Kotlin: kill a non-cooperative coroutine - kotlin-coroutines

I have an external library with long calculation. This library is everything, but cooperative in regard of premature stopping. It is wrapped and started within a coroutine.
I would like to kill the process from the caller side. Coroutine cancell is cooperative, so it doesn't work. Is there any way to terminate the coroutine abruptly?

A non-suspending coroutine can be abruptly killed only by killing the thread it's executing on, and Java has deprecated all methods of abruptly stopping a thread. They are deprecated for a good reason: threads aren't a unit of isolation like processes are. Aborting a thread can have arbitrary consequences on the state of the surviving process.
The cleanest option for launching long-running, non-cooperatively abortable work is to start a sub-process doing it.


Killing a process that is hanging on disk IO

I've got an SSD that is failing. Some of its data can't be read anymore.
I would like to know which files are affected.
I've created some small program that uses regular functions (CreateFile, ReadFile) to read files.
The program has some watchdog thread that monitors the thread that issues the IO functions. If they take too long, the thread marks somewhere the file is damaged and tries to kill the IO thread and the process.
My issue is using TerminateThread and TerminateProcess does not kill the thread/process. It hangs there, forever, until I log out.
Trying to kill using TaskManager also fails, of course (it used to use NtTerminateProcess, I don't know what it does nowadays).
Does anyone know a way that would kill my process?
According to the Doc: TerminateProcess function
This function stops execution of all threads within the process and
requests cancellation of all pending I/O. The terminated process
cannot exit until all pending I/O has been completed or canceled. When
a process terminates, its kernel object is not destroyed until all
processes that have open handles to the process have released those
When a process terminates itself, TerminateProcess stops execution of
the calling thread and does not return. Otherwise, TerminateProcess is
asynchronous; it initiates termination and returns immediately. If you
need to be sure the process has terminated, call the
WaitForSingleObject function with a handle to the process.
I suggest you could try to use Job Objects.


I wanted to know how I can I make the io do something like a thread.join() wait for all tasks to finish.
io_type->post( strand->wrap(boost::bind &somemethod,ptr,parameter)));
In the above code if 4 threads were initially launched this would give work to the next available thread. However I want to know how I could actually wait for all the threads to finish work. Like we do with threads.join().
If this really needs to be done, then you could setup a mutex or critical section to stop your io handlers from processing messages off of the socket. This would need to be activated from another thread. But, more importantly...
Perhaps you should rethink your design. The problem with having the io wait for other threads to finish is that the io would then be unresponsive. In general, not a good idea. I suspect that most developers working on networking software would not even consider it. If you are receiving messages that are not ready to be processed yet due to other processing that is going on, then consider storing them in a queue and process them on a different thread when the other threads have signaled that they have completed their work.

Thread not terminated while application is terminated under Delphi

assume I have a thread which is still running when the application is terminating
(This thread can not terminate because it waits for a Windows api call to return
and that can be long...)
What happens to the thread if the application is closed ?
Can it raise an exception (I'm under Delphi) ?
I'd say that an exception is very plausible. When you call Application.Terminate this will lead to the following sequence of events:
A call to PostQuitMessage.
Application.Terminated being set to True.
Application.Run returning.
System.Halt is called.
Exit procedures are run, specifically DoneApplication which will tear down Application and all components that it owns. Hmm, better hope your thread does not access anything owned by Application.
FinalizeUnits is called. Uh-oh. Memory manager is shut down, and lots more beside.
ExitProcess is called. Now your thread is killed.
Your thread will carry on running until the call to ExitProcess. If it executes any code at all that would be affected by the calls to DoneApplication and FinalizeUnits, then you should expect problems.

Catch App Terminate from LaunchDeamon

I've got a Cocoa foundation tool that I run as a LaunchDeamon. When the app is terminated by the system, either by a reboot or shutdown (or even launchctl unload), is there a way I can capture this event so that I can perform some finalizing functions?
All the cases you're discussing send SIGTERM to the process. You want to add a signal handler for that. See the man pages for signal and sigaction. Read the warnings carefully. Only certain functions are legal to call during a signal handler (and in principle you should never allocate heap memory). Generally it's best to just use the handler to set a flag that tells your main thread to terminate.
You may also want to look at PreLoginAgents for an example of how to handle SIGTERM using the run loop, if you're using a run loop.
See Terminating Processes in the Daemons and Services Programming Guide for full details on what signals will be sent to your process.
All NSObject subclasses call a method before dying: - finalize. There is also NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler for dealing with crashes.

How to keep thread on processor till an event happens?

I am spawning few threads inside ioctl call to my driver. I am also assigning kernel affinity to my driver. I want to ensure one of the thread does not get scheduled out till a particular event is flagged by the other thread. Is there any way to not allow windows scheduler to context out my thread. Using _disable() may hang the system as event may take couple of seconds.
Environment is windows 7,64bit
What you are probably after is a spin lock. However this is probably a bad idea unless you can guarantee that your driver/application is always run on a multi-processor system, even then it is still very bad practice. On a single processor system if a thread spin locks then the other thread signalling the spin locked thread will never be scheduled and so can't signal your event. Spin locks are meant to be used sparingly and only when the lock is for a very short time, never a couple of seconds.
It sounds like you need to use an event or other signally mechanism to synchronise your threads and let the windows scheduler do its job. If you need to respond to an event very quickly then interrupts or a Deferred Procedure Call (DPC) could be used instead.
