How to enter the Digital Ocean token? - ansible

I have DigitalOcean tool installed and would like to initialze it. On the,
it describes as follows, enter doctl auth init and it will prompt the text:
DigitalOcean access token: your_DO_token
Is there a way to enter the token via Ansible?

In the very next paragraph under the one you linked to it says:
The --access-token flag or DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN variable are acknowledged
so presumably:
- command: doctl compute droplet list


ansible login using PAM SSO

I need some help with ansible login, the company i work for uses PAM where we type in username and info and we get auth prompt from microsoft authenticator to login.
In a nut shell from cli the command to login to a device would be
ssh -p 4422\username#aus.mydomain\
i need this to translate into ansible config for the login part and hopefully also use inventory so we dont have to specify the ip address.
thanks in advance.

Vagrant interactive Ansible provisioning with user input

I was wondering if it was possible to have Vagrant provisioning with Ansible playbooks to have a task where a command which requires user input is executed and pauses to wait for user interaction.
The use case is to auth the gcloud terminal command with gcloud auth login. The command asks the user to go to a url which perform the Google authentication and then enter the verification code provided after the access is granted:
Go to the following link in your browser:
Enter verification code:
I've seen prompt and wait_for modules for Ansible but it does not look like can be used in this scenario?
If the account you're trying to authenticate in that scenario is a service account, give gcloud auth activate-service-account a try. It'd be especially useful here because it prompts for nothing, all it does is login a service account using a key file. You can find out more about it here.
Maybe the expect module will work on your case. Have you read about it?
Example from ansible docs:
- name: Case insensitive password string match
command: passwd username
(?i)password: "MySekretPa$$word"
# you don't want to show passwords in your logs
no_log: true
- name: Generic question with multiple different responses
command: /path/to/custom/command
- response1
- response2
- response3
You can combine this with uri module to authenticate on google cloud, register the output, parse it with regex or something and then use it on expect module...
Source: Ansible Expect Module

Downloading existing key-pair (pem) file for ECS Instance Alibaba

I am working on a clients project and they have Magento installed on their EC2 instance, in order to ssh into it I need to have the pem file that was generated at the time of setting the key-pair. However I am not able to receive the pem file from their end and I am instead looking for a way to download the existing one. Is it even possible? Or do I create a new key-pair.
I wrote an article about Alibaba SSH Keypairs. If the keypair has been lost, you can replace it if you have Alibaba Cloud credentials (AccessKey and AccessKeySecret). This link to my article goes into specific details.
Alibaba Cloud SSH & ECS KeyPairs
The following commands require that the Alibaba Command Line CLI (aliyuncli) is installed and setup. I would backup (snapshot) the system before making the following changes.
This command will create a new Keypair called "NewKeyPair"
aliyuncli ecs CreateKeyPair --RegionId us-west-1 --KeyPairName NewKeyPair
This command will replace the current keypair with NewKeyPair (Windows syntax).
aliyuncli ecs AttachKeyPair --InstanceIds "[\"i-abcdeftvgllm854abcde\"]" --KeyPairName NewKeyPair
No, you can't download existing key. In order to connect to the server via ssh, you need the key which is generated at the time of server development. You can ask your clients for the key.

How to configure the knife plugin for Chef on an Ubuntu 14.04 VM Instance using GCP

I'm getting this error when trying to configure the knife plugin for Chef in an Ubuntu 14.04 instance on Google Cloud Platform. Any ideas on how to fix this?
FATAL: Cannot find subcommand for: 'osc_user configure -i'
There are 2 VMs - one is the chef-server and the other the chef-workstation, both are the same OS.
Source :-
Chef-server VM IP -
Chef-workstation VM IP -
Here is the console log:
anjalithomas_mec#chef-workstation:~/.chef$ knife configure -i # server: https://[server's external IP address]:443, cookbook_path = ~/chef-repo
Please enter the chef server URL: [https://chef-workstation.c.chef-gcp-195115.internal/organizations/myorg]
Please enter a name for the new user: [anjalithomas_mec] any
Please enter the existing admin name: [admin]
Please enter the location of the existing admin's private key: [/etc/chef-server/admin.pem]
Overwrite /home/anjalithomas_mec/.chef/credentials?? (Y/N) Y
Creating initial API user...
Please enter a password for the new user:
UNDER knife user create --help.
You only passed a single argument to knife user create.
For backwards compatibility, when only a single argument is passed,
knife user create assumes you want Open Source 11 Server user creation.
knife user create for Open Source 11 Server is being deprecated.
Open Source 11 Server user commands now live under the knife osc_user namespace.
For backwards compatibility, we will forward this request to knife osc_user create.
If you are using an Open Source 11 Server, please use that command to avoid this warning.
NOTE: Backwards compatibility for Open Source 11 Server in these commands will be removed
in Chef 15 which will be released April 2019.
FATAL: Cannot find subcommand for: 'osc_user configure -i'
Looks like it's an open issue with no fix yet:
chef client - error during Knife configure -i #4814

