missing dll errors after creating installer for my project in Visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio

I have a fairly large project in Visual Studio 2010
I can build the project in both Debug and Release mode, copy the generated exe file along with a custom dll I need for a function in the program to another computer, and the exe file works without any problems
I am trying to make an installer for this project in Visual Studio 2010, following the instructions here: https://www.technical-recipes.com/2011/how-to-create-an-installer-in-microsoft-visual-studio/
I do not get any errors while building the installer, and I get a setup.exe and an msi file as a result, but if I install my program in another computer (not by development machine), when I try to run my program after installation I get a missing api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll error
How do I debug this problem? Since I can simply copy my Release or Debug build to the computer and make it work, doesn't it mean all the dll files my program is dependent on already exists in the other computer? And if this already works, why isn't the installer version working? How do I make sure that everything I need for this program is included in the installer?
My project in MFC dialog based and uses one third party library, for which I have both .lib and .dll file available. I need to do this in Visual Studio 2010. My development machine is Windows 10 64 bit Home edition version 1909. The installer I currently create installs my program in Program Files (x86) folder.

Static Linking MFC: It appears this issue was solved by making sure to statically link to MFC libraries. In the VC++ project: enable the setting: "include MFC in a static library". This enables static linking of MFC components, eliminating the dependency on shared dlls.
This is a common "missing runtime error" - there are generic check lists below which include this as one source for application launch problems.
Warning: Generally static linking should be avoided in order to benefit from security updates to shared dll files via other update mechanisms.
Short Version: In Visual Studio Installer Projects, check if the Visual C++ Runtime is available in the Prerequisites list.
See this answer, here is a quick screen shot:
Tools: If your project is large you might want to consider another MSI tool. There are many limitations with Visual Studio Installer Projects.
Merge Modules: There are merge modules to install the Visual Studio C++ Runtime, but it is recommended to use the setup.exe for these reasons.
Visual C/C++ Runtime: You are probably just missing the Visual Studio C/C++ Runtime. It needs to be deployed with your application, it is not on there by default (unless you link statically, in which case it should not be needed). Skim this list quickly for other ideas.
You can download the VC++ redistributables at ("The latest supported Visual C++ downloads"):
More Information:
More on the Visual C/C++ Runtime
Secondary Links:
Detecting presence of Visual C/C++ runtime on box
Missing Dependencies and check lists
Scan for application dependencies
Installing VC++ Runtime with merge modules


Missing Dependencies with Qt Build on Separate PC

I am building a Qt App but I am having problems when I move the app to another PC. When I run the .exe the it keeps saying it is missing dependencies and once I transfer the missing one another one pops up. I assume that I need to install something on the target pc that contains all of these DLLs.
Some of the missing dependencies so far:
I think that there may be issues with the install of MSVS or MSVC on my build pc as I constantly have to point to things like UCRT manually.
Thanks in advance
Missing Runtime: Those files are obviously part of a runtime that your application needs (Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 - maybe?), but more than that you seem to have distributed the debug version of your application which will depend on debug versions of runtime dlls (dll name ends with "d" as in MSVCP140D.dll). These are generally only installed on developer PCs, and are not for distribution to client PCs at all.
Release Build: Maybe try to build your application in release mode and try to run that executable on your client systems. The required runtime might already be present on their boxes, just not in debug version.
Static Linking: I suppose you could also try static linking (for the Microsoft runtime: How do I make a fully statically linked .exe with Visual Studio Express 2005?), if that is available to you (I am not up to speed with Qt's handling of this in terms of availability of static linking with different forms of licensing): MSVCP140.dll missing. Just so it is mentioned: thought conceptually the same, static linking is different for Qt (licensing issues?) and the core Microsoft runtimes (see link above). Use a binary dependency checker to investigate how dependencies have changed with new compilation settings.
Remote Debugging: If you need to make a test PC capable of running your application in debug mode (maybe for remote debugging without installing all of Visual Studio): Preparing a Test Machine To Run a Debug Executable.
"Hacky": It seems here is another, "hackier" approach that I would not really recommend: install VC++ Debug Runtime Distributable. For other Visual Studio versions look for the debug_nonredist folder. Debug versions of an application are not redistributable, and debug versions of the Visual C++ library DLLs are not redistributable. Very important.

