Strapi override admin panel controller - strapi

I am interested in overriding the strapi admin panel webhook controller to give it some more functionality. e.g. Allowing customization on a per model level instead of every entity create/update/delete calling the webhook. It seems like you cant override controllers by just adding them to the admin folder like you can other parts of the admin frontend. Im looking for advice on how to proceed with this or if creating a custom plugin is my only option at this point.
Thanks, Jordy

if you want to customize the admin panel, you will have to follow this documentation -
It's the same for the admin part of a plugin.


Broadleaf - Extending DemoSite Admin - Add new Menu and Page

I have been looking into Broadleaf since last couple of days. I have managed to run it on local tomcat with MySql. I have extended Entity for my custom requirement following Broadleaf's documentation.
Now I want to add a menu option (in left menu) in admin. I have no clue from where Broadleaf admin site displays the web page. How left menu is displayed ? How data from controller are binding with view ?
For example, if you access product page in broadleaf admin section, then URL will be http://localhost:8081/admin/product/. Following it I managed to know that it calls of framework's admin module. I looked at the code of but didn't get a clue how data is being forwarded to view. Also didn't find the product jsp/template/html.
I guess admin module is using for view. If I intend to use simple jstl then is it possible?
My question how easily I can extend admin of Heat Clinic demo site to add new pages, menu items etc? If anyone has customized/extended demosite admin then please suggest.
We have some docs on how to do this at The bottom line here is that if you want to add a new page then you can simply use normal Spring MVC as you would on the frontend. The only difference is that there are some specific ways to place new template files (which is documented on that page).
To answer your question, most URLs in the admin are handled dynamically by the AdminBasicEntityController. Most of the sections are handled generically by this controller but there are still certain instances where we needed to override things specifically, like with AdminProductController.
Also, the admin is built with Thymeleaf and not JSPs so if you want to add more pages they will need to be done with Thymeleaf.

How to Develop Codeigniter Admin Panel

Hi i'm new to codeigniter.
I have developed this website using CI.
Now i want to create the admin panel for this website.
I want the url like this to access the admin panel.
First i thought adding a admin controller and proceed with that.
But my back-end will have around 25 pages.
I don't think adding 25 functions in the single controller is not
good idea.
I searched and got some tutorial but i'm not clear with that.
So can any one help me to config the admin panel for my website?
Thanks to all and sorry for if my english is not good.
create fattto/admin folder in controller view and module and set all code in this folder
when u write it open admin panel whatever code u write
You could organise your controllers into sub-folders, which would give you the desired effect.
The use of Routing could also help you achieve what you want, which will allow you to map a URL to a particular controller/method.

Joomla : How to set access permission from a custom component?

Currently I am creating a custom component for Joomla 2.5.
In this component I need to create users that are assigned to particular user group, say 'Test'.
If any user assigned to 'Test' is loggined from the back-end (i.e. admin login), then I need to hide all admin menus and redirect the user to a particular page inside my component.
In other words that user is restricted from other admin areas.
The problem is that I have to perform all of these actions from my custom component. Is there any way to achieve this? Any help will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can use this Joomla - ACL and download source code from bottom of the page.

Joomla ACL: Only allow access to custom component in the backend?

I'm building a component for the backend. I don't want the users who will access it to access ANYTHING else in the backend except for this component.
I tried following these two instructions:!1.6_-_Part_14#Describing_the_ACL
I made a new User Group with a parent of public and allow admin login (which would lock them out of everything) and then tried adding the ACL code from those links above with permissions to create and edit but I just get a blank screen (not even a logout link). The "Debug Permissions Report" showed the correct permissions but nothing's showing up.
Any ideas? My next step is to manually go through every component and not allow access to that new User Group but it seems like there's an easier way.
In Joomla! 2.5 we regularly create "Content" only backend users that have access only to the 'com_content' component.
Going back through our steps the only thing you haven't specified is adding the new user group to a View Access Level. If you're using the standard sample content installed when setting up a Joomla! website you can add your new user group to the "Special" view access (although any will do).
If a new group has 'admin login' privileges it can login but without a View Access level it can't see anything.. it's a subtle difference but it's the way Joomla! works.

display both register and login pages custom component in joomla

I'm building up a custom component, which should only be accessible to logged in users. I'm thinking about checking JFactory::getUser()->guest and if is set, redirect them to a custom page.
Now i prefer this page to contain both register and login options, but joomla itself does not seem to have this feature. Do i have to make this functionality to my custom component, or there is an another solution?
You should really use the built in ACL to control user access instead of trying to code it in yourself. That's kind of the whole point of having the ACL to begin with. Here's the tutorial for how the ACL works in the admin and front end of a site -
Here is the tutorial for adding ACL to a component -!1.7_-_Part_14
I think you will be much better served using the ACL system as it allows you a lot more flexibility - like adding additional user groups and permissions later without having to touch the code.
Once you have this set up, making a custom register or login page is as easy as a template override of the default com_user login view. You would need to combine these files -
For the login part of the page:
For the registration part of the page:
Then put the new and improved file here:
JOOMLA/templates/YOUR TEMPLATE/html/com_users/login/default.php
That would give you ACL controlled access to your component as well as a custom login/registration page without having to muck around with any unnecessary extensions.
Joomla!'s default login module/page only provide a link to a registration page.
A quick search of the JED shows about 200 login extensions, it's possible one of them does what you want.
However, if you want it integrated with the access to your component you will have to code it yourself. The normal process is that if a user tries to access an asset view the view.html.php (or similar) will check their permissions and depending on the component post an JError message and possibly redirect them to the system login.
eg. com_content
// Check the view access to the article (the model has already computed the values).
if ($item->params->get('access-view') != true && (($item->params->get('show_noauth') != true && $user->get('guest') ))) {
JError::raiseWarning(403, JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'));
