JavaFX generate blank single color Image - image

I would like to generate an image with just one color on it, to use for creating maps for PhongMaterials. Something like
Image generateImage(int width, int height, double red, double green, double blue, double opacity);
What do I need to do to make this? While I'd prefer to make this purely procedurally, if there's a way to do this by giving it a blank white image like and changing its color, I would be okay with that too. I thought about just generating a URL and getting the image directly from that website, but I can't be dependent on internet connection for this to work (and besides, that website doesn't handle transparent images).

To return an image as you specify, you can do:
public Image generateImage(int width, int height, double red, double green, double blue, double opacity) {
WritableImage img = new WritableImage(width, height);
PixelWriter pw = img.getPixelWriter();
// Should really verify 0.0 <= red, green, blue, opacity <= 1.0
int alpha = (int) (opacity * 255) ;
int r = (int) (red * 255) ;
int g = (int) (green * 255) ;
int b = (int) (blue * 255) ;
int pixel = (alpha << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b ;
int[] pixels = new int[width * height];
Arrays.fill(pixels, pixel);
pw.setPixels(0, 0, width, height, PixelFormat.getIntArgbInstance(), pixels, 0, width);
return img ;
In pretty much any use case (that I can think of), you may as well create an image that is 1 pixel by 1 pixel, and then scale it up on the fly. If this suffices, you can simplify this to
public Image generateImage(double red, double green, double blue, double opacity) {
WritableImage img = new WritableImage(1, 1);
PixelWriter pw = img.getPixelWriter();
Color color = Color.color(red, green, blue, opacity);
pw.setColor(0, 0, color);
return img ;
Then, e.g. you can do:
Image marshallUniGreen = generateImage(0, 177.0 / 255, 65.0 / 255, 1) ;
ImageView imageView = new ImageView(marshallUniGreen);


How to slow down random color generator in Processing?

Hi everyone – I want to make a grid pattern of rectangles with random filling colors out of an array.I can get it done the way I want – but the random selection is way too speedy.
I tried to slow everything down with frameRate(); – but this slows down the whole animation. (For example if I want to add something else). Then I tried to slow it down with if(frameCount%20 == 0) {…} but this does not keep the drawn grid – only lets it appear every XXX frames for one frame – does someone have an idea how I could slow down the lets call it "Color Noise"? – Thank you for any kind of help!
float size = 20;
color cbw = color(0, 0, 0); //defines BLACK
color cg = color(0, 255, 0); //defines GREEN
color cb = color(0, 0, 255); //defines BLUE
color cw = color(255, 255, 255); //defines WHITE
color[] colors = { //random selects one of above colors
cbw, cg, cb, cw
void setup() {
size(1080, 1080);
void draw() {
for (int x = 0; x < width/size; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height/size; y++) {
color c1 = (colors[int(random(0, 4))]); //assigns a random color from above to c1-4
rect(size*x, size*y, size, size);
You're on the right track with frameCount % 20. (Alternatively you can use millis())
The main issue is the colour selection is tightly coupled with the rectangle drawing.
In plain English, currently you can only select random colours and render at the same time, but not select colours and render independently (e.g. at different times)
One option is to use an array to store the colours for every rectangle which you can use twice:
to write values to: pick random colours
to read values from: when rendering the rectangles
Here's a modified version of your sketch that illustrated the idea above:
float size = 20;
color cbw = color(0, 0, 0); //defines BLACK
color cg = color(0, 255, 0); //defines GREEN
color cb = color(0, 0, 255); //defines BLUE
color cw = color(255, 255, 255); //defines WHITE
color[] colors = { //random selects one of above colors
cbw, cg, cb, cw
// all colors for each rect
color[][] rectColors;
void setup() {
size(1080, 1080);
// allocate invidual rect colours
rectColors = new color[width/(int)size][height/(int)size];
void draw() {
if(frameCount%20 == 0){
// randomize colours
int numColors = colors.length;
for (int x = 0; x < width/size; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height/size; y++) {
rectColors[x][y] = colors[int(random(0, numColors))];
for (int x = 0; x < width/size; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height/size; y++) {
color c1 = rectColors[x][y]; //assigns a random color from above to c1-4
rect(size*x, size*y, size, size);
Personally, I would do a few extra things to make this easier to read and potentially re-use in other sketches:
change float size = 20; to int size = 20; assuming you want the grid cells to land on whole pixels. This removes the need to cast (e.g. width/(int)size)
cache/store data that is often re-used (such as grid rows and columns)
encapsulate the loops that randomize colours and render rectangles into separate functions. Even something as simple as functions that return no values and take no arguments (e.g. much like void setup() for example)
Here is what that could look like:
int size = 20;
color cbw = color(0, 0, 0); //defines BLACK
color cg = color(0, 255, 0); //defines GREEN
color cb = color(0, 0, 255); //defines BLUE
color cw = color(255, 255, 255); //defines WHITE
color[] colors = { //random selects one of above colors
cbw, cg, cb, cw
// all colours for each rect
color[][] rectColors;
// grid dimensions
int cols;
int rows;
void setup() {
size(1080, 1080);
// compute grid dimensions
cols = width / size;
rows = height / size;
// allocate invidual rect colours
rectColors = new color[cols][rows];
// call randomize colours function
// declare randomize colours function
void randomizeColors(){
// read array length, avoding the previosuly hardcoded value (4)
int numColors = colors.length;
for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
rectColors[x][y] = colors[int(random(0, numColors))];
void drawRectangles(){
for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
color c1 = rectColors[x][y]; //read a random color
rect(size * x, size * y, size, size);
void draw() {
if(frameCount % 20 == 0){

