward
ellipse(0, 0, 5, 5); // dot at origin
ellipse(l1*cos(ang1), l1*sin(ang1), 10, 10); // circle at m1
ellipse(l2*cos(ang2) + l1*cos(ang1), l2*sin(ang2) + l1*sin(ang1), 10, 10); // circle at m2
line(0, 0, l1*cos(ang1), l1*sin(ang1)); // arm 1
line(l1*cos(ang1), l1*sin(ang1), l2*cos(ang2) + l1*cos(ang1), l2*sin(ang2) + l1*sin(ang1)); // arm 2
float mu = 1 + (m1/m2);
acc1 = (g*(sin(ang2)*cos(ang1-ang2)-mu*sin(ang1))-(l2*vel2*vel2+l1*vel1*vel1*cos(ang1-ang2))*sin(ang1-ang2))/(l1*(mu-cos(ang1-ang2)*cos(ang1-ang2)));
acc2 = (mu*g*(sin(ang1)*cos(ang1-ang2)-sin(ang2))+(mu*l1*vel1*vel1+l2*vel2*vel2*cos(ang1-ang2))*sin(ang1-ang2))/(l2*(mu-cos(ang1-ang2)*cos(ang1-ang2)));
vel1 += acc1;
vel2 += acc2;
ang1 += vel1;
ang2 += vel2;
println(acc1, acc2, vel1, vel2);
You haven't done anything wrong in your code, but the application of this mathematical technique is tricky.
This is a general problem with using numerical "solutions" to differential equations. Similar things happen if you try to simulate a bouncing ball:
//physics variables:
float g = 9.81;
float x = 200;
float y = 200;
float yvel = 0;
float radius = 10;
//graphing variables:
float[] yHist;
int iterator;
void setup() {
size(800, 400);
iterator = 0;
yHist = new float[width];
void draw() {
y += yvel;
yvel += g;
if (y + radius > height) {
yvel = -yvel;
ellipse(x, y, radius*2, radius*2);
yHist[iterator] = height - y;
for (int i = 0; i < yHist.length; i++) {
height - 0.1*yHist[i]
iterator = (iterator + 1)%width;
If you run that code, you'll notice that the ball seems to bounce higher every single time. Obviously this does not happen in real life, nor should it happen even in ideal, lossless scenarios. So what happened here?
If you've ever used Euler's method for solving differential equations, you might see something about what's happening here. Really, what we are doing when we code simulations of differential equations, we are applying Euler's method. In the case of the bouncing ball, the real curve is concave down (except at the points when it bounces). Euler's method always gives an overestimate when the real solution is concave down. That means that every frame, the computer guesses a little bit too high. These errors add up, and the ball bounces higher and higher.
Similarly, with your pendulum, it's getting a little bit more energy almost every single frame. This is a general problem with using numerical solutions. They are simply inaccurate. So what do we do?
In the case of the ball, we can avoid using a numerical solution altogether, and go to an analytical solution. I won't go through how I got the solution, but here is the different section:
float h0;
float t = 0;
float pd;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
iterator = 0;
yHist = new float[width];
h0 = height - y;
pd = 2*sqrt(h0/g);
void draw() {
y = g*sq((t-pd/2)%pd - pd/2) + height - h0;
t += 0.5;
ellipse(x, y, radius*2, radius*2);
... etc.
This is all well and good for a bouncing ball, but a double pendulum is a much more complex system. There is no fully analytical solution to the double pendulum problem. So how do we minimize error in a numerical solution?
One strategy is to take smaller steps. The smaller the steps you take, the closer you are to the real solution. You can do this by reducing g (this might feel like cheating, but think for a minute about the units you're using. g=9.81 m/s^2. How does that translate to pixels and frames?). This will also make the pendulum move slower on the screen. If you want to increase accuracy without changing the viewing pace, you can take many small steps before rendering the frame. Consider changing lines 39-46 to
