I want to make sure that 3 valeus add up to 1 when added together.
The values are floats, It doesn't seem possible to use doubles.
I'm in directx and c++, when I'm adding them together they all become 1 but when I send them to the vertex shader for some reason they only add to 0.999999 and its causing lots of issues.
I would like to saturate them or something so that they become one when added together but I dont know how.
for example one value can be 0.2 another 0.2 and the third 0.6 but with more digits and when i send them to the shader instead of 1 they add up to 0.99
I am using them to scale different matrices.
So its important they become 1 together.
I'm writing a JS seam carving library. It works great, I can rescale a 1024x1024 image very cleanly in real time as fast as I can drag it around. It looks great! But in order to get that performance I need to pre-compute a lot of data and it takes about 10 seconds. I'm trying to remove this bottleneck and am looking for ideas here.
Seam carving works by removing the lowest energy "squiggly" line of pixels from an image. e.g. If you have a 10x4 image a horizontal seam might look like this:
So if you resize it to 10x3 you remove all the 'X' pixels. The general idea is that the seams go around the things that look visually important to you, so instead of just normal scaling where everything gets squished, you're mostly removing things that look like whitespace, and the important elements in a picture are unaffected.
The process of calculating energy levels, removing them, and re-calculating is rather expensive, so I pre-compute it in node.js and generate a .seam file.
Each seam in the .seam file is basically: starting position, direction, direction, direction, direction, .... So for the above example you'd have:
starting position: 2
seam direction: -1 1 0 1 0 -1 -1 -1 1
This is quite compact and allows me to generate .seam files in ~60-120kb for a 1024x1024 image depending on settings.
Now, in order to get fast rendering I generate a 2D grids that represents the order in which pixels should be removed. So:
(figure A):
contains 1 seam of info, then we can add a 2nd seam:
(figure B):
and when merged you get:
For completeness we can add seams 3 & 4:
(figures C & D):
and merge them all into:
(figure E):
You'll notice that the 2s aren't all connected in this merged version, because the merged version is based on the original pixel positions, whereas the seam is based on the pixel positions at the moment the seam is calculated which, for this 2nd seam, is a 10x3px image.
This allows the front-end renderer to basically just loop over all the pixels in an image and filter them against this grid by number of desired pixels to remove. It runs at 100fps on my computer, meaning that it's perfectly suitable for single resizes on most devices. yay!
Now the problem that I'm trying to solve:
The decoding step from seams that go -1 1 0 1 0 -1 -1 -1 1 to the pre-computed grid of which pixels to remove is slow. The basic reason for this is that whenever one seam is removed, all the seams from there forward get shifted.
The way I'm currently calculating the "shifting" is by splicing each pixel of a seam out of a 1,048,576 element array (for a 1024x1024 px image, where each index is x * height + y for horizontal seams) that stores the original pixel positions. It's veeerrrrrryyyyy slow running .splice a million times...
This seems like a weird leetcode problem, in that perhaps there's a data structure that would allow me to know "how many pixels above this one have already been excluded by a seam" so that I know the "normalized index". But... I can't figure it out, anything I can think of requires too many re-writes to make this any faster.
Or perhaps there might be a better way to encode the seam data, but using 1-2 bits per pixel of the seam is very efficient, and anything else I can come up with would make those files huge.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
[edit and tl;dr] -- How do I efficiently merge figures A-D into figure E? Alternatively, any ideas that yield figure E efficiently, from any compressed format
If I understand correct your current algorithm is:
while there are pixels in Image:
seam = get_seam(Image)
Image = remove_seam_from_image(Image, seam)
You then want to construct an array containing the numbers of each seam.
To do so, you could make a 1024x1024 array where each value is the index of that element of the array (y*width+x). Call this Indices.
