Good algorithm for a query related problem - algorithm

Given N pairs, we have to find the count of pairs that contain an element k in their range, i.e :
If a Pairi is defined as (Xi,Yi), then if Pairi contain K in its range, then Xi <= K <= Yi.
Now we are given Q such queries to handle with each query consisting of an integer K.
The first line contains two space-separated integers N and Q.
Next N lines follow where each line denotes a pair. Each line contains two space-separated integers.
Next Q lines follow where each line denotes an integer K
We are to output the count of pairs where Xi i<= K <= Yi for each query
1 <= N,Q <= 105
Time limit: 2 s
4 2
1 5
2 5
6 10
7 8
First query K=7 holds for (6,10) and (7,8).
Second query K=9 holds for (6,10) only.
Given below is my code in java with complexity O(NQ).
import java.util.*;
class Query
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int n,q;
n = sc.nextInt();
q = sc.nextInt();
int x[] = new int[n];
int y[] = new int[n];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
x[i] = sc.nextInt();
y[i] = sc.nextInt();
int k = sc.nextInt();
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0;i<n;i++)
if(x[i] <= k && k <= y[i])
Can somebody provide me with an approach that has a better complexity such as O(N + Q log N)? I thought of using segment trees and such but do not if it would work for this problem and how to implement it here.

A complexity O(NlogN + QlogN) can be obtained by performing a preprocessing before the queries themselves.
1st step: Preprocessing
The goal is to determine the number of intervals associated for each limit A[k] of each interval, and to sort these A[k].
This is performed in the following way: for each input interval [X, Y], the corresponding limits X and Y are put in a array, and we count the number of openings and closures for each limit X:
open[X] ++
close[Y] ++
The reason behind is that each value after X is "gaining'" one interval, and each value after Y is "losing" one interval.
Then, after sorting, the number of intervals of a given limit is obtained recursively:
After the limit: W[0] = n_opening[0], W[i] = W[i-1] + n_opening[i] - n_closure[i]
On the limit: WL[0] = n_opening[0], WL[i] = W[i-1] + n_opening[i]
This is better illustrated by an example. For the input intervals [1,5], [2, 5], [6, 10], [7, 8], the V[] values are given by:
open[] 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
close[] 0 0 2 0 0 1 1
1 2 5 6 7 8 10
And the W[] and WL[] values are provided by
WL[] 1 2 2 1 2 2 1
W[] 1 2 0 1 2 1 0
1 2 5 6 7 8 10
2nd step: queries
For each query K, we have first to determine the corresponding interval [A[i], A[i+1]]. As the A[i] are sorted, this an be done in log(N). Then:
If K is outside any interval: m[k] = 0
If K is in the interval ]A[i], A[i+1][, i.e. not equal to any limit, then m[k] = W[A[i]]
if K is equal to a limit A[i], then m[k] = WL[a[i]]
In the previous example:
K = 7 -> m(7) = WL[7] = 2
K = 9 -> m(9) = W[8] = 1


Count number of subsequences of A such that every element of the subsequence is divisible by its index (starts from 1)

B is a subsequence of A if and only if we can turn A to B by removing zero or more element(s).
A = [1,2,3,4]
B = [1,4] is a subsequence of A.(Just remove 2 and 4).
B = [4,1] is not a subsequence of A.
Count all subsequences of A that satisfy this condition : A[i]%i = 0
Note that i starts from 1 not 0.
Example :
Input :
2 2 1 22 14
All of these 13 subsequences satisfy B[i]%i = 0 condition.
My attempt :
The only solution that I could came up with has O(n^2) complexity.
Assuming the maximum element in A is C, the following is an algorithm with time complexity O(n * sqrt(C)):
For every element x in A, find all divisors of x.
For every i from 1 to n, find every j such that A[j] is a multiple of i, using the result of step 1.