int substepCount = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < substepCount; i++) {
acc1 = (g*(sin(ang2)*cos(ang1-ang2)-mu*sin(ang1))-(l2*vel2*vel2+l1*vel1*vel1*cos(ang1-ang2))*sin(ang1-ang2))/(l1*(mu-cos(ang1-ang2)*cos(ang1-ang2)));
acc2 = (mu*g*(sin(ang1)*cos(ang1-ang2)-sin(ang2))+(mu*l1*vel1*vel1+l2*vel2*vel2*cos(ang1-ang2))*sin(ang1-ang2))/(l2*(mu-cos(ang1-ang2)*cos(ang1-ang2)));
vel1 += acc1/substepCount;
vel2 += acc2/substepCount;
ang1 += vel1/substepCount;
ang2 += vel2/substepCount;
This changes your one big step to 1000 smaller steps, making it much more accurate. I tested that part out and it continued for over 20000 frames multiple times with no NaN errors. It might devolve into NaN at some point, but this allows it to last much longer.
I also highly recommend using % TWO_PI when incrementing the angles:
ang1 = (ang1 + vel1/substepCount) % TWO_PI;
ang2 = (ang2 + vel2/substepCount) % TWO_PI;
because it makes the angle measurements MUCH more accurate in the later times.
When you don't do this, if vel1 is positive for a long time, then ang1 gets bigger and bigger. Once ang1 is greater than 1, the computer needs a bit to indicate the ones place, at the expense of an extra digit on the end. Since numbers are stored using binary, this happens again when ang1 > 2, and again when ang1 > 4, and so on.
If you keep it between -PI and PI (which is what % does in this case), you only need a bit for the sign and a bit for the ones place, and all the remaining bits can be used to measure the angle to the highest possible precision. This is actually important: if vel1/substepCount < 1/32768, and ang1 doesn't have enough bits to measure out to the 1/32768 place, then ang1 will not register the change.
To see the effects of this difference, give ang1 and ang2 really high initial values:
g = 0.0981;
ang1 = 101.1*PI;
ang2 = 101.1*PI;
If you don't use % TWO_PI, it approximates low velocities to zero, resulting in a bunch of stopping and starting.
If you need it to go for a ridiculously long time, so long that it isn't feasible to increase substepCount sufficiently, there is another thing you can do. This all comes about because vel increases to an extreme degree. You can constrain vel1 and vel2 so that they don't get too big.
In this case, I would recommend limiting the velocities based on conservation of energy. There is a maximum amount of mechanical energy allowed in the system based on the initial conditions. You cannot have more mechanical energy than the initial potential energy. Potential energy can be calculated based on the angles:
U(ang1, ang2) = -g*((m1+m2)*l1*cos(ang1) + m2*l2*cos(ang2))
Therefore we can determine exactly how much kinetic energy is in the system at any moment: The initial values of ang1 and ang2 give us the total mechanical energy. The current values of ang1 and ang2 give us the current potential energy. Then we can simply take the difference in order to find the current kinetic energy.
The way that pendulum motion is typically described does not lend itself to computing kinetic energy. It is possible, but I'm not going to do it here. My recommendation for constraining the velocities of the two pendulums is as follows:
Calculate the kinetic energy of the two arms separately.
Take the ratio between them
Calculate the total kinetic energy currently in the two arms.
Distribute the kinetic energy in the same proportions as you calculated in step 2. e.g. If you calculate that there is twice as much kinetic energy in the further mass as there is in the closer mass, put 1/3 of the kinetic energy in the closer mass and 2/3 in the further one.
I hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions.