PuTTY fatal error: "No supported authentication methods available"

PuTTY fatal error:
No supported authentication methods available
When I tried to login into the production server, I am getting above error. Could anyone help me to fix this?
Edit file
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Set PasswordAuthentication yes
Then restart server
sudo service ssh restart
sudo service sshd restart
It worked for me after I did the following steps :
1- Download Puttygen (
2- Open PUttyGen and then Load the private key from :
3- save the new private key with a new name.
4- Open Putty, go to Connection > SSH > Auth > and add the new private key
5- Connect now using and 2222
I think your private key file format is not compatible with putty for putty uses its' native format instead.
If you are using cloud service and trying to connect server using ssh then Don't login the user name as ec2-user, the default user name is ubuntu forubuntu server.
This error can also be seen if you haven’t selected the .ppk file for the session in Putty: Connection > SSH > Auth
You’re done if you’ve employed PuttyGen to generate the keys. Else import the private key to your .ppk file as others have instructed.
Note on Linux as opposed to Windows, puttygen is accessed only via the command line. Here’s some resources for that:
In my case, I updated the Putty application to the latest and issue was solved.
Do you still have access to the server (maybe an open shell?) Check /var/log/messages for more details. This could have something to do with your PAM configuration.
Did you change folder permissions? i met this question in this week, so i find the error that is cause to me change the folder(name is ec2-user) permission.
1.Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
2.Change PasswordAuthentication and ChallengeResponseAuthentication to yes.
3a. Restart ssh /etc/init.d/ssh restart.
3b. better you use service sshd restart
If you've saved your public key on an external drive and it's not connected, putty will throw this error when connecting to your remote server.
Solved via Puttygen
I was on a windows system and it doesnt support direct shell access like linux or macOS.
Download Puttygen.
Load the .pem key to puttygen
Save as Private key
Use this key to login to ec2 instance
P.S : Also if the SSH ask for login/username - enter ubuntu or admin
Download Puttygen
Load the .pem key to puttygen
convert .pem file to .ppk
Save as Private key
Install/Open Putty >> puTTY Configuration >> Auth >> Browse >> path to .ppk file
Use this key to login to ec2 instance (check that IP of remote server is allowed in security group config of EC2 instance)
The usual user names are ec2-user, ubuntu, centos, root, or admin
If that server is in the cloud like AWS, the rookie mistake I did was not realizing that a new Public IPv4 DNS gets used when the instance was off for some time. So, check the new DNS
Today I faced the same problem. So in putty you have to use "user name" of your EC2 instance
to get your "user name" of your EC2 instance
Select EC2 instance
select Connect
Now go to putty use ec2_name#public address
To see your public address
select EC2
under details you will be able to see your public address.
Now try loading your "ppk" file you will be able to log in.
For Digital Ocean, we should enable password authentication first.
The complete instruction is here:
Log in to the Droplet via the Recovery Console
Even though you have a root password for the Droplet, if you try to log in via SSH using that password immediately, you’ll receive a Permission denied (publickey) error. This is because password authentication is still disabled on the Droplet. To fix this, you need to log in via the Recovery Console and update its SSH configuration.
There are detailed instructions on how to connect to Droplets with the
Recovery Console for a more explicit walkthrough, but here’s a brief
On the Droplet’s detail page, in the same Access tab, click the Launch
Console button.
At the login prompt, enter root as the username.
At the subsequent password prompt, enter the root password you were
sent via email. Most distributions prompt you to enter the password
twice, but some (like Fedora 27) do not.
Enter a new root password to replace the one that was emailed to you,
then enter that same new password again.
You will now be logged in as root in the Recovery Console, which gives
you access to the Droplet’s SSH configuration.
Enable Password Authentication To enable password authentication on
your Droplet, you need to modify a line in its SSH config file, which
is /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Open /etc/ssh/sshd_config using your preferred text editor, like nano
or vim. Find the line that reads PasswordAuthentication no line and
change it to PasswordAuthentication yes, then save and exit the file.
Because the SSH daemon only reads its configuration files when it’s
first starting, you need to restart it for these changes to take
effect. The command to do this depends on your operating system:
Operating System SSH Restart Command
Ubuntu 14.x service ssh restart
Ubuntu 15.4 and up systemctl restart ssh
Debian systemctl restart ssh
CentOS 6 service sshd restart
CentOS 7 systemctl restart sshd
Fedora systemctl restart sshd\