For every i from 1 to n and j such that A[j] is a multiple of i (using the result of step 2), find the number of B that has i elements and the last element is A[j] (dynamic programming).
def find_factors(x):
"""Returns all factors of x"""
for i in range(1, int(x ** 0.5) + 1):
if x % i == 0:
yield i
if i != x // i:
yield x // i
def solve(a):
"""Returns the answer for a"""
n = len(a)
# b[i] contains every j such that a[j] is a multiple of i+1.
b = [[] for i in range(n)]
for i, x in enumerate(a):
for factor in find_factors(x):
if factor <= n:
b[factor - 1].append(i)
# There are dp[i][j] sub arrays of A of length (i+1) ending at b[i][j]
dp = [[] for i in range(n)]
dp[0] = [1] * n
for i in range(1, n):
k = x = 0
for j in b[i]:
while k < len(b[i - 1]) and b[i - 1][k] < j:
x += dp[i - 1][k]
k += 1
return sum(sum(dpi) for dpi in dp)
For every divisor d of A[i], where d is greater than 1 and at most i+1, A[i] can be the dth element of the number of subsequences already counted for d-1.
JavaScript code:
function getDivisors(n, max){
let m = 1;
const left = [];
const right = [];
while (m*m <= n && m <= max){
if (n % m == 0){
const l = n / m;
if (l != m && l <= max)
m += 1;
return right.concat(left.reverse());
function f(A){
const dp = [1, Array(A.length).fill(0)];
let result = 0;
for (let i=0; i<A.length; i++){
for (d of getDivisors(A[i], i+1)){
result += dp[d-1];
dp[d] += dp[d-1];
return result;
var A = [2, 2, 1, 22, 14];
I believe that for the general case we can't provably find an algorithm with complexity less than O(n^2).
First, an intuitive explanation:
Let's indicate the elements of the array by a1, a2, a3, ..., a_n.
If the element a1 appears in a subarray, it must be element no. 1.
If the element a2 appears in a subarray, it can be element no. 1 or 2.
If the element a3 appears in a subarray, it can be element no. 1, 2 or 3.
If the element a_n appears in a subarray, it can be element no. 1, 2, 3, ..., n.
So to take all the possibilities into account, we have to perform the following tests:
Check if a1 is divisible by 1 (trivial, of course)
Check if a2 is divisible by 1 or 2
Check if a3 is divisible by 1, 2 or 3
Check if a_n is divisible by 1, 2, 3, ..., n
All in all we have to perform 1+ 2 + 3 + ... + n = n(n - 1) / 2 tests, which gives a complexity of O(n^2).
Note that the above is somewhat inaccurate, because not all the tests are strictly necessary. For example, if a_i is divisible by 2 and 3 then it must be divisible by 6. Nevertheless, I think this gives a good intuition.
Now for a more formal argument:
Define an array like so:
a1 = 1
a2 = 1× 2
a3 = 1× 2 × 3
a_n = 1 × 2 × 3 × ... × n
By the definition, every subarray is valid.
Now let (m, p) be such that m <= n and p <= n and change a_mtoa_m / p`. We can now choose one of two paths:
If we restrict p to be prime, then each tuple (m, p) represents a mandatory test, because the corresponding change in the value of a_m changes the number of valid subarrays. But that requires prime factorization of each number between 1 and n. By the known methods, I don't think we can get here a complexity less than O(n^2).
If we omit the above restriction, then we clearly perform n(n - 1) / 2 tests, which gives a complexity of O(n^2).

Find the k-th sum from sums of every pair

I'm given the array with n elements and I need to find k-th sum from sums of every pair n^2 in time complexity O(n*logn), sums are in ascending order.
Example input
In the first line are given number of elements and number of sum to find. In the second line list of number which sums of pair we need to generate.
3 6
1 4 6
The answer is 8 for given list, below is array of every pair of sums, where 8, sum of 4+4 is on the 6-th position.
2 5 5 7 7 8 10 10 12
where first three elements are genereted as follow
1+1 = 2
1+4 = 5
4+1 = 5
I came up to this that the main problem is to find place for sum of elements with themselves. I will give example to make it more clear.
For sequence [1, 4, 10], we have
2 5 5 8 11 11 14 14 20
The problem is where to place sum of 4+4, that depends if 1+10 > 4+4, others sums have fixed place because second element + last will be always bigger than last + first (if we have elements in ascending order).