Fixing the "MSVCP110D.dll is missing from your computer" issue

I am facing the following (fairly common) problem: I am running my program in Debug mode in VS2010 and/or VS2012, but at startup it crashes, saying:
The programme can't start because MSVCP100D.dll is missing from your
computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
Now I found a number of possible solutions, but none of them work for me:
Compile with /MTd instead of /MDd: actually this does solve the problem, but I am not allowed to: my program is part of a bigger program, and /MD[d] is mandatory.
Install the VS 2010 Redistributable package: This doesn't work because I have VS 2012 installed, so this installer tells me: "A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable has been detected on the machine."
Finding, dragging and dropping a version of MSVCP100D.dll into the correct directory: I am not dropping unknown DLLs into places where they might interfere with other things.
Last resort: reinstalling VS2010/VS2012: possible, but as it would also mean reinstalling lots of other packages and plugins I need, I'd like to avoid this if it's not absolutely necessary.
Are there any other options left?
The Visual Studio REDIST packages never deploy the DEBUG versions of the CRT files. This is by design.
With VS 2012 or later, the easiest way to deploy the DEUBG versions of the CRT is to install the "Remote Debugging Tools" package on your test machines.
For VS 2012, the latest Remote Debugging Tools package is here
For VS 2013, the latest Remote Debugging Tools package is here.
Another option is to just use application local deployment of the DLL (i.e. copy it into your app directory). Again this is only for testing purposes. For actual deployment of your application, you are required to use the non-debug versions of the CRT.
If this error is happening on your development machine, however, then you have other problems because with VS 2012 installed, you should have the VS 2012 DEBUG CRT on that machine.
UPDATE:: Sorry, I would have expected the debug CRT DLLs to be included in the remote debugging tools package along with the remote debugger bits and the Direct3D 11 Debug Device. Alas, it's not. See Preparing a Test Machine To Run a Debug Executable. You have to either use the MSMs in Program Files (x86) directory in \Common Files\Merge Modules or copy the DLL-side-by-side from Program Files (x86) directory in \Microsoft Visual Studio <version>\VC\redist\Debug_NonRedist\. The VS Team probably assumed you would have already been doing that, but I'll suggest to them to roll it into the remote tools package.
I had a similar issue (the project made in VS 2012 but I was running VS2013) and resolved it by:
Open the project (or the solution ) in VS2013(or the newer one)
Open Project menu and select "Retarget the project" option (it was the first option but after applying it, this option vanished).
Rebuild your solution.
I am new to openCV and C++ and had the same problem using openCV 2.4.10 with Visual Studio Express 2013 on a Windows 7, 32-bit platform. If I made a simple program without using OpenCV, the program ran but when I used OpenCV I got the missing DLL error.
This post made things clear:
I guess the problem I had was not with my Visual Studio but my OpenCV. The OpenCV was compiled on a version of visual studio which required MSVCP110.dll. I could have tried another version of OpenCV or compiled OpenCV again using VS2013 but I was short of time. Instead, I found the dll file elsewhere and placed it in my system32 folder (not sure if that's recommended). This fixed the problem. However as #slater mentioned, I won't recommend downloading the dll from external website due to security issues.
This is a debug runtime DLL. If (and ONLY if!) you just want to run the debug build of your own application on a system without Visual Studio installed, then you can find the missing DLLs in
C:\Windows\System32 (for 64-bit builds)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (for 32-bit builds)
Just keep copying DLLs until your executable will run.
If this is NOT what you are trying to do, refer to https://stackoverflow.com/a/27386721/2279059, which is the CORRECT, but less practical answer.
I had the same problem, I found out that the cause is that I used dll compiled with VS2012 in a VS2013 project. JUST downloaded the missing dll and put it in my linker path and wala: the program worked. I downloaded it from http://www.dll-files.com/.
Particulars: My program was working in in release mode but not in the debug mode as it says the MSVCP110D.dll is missing. My code was an opencv image processing program. I put the missing dll in opencv linker path in the VS2013 project options.

Visual C++ executable and missing MSVCR100d.dll

I know this has been asked in other places and answered, but I'm having issues with MS Visual Studio 2010. I've developed a C++ executable but if I run the Release version on a machine that doesn't have the VC++ runtime library (ie, msvcr100d.dll), I get the "program cannot start because msvcr100d.dll is missing from your computer" error.
This is weird for two reasons:
Why is it trying to link with the debug version of the redistributable?
I tried applying this fix, setting the runtime library setting to /MT instead of /MD (multi-threaded DLL), but that only made the problem worse (if I manually copied msvcr100d.dll, it then said it couldn't find msvcp110.dll).
How can I package the runtime library with my executable so that I can run it on machines that don't have MS VC 2010 or the redistributable installed?
I know it's considered a security risk to include a copy of the DLL since it won't ever be updated, but my goal is just to send this executable to a few friends in the short term.
You definitely should not need the debug version of the CRT if you're compiling in "release" mode. You can tell they're the debug versions of the DLLs because they end with a d.
More to the point, the debug version is not redistributable, so it's not as simple as "packaging" it with your executable, or zipping up those DLLs.
Check to be sure that you're compiling all components of your application in "release" mode, and that you're linking the correct version of the CRT and any other libraries you use (e.g., MFC, ATL, etc.).
You will, of course, require msvcr100.dll (note the absence of the d suffix) and some others if they are not already installed. Direct your friends to download the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (or x64), or include this with your application automatically by building an installer.
For me the problem appeared in this situation:
I installed VS2012 and did not need VS2010 anymore.
I wanted to get my computer clean and also removed the VS2010 runtime executables, thinking that no other program would use it.
Then I wanted to test my DLL by attaching it to a program (let's call it program X).
I got the same error message.
I thought that I did something wrong when compiling the DLL.
However, the real problem was that I attached the DLL to program X, and program X was compiled in VS2010 with debug info. That is why the error was thrown.
I recompiled program X in VS2012, and the error was gone.
This problem explained in MSDN Library and as I understand installing Microsoft's Redistributable Package can help.
But sometimes the following solution can be used (as developer's side solution):
In your Visual Studio, open Project properties -> Configuration properties -> C/C++ -> Code generation
and change option Runtime Library to /MT instead of /MD
Usually the application that misses the .dll indicates what version you need – if one does not work, simply download the Microsoft visual C++ 2010 x86 or x64
from this link:
For 32 bit OS:Here
For 64 bit OS:Here
I got the same error.
I was refering a VS2010 DLL in a VS2012 project.
Just recompiled the DLL on VS2012 and now everything is fine.
Debug version of the vc++ library dlls are NOT meant to be redistributed!
Debug versions of an application are not redistributable, and debug
versions of the Visual C++ library DLLs are not redistributable. You
may deploy debug versions of applications and Visual C++ DLLs only to
your other computers, for the sole purpose of debugging and testing
the applications on a computer that does not have Visual Studio
installed. For more information, see Redistributing Visual C++ Files.
I will provide the link as well : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa985618.aspx