Direct Access to CreateDIBitmap Bits

[The final fix, which works unconditionally: use SetDIBitsToDevice, not BitBlt, to copy out the post-text-draw image data. With this change, all occurrences of the problem are gone.]
I fixed the problem I'm having, but for the life of me I can't figure out why it occurred.
Create a bitmap with CreateDIBitmap. Get a pointer to the bitmap bits.
Select the bitmap into a memory DC.
Background fill the bitmap by directly writing the bitmap memory.
No text displays.
What fixed the problem: change item 3. from direct fill to a call to FillRect. All is well, it works perfectly.
This is under Windows 10 but from what little I could find on the web, it spans all versions of Windows. NO operations work on the bitmap - even calling FillRect - after the manual write. No savvy, Kimosabe. Elsewhere in the app, I even build gradient fills by directly writing to that bitmap memory and there is no problem. But once TextOut is called after the manual fill, the bitmap is locked (effectively) and no further functions work on it - nor do any return an error.
I'm using a font with a 90 degree escapement. Have not tried it with a "normal" font, 0 degree escapement. DrawTextEx with DT_CALCRECT specifically states it only works on 0 degree escapement fonts so I had to use TextOut for this reason.
Very bizarre.
No, there were no stupid mistakes like using the same text color as the background color. I've spent too long on this for that. One option people have available is that the endless energy that would normally be spent destroying the question and/or the person who asked it could instead be used to write a few lines of code and try it for yourself.
Here's a function to make a bitmap. Don't pass a plain colour, pass a gradient fill, say going from white to pinkish.
Does it display correctly? If so, does the TextOut call on top of that work?
static HBITMAP MakeBitmap(unsigned char *rgba, int width, int height, VOID **buff)
VOID *pvBits; // pointer to DIB section
HBITMAP answer;
HDC hdc;
int x, y;
int red, green, blue, alpha;
// setup bitmap info
bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = height;
bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; // four 8-bit components
bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = width * height * 4;
hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(GetDC(0));
answer = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pvBits, NULL, 0x0);
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
red = rgba[(y*width + x) * 4];
green = rgba[(y*width + x) * 4 + 1];
blue = rgba[(y*width + x) * 4 + 2];
alpha = rgba[(y*width + x) * 4 + 3];
red = (red * alpha) >> 8;
green = (green * alpha) >> 8;
blue = (blue * alpha) >> 8;
((UINT32 *)pvBits)[(height - y - 1) * width + x] = (alpha << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
*buff = pvBits;
return answer;