This can be solved in O(n log maxSum).
low = array[1] * 2
high = array[n] * 2
while (low <= high): (binarySearch between low and high)
mid = floor((high + low) / 2)
qty = checkHowManySumsAreEqualOrLessThan(mid)
if qty >= k:
high = mid - 1
low = mid + 1
answer = low // low will be the first value of mid where qty was >= k. This means that on low - 1, qty was < k. This means the solution must be low
Sorting is O(n log n). Binary search costs log(array[n] * 2 - array[0] * 2).
checkHowManySumsAreEqualOrLessThan(mid) can be done in O(n) using 2 pointers, let me know if you can't figure out how.
This works because even though we are not doing the binary search over k, it is true that if there were x sums <= mid, if k < x then the kth sum would be lower than mid. Same for when k > x.
Thanks to juvian solving the hard parts, I was able to write this solution, the comments should explain it:
def count_sums_of_at_most(amount, nums1, nums2):
p1 = 0 # Pointer into the first array, start at the beginning
p2 = len(nums2) - 1 # Pointer into the second array, start at the end
# Move p1 up and p2 down, walking through the "diagonal" in O(n)
sum_count = 0
while p1 < len(nums1):
while amount < nums1[p1] + nums2[p2]:
p2 -= 1
if p2 < 0:
# p1 became too large, we are done
# Found a valid p2 for the given p1
sum_count += p2 + 1
p1 += 1
return sum_count
def find_sum(k, nums1, nums2):
# Sort both arrays, this runs in O(n * log(n))
# Binary search through all sums, runs in O(n * log(max_sum))
low = nums1[0] + nums2[0]
high = nums1[-1] + nums2[-1]
while low <= high:
mid = (high + low) // 2
sum_count = count_sums_of_at_most(mid, nums1, nums2)
if sum_count >= k:
high = mid - 1
low = mid + 1
return low
arr = [1, 4, 5, 6]
for k in range(1, 1 + len(arr) ** 2):
print('sum', k, 'is', find_sum(k, arr, arr))
This prints:
sum 1 is 2
sum 2 is 5
sum 3 is 5
sum 4 is 6
sum 5 is 6
sum 6 is 7
sum 7 is 7
sum 8 is 8
sum 9 is 9
sum 10 is 9
sum 11 is 10
sum 12 is 10
sum 13 is 10
sum 14 is 11
sum 15 is 11
sum 16 is 12
Edit: this is O(n^2)
The way I understood the problem, the first number on the first row is the number of numbers, and the second number is k.
You can do this problem by using a PriorityQueue, which orders everything for you as you input numbers. Use 2 nested for loops such that they visit each pair once.
for(int k = 0; k < n; k++){
for(int j = 0; j <= k; j++){
If j==k, enter k+j into the PriorityQueue once, if not, enter the sum twice. Then, loop through the PriorityQueue to get he 6th value.
Will edit with full code if you'd like.

Subset sum variant with modulo

Given an array of integers A and integers N, M. I want to find all the subsets S of A where (sum(S) mod M = N).
A can have multiple integers of the same value.
In my case N will be in the range 0<=n<=31, M will be 32 and A will contain integers in the same range as n.
Is there any good/"fast" way to do this?
It is solvable in O(2n/2 log2(2n/2)) = O(2n/2 (n/2)), with your constrains this works on C++ less than a second.
