how to export an opengles GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES type texture to vulkan texture? - opengl-es

I have source image as a GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES type texture. I want to export the source image to vulkan for rendering, is there any way to achieve this??? need any extensions in opengl and vulkan respectively? and I have read How to render to OpenGL from Vulkan?at How to render to OpenGL from Vulkan?, but that is the reverse op of my request. any questions will be appreciated thank you very much.


Flat shading OpenGL using Three.js

I am trying to simulate the OpenGL flat shading model using Three.js. My idea is creating an example like I was trying to change some different shading models but I cannot obtain the desired result.
Is it possible to create this scene in three.js?
Thanks in advance
Materials e.g. the MeshBasicMaterial have an option called "shading". It can be set to THREE.None, THREE.FlatShading, THREE.SmoothShading.
I am not sure if you need a light source in the first place or wether you have to enable shading for a the whole scene. Look at the demos at the Three.js website for something with shading.

Alternative for texture support of CanvasRenderer in Three.js r49?

In Three.js r47, I used CanvasRenderer to draw some objects with image texture. Then I upgrade Three.js to r49 and all these objects dont show up anymore. The change log of r49 reads that "Removed Lamber Texture support in CanvasRenderer". So I think this is the reason.
My question is does Three.js support an alternative to draw texture objects by CanvasRenderer?
Try using MeshBasicMaterial instead?

read specific color pixels in opengl es 2.0

I have a framebuffer object bind to a texture,which has black and white pixels spreaded in the texture at different places.I create frame buffer object with respect to new ipad resolution.from this fbo i want to read only white pixels.I would like to know how to do it.I am using glreadpixels function ,which will read all the pixels.But ?I only want white pixels.Please suggest me if there is any way to do this.
I am using OpenGL ES 2.0.
I don't believe there's any OpenGL specific functionality that will do anything like that. You'll just have to stream out the whole buffer and iterate over it on CPU.

how to Map a window to 3D

I'm searching for how to render window to 3D windows Texture on D3D
for example, the windows aero-glass's preview.
a window or part of window that has a windows handler is rendered to a d3d device(i guess aero glass is maked by d3d).
my project is a 3D interective media. it is an AR project using HMD and Hand Recognizing.(Like a 3d touch interaction )My part is 3D Rendering. The WPF can do this. But i don't find the way how to do it with D3D.
Who knows the way or it is impossible on D3D? if you know, please notice me a KEYWORD that using to Google.
thanks to reading and your attention. i'm not native english user and i'm sorry that if you feel my english seems ugly.
I may suggest using dynamic textures. You first create a texture of the desired size and format. Then you get its surface, obtain HDC and pass it to a window you want be drawn. Showing a texture thru d3d device shouldn't be a problem.

Draw image using OpenGL ES

I want to draw an image using OpenGL ES for Android 2.0
I got pixel position of image ..How can I perform
Please reply
Thnx in Advance..
You can upload image data to texture and draw the texture.
