Avoid pausing tasks when select something on PowerShell and Command Prompt - windows

When I click and select texts on PowerShell and Command Prompt, running tasks always be paused. How can I avoid this?
I'd like to avoid accidental stopping tasks by unexpected mouse control. ( I just need normal selecting behaviors with no side effects like mac or linux terminal. )

I tend to like this feature or maybe I am just use to it. Sometimes it is nice to pause a task.
i hit one of the arrow keys to "unpause" something when I want it to continue.
The only method I know of changing this is the "Quick Edit" setting, via the registry
HKCU\Console\QuickEdit 0x1 (on) 0x0 (off)
Or by going to the properties of the console windows (right click on title bar, Properties) to change the setting:


ctrl+f2 keyboard shortcut does not work in VSCode on macOs

I have ctrl+f2 mapped to toggle bookmark in my vscode keyboard shortcuts.
{ "key": "ctrl+f2", "command": "bookmarks.toggle", "when": "editorTextFocus" },
It work correctly on Linux and Windows, but not on macOs.
I have enabled the setting to switch function keys (f1, f2, etc) to behave as standard function keys.
I have then unmapped ctrl+f2 in macOs keyboard shortcut settings.
But still ctrl+f2 keyboard shortcut is not registering with vscode.
Troubleshooting VS-Code Keybinding Issues
The best way to troubleshoot an issue with Keybindings in V.S. Code is to use the tool that was created for solving keybinding issues
The tool is simply named: "Keyboard Shortcut Troubleshooting Tool"
The tool comes with V.S. Code "out of the box", as a result; no downloading, or installation is needed. To use the tool you just activate it from the Quick Input Menu that drops open by pressing the F1-Key. If you cannot find it your self I posted instructions below, and an image. If you can find it yourself, then skip the "Activating the Troubleshooting Tool" Section, and go ahead and read, "Effectively Troubleshooting Issues with the Troubleshoot Keyboard-Shortcut Tool"
Activate V.S. Code's Troubleshooting Tool
Hit the F1-Key
When the quick input drops open type the following into the text input:
"Toggle Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting"
Select the option: Developer: Toggle Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting
It should automatically open the OUTPUT panel, which is located in the same panel that your terminal is. Make sure that the OUTPUT is set to LOG(Window) in the drop down. (I took a picture and posted it below if you can't find the Keyboard Shortcut Troubleshooter).
The image might have funny declensions because I am on a dual monitor setup with 1 1080x1920 curved screen and one 1080x720 screen.... I cropped it to a STD HD 1920 width.
"This tool may be the most verbose program ever written, as far as I can tell, it logs data to the OUTPUT Console each & every time you activate a keyboard event. Truth be told, I find this tool to be extremely distracting, and very annoying. Because of this, it is important to note, that even if you switch out of your OUTPUT console to your terminal or something. The Troubleshooter is still actively logging to the OUTPUT Console. Make sure when you are finished to turn it off."
Turning off the Keyboard Troubleshooter, requires the same process as turning it on.
Using V.S. Code's Troubleshooter
STEP-1: Close VS Code
This is not to be confused with reload V.S. Code. The only mechanism that VS-Code has for reloading its-self, doesn't provide the same functionality as closing, and reopening V.S. Code. The two are similar, but they are not equal (discussion for another time).
actually stop its process from running by hitting the X in the upper right corner of the title-bar, or hit
**[Alt + F4].
Step-2: Reopen V.S. Code W/O Any Extensions
Don't worry, you won't have to uninstall anything. You will start V.S. Code from the command-line though. Open up your bash terminal, or Powershell, and enter the following command:
$ code --disable-extensions
V.S. Code should start almost immediately
If the V.S. Code CLI doesn't open your editor, or this doesn't disable your extensions, you should refer to this link
Step-3: Start the Keyboard Shortcut Troubleshooter
I already explained this step above, so their is no reason to go over it again. Do make sure you have your panel open, and the OUTPUT tab is selected. You should see a bunch of logging being output, in the VS-Code output (that is redundant sounding), logging when you use any keybinding. The drop-down should have Log(Window) showing, as the current log selected.
Step-4: Test Your Keybinding
At this point you can use your keybinding, and get results. They might not be the results that you were hoping for, but the troubleshooter should give you details as to what is happening when you use your keyboard shortcut (aka bound-key, aka key-binding).
Fix the issue by opening the Keyboards Shortcuts configuration file by opening the quick input, (like I described above for the troubleshooter), and type Keyboard Shortcuts. Their will be two options, one is the default Keybindings that cannot be written too, the other is a configuration file, where you are allowed to overwrite all of the default keybindings if you choose. Look in the default keybinding.json file and make sure the keybinding that you feel is assigned to a certain task, really is assigned to it. Look in the regular keybindings.json file, and make sure if anything is written in it, that those keybindings are not affecting the keybinding that is not working for you. Use the information from the troubleshooter to help guide you through the process.
These links below further elaborate on V.S. Code keybindings:
V.S. Code Community Docs (Community Contributed)
V.S. Code Official Docs (Keybindings)