All you need is:
1) compute all possible sums of first n/2 elements of the array and put them in map<int, int> left where left[sum] = how many times sum appears at the left part of the array
2) compute all possible sums of last n/2 elements of the array and for each sum S check does map left contains value (N - S + M)%M
to find all possible sums you could use bitmasks:
for (int mask = 1; mask < pow(2, n/2); mask++) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n/2; i++)
if ( (int) (mask & (1<<i)) )
sum += A[i];
If you'd just like to count them, we can solve it in O(|A| * M) with dynamic programming. Here's an example:
A = [2, 6, 4, 3]
M = 5
0 1 2 3 4
S = 0 0 0 0 0 // The number of subsets with sum i (mod M)
// Iterate over A (through S each time)
2 0 0 1 0 0
6 0 1 1 1 0
4 1 2 2 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3
Python code:
A = [2, 6, 4, 3]
M = 5
S = [0 for i in range(0, M)]
for a in A:
STemp = [0 for i in range(0, M)]
for (i, v) in enumerate(S):
ii = (a + i) % M
STemp[ii] = S[ii] + v
STemp[a % M] = STemp[a % M] + 1
S = STemp
print(S) # [3, 3, 3, 3, 3]

Counting the bits set in the Fibonacci number system?

We know that, each non negative decimal number can be represented uniquely by sum of Fibonacci numbers(here we are concerned about minimal representation i.e- no consecutive Fibonacci numbers are taken in the representation of a number and also each Fibonacci number is taken at most one in the representation).
For example:
1-> 1
2-> 10
4->101, here f1=1 , f2=2 and f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2);
so each decimal number can be represented in the Fibonacci system as a binary sequence. If we write all natural numbers successively in Fibonacci system, we will obtain a sequence like this: 110100101… This is called “Fibonacci bit sequence of natural numbers”.
My task is is counting the numbers of times that bit 1 appears in first N bits of this sequence.Since N can take value from 1 to 10^15,Can i do this without storing the Fibonacci sequence ?
for example: if N is 5,the answer is 3.
So this is just a preliminary sketch of an algorithm. It works when the upper bound is itself a Fibonacci number, but I'm not sure how to adapt it for general upper bounds. Hopefully someone can improve upon this.
The general idea is to look at the structure of the Fibonacci encodings. Here are the first few numbers:
The invariant in each of these numbers is that there's never a pair of consecutive 1s. Given this invariant, we can increment from one number to the next using the following pattern:
If the last digit is 0, set it to 1.
If the last digit is 1, then since there aren't any consecutive 1s, set the last digit to 0 and the next digit to 1.
Eliminate any doubled 1s by setting them both to 0 and setting the next digit to a 1, repeating until all doubled 1s are eliminated.
The reason that this is important is that property (3) tells us something about the structure of these numbers. Let's revisit the first few Fibonacci-encoded numbers once more. Look, for example, at the first three numbers:
Now, look at all four-bit numbers:
The next number will have five digits, as shown here:
1011 → 1100 → 10000
The interesting detail to notice is that the number of numbers with four digits is equal to the number of values with up to two digits. In fact, we get the four-digit numbers by just prefixing the at-most-two-digit-numbers with 10.
Now, look at three-digit numbers:
And look at five-digit numbers:
Notice that the five-digit numbers are just the three-digit numbers with 10 prefixed.
This gives us a very interesting way for counting up how many 1s there are. Specifically, if you look at (k+2)-digit numbers, each of them is just a k-digit number with a 10 prefixed to it. This means that if there are B 1s total in all of the k-digit numbers, the number of Bs total in numbers that are just k+2 digits is equal to B plus the number of k-digit numbers, since we're just replaying the sequence with an extra 1 prepended to each number.
We can exploit this to compute the number of 1s in the Fibonacci codings that have at most k digits in them. The trick is as follows - if for each number of digits we keep track of
How many numbers have at most that many digits (call this N(d)), and
How many 1s are represented numbers with at most d digits (call this B(d)).
