How do I get OpenMQ to redeliver messages? - spring

I listened to an OpenMQ queue asynchronously. If I have an exception in the process of consuming a message, is there a way to get OpenMQ to push that message to me again?
public JmsListenerContainerFactory jmsQueueListenerContainerFactory() {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
return jmsListenerContainerFactory;
MessageConsumer receiver = session.createConsumer(destination);
receiver.setMessageListener(new MessageListener() {
public void onMessage(Message message) {
TextMessage text = (TextMessage) message;
System.out.println("Received message: " + message.getText());
//The connection timed out when saving the message to the database;

The reason it is not backed out is that you have acknowledged mode set to AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE.
Change this to CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE like below:
Use message.acknowledge() to commit the message.
Use session.recover() to back out the message.


JMS consumer not receiving messages

I just finished a tutorial on JMS, so it's super new to me and I'm trying to understand the basics. I'm using ActiveMQ Artemis if that matters. I created two simple applications, one named Producer and the other named Consumer. I run Producer first then run Consumer. The Consumer application never terminates and does not print the messages to the console. Weirdly, if I do not manually terminate Consumer and run Producer a second time, then I see the messages that Consumer should have received printed on the console. What's going on here? How do I get Consumer to receive and print messages from Producer?
Here's Producer:
public class Producer {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
InitialContext initialContext = null;
Connection connection = null;
initialContext = new InitialContext();
ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) initialContext.lookup("ConnectionFactory");
connection = cf.createConnection();
Session session = connection.createSession();
Queue queue = (Queue) initialContext.lookup("queue/myQueue");
Topic topic = (Topic) initialContext.lookup("topic/myTopic");
MessageProducer queueProducer = session.createProducer(queue);
MessageProducer topicProducer = session.createProducer(topic);
TextMessage queueMessage = session.createTextMessage("This message is for the queue2");
TextMessage topicMessage = session.createTextMessage("This message is for the topic2");
System.out.println("Message to queue sent: "+ queueMessage.getText());
System.out.println("Message to topic sent: "+ topicMessage.getText());
Here's Consumer:
public class Consumer {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
InitialContext initialContext = null;
Connection connection = null;
initialContext = new InitialContext();
ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) initialContext.lookup("ConnectionFactory");
connection = cf.createConnection();
Session session = connection.createSession();
Queue queue = (Queue) initialContext.lookup("queue/myQueue");
Topic topic = (Topic) initialContext.lookup("topic/myTopic");
MessageConsumer queueConsumer = session.createConsumer(queue);
MessageConsumer topicConsumer1 = session.createConsumer(topic);
MessageConsumer topicConsumer2 = session.createConsumer(topic);
TextMessage messageReceivedByQueueConsumer = (TextMessage) queueConsumer.receive();
TextMessage messageReceivedByTopicConsumer1 = (TextMessage) topicConsumer1.receive();
TextMessage messageReceivedByTopicConsumer2 = (TextMessage) topicConsumer2.receive();
System.out.println("Message received by queue consumer: "+ messageReceivedByQueueConsumer.getText());
System.out.println("Message received by topic consumer 1: "+ messageReceivedByTopicConsumer1.getText());
System.out.println("Message received by topic consumer 2: "+ messageReceivedByTopicConsumer2.getText());
What you're observing is, in fact, the expected behavior.
Since you run the Producer application first a message is being sent to a queue and a topic when no consumer/subscriber exists on either. The message sent to the queue is stored in the queue because that's how JMS queues work. The message sent to the topic is discarded since there are no subscriptions to receive the message. Again, this is how JMS topics work.
Then when your Consumer application runs the queueConsumer receives the message sent to the queue, but since you're invoking receive() with no timeout on topicConsumer1 the application will simply block forever since there are no messages in the topic consumer's subscription. This blocking prevents the message received from the queue from being printed.
You should run your consuming application first and then run your producer while the consuming application is still running. Then you should see all the messages received and printed as you assumed they would be.

