Xampp install amqp extension for Symfony project - xampp

I am trying to enable the amqp extension for xampp . I did downloaded the dll , saved it on php/ext and copyied the rappid file to System32 and SystemWOW . Added the extension line on php.ini file and restarted the apache server but i get this message . Any suggestions ?
I am new here so if the questions is a bit "noobish" , i am sorry about it but i cant find a solution.

What's version you install the amqp and what's the PHP version


Laravel Error "Unable to load the "app" configuration file" after Windows file restore

Bad mistake this morning. I uninstalled WAMP Server which deleted the Wamp folder and all its projects.
I restored the wamp folder from backup. WAMP is up and running on upgraded PHP and settings as before, however:
Laravel projects won't start - getting blank whoops pages on any Laravel project. When I cd into any project folder and try to run php artisan, I get:
Unable to load the "app" configuration file.
The 'config/app.php' does indeed exist. And, all the restored files appear correct.
As a test, I installed a new Laravel project and it works correctly. I also am able to clone a project from a Git repo, npm update & composer install, and that works. So, I don't think the problem is with the WAMP stack.
I need some direction troubleshooting this. Thanks!
The problem is that Windows changes the case of some file names during restore. What a drag. There seems to be no reasonable answer except make the switch to Apple.
For example, in the Laravel config folder, Windows restored these files with proper case, App.php, Auth.php, Queue.php, and View.php. Everything else was left lowercase as they need to be.
Correcting the case of these files fixed the problem for now (until I find other mis-cased files).
Make sure this file exist

Undefined Class Error in Smarty using PHPStorm 10

I have mac, installed PHPstorm 10, now trying to install smarty, similar to as mentioned in following tutorial , http://phpwebscript.blogspot.com/2009/09/smarty-installation-steps-on-wamp-and.html,
i have installed mamp supporting PHP 5.6. everthing is configured file. as mentioned in the tutorial i have edited php.ini file under correct version. After everything is setup i get error on following;
require ('/Applications/MAMP/Smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php');
$smarty =new Smarty() //Undefined class smarty error;
When i run,
echo (defined('SMARTY_DIR') ? 'Yes' : 'No');
i get yes
any fix please.
I have solved this issue, following were the problems that i fixed,
Include path was not set, i though i have included path in php.ini now its ok, but when you create a project in phpstorm or netbeans, there is a folder created external libraries or include path, you have to include smarty, I did it and now everything ok
i had copied testinsall from net which was causing error, retyped it and now smarty is running perfect on phpstorm 10.

Akeeba Backup component copy failed error joomla 2.5

I am not able to install akeeba backup 3.9.2 version component in joomla 2.5.11 .I have tried it by increasing the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size.And also given directory permissions to the the folders needed. But it still its giving errors "Copy failed -1".Please let me know some solutions to install it.
Some things to try/check:
is there sufficient free space in your web hosting account?
check the permissions on the tmp folder
check the upload_max_filesize in Site -> System Information -> PHP
Information is sufficient for the installation file to be uploaded
try installing a different extension to check if it is issue with the
Akeeba install specifically rather than a permission or file size
try updating to the latest version of Joomla
try installing the latest version of Akeeba Backup (3.10.0 as I write
check the PHP file handler at Site -> System Information ->
System Information -> WebServer to PHP Interface - there could
be a file ownership issue if this is set to the default apache file handler
rather than suPHP or FCGI etc and you may need to escalate this issue to your hosting provider
You should probably update Joomla to the latest version in any case to keep it secure.

PHP extension “mcrypt” must be loaded.

I am installing magento CMS, and am trying to install the files. I am getting this error when I am in configuration mode.
PHP extension “mcrypt” must be loaded.
I am used to activating this extension by removing ; from extension=php_mcrypt.dll in php.in, but the problem is still present.
Why would this be happening and how do I fix this problem?
I recommend to restart the web server.
Run php file with
and check whether there is a mcrypt extension, if no check path for right php.ini file.

PHP extension "curl" must be loaded

I'm trying to install a Magento on my server, and when I get to "Configuration", the installation launches:
PHP extension "curl" must be loaded.
I've checked my php.ini, and extension=php_curl.dll is not commented. For both Apache and PHP folders. I also checked my Wamp manager, and it looks like this:
So I guess that my php_curl is working fine... But I still get the same message when I install Magento:
Any idea on what's wrong?
I had the same problem. The mod_curl extension in wamp has a bug.
You can replace it with a newer version. I don't know which PHP-Version you use but here you can download a newer version. Download a TS (TheadSafe) version of the module and replace it with your existing curl module.
And a helpfull post:
Replaced the old php_curl.dll with the new one in \wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3\ext\ by downloading from http://www.anindya.com/php-5-4-3-and-php-5-3-13-x64-64-bit-for-windows/ .
Now its working. It is the error with recent wamp installation package.
You have to modify the php.ini files in your xampp folder. Three files in three different places need to be changed.
Follow the following steps to enable curl library with XAMPP in Windows:
Step 1:
Browse and open the following 3 files
C:\Program Files\xampp\apache\bin\php.ini
C:\Program Files\xampp\php\php.ini
C:\Program Files\xampp\php\php4\php.ini
Step 2:
Uncomment the following line in your php.ini file by removing the semicolon (;).
After that it will look something like something below-
Step 3:
Restart your Apache server.
Step 4:
Check your phpinfo() to see whether curl has properly enabled or not.
Enjoy using curl() library.
