What operations would you use for implementing a priority queue PQ with enqueue and dequeue? - max

Assume that you are implementing a priority queue PQ that returns the max element on dequeue operation.
If we use a max heap to implement the PQ, enqueue is O(______) operation, and dequeue is O(_____) operation
Could someone please answer/explain how you got it...I am thinking log n for both but not sure?

Think of how a binary heap works.
When you insert an item, you add it as the last node of the heap and then sift it up into its proper place. Since a heap that contains n items has a height of log(n), and you might have to sift the item all the way to the top, the worst case is O(log n).
When you remove an item, you replace the root note with the last node in the heap, and then you sift it down. Worst case, you'll have to sift it all the way back down to the bottom of the heap: a move of log(n) levels. Therefore, O(log n).


Time complexity of inserting in to a heap

I am trying to mostly understand the reasoning behind the Big O and Omega of inserting a new element in a heap. I know I can find answers online but I really like having a thorough understanding rather than just finding answers online and just memorizing blindly.
So for instance if we have the following heap (represented in array format)
If we decide to insert a new element "4" our array will look like this now
It would be placed in index 9 and since this is a 0th index based array its parent would be index 4 which is element 5. In this case we would not need to do anything because 4 is < 5 and it does not violate the binary heap property. So best case is OMEGA(1).
However if the new element we insert is 100 then we would have to call the max-heapify function which has running time of O(log n) and therefore in the worst case inserting a new element in the heap takes O(log n).
Can someone correct me if I am wrong because I am not sure if my understanding or reasoning is 100%?
Yes you are right about the best-case running time. And for the worst-case running time, you are also right that this is Theta(lg n) and the reason why is that your heap is always assumed to be BALANCED, i.e. every height level set of nodes is full except at the bottom level. So when you insert an element at the bottom level and swap from one level up to the next level in your heap, the number of nodes at that level is cut roughly in half and so you can only do this swap log_2(n) = O(lg n) times before you are at the root node (i.e. the level at the top of the heap that has just one node). And if you insert a value that belongs at the top of the heap, initially at the bottom of the heap then you will indeed have to do basically log_2(n) swaps to get the element to the top of the heap where it belongs.. So the number of swaps in the worst case is Theta(lg n).
Your understanding is correct.
Since the heap has a complete binary tree structure, its height = lg n (where n is no of elements).
In the worst case (element inserted at the bottom has to be swapped at every level from bottom to top up to the root node to maintain the heap property), 1 swap is needed on every level. Therefore, the maximum no of times this swap is performed is log n.
Hence, insertion in a heap takes O(log n) time.

Min-Heap to Max-Heap, Comparison

I want to Find Maximum number of comparison when convert min-heap to max-heap with n node. i think convert min-heap to max-heap with O(n). it means there is no way and re-create the heap.
As a crude lower bound, given a tree with the (min- or max-) heap property, we have no prior idea about how the values at the leaves compare to one another. In a max heap, the values at the leaves all may be less than all values at the interior nodes. If the heap has the topology of a complete binary tree, then even finding the min requires at least roughly n/2 comparisons, where n is the number of tree nodes.
If you have a min-heap of known size then you can create a binary max-heap of its elements by filling an array from back to front with the values obtained by iteratively deleting the root node from the min-heap until it is exhausted. Under some circumstances this can even be done in place. Using the rule that the root node is element 0 and the children of node i are elements 2i and 2i+1, the (max-) heap condition will automatically be satisfied for the heap represented by the new array.
Each deletion from a min-heap of size m requires up to log(m) element comparisons to restore the heap condition, however. I think that adds up to O(n log n) comparisons for the whole job. I am doubtful that you can do it any with any lower complexity without adding conditions. In particular, if you do not perform genuine heap deletions (incurring the cost of restoring the heap condition), then I think you incur comparable additional costs to ensure that you end up with a heap in the end.

What is the best way to implement a double-ended priority queue?

