Error pushing package to Octopus Deploy from build script - octopus-deploy

As part of our TFS build I'm trying to push the latest package from our build pipeline to our Octopus Deploy instance. However I'm getting the following error.
I'm using a script task to execute the following octo push command.
octo push --package=mypackage.nupkg --overwrite-mode=OverwriteExisting --server= --pass=mypassword --debug --LogLevel=debug
Any ideas what's causing the error and how do I fix it?

It looks attempting to log in to the Octopus server using a username and password, but your instance isn't configured to accept that authentication type.
Is this pipeline pushing to an Octopus Cloud instance? If so, your authentication is via OctopusID, an external auth provider, rather than a username/password account on the Octopus instance itself.
As a general rule, using an API key is the recommended approach here, rather than username/password authentication.


Privately hosted Teamcity and Bitbucket Cloud Integration

We have a teamcity local instance running and a bitbucket cloud instance.
I have configured the connection correctly and I can see that teamcity has accessed via the oath several times.
In teamcity it allows me to login and says to refresh after the successful login but it just cycles through the login again.
No clue what is wrong
#LukeP helped me with the first issue , now theres a second]2
Any ideas how to resolve this?

Configure APNS on Parse Server

I'm trying to migrate from service to a self-hosted Parse Server, and it's been a bit difficult.
Basically I set up my server like this:
Run $ npm install -g parse-server
Run $ parse-server
Everything is up and running, and I also setup a machine running parse-dashboard in a very similar way.
I had already synced the database and had no problems with it.
The problem is that when I try to send a push notification, I get the message:
Missing push configuration
I believe that's connected to the APNS settings. In dashboard we can add the APNS certificates, but on the self hosted dashboard there is no such option (or I couldn't find it).
What am I missing? How do I set theses things up?
I believe that running parse-server without the recommended Express wrapper does not give me full control of everything I needed to configure the application.
I created an Express app, started the serving using the guide #thailey01 suggested and now it works.

How to git push heroku master by using hubot on hipchat?

I installed hubot, heroku and hipchat. I deployed Hubot to Heroku and I tested on hipchat, I typed some command line example: #hubot help, #hubot image me "hubot".... and It worked fine.
But in my project, I need use hipchat to deploy my project to heroku. Example when I type on hipchat is: #hubot deploy app, then my project will be deployed to heroku (instead of tying: "git push heroku master" on Terminal). Please help me, I really thank you so much!
This is a very broad questions. There is no single answer.
For sure, you need a deployment service that performs the deployment. Hubot should ping the deployment service when you send the deploy command.
The deployment service should have access to your repository and Heroku account and perform the git push command for the deploy. The deployment service may have a local clone of your project, or download it from some centralized location (E.g. GitHub) and perform a push to Heroku.
The deployment service can be a server you control, a third party service such as this one, the server where Hubot is running (not ideal).
Heroku also offers Dropbox sync and is experimenting deploy from GitHub. In this case, the deploy doesn't require a deployment service (or to be more correct, the deployment service is in fact Heroku). Hubot would simply trigger a new synchronization at Heroku, as long as Heroku is connected to either GitHub or Dropbox (depending on where the app is stored).

TeamCity Agent error: Failed to publish artifacts: Authentication required

I am using TeamCity 9.0.1. The TC server was just migrated from another machine, and now none of my build agents can publish artifacts. They show the following error in the build log:
[11:40:20][Publishing artifacts] Publishing using [WebPublisher]
[11:40:20][Publishing artifacts] Publishing using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]
[11:40:22][Publishing artifacts] Failed to publish artifacts: Authentication required
To login manually go to "/login.html" page
The server is behind an nginx reverse proxy. The server has LDAP, Built-in and Basic HTTP auth modules installed. How do agents authenticate with the server and why would it fail with this message? The builds seem to run just fine, they only can't upload the artifacts.
Are your agents running under a specific user account, or are you using System account for agent/server processes ?
If so, you might want to consider using a specific (service) user for the process, that way you can be sure that these are no restrictions from the build agent to the server communication.

TeamCity and ProGet

After changing TeamCity to use the ProGet packaging service instead of the built in service, I keep getting an error that an API key is required. How would I be able to pass the ApiKey that I set up for the service in the url that I am using to access the service in TeamCity RgPublish command line?
I believe TeamCity requires that the APIkey is passed in, regardless of if the feed requires it or not. You can just use name:pass as the api key in this case.
