Cypress Test automation for Oracle ADF application - oracle

I want to know if we can use Cypress UI Test automation framework for testing Oracle ADF applications?

I would suggest for a more descriptive "need". Yes, it is possible to test "browser-based / web" applications created via Oracle ADF (assumption is you are not referring to desktop-based or mobile applications).
If you are testing the back-end (e.g. database) then it might be possible too (although not the best use case for Cypress) as long as the tests are scripted via JS. For example, AWS DB have their own JS SDK's which you can integrate with Cypress. SQL Server has this package as well:


How to do a performance test on website which has a mocked APIs

I want to do a performance test on a website. But the issue is that my company is only developing the frontend. The backend is developed by another company. So currently the website is pointing to mocked firebase APIs.
So I'm planning to do only a UI performance test using lighthouse tool.
My problem is that, do I have to do a load testing also on the website. Since the APIs are mocked I don't think I have to do a load test on the website.
Kindly expecting any guideline for the performance test.
I'm planning to do only a UI performance test using lighthouse tool.

Any way to test out Oracle Simphony on my computer?

I have a task of integrating Oracle Simphony with a third-party application using the Transaction Services API. Problem is I've never used or seen Simphony. There's this one installation guide:
but I'm not sure this applies for testing purposes.
Is there a way to use Simphony for free for testing purposes?

Jmeter:How to perform load testing on Oracle WebCenter Portal Application?

How can I perform Load testing on Oracle Portal Application Using Jmeter?
I recorded the activity using jmeter proxy and run the recorded request but I got unrealistic results.
Oracle portal is nothing but an ADF application, so it can be testes as any other ADF application.
You basically need an approach as Pino uses here:
Registering tests with JMeter is a tricky business, you need to validate your scenario once recorded by running it with only one thread and check the server logs (in case you use your custom logger) to make sure the functionality on the server is being executed.

Connect to an Oracle Database in Swift

I am using Xcode 7, Swift, and the new UI Automation announced at WWDC 15. I want to test some things in an oracle database after some of my UI automation tests have run.
Can this be done? If so how do you do it? I can't seem to find any sort of documentation on the subject.
The mobile phone doesn't guarantee a permanent and stable network connection and is a big problem for direct connection to DB.
For mobile platforms you need to create a web service on a server that will do all the work between database and mobile application. It is not recommended to connect directly to databases, except when it is local databases(SQLite).
I just upvoted #lurie-manea answer, in addition to that you shouldn't rely on Xcode UI test for testing your DB transaction once you have your web service implemented since you'd be able to test the DB state with XCTest(app tests) or if you using AppCode for writing code, it has nice plugin to test restful web services,
Hope this helps.

Phonegap App using Application express database

I'm about to make an application using phonegap but the database I have to use is already used by a web app made with oracle application express. So I wanted to know is there a way of creating a web service inside that web app to retrieve the data on my mobile app ?
The second option I was thinking about is not passing by the apex web app, but just trying to use a WS to access the oracle database (with all the problems I will have to face at deployment). Can someone give me some directives ? Thanks in advance.
One quick google search will give you a couple of presentations (1) (2)
About integration between Apex and Phonegap, and a book