We can use this information to compute these two pieces of information for one more digit. It's a beautiful DP recurrence. Initially, we seed it as follows. For one digit, N(d) = 2 and B(d) is 1, since for one digit the numbers are 0 and 1. For two digits, N(d) = 3 (there's just one two-digit number, 10, and the two one-digit numbers 0 and 1) and B(d) is 2 (one from 1, one from 10). From there, we have that
N(d + 2) = N(d) + N(d + 1). This is because the number of numbers with up to d + 2 digits is the number of numbers with up to d + 1 digits (N(d + 1)), plus the numbers formed by prefixing 10 to numbers with d digits (N(d))
B(d + 2) = B(d + 1) + B(d) + N(d) (The number of total 1 bits in numbers of length at most d + 2 is the total number of 1 bits in numbers of length at most d + 1, plus the extra we get from numbers of just d + 2 digits)
For example, we get the following:
d N(d) B(d)
1 2 1
2 3 2
3 5 5
4 8 10
5 13 20
We can actually check this. For 1-digit numbers, there are a total of 1 one bit used. For 2-digit numbers, there are two ones (1 and 10). For 3-digit numbers, there are five 1s (1, 10, 100, 101). For four-digit numbers, there are 10 ones (the five previous, plus 1000, 1001, 1010). Extending this outward gives us the sequence that we'd like.
This is extremely easy to compute - we can compute the value for k digits in time O(k) with just O(1) memory usage if we reuse space from before. Since the Fibonacci numbers grow exponentially quickly, this means that if we have some number N and want to find the sum of all 1s bits to the largest Fibonacci number smaller than N, we can do so in time O(log N) and space O(1).
That said, I'm not sure how to adapt this to work with general upper bounds. However, I'm optimistic that there is some way to do it. This is a beautiful recurrence and there just has to be a nice way to generalize it.
Hope this helps! Thanks for an awesome problem!
Lest solve 3 problems. Each next is harder then previous, each one uses result of previous.
1. How many ones are set if you write down every number from 0 to fib[i]-1.
Call this dp[i]. Lets look at the numbers
1010 <-- we want to count ones up to here
If you write all numbers up to fib[i]-1, first you write all numbers up to fib[i-1]-1 (dp[i-1]), then you write the last block of numbers. There are exactly fib[i-2] of those numbers, each has a one on the first position, so we add fib[i-2], and if you erase those ones
then remove leading zeros, you can see that each number from 0 to fib[i-2]-1 is written down. Numbers of one there is equal to dp[i-2], which gives us:
dp[i] = fib[i-2] + dp[i-2] + dp[i-1];
2. How many ones are set if you write down every number from 0 to n.
1001 <-- we want to count ones up to here
Lets call this solNumber(n)
Suppose, that your number is f[i] + x, where f[i] is a maximum possible fibonacci number. Then anser if dp[i] + solNumber(x). This can be proved in the same way as in point 1.
3. How many ones are set in first n digits.
3a. How many numbers have representation length exactly l
if l = 1 the answer is 1, else its fib[l-2] + 1.
You can note, that if you erase leading ones and then all leading zeros you'll have each number from 0 to fib[l-1]-1. Exactly fib[l] numbers.
//End of 3a
Now you can find such number m than, if you write all numbers from 1 to m, their total length will be <=n. But if you write all from 1 to m+1, total length will be > n. Solve the problem manually for m+1 and add solNumber(m).
All 3 problems are solved in O(log n)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define FOR(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i < b; ++i)
#define RFOR(i, b, a) for(int i = b - 1; i >= a; --i)
#define REP(i, N) FOR(i, 0, N)
#define RREP(i, N) RFOR(i, N, 0)
typedef long long Long;
const int MAXL = 30;
long long fib[MAXL];
//How much ones are if you write down the representation of first fib[i]-1 natural numbers
long long dp[MAXL];
void buildDP()
fib[0] = 1;
fib[1] = 1;
fib[i] = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2];
dp[0] = 0;
dp[1] = 0;
dp[2] = 1;
dp[i] = fib[i-2] + dp[i-2] + dp[i-1];
//How much ones are if you write down the representation of first n natural numbers
Long solNumber(Long n)
if(n == 0)
return n;
Long res = 0;
n -= fib[i];
res += dp[i];
res += (n+1);
return res;
int solManual(Long num, Long n)
int cr = 0;
if(n == 0)
num -= fib[i];
if(cr != 0)
return cr;
Long num(int l)
return 1;
return fib[l-1];
Long sol(Long n)
//length of fibonacci representation
int l = 1;
//totatl acumulated length
int cl = 0;
while(num(l)*l + cl <= n)
cl += num(l)*l;
//Number of digits, that represent numbers with maxlength
Long nn = n - cl;
//Number of full numbers;
Long t = nn/l;
//The last full number
n = fib[l] + t-1;
return solNumber(n) + solManual(n+1, nn%l);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Long n;
cout<<"ANS: "<<sol(n)<<endl;
return 0;
Compute m, the number responsible for the (N+1)th bit of the sequence. Compute the contribution of m to the count.
