Im confuse with axios in seperate service file - spring-boot

Im now is learn vue.js, and i want to consume API from my backend (using spring).
This is my service.js
import axios from "axios";
class LowonganKerjaService {
retrieveAllLoker() {
return axios.get('http://localhost:8081/api/listLoker');
return axios.delete('http://localhost:8081/api/${idLowongan}');
export default new LowonganKerjaService();
this is my component
<div class="container">
<h3>All Courses</h3>
<div v-if="message" class="alert alert-success">
<div class="container">
<table class="table">
<tr v-for="loker in loker" v-bind:key="loker.idLowongan">
<button class="btn btn-warning" v-on:click="deleteLokerClicked(loker.idLowongan)">
import LowonganKerjaService from '../../service/LowonganKerjaService';
export default {
name : "LokerList",
data() {
loker : []
.then(response => {
this.loker =;
LowonganKerjaService.deleteLoker(idLowongan).then(()=> {
this.message = 'Loker dengan ${idLowongan} berhasil dihapus';
and i got this error
Failed to compile.
./src/service/LowonganKerjaService.js Module Error (from
10:17 error 'idLowongan' is defined but never used no-unused-vars
✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)
Oh and i've got error too when i use ${} in those service.
Why that error state that my 'idLowongan' is never used? is it because i wrong my syntaks or what?
Please somebody help me to give the reason
**sorry for my bad language

From the looks of your code it looks like you're using a single quote (') and not a backtick (`) when you're attempting to use JS template literal. You can see an example of that in the MSDN documentation. Since it is a string in your example and not a template literal the variable in the function's argument is never used.
Try changing the code in your service's delete method to be this:
return axios.delete(`http://localhost:8081/api/${idLowongan}`)


vue warning: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "modalState". Expected Boolean, got Function

I ran into this warning, but I don't understand it. I already searched StackOverflow and there are a number of posts but they are all different and don't solve my problem. I read this one which is generic and I think I already implemented the mentioned solution. The warning still shows in the console.
This is my component:
<p>Vakken</p><input id="plusButton" type="button" value="+" #click = "openAddSubject">
<tr v-for="subject in subjects" :key = "subject.abbr">
<add-subject :modal-state="addSubjectOpen" />
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import AddSubject from './AddSubject.vue'
export default {
components: { AddSubject },
name: "Subjects",
this.addSubjectOpen = false
methods: {
this.addSubjectOpen = true
When the button is clicked, the value of addSubjectOpen is set to true through the method openAddSubject. The prop modal-state of is than set to true and the modal is shown.
The type of addSubjectopen is Boolean.
This is the code of AddSubject.Vue
<div class="modal" :class="modalState?'is-active':''" >
<div class="modal-background"></div>
<div class="modal-card">
<header class="modal-card-head">
<p class="modal-card-title">Modal title</p>
<button class="delete" aria-label="close"></button>
<section class="modal-card-body" id = "modal">
<!-- Content ... -->
Gewoon wat tekst
<footer class="modal-card-foot">
<button class="button is-success">Opslaan</button>
<button class="button">Annuleren</button>
import {mapGetters} from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'AddSubject',
props: {
Again the type of the prop modalState is definitely set to Boolean. So why is it passed as a function? By the way, the components work as expected, it is just the warning in the console that bothers me.
data() {
return {
addSubjectOpen: false // or true, depending on needs

(Vue + Laravel) v-if / v-else inside <td> throws no matching end tag error

I apologize in advance if my question is silly-- Vue newbie here but very eager to learn!
In order to create an interface to manage user privileges in a web app, I've made a component in which I want to create a table with nested v-fors.
For each row, I want 5 cells (): the first one includes text depending on the current iteration of object permisos and the other 4 should be created from the object tipos_permisos (which is an object with 'fixed' values).
The problem:
When I try to compile, I get multiple errors claiming that some tags have no matching end tag. I assume it is due to the v-for nested inside another v-for and/or the v-if inside the innermost v-for... or something like this. The claim is that has no matching tag or that the element uses v-else without corresponding v-if :/
I've tried writing out the last 4 cells manually (without using the tipos_permisos object) but even then, I get errors. In this case, claiming that , and have no matching end tag.
The desired result:
Please note that for some of the resources listed, some of the privileges might not apply (i.e., the log viewer is read-only always so it doesn't have the C (create), U (update) or D (delete) privileges, hence the conditional to show either a checkbox or an icon)
My component:
<form :action="usr.url.savepermisos" method="post" class="">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header bg-gd-primary">
<h3 class="card-title">Privilegios de {{ usr.nombre }}</h3>
<div class="card-content">
<p class="mb-3">
El usuario
<span class="font-w700">{{ usr.nombre }}</span>
tiene los siguientes privilegios:
<table class="table">
<th>Alta / Creación</th>
<tr v-for="(recurso, idxrecurso) in permisos">
<td :data-order="">{{ recurso.etiqueta }}</td>
<td class="align-middle" v-for="(color,tp) in tipos_permisos">
<label :class="'checkbox checkbox-' + color + ' mycheckbox'" v-if="(typeof recurso[tp] !== "undefined")">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox-input check_permiso" />
<span class="checkbox-indicator"></span>
<i class="fas fa-minus-square fa-lg text-muted" data-toggle="tooltip" title="N/A" v-else></i>
export default {
data() {
return {
tipos_permisos: {
'C': 'success',
'R': 'info',
'U': 'warning',
'D': 'danger'
props: [
If something is unclear please let me know so that I can provide further info.
There is a missing "=" after v-for:
<td class="align-middle" v-for"(color,tp) in tipos_permisos">
I didn't understand this part:
v-if="(typeof recurso[tp] !== "undefined")"
If undefined in your code is a string, your condition should be
v-if="recurso[tp] !== 'undefined'"
If it's a real undefined, it should be like this:
v-if="recurso[tp] !== undefiened"