pupil detection using opencv, with infrared image

I am trying the detect the pupil from a infrared image and calculate the center of the pupil.
In my setup, i used a camera sensitive to infrared light, and I added a visible light filter to the lens and two infrared LED around the camera.
However, the image I got is blur not so clear, maybe this caused by the low resolution of the camera, whose max is about 700x500.
In the processing, the first thing i did was to convert this RGB image to gray image, how ever the result is terrible. and it got nothing in the results.
int main()
//load image
cv::Mat src = cv::imread("11_13_2013_15_36_09.jpg");
cv::imshow("original", src);
if (src.empty())
std::cout << "failed to find the image";
return -1;
// Invert the source image and convert to graysacle
cv::Mat gray;
cv::cvtColor(~src, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
cv::imshow("image1", gray);
// Convert to binary image by thresholding it
cv::threshold(gray, gray, 220, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
cv::imshow("image2", gray);
// Find all contours
cv::findContours(gray.clone(), contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);
// Fill holes in each contour
cv::drawContours(gray, contours, -1, CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), -1);
cv::imshow("image3", gray);
for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
double area = cv::contourArea(contours[i]);
cv::Rect rect = cv::boundingRect(contours[i]);
int radius = rect.width / 2;
// If controu is big enough and has round shape
// Then it is the pupil
if (area >= 800 &&
std::abs(1 - ((double)rect.width / (double)rect.height)) <= 0.3 &&
std::abs(1 - (area / (CV_PI * std::pow(radius, 2)))) <= 0.3)
cv::circle(src, cv::Point(rect.x + radius, rect.y + radius), radius, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 2);
cv::imshow("image", src);
When the original image was converted, the gray image is terrible, does anyone know a better solution to this? I am completely new to this. for the rest of the code for finding the circle, if you have any comments, just tell me. and also i need to extra the position of the two glint (the light point) on the original image, does anyone has some idea?
Try equalizing and filtering your source image before thresholding it ;)

Count the number of black pixels using ByteBuffer javacv

I have use this code..I am new to javacv and I need to get the pixels one by one in a region and get the color of that pixel. Can I please know how to do it using the ByteBuffer ,because byte buffer can read pixel by pixel and I need to check whether the pixel is black or white...
Can anyone please consider about this..I am really stuck here...
IplImage img=cvLoadImage("img\\ROI.jpg");
CvScalar Black = cvScalar(0, 0, 0, 0);
CvScalar white = cvScalar(255, 255, 255, 255);
ByteBuffer buffer = img.getByteBuffer();
for(int y = 0; y < img.height(); y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < img.width(); x++) {
int index = y * img.widthStep() + x * img.nChannels();
// Used to read the pixel value - the 0xFF is needed to cast from
// an unsigned byte to an int.
int value = buffer.get(index) & 0xFF;
// Sets the pixel to a value (greyscale).
buffer.put(index, (byte) value);
// Sets the pixel to a value (RGB, stored in BGR order).
//buffer.putInt(index, Black);
// buffer.put(index + 1, white);

Keeping only the red/green/blue part of the image

I have made a very basic algorithm which extracts only the red / green / blue pixels of the image and displays them. However, it works well on some images and produces unexpected results in some. Like when I want to keep only green , it also keeps turquoise.
Turquoise is a shade of green but it is not what I want to display. I only want things that are 'visually' green.
Here is a sample output that shows what has gone wrong:
The algorithm picked up the turquoiose color of the flower pot on which the dog sits. The original image is here.
My algorithm is below (for the green one.) All the algorithms are akin to each other.
void keepGreen() {
for (int i = 0; // iterate over the pixels of the image
i < img.pixels.length;
i++) {
float inputRed = red(img.pixels[i]); // extract red
float inputGreen = green(img.pixels[i]); // extract green
float inputBlue = blue(img.pixels[i]); // extract blue
int pixel = -1;
float outputRed = -1;
float outputGreen = -1;
float outputBlue = -1;
if(inputRed <= inputGreen*0.9 && inputBlue <= inputGreen*0.9){ // check if the pixel is visually green
outputRed = inputRed; // yes, let it stay
outputGreen = inputGreen;
outputBlue = inputBlue;
}else{ // no, make it gray
int mostProminent =(int) max(inputRed, inputGreen, inputBlue);
int leastProminent =(int) min(inputRed, inputGreen, inputBlue);
int avg = (int) ((mostProminent + leastProminent) / 2);
outputRed = avg;
outputGreen = avg;
outputBlue = avg;
pixel = color(avg, avg, avg);
img.pixels[i] = color(outputRed, outputGreen, outputBlue); // set the pixel to the new value
img.updatePixels(); // update the image
image(img, WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, calculatedWidth, calculatedHeight); // display
How can I avoid those errors ?
Experiment with raising the red and blue thresholds individually, i.e inputGreen * 0.8 instead of inputGreen * 0.9 Use a tool like Instant Eyedropper or Pixel Picker to verify the RGB values in those colors that you don't want, and use that as feedback to set the thresholds for elimination of the colors that you don't want.
You might also want to consider the luminance level in your calculations. The pixels being picked up on the flower pot are darker than the other pixels on the flower pot.
Just because Blue is less than Green doesn't mean the pixel doesn't look green. For example, turquoise might be red=50, blue=200, green=150. Perhaps you need to (also) gray out pixels that have substantial green in their own right, regardless of red/blue.