We have reduced the problem to counting the number of one bits in the range [1, m). In the style of interval trees, partition this range into O(log N) subranges, each having an associated glob like 10100???? that matches the representations of exactly the numbers belonging to that range. It is easy to compute the contribution of the prefixes.
We have reduced the problem to counting the total number T(k) of one bits in all Fibonacci words of length k (i.e., the ???? part of the globs). T(k) is given by the following recurrence.
T(0) = 0
T(1) = 1
T(k) = T(k - 1) + T(k - 2) + F(k - 2)
Mathematica says there's a closed form solution, but it looks awful and isn't needed for this polylog(N)-time algorithm.
This is not a full answer but it does outline how you can do this calculation without using brute force.
The Fibonacci representation of Fn is a 1 followed by n-1 zeros.
For the numbers from Fn up to but not including F(n+1), the number of 1's consists of two parts:
There are F(n-1) such numbers, so there are F(n-1) leading 1's.
The binary digits after the leading numbers are just the binary representations of all numbers up to but not including F(n-1).
So, if we call the total number of bits in the sequence up to but not including the nth Fibonacci number an, then we have the following recursion:
a(n+1) = an + F(n-1) + a(n-1)
You can also easily get the number of bits in the sequence up to Fn.
If it takes k Fibonacci numbers to get to (but not pass) N, then you can count those bits with the above formula, and after some further manipulation reduce the problem to counting the number of bits in the remaining sequence.
[Edit] : Basically I have followed the property that for any number n which is to be represented in fibonacci base, we can break it as n = n - x where x is the largest fibonacci just less than n. Using this property, any number can be broken in bit form.
First step is finding the decimal number such that Nth bit ends in it.
We can see that all numbers between fibonacci number F(n) and F(n+1) will have same number of bits. Using this, we can pre-calculate a table and find the appropriate number.
Lets say that you have the decimal number D at which there is the Nth bit.
Now, let X be the largest fibonacci number lesser than or equal to D.
To find set bits for all numbers from 1 to D we represnt it as ...
X+0, X+1, X+2, .... X + D-X. So, all the X will be repsented by 1 at the end and we have broken the problem into a much smaller sub-problem. That is, we need to find all set bits till D-X. We keep doing this recusively. Using the same logic, we can build a table which has appropriate number of set bits count for all fibonacci numbers (till limit). We would use this table for finding number of set bits from 1 to X.
Findsetbits(D) { // finds number of set bits from 1 to D.
find X; // largest fibonacci number just less than D
ans = tablesetbits[X];
ans += 1 * (D-x+1); // All 1s at the end due to X+0,X+1,...
ans += Findsetbits(D-x);
return ans;
I tried some examples by hand and saw the pattern.
I have coded a rough solution which I have checked by hand for N <= 35. It works pretty fast for large numbers, though I can't be sure that it is correct. If it is an online judge problem, please give the link to it.