A modified algorithm then gives you what you want
Let Indices have the dimensions of Image and be initialized to [0, len(Image)0
Let SeamNum have the dimensions of Image and be initialized to -1
seam_num = 0
while there are pixels in Image:
seam = get_seam(Image)
Image = remove_seam_from_image(Image, seam)
Indices = remove_seam_from_image_and_write_seam_num(Indices, seam, SeamNum, seam_num)
remove_seam_from_image_and_write_seam_num is conceptually identical to remove_seam_from_image except that as it walks seam to remove each pixel from Indices it writes seam_num to the location in SeamNum indicated by the pixel's value in Indices.
The output is the SeamNum array you're looking for.
I'm working on a 3d engine, that should work for mobile platforms. Currently I just want to make a prototype that will work on iOS and use forward rendering. In the engine a scene can have a variable number of lights of different types (directional, spot etc). When rendering, for each object (mesh) an array of lights that affect this object is constructed. The array will always have 1 or more elements. I can pack the light source information into 1D texture and pass to the shader. The number of lights can be put into this texture or passed as a separate uniform (I did not try it yet, but these are my thoughts after googling).
The problem is that not all glsl-es implementation support for loops with variable limits. So I can't write a shader that will loop through light sources and expect it to work on a wide range on platforms. Are there any technics to support variable number of lights in a shader if for loops with variable limits are not supported?
The idea I have:
Implement some preprocessing of shader source to unroll loops manually for different number of lights.
So in that case if I would render all objects with one type of shader and if the number of lights limits are 1 to 3, I will end-up having 3 different shaders (generated automatically) for 1, 2 and 3 lights.
Is it a good idea?
Since the source code for a shader consists of strings that you pass in at runtime, there's nothing stopping you from building the source code dynamically, depending on the number of lights, or any other parameters that control what kind of shader you need.
If you're using a setup where the shader code is in separate text files, and you want to keep it that way, you can take advantage of the fact that you can use preprocessor directives in shader code. Say you use LIGHT_COUNT for the number of lights in your shader code. Then when compiling the shader code, you prepend it with a definition for the count you need, for example:
#define LIGHT_COUNT 4
Since glShaderSource() takes an array of strings, you don't even need any string operations to connect this to the shader code your read from the file. You simply pass it in as an additional string to glShaderSource().
Shader compilation is fairly expensive, so you'll probably want to cache the shader program for each light count.
Another option is what Andon suggested in a comment. You can write the shader for the upper limit of the light count you need, and then pass in uniforms that serve as multipliers for each light source. For the lights you don't need, you set the multiplier to 0. That's not very efficient since you're doing extra calculations for light sources you don't need, but it's simple, and might be fine if it meets your performance requirements.
This may or may not be a very stupid question so I do apologise, but I haven't come across this in any books or tutorials as yet. Also I guess it can apply to any language...
Assume you create a window of size: 640x480 and an object/shape inside it of size 32x32 and you're able to move the shape around the window with keyboard inputs.
Does it matter what Type (int, float...) you use to control the movement of the shape. Obviously you can not draw halfway through a pixel, but if you move the shape by 0.1f (for example with a glTranslation function) what happens as supposed to moving it by an int of 1... Does it move the rendered shape by 1/10 of a pixel or?
I hope I've explained that well enough not to be laughed at.
I only ask this because it can affect the precision of collision detection and other functions of a program or potential game.
glTranslate produces a translation by x y z . The current matrix (glMatrixMode) is multiplied by this translation matrix, with the product replacing the current matrix, as if glMultMatrix were called with the following matrix for its argument:
1 0 0 x 0 1 0 y 0 0 1 z 0 0 0 1
If the matrix mode is either GL_MODELVIEW or GL_PROJECTION, all objects drawn after a call to glTranslate are translated.
Use glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix to save and restore the untranslated coordinate system.
This meaning that glTranslate will give you a translation, to use with the current matrix, resulting in non decimal numbers. You can not use half a pixel. glTranslate receives either doubles or floats, so if you are supposed to move it 1 in x,y or z, just give the function a float 1 or double 1 as an argument.
The most important reason for using floats or doubles to represent positioning is the background calculation. If u keep calculating your position with ints not only do you have to probably use conversion steps to get back to ints. You will also lose data every x amount of steps
if you want to animate you sprite to have anything less than 1 pixel movement per update then YES you need to use floating point, otherwise you will get no movement. your drawing function would most likely round to the nearest integer so it's probably not relevant for that. however you can of course draw to sub pixel accuracy!