How do you loop a spline in POV-Ray?

Sigh! I wish this worked:
// Spline Sine
#declare SphereSine = union {
#local Radius = 0.15;
#local Amplitude = 2;
#local Iterator = 0;
#local Amount = 20;
sphere_sweep {
#for (Iterator, 0, Amount, 1)
<Iterator, sin(Iterator)*Amplitude, 0>, Radius
tolerance 0.1
pigment {
rgb <1, 0, 0>
Are there any ways to automate the adding of points to a spline in POV-Ray, so I don't have to add the points manually? Are there other alternatives?
You can write a macro of your own to wrap the for loop in and reduce the code to a single line of, say, points(0.15, 2, 20);. Otherwise, if you are looking for something like a built-in keyword for specifying the number of points or a point generation function, I'm afraid that there are no options available out of the box.
sorry been too late ...
the problem is that you have put an amount of 20 but inside loop there are 21 values (0 to 20).
your solution really works ! just change
#for (Iterator, 0, Amount, 1)
#for (Iterator, 0, Amount-1, 1)

Enemy Boss movement AI

Good day to all, I am trying to get an enemy boss ship to appear on screen and attack my ship and also dodge my attacks sometimes. So far I have gotten him to attack my ship but hes stays on the edge of the screen. Here is my code :
#pragma strict
// here are public variables for the enemy ship that can be accessed in the inspector
var health:int = 2;
var explosion:GameObject;
var expOrb:GameObject;
var enemyBullet:GameObject;
var expDrop:int = 3;
var hitSound:AudioClip;
var fireRate:float = 2.0;
//heres the private variable counter to keep track of time for fire rate.
private var counter:float = 0.0;
function Update () {
//here we make counter count based on time for the fire rate
counter += Time.deltaTime;
//if the ship goes too far left, we destroy it.
if(transform.position.x < -12){
//here we shoot 4 bullets if the counter counts higher than the fire rate.
if(counter > fireRate){
var custom1 = Instantiate(enemyBullet, transform.position - Vector3(0.5,0.1,0), Quaternion.Euler(-90,0,0));
var custom2 = Instantiate(enemyBullet, transform.position - Vector3(0.5,0.1,0), Quaternion.Euler(-90,0,0));
var custom3 = Instantiate(enemyBullet, transform.position- Vector3(0.5,0.1,0), Quaternion.Euler(-90,0,0));
var custom4 = Instantiate(enemyBullet, transform.position- Vector3(0.5,0.1,0), Quaternion.Euler(-90,0,0));
//to make the bullets spread, we add extra z velocity to each one to they all move on their own path.
custom1.rigidbody.velocity.z = 3;
custom2.rigidbody.velocity.z = 1;
custom3.rigidbody.velocity.z = -1;
custom4.rigidbody.velocity.z = -3;
counter = 0.0;
//end of function update
//if a bullet hits the ship, the bullets sends us the hit message to trigger this function to bring down the ships health
function hit () {
health -= 1;
if(health != 0){
if(audio.enabled == true){
if(health <= 0){
//if health is 0, then this function is triggered to spawn some orbs, spawn the explosion animation object, and destroy itself
function onDeath () {
expDrop -= 1;
if(expDrop <= 0){
if(expDrop > 0){
How do i add the movement aspect to it?
There are many ways to move an object, you can try:
Transform.translate (
Modifying transform.position (
Adding force to it (
And many other ways that I may have not known yet.
For a boss in this kind of game, the movement you may want is either random movement or following the player. Both are not hard to achieve.
Random movement: just do a Random.Range(-1, 1) * bossSpeed *
time.deltaTime and apply it to the boss' x position.
Following the player: get the player's x position then make the boss adjust to the position.
Then how to make the boss dodge the player's bullet sometimes? You can make the boss detect if a player's bullet is incoming by adding a collider thats stands in front of it. If a player's bullet collide with it, then random another number (eg. from 0 to 1). Afterwards, you just need to move the boss away if the random number is 1 and don't move the boss when the random number is 0.

Choosing an attractive linear scale for a graph’s Y Axis - more

Further to: Choosing an attractive linear scale for a graph's Y Axis
And what to do when some of the points
are negative?
I believe this part of the question was not answered but it seems I can't comment or extend that question so I've created a new one
Values -100, 0, 100 with 5 ticks:
lower bound = -100
upper bound = 100
range = 100--100 = 200
tick range = 40
Divide by 10^2 for 0.4, translates to 0.4, which gives (multiplied by 10^2) 40.
new lower bound = 40 * round(-100/40) = -80
new upper bound = 40 * round(1+100/40) = 120
new lower bound = 40 * floor(-100/40) = -120
new upper bound = 40 * floor(1+100/40) = 120
Now the range has been increased to 240 (an extra tick!), with 5 ticks at 40 each.
it will take 6 steps to fill the new range!
I use the following code. It produces nicely-spaced steps for human viewers and caters for ranges that pass through zero.
public static class AxisUtil
public static float CalculateStepSize(float range, float targetSteps)
// calculate an initial guess at step size
float tempStep = range/targetSteps;
// get the magnitude of the step size
float mag = (float)Math.Floor(Math.Log10(tempStep));
float magPow = (float)Math.Pow(10, mag);
// calculate most significant digit of the new step size
float magMsd = (int)(tempStep/magPow + 0.5);
// promote the MSD to either 1, 2, or 5
if (magMsd > 5.0)
magMsd = 10.0f;
else if (magMsd > 2.0)
magMsd = 5.0f;
else if (magMsd > 1.0)
magMsd = 2.0f;
return magMsd*magPow;