load c++ dll in ironpython

I have an ironpython app that uses dlls.
Some of the dlls written in c#, and one is in managed c++.
The app works fine on my host, and on any host that includes visual studio (2010) installation.
When I tried to run this app on hosts without vs, It failed. After some checking I discovered that ironpython cannot load the c++ dll.
After installing vs - the app runs fine.
I narrowed it down: the dll can be uploaded after the installation of:
-Microsoft application error reporting
-VC 9.0 Runtime(x86)
-VC 10.0 Runtime(x86)
-Microsoft visual studio macro tools
I tried to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=5555 and it didn't do the trick.
Why? what exactly happens in installation of vs, that doesn't occur when I install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package component?
How can I monitor errors that arise when loading dlls with ipy?
Thank you!
The DLL that is written in managed C++ uses a DLL for its standard libraries. You can change it to static libraries. Follow these steps
Open your project properties in Visual Studio (right click on the project)
Click you way to Configuration Properties > C++ > Code Generation
On the right, find Runtime Library and select Multi-Threaded Debug (/MTd)
Do the same for the Release build, but this time select Multi-Threaded (/MT)
Rebuild all
As for your specific questions :
1. The redistribuable installer will copy the DLL in the system path. Visual Studio will do the same thing. So if it doesn't work, make shure that you have the 32 or 64 bit binaries (same as your code, not the platform you are running). +If you are running from a console, close it and start a new one to get the updated path.
2. Use Dependency Walker. Loading your DLL will show you what it is looking for, it should be enough. To monitor its runtime execution, load IronPython. In the "Profile" menu, select "Start Profiling" and provide a command line that will reproduce your problem.

Include c++ as pre-req, but says "A new version already exists"

I'm using the Visual Studio Setup project. If I go to the properties of the Setup project, it lets me choose which pre-reqs are required, at which point I choose the C++ Redistributable.
On some systems, this works fine - but recently my users are reporting that the install failed because "A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable has been detected on the machine."
What's the proper way to do this? Is Visual Studio's detection fouled up somehow and unable to detect C++?
Yuck, this is ugly. I was wondering what would happen after Microsoft gave up on the side-by-side install of the runtime DLLs for VS2010. Seems clear, the interwebs are full of this installer error. The biggest victim seems to be Microsoft itself with Streets and Maps failing to install.
I'm not aware of any security patches for it so I have to guess that you haven't updated to SP1 yet. And your customers use a product of a vendor that did. This is a battle that you're always going to lose some day. Do consider taking advantage of the app-local deployment for the DLLs, copying them in the same directory as your main EXE. Simply copy them from the vc/redist directory before putting the setup package together, no need to tick the prerequisite. You'll need:
msvcr100.dll and msvcp100.dll for the regular CRT
atl100.dll if you use ATL
mfc100.dll, mfc100u.dll, mfcm100.dll, mfc100u.dll if you use MFC (u = Unicode, m = managed)
mfc100xxx.dll where xxx is the 3 letter language code if you use MFC on a non-English machine
vcomp100.dll if you use OpenMP in your code.
Only disadvantage is that they won't get updated if there's a security patch. That could be an advantage too, depending on what color glasses you wear. If you're uncomfortable about it then keeping the machine that creates the setup package updated, including enabling Windows Update, is an important requirement.
The default Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable uses a Product Code for detection. So Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable is not detected as installed. This is why the package tries to install it and fails.
A good solution is to create your own custom prerequisite which uses a better detection criteria. Here is an article which may help you:
Visual Studio setup projects do not support custom prerequisite creation. However, it can be done by manually generating the required manifests.
You can find the manifests structure here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229223(VS.80).aspx
These manifests can be generated automatically with the Bootstrapper Manifest Generator tool.
After generating the package manifests, you can add all these files (including the package) in a separate folder in the Visual Studio prerequisites folder, for example:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages\
This way Visual Studio will show the prerequisite in your setup project properties page.