ajax call in beforeCreate does not update data

I'm trying to get Vue to update value through an api call. I log the searches two times: ones outside the beforeCreate and once inside. Outside it gives the initial value of 'searches', inside the correct, new value.
The main problem is that I don't see the updated values.
<div id="app">
<!-- shows when there are no searches -->
<p class="text-center" v-if="searches === null">Er werden nog geen zoekopdrachten uitgevoerd.</p>
<!-- this div gets repeated for every search -->
<div class="search border border-info rounded p-3 m-3 row" v-for="search in searches">
<table class="col-6">
<td class="text-info">Zoekwoorden</td>
<td v-for="keyword in search.keywords">#{{ keyword }}</td>
<tr class="even">
<td class="text-info">Platforms</td>
<td v-for="platform in search.platforms">#{{ platform }}</td>
<td class="text-info">Gerelateerde zoekwoorden</td>
<td v-for="keyword in search.all_keywords">
#{{ keyword }}
<tr class="even">
<td class="text-info">Locatie</td>
<td>Voskenslaan, Gent</td>
<td class="text-info">Datum</td>
<td>#{{ search.created_at }}</td>
<div class="col-6 text-right">
<button type="button" class="close" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<h3 class="search-id text-secondary">##{{ }}</h3>
<a :href="'/searches/' + " role="button" class="btn btn-info details-button">Details...</a>
<script src=""></script>
var $root = new Vue({
el: '#app',
searches: [
{ id: 123, keywords: ['sample', 'sample'], platforms: ['sample', 'sample'] },
{ id: 123, keywords: ['sample', 'sample'], platforms: ['sample', 'sample'] }
beforeCreate: function ()
var vm = this;
$.get("api/searches", function(data, status){
vm.$set(vm,'searches', data); //zet de waarde van searches gelijk aan de opgehaalde
console.log(vm.searches); //geeft juiste opgehaalde searches
console.log($root.searches); //geeft de initiële twee sample searches
I think you may want to try beforeMount instead of beforeCreate.
beforeCreate fires before anything in the component is initialied, according to the docs:
Called synchronously immediately after the instance has been initialized, before data observation and event/watcher setup.
I haven't tested it, but I would be willing to bet this is your issue. Since there are no watchers or data structures initialized, your call to vm.$set(vm,'searches', data) is being overwritten by the component data structure
Whereas beforeMount is called after data and events/watchers have been initialized:
Called right before the mounting begins: the render function is about to be called for the first time.
I would probably also just push to the existing array instead of replacing it as such as this (especially if you have populated the search array as in your example):
beforeMount: function () {
var vm = this;
$.get("api/searches", function(data, status){
vm.searches.push(; // assuming data is an array
mounted: function(){
var vm = this;

How can I display pagination laravel on the vue component?

My controller like this :
public function index()
$products = $this->product->list();
return view('admin.product.index',compact('products'));
The result of dd($products); like this :
My view blade laravel like this :
<section class="content">
<product-list :product-data="{{json_encode($products)}}" :page="{{json_encode($products->links())}}"></product-list>
My vue component product list like this :
<div class="box">
<table class="table table-list">
<tr v-for="item in products" :key="">
<div class="box-footer">
export default {
props: ['productData','page'],
return {
If I run the code, the result of {{}} is empty
If this : {{$products->links()}} placed in view laravel it works
But if it passed on the vue component, the result is empty
How can I solve this problem?
Note :
I know how to use ajax request. But I don't use it. Here I just want to try the another way
you cannot encode it that way to JSON, read here what could help :

Vue Component not works even i register it follow the official manual

just a very new to Vue 2.0, i actually use if for Laravel 5.4, now you can see from below link that i created one component which name is "canvas-chart", what actually i want show is a filterable table, and then to get more Json data from next steps, but now it always show me "Unknown custom element: - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option." , can not understand that i follow the official documentation to use it why it's not work?
new Vue({
computed: {
filterM: function () {
var self = this
return self.filter(function (word) {
return !== -1
<script type="text/x-template" id="canvasChart">
<th v-for=" in keywordsData">
<span class="arrow" ></span>
<tr v-for=" in keywordsData">
<td v-for=" in keywordsData"> {{}}</td>
<div id="filterTest">
<canvas-chat keywordsData="keywords" ></canvas-chat>
You have a few issues:
You must register the canvas-chat component first before you use it in the main component (put Vue.component('canvas-chat', ... before new Vue(...)).
Your v-for loops are wrong. They should be like v-for="key in keywordsData", not v-for=" in keywordsData".
The v-fors on the tr and td elements don't make sense; you will have to process the keywordsData first (perhaps in a computed property) to get it into the correct format you want, then loop over that.
You must bind the keywordsData prop in the template like this: :keywords-data="keywords".