using namespace std;
#define pb push_back
typedef long long LL;
void init() {
int i = 2;
LL c = 1;
while ( c < 100000000000000LL ) {
c = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2];
LL answer(LL n) {
if (n <= 3) return n;
int a = (lower_bound(fib.begin(),fib.end(),n))-fib.begin();
int c = 1;
if (fib[a] == n) {
c = 0;
LL ans = cfones[a-1-c] ;
return ans + answer(n - fib[a-c]) + 1 * (n - fib[a-c] + 1);
int fillarr(vector<int>& a, LL n) {
if (n == 0)return -1;
if (n == 1) {
a[0] = 1;
return 0;
int in = lower_bound(fib.begin(),fib.end(),n) - fib.begin(),v=0;
if (fib[in] != n) v = 1;
LL c = n - fib[in-v];
a[in-v] = 1;
fillarr(a, c);
return in-v;
int main() {
int b = 2;
LL c;
for (int i = 1; i < fib.size()-2; i++) {
c = fib[i+1] - fib[i] ;
c = c*(LL)b;
for (int i = 1; i < numbits.size(); i++) {
numbits[i] += numbits[i-1];
for (int i = 3; i < fib.size(); i++ ) {
LL c = 0;
c += cfones[i-2]+ 1 * fib[i-1];
cfones.pb(c + cfones[i-1]);
for (int i = 1; i < numones.size(); i++) {
numones[i] += numones[i-1];
if (N == 1) {
return 0;
// find the integer just before Nth bit
int pos;
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
if (numbits[i] >= N) {
pos = i;
LL temp = (N-numbits[pos-1])/(pos+1);
LL temp1 = (N-numbits[pos-1]);
LL num = fib[pos]-1 + (temp1>0?temp+(temp1%(pos+1)?1:0):0);
temp1 -= temp*(pos+1);
if(!temp1) temp1 = pos+1;
int in = fillarr(arr, num);
int sub = 0;
for (int i = in-(temp1); i >= 0; i--) {
if (arr[i] == 1)
sub += 1;
cout<<"\nNumber answer "<<num<<" "<<answer(num) - sub<<"\n";
return 0;
Here is O((log n)^3).
Lets compute how many numbers fits in first N bits
Imagine that we have function:
long long number_of_all_bits_in_sequence(long long M);
It computes length of "Fibonacci bit sequence of natural numbers" created by all numbers that aren't greater than M.
With this function we could use binary search to find how many numbers fits in the first N bits.
How many bits are 1's in representation of first M numbers
Lets create function which calculates how many numbers <= M have 1 at k-th bit.
long long kth_bit_equal_1(long long M, int k);
First lets preprocess results of this function for all small values, lets say M <= 1000000.
Implementation for M > PREPROCESS_LIMIT:
long long kth_bit_equal_1(long long M, int k) {
if (M <= PREPROCESS_LIMIT) return preprocess_result[M][k];
long long fib_number = greatest_fib_which_isnt_greater_than(M);
int fib_index = index_of_fib_in_fibonnaci_sequence(fib);
if (fib_index < k) {
// all numbers are smaller than k-th fibbonacci number
return 0;
if (fib_index == k) {
// only numbers between [fib_number, M] have k-th bit set to 1
return M - fib_number + 1;
if (fib_index > k) {
long long result = 0;
// all numbers between [fib_number, M] have bit at fib_index set to 1
// so lets subtrack fib_number from all numbers in this interval
// now this interval is [0, M - fib_number]
// lets calculate how many numbers in this inteval have k-th bit set.
result += kth_bit_equal_1(M - fib_number, k);
// don't forget about remaining numbers (interval [1, fib_number - 1])
result += kth_bit_equal_1(fib_number - 1, k);
return result;
Complexity of this function is O(M / PREPROCESS_LIMIT).
Notice that in reccurence one of the addends is always one of fibbonaci numbers.
kth_bit_equal_1(fib_number - 1, k);
So if we memorize all computed results than complexity will improve to T(N) = T(N/2) + O(1) . T(n) = O(log N).
Lets get back to number_of_all_bits_in_sequence
We can slighly modify kth_bit_equal_1 so it would also count bits equal to 0.
Here's a way to count all the one digits in the set of numbers up to a given digit length bound. This seems to me to be a reasonable starting point for a solution
Consider 10 digits. Start by writing;
Now we can turn some number of these zeros into ones, keeping the last digit always as a 0. Consider the possibilities case by case.
0 There's just one way to chose 0 of these to be ones. Summing the 1-bits in this one case gives 0.
1 There are {9 choose 1} ways to turn one of the zeros into a one. Each of these contributes 1.
2 There are {8 choose 2} ways to turn two of the zeros into ones. Each of these contributes 2.
5 There are {5 choose 5} ways to turn five of the zeros into ones. Each of these contributes 5 to the bit count.
It's easy to think of this as a tiling problem. The string of 10 zeros is a 10x1 board, which we want to tile with 1x1 squares and 2x1 dominoes. Choosing some number of the zeros to be ones is then the same as choosing some of the tiles to be dominoes. My solution is closely related to Identity 4 in "Proofs that really count" by Benjamin and Quinn.