How to configure JmsListener on ActiveMQ for autoscaling using Qpid Sender

I have a kubernetes cluster with an activeMQ Artemis Queue and I am using hpa for autoscaling of micro services. The messages are send via QpidSender and received via JMSListener.
Messaging works, but I am not able to configure the Queue/Listener in a way, that autoscaling works as expacted.
This is my Qpid sender
public static void send(String avroMessage, String task) throws JMSException, NamingException {
Connection connection = createConnection();
Session session = createSession(connection);
MessageProducer messageProducer = createProducer(session);
TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage(avroMessage);
message.setStringProperty("task", task);
private static MessageProducer createProducer(Session session) throws JMSException {
Destination producerDestination =
return session.createProducer(producerDestination);
private static Session createSession(Connection connection) throws JMSException {
return connection.createSession(Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
private static Connection createConnection() throws NamingException, JMSException {
Hashtable<Object, Object> env = new Hashtable<>();
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.apache.qpid.jms.jndi.JmsInitialContextFactory");
env.put("connectionfactory.factoryLookup", amqUrl);
Context context = new javax.naming.InitialContext(env);
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (ConnectionFactory) context.lookup("factoryLookup");
PooledConnectionFactory pooledConnectionFactory = new PooledConnectionFactory();
return connectionFactory.createConnection(amqUsername, amqPassword);
This is my Listener config
public JmsConnectionFactory jmsConnection() {
JmsConnectionFactory jmsConnection = new JmsConnectionFactory();
return jmsConnection;
public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory() {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
return factory;
And here is my Listener
destination = "queue?consumer.prefetchSize=1&heartbeat='10000'",
selector = "task = 'myTask'"
public void receiveMsg(Message message) throws IOException, JMSException {
I send the message like this
QpidSender.send(avroMessage, "myTask");
This setting works. I can send different messages and as soon than there are more then 2, the second instance of my service starts and consumes the message. If later the message count is below 2, the service is terminated.
The problem is: I don't want the message to be acknowledged before the doStuff(). Because if something goes wrong or if the service is terminated before finishing doStuff(), the message is lost (right?).
But if I reorder it to
the second instance can not receive a message from the broker, as long as the first service is still in doStuff() and hasn't acknowledged the message.
How do I configure this in a way, that more than one instance can consume a message from the queue, but the message isn't lost, if the service gets terminated or something else fails on doStuff()?
Use factory.setSessionTransacted(true).
See the javadocs for DefaultMessageListenerContainer:
* <p><b>It is strongly recommended to either set {#link #setSessionTransacted
* "sessionTransacted"} to "true" or specify an external {#link #setTransactionManager
* "transactionManager"}.</b> See the {#link AbstractMessageListenerContainer}
* javadoc for details on acknowledge modes and native transaction options, as
* well as the {#link AbstractPollingMessageListenerContainer} javadoc for details
* on configuring an external transaction manager. Note that for the default
* "AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE" mode, this container applies automatic message acknowledgment
* before listener execution, with no redelivery in case of an exception.

