Google Places API how to get recently added places - google-places-api

I would like to create an application to show new restaurants/pubs in my city.
I didn't find any easy option to achieve that such as "added today", "show by the date". The only one idea I find is to use query:Ƅ
unfortunately this is expensive solution and not effective - searching in all data every few days to find something new.
Do you know maybe any better idea to find those data?


What is it medication-additional-therapeutic-good-detail made up from? Functionally speaking

I see this example in the mapping sheet provided: "",
"valueString": "Lanzopran Capsule 30mg"
However I don't really know if this value string can be for other medications very lengthy, for instance.
I couldn't find what is made from to figure out the correct UI.
For instance, it a combination of Generic Name and Strength? more or less of this?
Is there a place to find examples to try to figure out some of the UI without knowing all the technical details?

is there a specific way to write xpaths into rapidminer for web crawling

I have tried so many options, over many days to try and extract data. I don't know where I am going wrong.
for example, I am on the website and am looking at car selling site reviews.
I am struggling badly to retrieve information, most of my xpaths appear incorrect.
Where can I best learn how to do this properly, I have spent days at this.
I know how to copy xpaths, but when it comes to rapidminer, I can't extract the data.
I know I am doing it wrong, but I don't know what's right unfortunately.
examples include
this one works!
I have no problem it appears retrieving the xpath from the website, but using it for extracting data on rapidminer is not working at all..Would really appreciate if anyone can point me in the right direction.
Obviously, you don't want to use unique IDs in your xpaths.
Make sure you have understood the concept of xml namespaces, too.

How to get states and cities under a specific country - google map api

Im still figuring how to use google map api's, I want to get all locations in my country (nigeria) and then put it in a dropdown, an example is something like, when trying to search they have a drop down with info of places, states etc in Nigeria, when the user searches it filters the locations, i tried typing in 'United State of America' & it showed me nothing because it is limited to Nigeria only, that is exactly what i want, check out pls, just to be sure.
Google map is not really needed in doing this, You can download the list of places from Geonames then you can use it within your app (To my understanding, its free maybe only some licences)

find a single specific place with google places api

I was wondering if it is possible to find a specific place using the google places api.
I know the name of the place, the address or website url, and the coordinates.
I need this to get the ratings this place has.
Is this possible? If not, is it going to be?
I think your best bet would be to do a nearbysearch with the location (lat,long), a small radius, and the name and types parameters to narrow it down. If you are targeting a specific place, then you can just manually find it in the results and use its reference for a Details request in your solution.
If the target place can be dynamic, for example based on user input, then you might want to show the user the list of results and let them choose the correct one. I don't think there's a way to guarantee that you will always get exactly the result you're looking for as, say, the first result in the list. Experiment with different types of requests and parameters and try to get a sense for the behaviour of the responses to find what will work best for your solution.

How to make the cities/countries dropdown like facebook does?

See the screenshot here:
I'd like the user to just type a city or country name and the autocompleter will show suggested items.
How should I start for creating it?
Are there any API(s) or web services for me to call?
Where can I find the database of all cities/countries in the world?
I think this would be the best database for your situation, check it out:
You first need a autocomplete plugin.
I recommend to use the jQuery-Ui Auto Complete Plugin.
The database could as example be this, but eventually try to search a bit for yourself.
There was already a question on stackoverflow about a database for cities of the world.
A simple text file with all cities may also be this.
There are very much of those libraries, but you have to chose the right one for you.
My solution may not be the best, but it's a starting point:
Google a list with all countries (ISO-Standard), paste it into a txt-file. Then you can simply read that file with PHP an create a select menu with the contents of the file.
It does not incorporate the cities, but maybe it helps you in some way.
