I have a .csv file with the following sample data format:
AA01|1234|1|1st item|null
AA02|12345|2|2nd item|null
AA03|12345|3|3rd item|null
AA04|12345|4|4th item|null
To load the above file into a table I am using below BCP command:
What i am trying to look here is like below (adding sysdate instead of null from bcp)
AA01|1234|1|1st item|3/16/2020
AA02|12345|2|2nd item|3/16/2020
AA03|12345|3|3rd item|3/16/2020
AA04|12345|4|4th item|3/16/2020
Update : I was able to exclude header with #Jamie answer by -F 1 option, but looking for some help on inserting date with bcp. Tried looking some old Q&A, but no luck so far..
To exclude a single header record, you can use the -F option. This will tell BCP which line in the file is the first line to begin loading from. For your sample, -F2 should work fine. However, your command has other issues. See comments.
There is no way to introduce new data using the BCP command as you stated. BCP cannot introduce a date value while copying data into your table. To accomplish this I suggest a default for your date column or to first load the raw data into a table without the date column then you can introduce the date value as you see fit in late processing.
I want to copy the data from a table to a text file or more preferably to an .FD file format. I found this command on the internet,
bcp dbname..tablename out -f <file location> -U username -P password -S servername
which gives me the I/O error. I am using Sybase database with bcpv15.5 EBF17765, and the table has around 1.4 million data entries. Could anyone please help me?
Please do not give me the link to another similar question on stackoverflow. That is for "IN" operation in SQL. I am looking to do "OUT" operation in Sybase.
I'm having issues while trying to insert data using a csv file to clickhouse using CURL, the very first value is adding some characters and looks like follow:
┌─name─ ┬─lastname─┐
│&'Mark'│ Olson │
│ Joe │ Robins │
└────── ┴──────────┘
my CSV file is ok, it is like this:
as you can see the table is adding the first value in first record as &'Mark'
This is my code in bash
query="INSERT INTO Myschema.persons FORMAT CSV"
cat ${csv} | curl -X POST -d "$query" $user:$password#localhost:8123 --data-binary #-
Do you know what's the problem?
I think you should use following format where query is part of url
cat *.csv |curl http://localhost:8123/?query=INSERT%20INTO%20Myschema.persons%20FORMAT%20CSV' --data-binary #-
I am not sure why your curl is not working but my best guess is that Clickhouse has parsing rules which are not able to consume your specified format, ${query} and ${csv} both being parameters to POST are getting appended by '&' in final http url, while parsing Clickhouse is unable to consider this case.
Quotes from clickhouse documentation -
You can send the query itself either in the POST body, or in the URL
The POST method of transmitting data is necessary for INSERT queries.
In this case, you can write the beginning of the query in the URL
parameter, and use POST to pass the data to insert. The data to insert
could be, for example, a tab-separated dump from MySQL. In this way,
the INSERT query replaces LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE from MySQL.
Check here for more details and examples - https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/interfaces/http_interface/
I have an external hive table on top of a parquet file.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE parquet_test LIKE avro_test STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION 'hdfs://myParquetFilesPath';
I want to get the count of table using shell script.
I tried with following command
myVar =$(hive -S -e " select count(*) from parquet_test;")
echo $myVar
Added -S to run hive in silent mode still I get whole map reduce log and count in the myVar variable. How to get only count.
I don't have access to any of the configuration file to enable or disable the level of logging. Is there any other way?
Finally found a work around.
First flushed the query result into a file in HDFS then read answer from file.
The file only contains the result of the query.
(hive -S -e " INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY '/home/test/result/'
ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' select count(*) from parquet_test;")
Then reading the file into a variable
Count var=$(hdfs dfs -tail /home/test/result/)
echo $var
Thank you
myVar=$(eval "hive -S -e 'select count(*) from parquet_test;' ")
echo $myVar
I started an EC2 cluster on amazon to install cloudera...I got it installed and configured and loaded some of the Wiki Page Views public snapshot into HDFS. The structure of the files are as such:
projectcode, pagename, pageviews, bytes
the files are named as such:
date time
when loading the data from HDFS to Impala, I do it as such:
project_code varchar(100),
page_name varchar(1000),
page_views int,
page_bytes int
LOCATION '/user/hdfs';
one thing I missed is the date and time of each of the file. The dir:
contains multiple pagecount files associated with different dates and times. How can one pull that information and store it in a column when loading to impala?
I think the thing you are missing is the concept of partitions. If you define the table as partitioned, the data may be divided to different partitions based on the timestamp(in the name) of the file. I'm able to work around it in hive, I hope you to do the needful(if any) for impala as there query syntax is the same.
For me, this problem is not possible to solve only using hive. So I mixed up bash with hive scripting and it works fine for me. This is how I wrapped it up :
Create table wikiPgvws with partition
Create table wikiTmp with same fields as wikiPgvws except for partitions
For each file
i. Load data into wikiTmp
ii. grep timeStamp from fileName
iii. Use sed to replace placeholders in a predefined hql script file to load the data to the actual table. Then run it.
Drop table wikiTmp & remove tmp.hql
The script is as follows :
hive -e "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE wikiPgvws(
project_code varchar(100),
page_name varchar(1000),
page_views int,
page_bytes int
hive -e "CREATE TABLE wikiTmp(
project_code varchar(100),
page_name varchar(1000),
page_views int,
page_bytes int
for fileName in $(hadoop fs -ls /user/hdfs/bounty/pagecounts-*.txt | grep -Po '(?<=\s)(/user.*$)')
echo "currentFile :$fileName"
dst=$(echo $filename | grep -oE '[0-9]{8}-[0-9]{6}')
echo "currentStamp $dst"
sed "s!sourceFile!'$fileName'!" t.hql > tmp.hql
sed -i "s!targetPartition!$dst!" tmp.hql
hive -f tmp.hql
hive -e "DROP TABLE wikiTmp"
rm -f tmp.hql
The hql script consists of just two lines :
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE wikiPgvws PARTITION (dts = 'targetPartition') SELECT w.* FROM wikiTmp w;
Epilogue :
Check, whether options equivalent to hive -e & hive -f are available in impala. Without them, this script is of no use to you. Again the grep commands to fetch the fileName & timeStamp need to be modified according to your table location and stamp pattern. It's just one a way to show how the job can be done, but couldn't able to find another one.
If everything works well, consider merging the first two DDLs into another script to make it look cleaner. Although, I'm not sure that hql script arguments can be used to define partition values, still you can have a look to replace sed.
With the Unix shell script, I am doing a bcp out from a table in Server1 using NATIVE format to a file - XXXX.bcpdat, then bcp in the file to a table of same structure in Server2.
The bcp command we have is
bcp "$dbname".."$tablename" out XXXX.bcpdat -n
bcp "$dbname".."$tablename" in XXXX.bcpdat -n -b10000
This bcp_out & bcp in works as expected from/into tables.
But i want to da an urgent change here -
I want to get the total number of rows (a row may have 120 or 30 or 40 records)in the bcp data file (XXXX.bcpdat)
But with the file in Native format i couldn differentiate each row & how its being separated. If i pass head -10 XXXX.bcpdat or tail -10 XXXX.bcpdat it prints everything in the file. "wc -l" or "awk" or "cut" is not helping me to get the count of rows from the file. There is no differentiation where a row ends like how it is in character load of bcp. It would really be great if someone help me at the earliest, how i can get the total number of rows (not records) that is in the bcpdat file. Thanks a loot in advance.