I would like to implement a double-ended priority queue with the following constraints:
needs to be implemented in a fixed size array..say 100 elements..if new elements need to be added after the array is full, the oldest needs to be removed
need maximum and minimum in O(1)
if possible insert in O(1)
if possible remove minimum in O(1)
clear to empty/init state in O(1) if possible
count of number of elements in array at the moment in O(1)
I would like O(1) for all the above 5 operations but its not possible to have O(1) on all of them in the same implementation. Atleast O(1) on 3 operations and O(log(n)) on the other 2 operations should suffice.
Will appreciate if any pointers can be provided to such an implementation.
There are many specialized data structures for this. One simple data structure is the min-max heap, which is implemented as a binary heap where the layers alternate between "min layers" (each node is less than or equal to its descendants) and "max layers" (each node is greater than or equal to its descendants.) The minimum and maximum can be found in time O(1), and, as in a standard binary heap, enqueues and dequeues can be done in time O(log n) time each.
You can also use the interval heap data structure, which is another specialized priority queue for the task.
Alternatively, you can use two priority queues - one storing elements in ascending order and one in descending order. Whenever you insert a value, you can then insert elements into both priority queues and have each store a pointer to the other. Then, whenever you dequeue the min or max, you can remove the corresponding element from the other heap.
As yet another option, you could use a balanced binary search tree to store the elements. The minimum and maximum can then be found in time O(log n) (or O(1) if you cache the results) and insertions and deletions can be done in time O(log n). If you're using C++, you can just use std::map for this and then use begin() and rbegin() to get the minimum and maximum values, respectively.
Hope this helps!
A binary heap will give you insert and remove minimum in O(log n) and the others in O(1).
The only tricky part is removing the oldest element once the array is full. For this, keep another array:
time[i] = at what position in the heap array is the element
added at time i + 100 * k.
Every 100 iterations, you increment k.
Then, when the array fills up for the first time, you remove heap[ time[0] ], when it fills up for the second time you remove heap[ time[1] ], ..., when it fills up for the 100th time, you wrap around and remove heap[ time[0] ] again etc. When it fills up for the kth time, you remove heap[ time[k % 100] ] (100 is your array size).
Make sure to also update the time array when you insert and remove elements.
Removal of an arbitrary element can be done in O(log n) if you know its position: just swap it with the last element in your heap array, and sift down the element you have swapped in.
If you absolutely need max and min to be O(1) then what you can do is create a linked list, where you constantly keep track of min, max, and size, and then link all the nodes to some sort of tree structure, probably a heap. Min, max, and size would all be constant, and since finding any node would be in O(log n), insert and remove are log n each. Clearing would be trivial.
If your queue is a fixed size, then O-notation is meaningless. Any O(log n) or even O(n) operation is essentially O(1) because n is fixed, so what you really want is an algorithm that's fast for the given dataset. Probably two parallel traditional heap priority queues would be fine (one for high, one for low).
If you know more about what kind of data you have, you might be able to make something more special-purpose.

A priority queue supporting LIFO push and pop?

I need to design a "priority queue stack" data structure with the following constraints:
pop() and deleteMin() run in O(log(n)) in the average case.
push(x) and getMin() run in O(1) in the average time
Does anyone have suggestions about how to design this?
You can implement this by combining together a standard stack with a priority queue that supports O(1) insertion and O(log n) amortized deletion. For example, you could pair the stack with a Fibonacci heap or skew binomial heap, both of which have these guarantees. Make sure to store pointers lining each stack element with its corresponding priority queue element so that in O(1) time you can jump between the two.
To push an element, push it on the stack and insert it to the priority queue in O(1) time. To read off the minimum, query the priority queue for the minimum value in O(1) time.
To delete the minimum, call extract-min from the priority queue to remove the minimum value, then go to the stack and mark the removed element as invalid. This takes O(1) time. To pop, repeatedly pop the stack until you pop an element that is not marked invalid, then call delete on the priority queue to remove that element. This takes time O(k + log n), where k is the number of pops performed. However, you can show that this is amortized O(1) by using the potential method. If you set the potential of the stack to be the number of invalid arguments, each delete-min increases the potential by one, and each pop operation that pops k invalid elements decreases the potential by k. Therefore, the amortized runtime of a pop is O(log n).
Hope this helps!
You can use Stack with point to Minimum Value Object. So in that case push(x),pop(), getMin() will be in O(1) - in the average time.
But after deleteMin(), you need to adjust the top items.

Deletion in binary heap

I am just trying to learn binary heap and have a doubt regarding doing delete operation in binary heap.
I have read that we can delete an element from binary heap and we need to reheapify it.
But at the following link, it says unavailable:
Binary Search AVL Tree Binary Heap (min) Binomial Queue (min)
Find O(log n) O(log n) unavailable unavailable
Delete element O(log n O(log n) unavailable unavailable
I am little confused about it.
Thanks in advance for all of the clarifications.
Binary heaps and other priority queue structures don't usually support a general "delete element" operation; you need an additional data structure that keeps track of each element's index in the heap, e.g. a hash table. If you have that, you can implement a general delete operation as
find-element, O(1) expected time with a hash table
decrease key to less than the minimum, O(lg n) time
delete-min and update the hash table, O(lg n) combined expected time.
A regular delete is possible, just like a DeleteMin/Max. The "problem" is that you have to check for both up- and downshifts (i.e.: when the "last" node takes up the vacant spot, it can be over- or underevaluated. Since it still can't be both, for obvious reasons, it's easy to check for correctness.
The only problem that remains is the Find. The answer above states that you can Find Element in O(lg n), but I wouldn't know how. In my implementations, I generally build a Heap of pointers-to-elements rather than elements (cheaper copying during up/downshifts). I add a "position" variable to the Element type, which keeps track of the index of the Element's pointer in the Heap. This way, given an element E, I can find it's position in the Heap in constant time.
Obviously, this isn't cut out for every implementation.
I am confused why delete operation of binary heap is mentioned as unavailable in the link of your question. Deletion in binary heap quite possible and it's composition of 2 other operations of binary heap.
I am considering you know all other operations of Binary Heap
Deleting a key from binary heap requires 2 lines of code/operation. Suppose you want to delete item at index x. Decrease it's value to lowest integer possible. That's Integer.MIN_VALUE. Since it's lowest value of all integer it will go to root position when decreaseItem(int index, int newVal) execution done. Afterwards extract the root invoking extractMin() method.
// Complexity: O(lg n)
public void deleteItem(int index) {
// Assign lowest value possible so that it will reach to root
decreaseItem(index, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
// Then extract min will remove that item from heap tree. correct ?
Full Code: BinaryHeap_Demo.java
