Laravel User will have difference Role base on Project Model - laravel

I have Model name Project and User by using laravel relationship.
- project and user using many to many relationship.
What i want is using laravel authentication giving roles to the user base on project.
Which mean :
user "Ali" have role "admin" in project "project a" ,
but in project "project b" the user "Ali" role is "member".
How can i implement it?
Problem fixed :
My solution is add additional data inside the project_users pivot table store as string role.
When create new project and add with additional data using :
$user->projects()->save($project, ['role' => 'Manager']);
When need to call it :
$user_role = $user->projects()->where('user_id', $user['id'])->first()->pivot->role;
It will return a string 'Manager'
and use it to assign the role.

Look at the following links which will help you to achieve it.

You can add the Role data e.g. role_id with a separate Role table or just role in Project To User Pivot Table project_users and retrieve the role info from this relationship.
Check out this Saving Additional Data On A Pivot Table section at Update Many To Many Relationship Laravel Documentation.


Create Duplicate role in laravel spatie-permission

i m trying to replicate role in roles tables using laravel-spatie-permission,
like i have already abc role with api guard , but i want to create same role with same permission , but it's throwing error like a role 'abc' already exists for guard 'api', so my question is is there any way that we can create same role with same permission ?
Thanks you
Even if it's possible don't create two roles with the same name instead you can do is to add a new column in your roles table with the name of DisplayName or any name that you want.
and on that you can add same same name for your roles but keep the original name column unique.
then show DisplayName to the user instead of name column

Laravel get relation by custom value

Model - User
id [999]
name [foo]
Model - Post (without User Foreign Key)
id [1]
unique_key [USR_00000999]
data [bar]
I would like to get all user with related posts (one to many) by using "custom key" value, is this possible with build in eloquent?
I only manage to looping using foreach one by one with
->where('unique_key', sprintf('USR_%08d', $user_id))
That is not built-into Laravel by default... if you want to know why it's because it's not a common thing that everyone does...
BUT, you can use scope query so you don't need to do the sprintf everytime...
Laravel Query Scopes Documentation
But I want to ask, why wouldn't you just add user_id on your post table and just have an Accessors on your post model for generating the unique_key? That would be much easier on my perspective...
Laravel Accessor Documentation
UPDATE: (See Comment)
Is it possible to have an empty user_id on Posts table?
then populate it when the user is created?
say you have a posts with key of USR_00000999... and you have a user with an id of 999... when you create that user you'll just have to update all posts with key of USR_00000999 to have a user_id of 999...

How to add 'OR' condition to call middleware on Laravel Routes?

I want to add 'OR' condition with middleware on laravel routes for Role and Permission. Can anyone please help me here. Below is the code which I am trying currently through some internet research but it is not working.
Route::get('get-all-users', 'API\Admin\AdminController#get_all_users')->middleware(['role:admin' OR 'permission:view.all.users']);
In this scenario, you will need to change the DB structure a bit. Tables would look like:
Role_action_mapping => This will have foreign keys of both the above tables as a many to many relationship.
Now, every action should have a role assigned to it. So, the permission view.all.users will have an entry in the table with admin(or any desired role) assigned to it by it's side in Role_action_mapping.
So all you will have to do is have a single middleware say permission:view.all.users on the route and just check if the current role of the user has an entry with view.all.users in the Role_action_mapping table.

Laravel Multi table auth

I have three tables
Admins for admin,
Teachers for teacher,
students for student.
Each of these users have their own dashboard (AdminDash, TeacherDash, StudentDash). Now all I want to do is, each user are sent to their respective dashboard after login. Is it even possible to do so.
Also can this be done using single login form or do I need to create different login form for each case and different controllers to authenticate.
Actually, here teachers and students fill different registration forms with different value so I don't want to store them in same table. And admins is for admin and superadmin who run the site. Also the dashboard they use after login are different.
I published a custom laravel for manage multi auth in one laravel project. In example branch I commit step by step for describe everything you most know. larasin
Also can this be done using single login form or do I need to create different login form for each case and different controllers to authenticate.
You can create a login form component an use it every where you want.
First extend your 3 tables with Authenticable like:
class User extends Authenticatable
Then in your config/auth, set up the providers like:
'teachers' => [
'driver' => 'eloquent',
'model' => App\Models\Teacher::class,
Then you should be able to auth::attempt your model instance.
Do let me know if this doesn't work, I am pretty new in Laravel also :) cheers!
p/s: I do think it is better to just use a user table with a "role" column, however I believe you probably have different columns needed for each of these user groups. But you can still use new tables such as "teacher_profiles","user_profiles" for those columns, and you can refer to different tables according to your role.
For example, if "teacher" role_id is 3, then if user role==3, you will refer to "teacher_profiles" table.

Complicated Eloquent Relationships

I have a many-to-many relationship, users and roles, which I have worked out just fine. However, I have another table I would like to relate as well, called leads. A user and that user's role can be assigned to a lead.
So for example, I've created a Role and let's call it 'Manager'. Now, when I am managing my Users, I'd need to be able to assign different users to different roles which will be a many-to-many relationship (a role can have many users, a user can have many roles). So I will assign the role of 'Manager' to User A.
Now, when I am modifying my leads, I'd like to be able to assign a role_user to my lead (In my example, I'd like to assign a user to that lead), but I'd first need to assign a role to that Lead (Manager), and then be able to assign a user that is of that role to that lead.
Currently, I've got a many-to-many relationship setup for users and roles, using the pivot table name role_user. I've then got a many-to-many relationship setup on that pivot table, role_user, and leads, using another pivot table named lead_role_user.
Models + Controller -
My error: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::roles()
It feels as though I am making this much more difficult than it should be.