Can I have multiple Powershell Consoles in one window?

So, now I have many open apps, often 3-4 powershell consoles. I'm able to order the powershell windows to watch them together (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).
So this means that if I switch to another app, when I switch back I have to restore all multiple powershell windows to see them all again.
What I want is, to create only one 'shared window' for many powershell, because when I need one, I need all of them to see.
Is there a way to do this?
Just to add more details about Windows Terminal approach:
Open a Windows Terminal
Type Alt+Shift+= or Alt+Shift+- to open a new Pane in the same tab
Type Shift+Ctrl+W to close the current Pane
If you need more details or modify the settings, go to next page Panes in Windows Terminal
ConEmu has this option.
You can also configure it to open as much consoles as you want when it starts.
ConEmu website
VSCode can have Multiple Terminals which is the closest to this I've seen, quoted from documentaion:
You can create multiple terminals open to different locations and easily navigate between them. Terminal instances can be added by hitting the plus icon on the top-right of the TERMINAL panel or by triggering the Ctrl+Shift+` command. This creates another entry in the dropdown list that can be used to switch between them.
You can also split the terminal by triggering the Ctrl+\ command or via the right click context menu
Windows now provides the Windows Terminal.
Windows Terminal can split the terminal into panes and can also run different shells (i.e. cmd, powershell, and bash through the wsl)
You can install Windows Terminal directly from the Windows Store.
Create a virtual machine where you can run your PowerShell sessions uninterrupted. The PowerShell windows are always where I placed them when I come back.
It could be an expensive solution depending on your needs, but I have been doing this a long time. It's a robust solution since the only user processes on the VM are my PowerShell sessions.

Produce typing lag on purpose

I have to use USB barcode scanner in application running on remote desktop. This scanner is being recognised by Windows as keyboard. When I try to scan barcode however, every 3th or 4th character is being changed to another one. When I type numbers by hand, they are being correctly written. The question is: is there any way to programmatically produce "lag" on keyboard globally? I would like to create for example a half second gap between keyboard input events and a result on the screen. Some time ago I worked with Windows hooks, and I was able to change keyboard input globally, but I remember I had problems with delaying it. Is there any other way?
you can make an autohotkey script to listen to a keyboard input, wait and then press the same keyboard button.
once you have intalled AHK(autohotkey) , you can do a AHK script whit the intructions that are in the ahk documentation.
Right-Click on your desktop.
Find "New" in the menu.
Click "AutoHotkey Script" inside the "New" menu.
Give the script a new name. Note: It must end with a .ahk extension. Ex. MyScript.ahk
Find the newly created file on your desktop and Right-Click it.
Click "Edit Script".
A window should have popped up, probably Notepad. If so, SUCCESS!
sleep, 500 ;
Send, i
(you can change the "i" for other keyboard keys).
a function would reduce the amount of code that you use, but i don't know how to do it in a AHK script