Configuring sessionAcknowledgeMode in DefaultMessageListenerContainer

I have a setup where I have to read a message from a queue in an ActiveMQ broker. Once the message is read I have to do a long-running operation on the message.
Due to this long-running operation on the message I want to acknowledge the message as soon as possible so the resources on the broker are released. The plan would be to execute the following steps once a message is received:
Get message from ActiveMQ
Insert message into DB
Acknowledge message
Do some long-running operation with the message
I've read about JMS and the different acknowledge modes, so before even trying to do that I decided to set up an application where I could try the different modes to understand how they are processes, unfortunately I cannot seem to get my desired output.
Following the information in this answer as well as I thought that by using AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE the message would be acknowledged before my listener is even called, but if I throw an exception in the listener the message is redelivered.
I've tried both with and without setting the setSessionTransacted to true, but in both cases I get the same output. The message is redelivered when an exception is thrown in the JmsListener.
Configuration of JMS
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory =
new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(jmsConfig.getBrokerUrl());
return connectionFactory;
public JmsTemplate jmstemplate(){
JmsTemplate jmsTemplate = new JmsTemplate();
jmsTemplate.setDefaultDestinationName( jmsConfig.getQueueIn() );
return jmsTemplate;
public JmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactoryxxxx(
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
return factory;
#JmsListener(destination = "B1Q1", containerFactory = "jmsListenerContainerFactoryxxxx")
public void receiveMessage(Message message) {
try {
TextMessage m = (TextMessage) message;
String messageText = m.getText();
int retryNum = message.getIntProperty("JMSXDeliveryCount");
long s = message.getLongProperty("JMSTimestamp");
Date d = new Date( s );
String dbText = String.format("Retry %d. Message: %s", retryNum, messageText);
if ( messageText.toLowerCase().contains("exception") ) {"Creating exception for retry: {}", retryNum);
throw new RuntimeException();
} catch (JMSException e) {
logger.error("Exception!!", e);
How should I change the code so that the message is not redelivered when an exception is thrown?
Going back to my application where I would be inserting the message into the DB. How could I acknowledge the message in by JmsListener after the message is inserted in the DB but before executing the long-running task?
In order to be able to use AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE I had to call factory.setSessionTransacted(false) after configuring the factory.
Calling configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory) overrides the value of sessionTransacted, in my case it was setting it to true which rendered AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE ineffective. Here's the relevant code of
public void configure(DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
if (this.transactionManager != null) {
} else {
//factory.setSessionTransacted(false);// here it’s not working
factory.setTaskExecutor(new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor("KDBMessageListener-"));
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
factory.setSessionTransacted(false); //post configure ,session transacted is working

MQ MessageConsumer does not respond to receive() method

I have a java program I run to write messages to Mid-Tier IBM MQ's to test functionality before attaching our main programs to them. The write method looks like the following below:
private static void sendSingleMessage(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
String[] messages, String destination) throws Exception {
Connection connection = null;
try {
connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
for (String payload : messages) {
Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Queue queue = session.createQueue(destination);
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(queue);
Message msg = session.createTextMessage(payload);
System.out.println("Sending text '" + payload + "'");
System.out.println("Message sent");
} finally {
if (connection != null) {
The connectionFactory is setup before this method executes, but within that method I set the MQConncetionFactory properties(host,port,channel,queuemanager, etc...) This send method works and I can see the queue depth increasing on my IBM MQ Explorer when I call it from my main method.
When I run a similar readSingleMessage method, the code gets stuck on the consumer.receive() and never finishes executing. See below:
private static void readSingleMessage(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
String[] messages, String destination) throws Exception {
Connection connection = null;
try {
connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
for (String payload : messages) {
Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Queue queue = session.createQueue(destination);
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(queue);
System.out.println("Recieving text '" + payload + "'");
System.out.println("Received message");
} finally {
if (connection != null) {
Is there anyway I can further debug this, or find why I am able to write to the queue, but unable to read a message off of it?
You have to start the JMS Connection by calling the start() method on it. You cannot receive any messages until the connection is started. This is noted in the JMS Specification and Javadoc.
As an aside, if you use the JMS 2.0 "simplified" API and create a JMSContext object (an object which is essentially a combined Connection and Session) you do not need to call start to receive messages. A consumer crated from it can be used to receive messages without being explicitly started.

JMS Template,How can i receive a message from one queue and send to another using JMS Template

public void sendSimpleMessage(String receiver, String sender) {
try {
Message message = jmsTemplate.receive(receiver);
jmsTemplate.send(sender, new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
throw new JMSException("Exception"+message.getIntProperty("OlQuestionId"));
} catch (JmsException jmsException) {
} catch (JMSException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
If an exception occurs while sending the received message there would be a loss of message as it is already recieved.
For Jms Template configuration i have :
public JmsTemplate jmsTemplate() throws JMSException {
JmsTemplate template = new JmsTemplate();
return template;
Can you please tell me the way so that i can do recieving and sending in a single session.
Note: i have also tried Session.ClientAcknowledge while removing sessionTransacted, if exception is there i am not acknowledging the message but still there's a message loss.
You can use client acknowledge mode. The message will stay until you decide to make it disappear.
See How to Give manual Acknowledge using JmsTemplate and delete message from Rabbitmq queue
