gcloud login network connection failed issue - proxy

I tried to connect gcloud with gcloud init. I got Network connection error.
I tried to fix with Network connection problems in Google Cloud SDK while I have access to google or website like google app engine in my browser
gcloud config set proxy/type socks5
gcloud config set proxy/address
gcloud config set proxy/port 1086
But it still does not work for me.
My log is:
Welcome! This command will take you through the configuration of gcloud.
Settings from your current configuration [default] are:
disable_usage_reporting: 'False'
port: '1080'
type: socks5
Pick configuration to use:
[1] Re-initialize this configuration [default] with new settings
[2] Create a new configuration
[3] Switch to and re-initialize existing configuration: [cindy]
Please enter your numeric choice: 1
Your current configuration has been set to: [default]
You can skip diagnostics next time by using the following flag:
gcloud init --skip-diagnostics
Network diagnostic detects and fixes local network connection issues.
Checking network connection...done.
ERROR: Reachability Check failed.
Cannot reach https://www.google.com (error)
Cannot reach https://accounts.google.com (error)
Cannot reach https://cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/v1beta1/projects (error)
Cannot reach https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform (error)
Cannot reach https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/channels/rapid/components-2.json (error)
Network connection problems may be due to proxy or firewall settings.
Current effective Cloud SDK network proxy settings:
type = socks5
host =
port = 1080
username = None
password = None
What would you like to do?
[1] Change Cloud SDK network proxy properties
[2] Clear all gcloud proxy properties
[3] Exit

It is due to redirection from goolge account to localhost for acquiring token Try to login using firefox

Considering the error and mainly the following part of the error, it seems that you are facing issues with your proxy and firewall settings and configuration.
Network connection problems may be due to proxy or firewall settings.
Due to this error, you need to configure your SDK to be used with proxy and firewall. I would recommend you to take a look at the documentation Configuring Cloud SDK for use behind a proxy/firewall, to get more information and steps on how to achieve it and avoid the error that you are facing.
Besides that, I could find the below two posts from the Community, of users that are facing similar cases that you are facing.
ERROR: Reachability Check failed. #51
gcloud utility not working #25
Let me know if the information helped you!

For the people who still have this problem.
Try to use IPV4 first as IPV6 is still buggy for many systems.
For Linux, you can just uncomment or add the following line in /etc/gai.conf file:
precedence ::ffff:0:0/96 100
For other systems, you can google the set-up


Kubernetes on Windows Error: Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp some ip

I have downloaded Docker and then enabled Kubernetes on the Desktop. When I execute 'Kubectl version' command on the PowerShell it says:
kubectl : Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp : connectex:
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has
failed to respond.
At line:1 char:1
kubectl version
The same issue started to occur today when I run anything related to kubectl on Windows. However, it previously worked fine. Maybe there are some recent updates in Windows/Docker.
Actually, my network sharing options were reset for some reasons. Please try the solution described below (works for me)
Check your Network and Sharing settings:
Control Panel > Network and Sharing > [YOUR_NETWORK] (For me it's my Wi-Fi connection) > Properties > Sharing
On the Sharing tab make sure that you have all checkboxes checked and that you selected the correct virtual network in the "Home network connection" field. If not, please use the correct one.

How to configure azure-cli behind a corporate proxy on Windows

I'm using Windows 10 behind a corporate proxy and az --version outputs the following:
azure-cli 2.5.1
command-modules-nspkg 2.0.3
core 2.5.1
nspkg 3.0.4
telemetry 1.0.4
Unable to check if your CLI is up-to-date. Check your internet connection.
Furthermore, az extension list-available throws:
Unable to get extension index.
Please ensure you have network connection. Error detail: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='aka.ms', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /azure-cli-extension-index-v1 (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))
How to configure azure-cli for the corporate proxy?
Download local proxy configuration from http://wpad/wpad.dat
At the beginning of the wpad.dat file there is a line similar to CWSProxy="PROXY proxy.corporation.com:8082";
Enter the proxy server to environment variable HTTPS_PROXY, e.g. in bash: export HTTPS_PROXY="proxy.corporation.com:8082"
Now az extension list-available connects. However, for some reason, az --version is still giving Unable to check if your CLI is up-to-date. Check your internet connection. You can now anyway install extensions such as az extension add --name azure-devops.
From https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli-windows?view=azure-cli-latest&tabs=azure-cli#proxy-blocks-connection
For Windows 10, you could check the proxy settings in the Settings > Network & Internet > Proxy pane. Contact your system administrator for the required settings, or for situations where your machine may be configuration-managed or require advanced setup.

Mulesoft - SFTP Component to go through SOCKS Proxy

I was hoping someone could help.
I am trying to sftp to a remote server that is behind a firewall. I have a proxy setup and can sftp via the unix terminal succesfully. However when using mulesofts SFTP connector I get a timeout. From research it looks like this is because it is run on the JVM.
Mule comes with wrapper.conf to update any jvm settings so I have set the following settings:
When I do this the Mule service no longer runs and get the following error:
WrapperManager Error: Unexpected exception opening backend socket: java.net.SocketException: Can't connect to SOCKS proxy:Invalid argument or cannot assign requested address
Hopefully someone can assist.
Thank you.
Perhaps typo in the
Should be = rather than :.
The port is unnecessary, 1080 is the default. Documentation is here, see section 2.4 for SOCKS

Error when I try to create a new account with "deis register" command

I've a fresh install of Deis on AWS but I get this error when I try to register an user:
http://deis.XXXX.com does not appear to be a valid Deis controller.
Also, when I try to make a curl to the ELB or any node it return a timeout, but I think that it's a normal behaviour due to the security group configutarion.
It could be a proxy configuration error? Because when I installed Deis I got this error:
Enabling proxy protocol failed, please enable proxy protocol manually after finishing your deis cluster installation.
And I enabled it manually with:
deisctl config router set proxyProtocol=1
Once you have enabled proxyProtocol on the router you should be able to run deisctl install platform without issues.
Is that not the case?
I had this issue when I hadn't registered my deis cluster domain with global dns - i.e., I had only added it to a Route 53 hosted zone that wasn't actually public.
I fixed it by adding an A ALIAS record in Route 53 pointing a wildcard sub-domain under my existing domain to the deiswebelb host.
Type: A
Value: ALIAS dualstack.deis-deiswebelb-1abcdefghijkl-1234567890.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com

RSH connection refused while running MPI program

I'm trying to run MPI programs on 8 machines, but I get the error
connect to address port 544: Connection refused
Trying krb4 rsh...
connect to address port 544: Connection refused
trying normal rsh (/usr/bin/rsh)
lagrid02: Connection refused
When I run it with a machinefile option, I get the error lagrid03: No route to host where lagrid03 is the neighbouring node connected to master node.
How should I rectify this ?
Regarding your first error, is rsh running on (all) the machine(s)? You'll need rsh or password-less ssh configured (and ask your mpi job launcher use ssh) before you can start jobs on different machines.
The second error indicates that there is no way to reach the machine lagrid03 with the current network config. I guess you have a /etc/hosts entry with the IP addresses for lagrid03, but you do not have an interface configured in that network. For a more detailed answer you'll need to post details about your network configuration.
The issue is with authentication, if you go into the /etc/pam.d/rsh file and move rlogin and rsh to the top and make it look like this, it would work just fine.
/* For root login to succeed here with pam_securetty, "rsh" must be listed in /etc/securetty.*/
auth required pam_nologin.so
auth required pam_securetty.so
auth required pam_env.so
auth required pam_rhosts_auth.so
account include system-auth
session optional pam_keyinit.so force revoke
session include system-auth