Passing alt-tab to Emacs inside Screen inside Putty

I run terminal-mode Emacs (using the -nw option) inside Screen on my office Debian box. This way, I can log in my box with ssh from anywhere and work even with slow or intermittent connection.
When I log in from Windows using Putty, I miss the possibility of using the Alt-Tab key combination (M-TAB in Emacs parlance). I compensate using the two keys Esc and Tab, but that's two key presses, which is slower.
I just discovered that using Autohotkeys I can make Ctrl-Tab do the same as Alt-Tab with this rule:
LControl & Tab::AltTab
and I can disable Alt-Tab altogether with this other rule:
but this is not what I want. I need to copy the functionality of Alt-Tab on some other hot key (Ctrl-Tab is okay and the first rule does that) and additionally I want the Alt-Tab key to be passed to Putty when I am using it (which would pass it to Screen, which would pass it to Emacs). In other words, Alt-Tab should not be disabled, but its special meaning should be deleted.
Is this possible with Windows?
While I don't fully understand the issue you're encountering, this framework should give you something to work with for conditional actions based on the window.
WinGetTitle, Title, A
if (RegExMatch(Title, "PuTTY.*"))
; Do something if PuTTY is the active window.
; Do something else if PuTTY is NOT the active window.
Working with the answers I got from several hepful users, I got to the final solution I have used for some time now. Here is the Autohotkeys script that I put on my desktop and that I double-click every time I have to restart Windows:
File "alt-tab to ctrl-tab.ahk"
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
LControl & Tab::AltTab
; !Tab::Return
; #IfWinActive, putty
!Tab::send {Esc}{Tab}

Clearing the Windows "Run" dialog history without rebooting

I am currently working on a program to immediately clear the list of previously-run-commands which appears in the Windows Start -> Run dialog. The procedure for clearing this list by removing the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU key is well documented; however, before these changes take effect, it seems to be necessary to do one of the following:
Restart the computer
Select Start -> Shut down, and then select Cancel.
Neither of these is ideal for the task I am trying to accomplish: #1 is extremely disruptive to the user, and #2 appears to require additional user interaction.
Does anyone know how to immediately (and programmatically) force a reload of this information without requiring any user interaction, while also minimizing disruption of the user's other activities? I would like for the user's Run history to be cleared out immediately after executing my program, without requiring any further action on their part (such as using the "Shut Down" -> "Cancel" trick in #2 above) or forcing a reboot.
Or, to approach the problem from a different angle: When clicking Start -> Shut Down -> Cancel, Windows Explorer reloads the RunMUI key. Is there a way to force a similar reload without having the user select Shut Down and then Cancel?
Things I have already tried:
Monitoring the explorer.exe status using procmon while selecting Shutdown and then Cancel. I see Explorer writing to the RunMRU key, but have not been able to determine what triggers this.
Numerous Google searches along the lines of "reload runmru without reboot". Most results still recommend method #1 above, although a few suggest #2.
Limited MSDN API examination. The RegFlushKey call appears promising, but I haven't ever used it before, so I don't know if it will apply to registry information cached by different processes.
Any suggestions or other information would be greatly appreciated.
Have you tried ccleaner?
Not a full answer to your question, but I did find a third way to trigger the clearing of the run command from this article in PC Mag.
Killing explorer.exe and then restarting it will also clear the run list after the registry modification.
I have a nasty hack for you. Show the window programatically, hide it immediately (programatically) and click cancel on it (well, you guessed, programmatically).
You might try looking for the icon cache flush API, or other ones, I wouldn't be too suprised if they had side effects like the one you are looking for.
I've seen instances where it actually works, even the F5 key doesn't work? Try this, ctrl>alt>delete then go to task manager, processes tab...end explorer.exe. Then click on file new task and type explorer.exe, then check...does that work?
Windows XP
Right click on the taskbar
Properties menu option
Start Menu tab
Customize button
Programs pane
Clear List
Click on OK
This calls a Windows API function that refreshes the explorere.exe taskbar process and also clears the list (no need for registry edits).
As far as I know, it relies on the explorer.exe process that hosts the start menu/taskbar/desktop being closed and reopened. There is no "clean" way to do this that I am aware of.
If you really need to do this without user interaction, you need to close all explorer.exe processes and relaunch one.
Here's a rudimentary C# program to do that;
using System.Diagnostics;
Process[] procs = Process.GetProcessesByName("explorer");
foreach (Process proc in procs)
Note that this will close all "Windows Explorer" windows open, and may or may not open an additional "Windows Explorer" afterwards.
I just tested that on Windows XP 32bit, and it did indeed clear the Run command cache.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer\ RunMRU\