Second step Now try to use the above construction to solve the original problem
Suppose we want to the one bits in the first 100100010 bits (the number is in Fibonacci representation of course). Start by overcounting the sum for all ways to replace the x's with zeros and ones in 10xxxxx0. To overcompensate for overcounting, subract the count for 10xxx0. Continue the procedure of overcounting and overcompensation.
This problem has a dynamic solution, as illustrated by the tested algorithm below.
Some points to keep in mind, which are evident in the code:
The best solution for each number i will be obtained by using the fibonacci number f where f == i
OR where f is less than i then it must be f and the greatest number n <= f: i = f+n.
Note that the fib sequence is memoized over the entire algorithm.
public static int[] fibonacciBitSequenceOfNaturalNumbers(int num) {
int[] setBits = new int[num + 1];
setBits[0] = 0;//anchor case of fib seq
setBits[1] = 1;//anchor case of fib seq
int a = 1, b = 1;//anchor case of fib seq
for (int i = 2; i <= num; i++) {
int c = b;
while (c < i) {
c = a + b;
a = b;
b = c;
if (c == i) {
setBits[i] = 1;
c = a;
int tmp = c;//to optimize further, make tmp the fib before a
while (c + tmp != i) {
setBits[i] = 1 + setBits[tmp];
return setBits;
Test with:
public static void main(String... args) {
int[] arr = fibonacciBitSequenceOfNaturalNumbers(23);
//print result
for(int i=1; i<arr.length; i++)
System.out.format("%d has %d%n", i, arr[i]);
RESULT OF TEST: i has x set bits
1 has 1
2 has 1
3 has 1
4 has 2
5 has 1
6 has 2
7 has 2
8 has 1
9 has 2
10 has 2
11 has 2
12 has 3
13 has 1
14 has 2
15 has 2
16 has 2
17 has 3
18 has 2
19 has 3
20 has 3
21 has 1
22 has 2
23 has 2
//to return total number of set between 1 and n inclusive
//instead of returning as in original post, replace with this code
int total = 0;
for(int i: setBits)
return total;

Maximum Weight Increasing Subsequence

In the Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem if we change the length by weight i.e the length of each element Ai is 1 if we change it to Wi
How can we do it in O(NlogN).
For Example
For an array of 8 Elements
Elements 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Weights 10 20 30 40 15 15 15 50
The maximum weight is 110.
I found the LIS solution on wikipedia but I can't modify it to solve this problem.
Still, we use f[i] denotes the max value we can get with a sequence end with E[i].
So generally we have for (int i = 1;i <= n;i++) f[i] = dp(i); and initially f[0] = 0; and E[0] = -INF;
Now we shall calculate f[i] in dp(i) within O(log(N)).
in dp(i), we shall find the max f[j] with E[j] < E[i] for all 0 <= j < i. Here we can maintain a Segment Tree.
So dp(i) = find_max(1,E[i]-1) + W[i](this takes O(log)), and for every f[i] already calculated, update(E[i],f[i]).
So the whole algorithm takes (O(NlogN)).
Tip: If E[i] varies in a very big range, it can be Discretizationed.
Here is pure recursion implementation in swift:
// input is Array of (a,w), where a is element and w is weight
func lisw(input: [(Int, Int)], index:Int = 0, largestA:Int? = nil)->Int{
guard index < input.count else { return 0 }
let (a,w) = input[index]
if a <= largestA {
return lisw(input: input, index: index + 1, largestA: largestA)
let without_me = lisw(input: input, index: index + 1, largestA: largestA == nil ? a : largestA)
let with_me = lisw(input: input, index: index + 1, largestA: a) + w
return max(without_me,with_me)
Feel free to add memoization ;)
