How to extract json response from my server which is {"fileUrl":"} and what I just want to get is zip file which I want to download via jmeter for load testing.the file is dynamic and want to use this as variable to be used by another http request in jmeter.
Add JSON Extractor as a child of the request which returns the above JSON
Configure it as follows:
Add HTTP Request sampler which will download the .zip file and put ${fileUrl} JMeter Variable into "Path" field:
That's it, your second HTTP Request should download the file:
if you need to store it to the file system you can use Save Responses to a file listener
Im trying to upload file and sending few parameters in the request but it looks it is not taking file path
-- payload
{"id":70,"student_id":24,"uploaded_by": "","document_name":"test","document_type":".png","files":
I m trying to give exact path also like C:/Files?CG.png but it is not working.
Normally you need to provide the file path and its MIME type under Files Upload tab of the HTTP Request sampler
If you're uncertain regarding how to properly build the file upload request you can just record it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, just make sure to copy the file(s) you will be uploading to "bin" folder of your JMeter installation, this way JMeter will be able to properly capture the request and generate the HTTP Request sampler.
More information: Recording File Uploads with JMeter
I have a post request naming 'Register' which will allow users to upload .csv files or .json files I want to test the load on this API with different CSV /JSON files for different users. I have added files path in 'PLAN.CSV' .Each file contain JSON DATA-
Please guide
Request image and result image is attached hereResquest
Your syntax is incorrect, the valid one for the __FileToString() function would be:
Consider using Functions Helper Dialog if you're uncertain
Your setup doesn't really "upload" the file, it sends the file as the HTTP POST body, the "upload" assumes either PUT or POST with multipart-form/data. Again if you're not sure that you're building the request correctly just record it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, just make sure that the file(s) you're uploading are present in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation
I have two HTTP requests (Export and Import).
The result of the "Export" request is a zip file and i want to use that downloaded file in the body of the "Import" request.
Does anyone have an idea ?
Thanks in advance.
Normally you should be storing the file to your drive via Save Responses to a file listener added as a child of the Export request and then specifying the path to the stored file in the "Files Upload" section of the HTTP Request sampler for the Import request
Example test plan structure:
More information: Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter
However if your scenario is different and you need to do this in memory, you can read the zip file contents into a JMeter Variable using Regular Expression Extractor and the following regular expression:
once done you will be able to use the associated JMeter Variable where required.
I try to save response of a HTTP Request with custom file extension. ContentType is application/octet-stream and saved file ends with _1.octet-stream by default. I use Save Responses to a file listener to save file.
Add Save responses to a file listener as a child of the request which output you would like to save
Configure it like:
Replace myfile.txt with your desired filename/extension
That's it, assuming the above configuration JMeter will store the file under the given name
Check out Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter article for more information with regards to simulating file downloads in JMeter tests
I have a requirement to download zip file from server through JMeter to test the peroformance but for me the downloaded files are shown in x-filler, i need to have the zip file downladed.
Please help me here
Thanks in Advance
Simulating file download event using JMeter is as simple as sending HTTP GET request using HTTP Request sampler.
If you need to save the response somewhere for later reuse or analysis add Save Response to a file listener as a child of the request which performs the download. Check out Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter article for comprehensive explanation.
Be aware that storing responses will cause huge disk IO overhead during the load test so I would recommend ticking Save response as MD5 hash box under "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler and use MD5Hex Assertion to compare the MD5 checksum of the response with some reference value.
To download any file, you need to extract it using Regular Expression Extractor.
Add the Regular Express Extractor to the request where you want to download and configure the fields as shown below. Use (?s)(^.*) as the expression to extract everything.
Add the Save Responses to a File sampler and configure the fields as shown below.
Execute the test plan. In the JMETER_HOME\bin\, you can see the zip file. Extract the zip file and validate.
The easiest way is to use your own code to download the file. The options are BeanShell Postprocessor or JSR223 Postprocesor.
I extracted file name from response header Content-Disposition, save it to varible, and the use variable for filename. Additional variable was defined on Test level, holding folder name where to save files.