I'm currently developing a skeletal animation system for my current project. I guess I understand how it works after doing a lot of reading but while looking at the source of some different projects, I was wondering however why the scale, rotation and translation values of each bone are stored seperately. You could store all of them within a single matrix right? Wouldn't that be more efficient, or would you need more math to get the seperate values rendering it less efficient?
Also while I'm at it, apparently there are 2 common ways of storing the values, which is by matrices, or using vectors and quaternions. The latter one being used more frequently to avoid gimbal lock. However my project has only 2 degrees of freedom. What would be the most efficient way to store my values?
No, a matrix wouldn't be more efficient because you would have to use a 4x4 matrix, so 16 floats. This is mainly because of the way rotation + translation are stored in the matrix.
If you store the values in SRT form you end up with 9 floats, as the rotation quaternion's w component can be re-computed from the others on load.
Moreover many game engines do not support non-uniform scaling, so you can shrink to 1 float for the scale and end up with 8 floats per bones !
And that's before compression: since you know that bones won't move past a certain point (they are volume-bound) then there is no point allocating precision to those ranges it will never reach, so you can encode those floats down to say 16-bit, so you end up with 4 floats per bones.
Now to be fair, I've never implemented that last part with compression; it seemed a bit extreme to me and I didn't have the time.
But going from 64 bytes per bones to 32 bytes per bone is 50% saving !
I need to write an application in VB6 which makes a scatter plot out of a series of data points.
The current workflow:
User inputs info.
A bunch of calculations go down.
The output data is displayed in a series of 10 list boxes.
Each time the "calculate" button is clicked, 2 to 9 entries are entered into the list boxes.
One list box contains x coordinates.
One list box contains the y coordinates.
I need to:
Scan through those list boxes, and select my x's and y's.
Another list box field will change from time to time, varying between 0 and 100, and that field is what needs to differentiate which series on the eventual graph the x's and y's go into. So I will have Series 1 with six (x,y) data points, Series 26 with six data points, Series 99 with six data points, etc. Or eight data points. Or two data points. The user controls how many x's there are.
Ideally, I'll have a graph with multiple series displaying all this info.
I am not allowed to use a 3rd party solution (e.g. Excel). This all has to be contained in a VB6 application.
I'm currently trying to do this with MS Chart, as there seems to be the most documentation for that. However, this seems to focus on pie charts and other unrelated visualizations.
I'm totally open to using MS Graph but I don't know the tool and can't find good documentation.
A 2D array is, I think, a no go, since it would need to be of a constantly dynamically changing size, and that can't be done (or so I've been told). I would ideally cull through the runs, sort the data by that third series parameter, and then plug in the x's and y's, but I'm finding the commands and structure for MS Chart to be so dense that I'm just running around in very small circles.
Edit: It would probably help if you can visualize what my data looks like. (S for series, made up numbers.)
1 0 1000000
1 2 500000
1 4 250000
1 6 100000
2 0 1000000
2 2 6500
2 4 5444
2 6 1111
I don't know MSGraph, but I'm sure there is some sort of canvas element in VB6 which you can use to easily draw dots yourself. Scatter plots are an easy graph to make on your own, so long as you don't need to calculate a line of best fit.
I would suggest looking into the canvas element and doing it by hand if you can't find a tool that does it for you.
Conclusion: MSChart and MSGraph can both go suck a lemon. I toiled and toiled and got a whole pile of nothing out of either one. I know they can do scatter plots, but I sure as heck can't make them do 'em well.
#BlackBear! After finding out that my predecessor had the same problems and just used Pset and Line to make some really impressive graphs, I did the same thing - even if it's not reproducible and generic in the future as was desired. The solution that works, albeit less functionally >> the solution with great functionality that exists only in myth.
If anyone is reading this down the line and has an actual answer about scatter plots and MSChart/Graph, I'd still love to know.