Share link preview issue on whatsapp desktop - windows

I'm trying to figure out why desktop client doesn't generate preview for urls from particular website.
For example, this url -
When I send this url from whatsapp on android, I correctly see a preview block.
When I send this very url from whatsapp on windows desktop, I don't see a preview block at all.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Open whatsapp on android or ios phone (doesn't matter which one).
Open conversation with someone
Type in message box (without sending):
After a short while appears a preview of the url
Send message. Message appears in dialog, preview exists in the message.
Open whatsapp on windows pc
Open conversation with someone
Type in message box (without sending):
Preview of the url doesn't appear at all, no matter how long I wait
Send message. Message appears in dialog but doesn't contain a preview of the url.
The problem occurs on steps 9-10 (on windows). There is a difference between steps 4-5 (on android) and steps 9-10 (on windows).
Here is a screenshot of a problem:
The first message (15:33) has been sent from whatsapp on desktop, and it somehow doesn't have preview. The second message (15:35) has been sent from whatsapp on android, ant it does have preview.
The mentioned page contains required og: metatags (og:type, og:image, og:title, og:description, og:url, og:site_name) and is correctly validated:
Tested on these:
Android Phone: Xiaomi Mi A3 (android 9), whatsapp: WhatsApp/2.20.47 A - ok
Windows: Windows 10 pro, version 1909 (build 18363.657), whatsapp: WhatsApp/0.4.930 N - issue
So I have a question. What's wrong with previews on whatsapp on desktop? Or maybe something wrong with this particular url, what exactly then?

I've found the issue for me personally was using WhatsApp in a corporate setting where SSL traffic (HTTPS) is being proxied. It seems that the self-signed internal certificates from the proxy cause the previews to not show.

I had the same problem a time ago and I just figured out how to solve this.
in the meta tags I had the og:image like this:
<meta property="og:image" content="images/image.jpg" />
And today I put the actual URL of the website instead of calling just the partial route and now the link preview works fine in WhatsApp Desktop. So now I have that og:image meta tag like this:
<meta property="og:image" content="https://www.{your_website_domain}/images/image.jpg" />

Also should make sure the source image is less than 300MB. Can't find an official statement on that. But did find that larger images wouldn't work and the same image of a smaller size (in bytes, not viewable pixels) worked. JPG can get smaller than PNG in most cases
Good reference


Link sms on chrome, edge or other on pc/windows

As we can see from this topic
How to pre-populate the sms body text via an html link
it is possible to generate sms links that work perfectly on smartphones.
But when I click on it on my browser while I'm on the pc running windows 10, nothing happens. The link is simply ignored even though it is totally abnormal.
Don't tell me that this is normal, NO! There is the application "My phone" which is installed and which makes it possible to send sms with the PC, to answer them, to see the notifications or even the photos of the smartphone. So the pc can send sms via this application which is from microsoft and I am on a microsoft system. I often use it to write my sms. But the browser (chrome for example, but also edge for example) does not work while they should transmit the request to the application "my phone".
My question is :
How can I add parameters to the system so that it works?
It seems like such an obvious question that I'm surprised I haven't seen similar ones on the internet despite long searches.
Thanks to those who will answer and especially to those who will give a solution.

Opening url on web push notification click (Win10, Chrome)

I am testing push notifications from different browsers and devices. I cannot find a solution to the problem when Chrome notifications are received in the Windows 10 Notifications Centre. When I send 3 notifications in a row, clicking only at the top one results in opening the browser with specified URL. The other two after being clicked disappear, cursor seems to have a loader for a short moment (as in the case of the first working one) but nothing happens - browser does not react in any way.
Firefox handles opening URLs correctly - all three notifications result in redirecting to the specified website. Same situation happens on mobile version of Chrome (tested on Android), so there is most likely an issue with Windows 10 Notifications Centre or Chrome on desktop devices.
I would be grateful for any kind of advice. Please let me know if any other information would be useful to resolve this issue, I will provide it at the earliest convenience.

Not able to debug phonegap app running on windows 8 mobile

I have a phonegap application that has some layout problems. I can run the app in browser for the most part, and this usually get me over the line. But with a new design I need to debug the application layout on windows phone 8.
I'm currently looking at weinre but its not showing anything on the desktop when browsing the local server, I have added the link to my application I have cleaned up everything I can think of. Still blank. Any good tuts around the ones I have read just copy and paste the original docs or are not on my same error.
There's a public weinre server available here:
You may have better luck with that than with your local server. There's a demo available on that page, give that a try and see if it works on your windows 8 mobile device.

windows phone 7 does not receive scripts and js files on https

Can't solve a problem that I have regarding windows phone jquery mobile https and mvc 2. I have a mvc 2 app that resides on my localhost. Some pages require https connection, so when I use my windows phone to browse through pages everything is fine (jquery mobile renders fine) until I accept the https message and go to the https page then it showes all html content with no javascript and css (white background with black text, jquery mobile not working, hidden divs now visible and so on). Seems like windows phone is blocking the files on https in this particular scenatio. Quite strange problem, especially that everything works on Iphone. Iphone renders everything just fine whether its http or https.
I'm not gonna try to paste any code since I don't event know where to start, and the app is too large to paste code snippets. Just wanted to know if anyone had similar problem, or has any idea how to overcome this issue.
EDIT: by searching through forums I stumbled upon problem of self signed certificate on the server and accesing pages with windows phone, dont know if this is the exact problem tho
I think I found solution to my problem, as I thought I need to add the same self signed certificate to my phone that I generated on the server. It is not necessary on the iphone, but for some reason Windows Phone requiers it.

How can I render HTML in a Silverlight 5 app?

I'm currently working on a project that renders emails in HTML format to a Silverlight 5 app. The app is intended to be viewed via a web browser and not an 'Out of browser' app. The WebBrowser control was initially used, but I'm having issues with it. A message stating that IE needs elevated permissions and such. After reading how to properly implement the WebBrowser control by signing the .xap file and installing certificates it seems to work when I run it locally, but when I publish to the server (Windows Server 2008), it doesn't seem to work.
I tried to implement an alternative I found ->, but that didn't seem to work as the HTML I'm trying to render has many tags not supported in that example.
I also took a look at the Frame control but not sure if that would solve my problem either.
So if anyone can guide me into the right direction of either how I can get the WebBrowser control to work when pushed to the server or perhaps another alternative it would be greatly appreciated.
